
xu-irc33wI have some questions about Nvidia 470 driver on Xubuntu 20.0402:17
xu-irc80w8) 05:21
=== genii-core is now known as genii
TiZHi there, so I updated my Xubuntu 20.04 on my work computer to Xubuntu 21.04, and now it has this extremely annoying thing going on where it's starting redshift-gtk twice, and I can't make it stop. I thought that disabling the user systemd unit would do it but it keeps getting forced back on somehow and I have no idea.15:38
geniiMaybe it's disabled but the last settings it used are still in effect. 16:18
geniiI think the -x switch resets it16:18
TheKozaxcan anyone help me?19:34
TheKozaxmy Xorg crashes on login19:34
TheKozaxbut everything works fine19:34
=== Arsaro is now known as Arsapi
ostensonHey guys I just installed Xubuntu 21.04, During the installation I checked "Download updates while installing Xubuntu".22:52
ostensonAfter booting to the new system I still had to download and install 300 MB worth of updates. Does the option I checked during the installation affect anything?22:52
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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