=== lubuntu is now known as Carlito007 | ||
sylvain381634860 | Hello | 16:22 |
sylvain381634860 | is anyone there ? | 16:30 |
krytarik | sylvain381634860: Got a support question? | 16:37 |
sylvain381634860 | yes ^^ first of all how can i send a private message here ? | 16:40 |
krytarik | While support won't be done in private for peer review reasons, "/msg <nick> <text>" | 16:41 |
sylvain381634860 | the command does do anything | 16:43 |
sylvain381634860 | i've taped "/msg krytarik okay thanks" but nothing happened | 16:45 |
krytarik | Yeah, because I didn't see a need to respond to it. | 16:45 |
sylvain381634860 | okay so. i will ask my question in public | 16:46 |
sylvain381634860 | i encounter a problem with trojita : can't do research in my inbox | 16:46 |
sylvain381634860 | but is it a support here ? | 16:49 |
sylvain381634860 | i don't exactly what the Lubuntu IRC channel is for | 16:50 |
krytarik | You'll need a little bit of patience for people who got a clue to respond. | 16:55 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> Hellot world | 17:10 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> could anyone help me to use Trojita ? | 17:12 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> what do you need help with Sylvain doing | 17:38 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> have you done like initial setup and also like what emial provider are you seeking help with setting up imap for | 17:38 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> actually i can't do researches in my inbox | 17:38 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> it's the only feature missing in trojita | 17:38 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> researches? | 17:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> yes searching | 17:39 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> does the bar with the magnifying glass towards the top not work? | 17:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/c6561fca/file_3330.jpg | 17:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> yes that you need to type in | 17:41 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> when i type something and press enter it turns red and do nothing | 17:41 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> i don't know why. I've checked all the IMAP and SMTP properties from my outlook account | 17:41 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> I honestly don't know either | 17:42 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> sometimes when i try searching too many times, i have warning that indicats host ejectred me | 17:42 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> i do not have the same issu with thunderbird | 17:43 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> where can i report this issue or getting support ? | 17:43 |
lubot | [telegram] <lynorian> running ubuntu-bug trojita could actually report this bug but you may need to create an account on launchpad which is used as bug tracker | 17:45 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> i've sent a bug report | 18:27 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> thank you for your support | 18:28 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> i've also tried to play eve online but the game doesn't work anyway even with proton GE 1 1.16 | 18:28 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> proton 6.16-GE-1 * | 18:29 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> any idea ? | 18:29 |
lubuntu | hello | 19:07 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> Kikoo | 19:48 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> Anyone know how could I access the data of my smartphone through Bluetooth ? | 20:01 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> What do you mean by "data"? Are you trying to share internet via Bluetooth? (re @Sylvain: Anyone know how could I access the data of my smartphone through Bluetooth ?) | 20:11 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> Actually i would like to access the memory of my phone with all its folders and files (re @paguiar735: What do you mean by "data"? Are you trying to share internet via Bluetooth?) | 20:12 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Is your device and the target device in the same wifi network? (re @Sylvain: Actually i would like to access the memory of my phone with all its folders and files) | 20:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> i do not want to use wifi because i do not want my data to pass through a server at all | 20:17 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Then you're on your own. I'm sure there's an app that already does that on the internet, you just have to look it up. | 20:20 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Transferring files via Bluetooth might be a pain, since it's usually way slower than wifi. | 20:20 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Also, you don't really need to use a private wifi to do that. Just create your own hotspot wifi in your own device and connect the target device to that wifi. It doesn't even need to have internet connection at all. (re @Sylvain: i do not want to use wifi because i do not want my data to pass through a server at all) | 20:20 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Then download File Manager + and then tap the following option | 20:21 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/6ad6cad3/file_3332.jpg | 20:21 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> I believe you can figure out from there. It does exactly what you're looking for. | 20:21 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/b5ab2ec2/file_3333.jpg | 20:23 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/775c23f5/file_3334.jpg | 20:24 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> https://matterbridge.lubuntu.me/d9416ddd/file_3335.jpg | 20:24 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> thank you a lot. Which application do you recommend me ? | 20:24 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Sylvain See I didn't even enabled internet on the hotspot and I can access all the files in that device. | 20:24 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> File Manager + | 20:25 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alphainventor.filemanager (re @Sylvain: thank you a lot. Which application do you recommend me ?) | 20:25 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> okay i see. But now how to access the phone files from my laptop ? i'm connected at its own wifi spot (re @paguiar735: Sylvain See? I didn't even enable internet on that hotspot, yet I can access all the files in the target device as long as the target device remains connected in that hotspot.) | 20:30 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 1) Download File Manager + on your phone | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 2) Create a hotspot wifi in your phone | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 3) Connect your laptop to that wifi hotspot | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 4) On your phone, open up File Manager + and click that option I mentioned before. It will give a link (only available to those connected to the hotspot) as well as a password. | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 5) Type that link into a browser of your choice on your laptop and then enter the password provided in step 4. | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> 6) Done (re @Sylvain: okay i see. But now how to access the phone files from my laptop ? i'm connected at its own wifi spot) | 20:34 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> working on it (re @paguiar735: 1) Download File Manager + on your phone | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 2) Create a hotspot wifi in your phone | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 3) Connect your laptop to that wifi hotspot | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 4) On your phone, open up File Manager + and click that option I mentioned before. It will give a link (only available to those connected to that hotspot) as well as a password. | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 5) Type that link into a browser of your choice on your laptop and then enter the password provided in step 4. | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 6) Done) | 20:40 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> Mozilla can't reach the ftp adress (re @paguiar735: 1) Download File Manager + on your phone | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 2) Create a hotspot wifi in your phone | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 3) Connect your laptop to that wifi hotspot | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 4) On your phone, open up File Manager + and click that option I mentioned before. It will give you a link (only available to those connected to that hotspot) as well as a password. | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 5) Type that link into a browser of your choice on your laptop and then enter the password provided in step 4. | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <Sylvain> 6) Done) | 21:14 |
lubot | [telegram] <paguiar735> Nice! Happy to help :) (re @Sylvain: this feature is awesome i thank you so much ! love this thing) | 21:24 |
=== Andrade is now known as Criptonito | ||
=== Criptonito is now known as Cristonito | ||
=== Cristonito is now known as kriptico |
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