
Swift110-mobilesup all01:02
thowilwin0i have know idea what im doing01:58
Bashing-omthowilwin0: Ubuntu-support; you have a question ?01:59
thowilwin0im trying to see how hexchat works02:00
Swift110-mobileoh ok03:27
QuickBASICIs there a linux cmdline utility that allows you to monitor a log (like tail -f), but attaches to an existing .socket, so you can pass stdin to the running program? Right now I'm just using tail in screen and using echo "command" > /run/programname.stdin in another screen, but it's not great03:33
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DarkTrickis bazaar (svn client) not supported anymore? while bzr is in the repos bzr-gtk is not - and bazaar's PPAs seem to be invalid05:46
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alkisgQuickBASIC: do you mean `mkfifo`? Can you elaborate?06:31
lotuspsychjeDarkTrick: maybe its related to gtk3 they dont support the package anymore?06:50
DarkTricklotuspsychje, is gtk3 not supported anymore?06:51
lotuspsychjewell not sure hows the deal exactly, but i heared some devs talk about gtk and the future06:51
alkisgEh most people only use bzr for legacy branches, while all their new versions have already been converted to git...06:54
alkisgSo maybe there's no interest anymore in maintaining a GUI version06:54
lotuspsychjethat might indeed be a more sane explain alkisg : )06:55
lotuspsychjewelcome Dax205007:30
Dax2050Thank you07:30
lotuspsychjehow can we help you today Dax205007:30
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Guest13i have an idea for nautilus11:41
lotuspsychjeGuest13: come to #ubuntu-discuss please11:45
mundeljhello my friends11:46
mundeljjupiter126: hello my friend11:48
mundeljhow are you today?11:48
mundeljshored: hi11:49
mundeljhow are you today my friend?11:49
lotuspsychje!chat | mundelj11:49
ubottumundelj: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:49
mundeljlotuspsychje: hi11:49
mundeljlotuspsychje: how are you today?11:50
Mekaneckmundelj: this got you banned in the other channels in the first place so stop it11:53
mundeljMekaneck: stop talking?11:53
Mekaneckas said this is a support channel, please move over to #ubuntu-offtopic for casual talk and nonsense11:54
Mekaneckmundelj: if you don't have a support ubuntu question then yes11:54
mundeljstevecam: ooooooooooooo my friend. hi, how are you? going to drink some beer today?11:54
Mekaneckmundelj: cut the crap11:54
mundeljMekaneck: i am simply talking with my friend11:54
mundeljnothing criminal11:54
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu11:54
mundeljis it a crime?11:55
Mekaneckmundelj: stop it now11:55
stevecamdont reply to him11:55
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, chu11:55
Mekaneckmove over to offtopic11:55
mundeljp0indexter: hi my friend. how are you?? I am good. thanks11:55
mundeljvolki57: oooooooo long time, long time my friend11:56
mundeljwhere you been?11:56
garttmundelj: There's a line between being friendly and being annoying on purpose11:57
Mekanecktrolling behaviour isn't acceptable11:57
TJ-mundelj: don't start in here; you've been disruptive in #linux and #hamradio and been banned as a result. No off-topic chat here, support questions only.11:58
mundeljgartt: i am friendly11:58
mundeljsee. i am asking my friends how they are11:58
garttAlthough the ignore feature works just as well as ops for trolling11:58
Mekaneckmundelj: you've been reported to the libera staff since you can't seem to quit11:58
mundeljdelki8: how are you today?11:58
TJ-mundelj: /join #ubuntu-offtopic for that; no chat in this channel11:58
stevecammundelj, want to take it all to private message if you leave the channels alone, i dont think you mean any harm but it does ruin the environment11:58
mundeljMekaneck: please call 911 also11:59
mundeljreport them11:59
mundeljand call ministry of defence11:59
stevecammundelj, PM?12:00
Mekanecksigh..  ignore it is. Bye bye...12:00
mundeljwhat else you can do? only reporting.. so sad..12:00
mundeljstevecam: what is PM?12:00
mundeljTJ-: i was banned on linux and hamradio for nothing12:01
mundeljjust for talking to people12:01
garttYou were banned for acting like this and spewing nonsense that crowded the channel buffer for no good reason12:01
Mekaneckmundelj: you've been banned for the same reason as you pull off here, now move on please to offtopic12:02
Mekaneckyou're filling the channel with cruft which we don't need12:02
stevecamto be fair the channel could employ more moderators12:02
garttOr fewer, but with better time coordination12:03
Mekaneckthere are enough moderators but in the wrong timezone i guess12:03
mundeljstevecam: i can do moderator job12:03
mundeljbut unfortunately unable to do it for free...12:04
mundelj$15 per hour will be acceptable12:04
BluesKajHi folks12:51
mundeljBluesKaj: hello12:54
mundeljhow are you today, my dear friend?12:55
* PCatinean facepalms12:55
Mekaneckmundelj: we asked you to stop it a couple of times. Go troll elsewhere.12:55
mundeljmy friends, please ignore such trolls as Mekaneck12:57
BluesKajmundelj, do you have an ubuntu support question?12:57
Mekaneckhe doesn't12:57
mundeljBluesKaj: i am going to ubuntu-offtopic now12:58
BluesKajjust making it clear that this is not a general social chat12:58
mundeljBluesKaj: how are you anyway?12:58
TJ-BluesKaj: already known12:58
atharvi need a gelp12:59
TJ-don't we all!?12:59
atharvthere is a file on my desktop i cant delete12:59
atharvits name is brave.desktop.ICG69012:59
atharvthis file is undeletable12:59
TJ-atharv: how was it created? what user is it owned by? "ls -latr $HOME/Desktop/"13:00
atharvTJ-, i am the one and only user and it was automatically created when i installed brave browser from software boutique13:00
TJ-atharv: so maybe it is owned by root13:01
TJ-atharv: show us, in a pastebin, the results of the command I gave13:01
TJ-!paste | atharv13:01
ubottuatharv: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:01
atharvyou mean termbin.com can i use13:01
atharvTJ-, ??13:04
TJ-atharv: there is no file names "brave.desktop.ICG690" there, only "brave.desktop"13:04
atharvTJ-, it is, i could send a screenshot?13:06
TJ-atharv: you're probably seeing the Name= set inside brave.desktop13:07
garttAllie: mundelj13:07
Alliegartt: hm?13:08
mundeljgartt: why pinging me?13:08
mundeljdo you have ubuntu related question?13:08
garttAllie: Ah, I assume you were here due to a complaint about mundelj13:08
AllieWhat seems to be the issue?13:09
garttCrowding the channel buffer with trolling after repeated requests from multiple people here to knock it off. I don't mind ignoring, but when it's a screenfull of garbage for others in a support channel..13:10
Alliedo we have any active channel ops about?13:11
Mekaneckpinged the libera staff too, some are around but didn't give a response yet gartt13:13
AllieMekaneck: I'm *right here*.13:13
Mekaneckoh, sorry, didn't know13:13
Mekaneckhe's also very annoying in #ubuntu-offtopic Allie13:14
TJ-Allie: to keep this channel clear, -discuss to get some background, if you want13:14
AllieTJ-: ah, hello! yes, that sounds good to me :)13:14
Simplarhow to kill a process in ubuntu?13:39
TJ-Simplar: depends on what process and which user owns it13:40
R13oseWhen I try to open Dolphin not shows up.  I tried in command line and got this error "kf.dbusaddons: DBus session bus not found. To circumvent this problem try the following command (with bash): export $(dbus-launch)"  How do I fix this?13:44
oerheksR13ose, remove or rename ~/.config/dolphinrc and try again?13:48
alkisgR13ose: how are you launching it, via ssh?13:55
R13osefrom the app launcher and since that isn't working, I'm trying terminal.13:56
alkisgWhich desktop environment, ubuntu gnome?13:57
alkisgAh nvm you're already troubleshooting this in #kubuntu13:58
R13oseYep :)13:59
R13oseMy issue is fixed by rebooting14:25
quangthangI'm having a problem. I was using Debian and just switched to Ubuntu. Since Ubuntu 20 uses netplan by default. Can any here help me to config it14:25
quangthangI already have interfaces file, how I convert to netplan config file?14:26
leftyfbquangthang: desktop or server?14:26
leftyfbquangthang: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-bionic-netplan14:26
leftyfbquangthang: https://netplan.io/examples/14:27
quangthangI already read several guide. However, I still can't figure it out. In netplan configuration file, how do I add pointopoint and netmask as in interfaces file?14:28
leftyfbthe netmask is specified by the CIDR now14:30
quangthang@leftyfb thank you, I ran across this post: https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/network/net-config-debian-ubuntu/. As I said, I've added those routes lines; but I still don't haev internet connection14:39
quangthangIs there any way to debug network configuration?14:39
leftyfbquangthang: https://netplan.io/troubleshooting/14:40
leftyfbquangthang: look at logs14:40
leftyfbquangthang: you could also paste your config into a yaml validator14:41
leftyfbquangthang: the spacing in the config file is very important14:43
quangthangIf I were indentation issue, I would've received a warning after running netplan apply, right?14:44
oerheksnetplan try14:45
quangthangI also notice that there are two netplan configuration files, one is 01-netcfg.yaml which I'm editing, another is 01-network-manager-all.yaml14:46
leftyfbquangthang: delete one of them14:46
ioriaquangthang, if you have that file, it means that you  installed a DE (gnome3, probably )on a server edition and the two configs conflict14:48
ioriaquangthang, ps -A | grep -i net   should report NM running14:49
quangthangioria, yes, you're right, I've a DE on my server14:49
ioriaquangthang, so you just use NM, period14:49
ioriaquangthang, i suggest you backup 01-netcfg.yaml and 8probably) disable cloud-init14:50
quangthangSO, I should keep second file and not the netcfg file?14:51
ioriaquangthang, you have NM, use NM14:51
leftyfbquangthang: you should use network manager14:51
leftyfbquangthang: can I ask, if this is a server, why do you have a DE installed and running?14:52
FragtioNhi all. i created a bridge and gave it a /32 IP, but that IP doesn't appear in the 'ip route' table so it's not propagating to ospf peers. any pointers on what I'm missing please? I don't want to create the route manually with a script as that seems like a very unelegant workaround14:54
quangthangleftyfb I intend to use it as a remote workstation @leftyfb14:54
leftyfbquangthang: ok, then use network manager to manage your network14:54
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quangthangleftyfb: in network manager, there's no option that I can edit pointopoint like in debian config15:00
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quangthangIf it helps, I said I was using Ubuntu. But actually, I'm using Elementary OS. I just think that it's based on Ubuntu so it should be the same15:02
Mekaneckquangthang: Elementary OS is a different distro and doesn't belong here at all,15:03
Mekaneckyou should seek for support at their end15:03
quangthangOkay. Thank you all. Guess I'll stay with Debian15:03
oerheksfirst server,t han desktop elementary ...15:03
oerheksvolunteer abuse, it is15:03
quangthangI have no mean of abusing. I just thought it based on Ubuntu so it should be the same15:04
Mekaneckno it isn't15:04
quangthangI'm sorry, no more question15:04
ioriaquangthang, run 'nm-connection-editor'15:06
ioriaquangthang,  what you need exactly dsl/ppoe' or a ptp tunnel ?15:06
Mekaneckioria: they are gone and it was about Elementary OS which isn't supported here15:06
ioriai see15:07
mundeljkhe eh khee, excuse me15:08
Alliemundelj: yeah, no thank you.15:08
dustwayland-egl is that missing in repo?15:22
oerheks!find wayland-egl15:23
ubottuFound: libwayland-egl-backend-dev, libwayland-egl1, libwayland-egl++0, libwayland-egl1-mesa15:23
oerhekssudo apt install libwayland-egl++0 libwayland-egl1-mesa libwayland-egl1  ## from https://askubuntu.com/questions/1335754/how-to-install-missing-plug-in-wayland-egl15:24
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
HashChromium in Ubuntu is the most unstable browser.16:04
Hash*sigh* I'm really just about to start crying.16:04
HashI'm very seriously16:04
HashAgain the browser just crashed and now I have login to a bunch of sites again, 2FA, browser crashes, just disappears, and now I hav eto login to everything again. WTF16:05
HashEvery since they made web browsers free, every single has has been trash.16:06
HashHaven't seen a decent browser since Netscape Nagivator Gold 3.016:06
HashI would happily pay for a web browser if it was stable and didn't crash and didint' give me stupid problems.16:07
oerhekschromium is a dragon to maintain16:09
oerheksPITA also16:09
HashRight now16:09
HashI just need a hug.16:09
HashI am soooooo just... ughn/16:09
alkisgHash: is that chromium snap? Try the original google chrome.deb one...16:12
HashI don't use non free software16:12
HashWhich is why I'm wondering why the hell am I on ubuntu to begin with>16:12
HashSeriously questioning my life choices right now.16:12
HashVery seriously.16:12
alkisgEh, I can't imagine you actually browse the web without non-free software :D16:13
alkisgNo microcode, no firmware, nothing?16:13
alkisgIt's a good choice, sure, but... I wonder how feasible it is for desktop users16:13
HashI'm not looking for a nonsense argument.16:13
* alkisg uses firefox, btw16:13
HashHave a good day.16:13
alkisgYou too16:14
alkisgBut I mean it as, google-chrome is as free as the other things you're probably using.It's not a closed source browser16:14
HashIt closed. It's not open. Chromium is open. Google chrome is a closed browser based on chromium open source.16:14
HashWith custom google thingies and trackers and etc.16:15
alkisgWhile snaps have problems on their own; that's why I suggested using a deb instead16:15
alkisgEven if it's any of the other chrome-based ones16:15
HashGoogle Chrome is a closed source web browser based on Chromium.16:15
HashPlease, do not advise people to use closed source software in a FOSS community16:15
HashThat dose a disservice to us all who are collaborting on and bulding free software.16:15
alkisgIf you not want that advice, do ignore it. But several ubuntu users do use google chrome, even if I'm not one of them16:16
HashIt also tracks people, monitors them, and spies on them.16:16
alkisgI've been developing floss for 30 years now16:16
alkisgI've done my part in contributing stuff16:16
alkisgBut I'm not a floss chauvinist16:16
garttHash: There are a million and one linux distros out there, and also great BSD OSes. Nobody's trying to sell you anything here :)16:16
Mekaneckmind taking it to #ubuntu-discuss since it's not a ubuntu support question related thing?16:17
oerheksgartt, it is not about distro, but browser16:17
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garttThere's always Firefox or many others16:17
HashHash | Right now, I just need a hug.16:17
garttoerheks: Sure, but I was responding to his ubuntu comment16:17
leftyfbHash: this isn't the place for it. Do you have an ubuntu support question?16:18
HashYet, you folks thought it was more appropriate to hassle someone who is already super frustrated.16:18
HashSuch 'Ubuntu' Humanity in #ubuntu.16:18
HashGood job.16:18
leftyfbHash: this isn't the place for it. Do you have an ubuntu support question?16:18
garttHash: Well, he's right. He's not being mean16:18
Mekaneckit's typical for Hash to react that way leftyfb16:18
HashI'm just commending you on othe amazing job you did at being 'Ubuntu' Humanity.16:18
HashCarry on.16:18
Mekaneckand i asked kindly to take the conversation to -discuss by the way :)16:19
garttHash: If you go to Burger King and start talking about your life choices while you're at the line to order and they tell you deal with that at the appropriate places, are you going ot rant about how they lack humanity?16:19
HashMekaneck | it's typical for Hash to react that way leftyfb <- and engaged in slander and tried to make soeone look bad.16:20
leftyfb!ot | gartt16:20
ubottugartt: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:20
HashPerhaps try to be more productive and helpful instead.16:20
dzwdzhow big should /boot be? i thought that 256m would be plenty but it was at 100% immediately after installation16:20
Mekaneckand another one added to the ignore list, great16:20
leftyfbHash: use firefox. Let us know if you have any technical issues with it. Or if you'd like to troubleshoot your chromium issues without adding in personal feelings about it16:20
ThinkT510dzwdz: that is quite tiny16:20
Lumpio-Just get a non snap chromium Hash16:21
Hashleftyfb: either of the two is fine with me.16:21
leftyfbdzwdz: I typically give it a couple gigs these days16:21
Lumpio-I'm thinking of going back to that too because the snap one always breaks16:21
alkisgdzwdz: if you can spare it, use 1 GB. You need at least 300 for 3 initramfs+vmlinuz, and some for grub16:21
HashLumpio-: I'm thinking that very seriously16:21
leftyfbLumpio-: there is no supported .deb for chromium16:21
Lumpio-You can get one fairly easily from Debian's repositories, which still have a real .deb package as opposed to a fake one.16:21
leftyfbLumpio-: that isn't supported or recommended here16:21
HashThe snap is absolute trash. I'm just sick of it. Firefox is the only remaining one I can try. I'm not left with many options for quality browsers.16:21
leftyfbHash: please stop16:22
Lumpio-leftyfb: Too bad for you16:22
dzwdzwould half a gig be enough?16:22
HashNow I can't even reply to a person about the snap and firefox?16:22
alkisgdzwdz: if you regularly purge old kernels, yes16:22
ThinkT510dzwdz: are you really constrained for space?16:22
leftyfbHash: use firefox or ask for help with chromium.16:22
Lumpio-If somebody either fixes snap or reinstates a real chromium .deb in ubuntu I'll stop recommending that16:22
alkisg(and you only have 1 distro)16:22
HashI'm going to leave.16:22
HashI don't feel welcome here, thanks leftyfb16:22
dzwdzThinkT510: i'm just going to be dualbooting another distro, and i want to give it as much space as i can16:22
Lumpio-Yeah great job leftyfb16:23
ograHash, sudo snap set system experimental.refresh-app-awareness=true16:23
alkisgdzwdz: same /boot for both distros?16:23
ograHash, that will stop chromium from crashing16:23
ogra(it will stop allowing it to upgrade in the background while it is running)16:23
HashUbuntu is an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'. <-- anytime you'd like to show some, that'd be fantastic. *afk*16:23
dzwdzwait, was that a question or suggestion16:23
ThinkT510dzwdz: /boot is actually optional so you could just assign / and /boot will take up only what it needs16:23
dzwdzi want to encrypt / though16:24
Lumpio-ogra: ...is that what's happening?16:24
alkisgdzwdz: if you're going to have a common /boot for both distros, do give it 1 GB16:24
ograLumpio-, most likely, yeah16:24
Lumpio-Because I distinctively notice it sometimes working but then randomly stopping, my working theory was that it was upgrading in the background in a way that doesn't work but never confirmed it16:24
leftyfbdzwdz: the answer to your question is, give it 2Gb if you can, if not, get as close to that as you can and see how far you get16:24
Lumpio-Like for instance it just randomly forgets some fonts exist16:24
Lumpio-Or that context menus shouldn't freeze a process when opened16:24
cbreak_I'd recommend firefox16:25
cbreak_but I noticed that sometimes, it just refuses to open new tabs. Claiming "that tab crashed", requiring a restart16:25
ograLumpio-, well, not sure abut these bits, but it will definitely affect crashing ans session saving to enable that snap option16:25
cbreak_this doesn't happen with firefox on macos, but it happens with several firefoxes on several ubuntus I've tried16:25
=== cbreak_ is now known as cbreak
dzwdzhow big is /boot on your current installs?16:26
dzwdzas in how much is actually used up?16:26
alkisgcbreak_: is that when it was updated and you didn't close it / restart it?16:26
cbreakI suspect updates to be a problem, yes16:26
dzwdzbecause 2gb seems like a LOT16:26
cbreakbut unlike on macos, updates on ubuntu aren't firefox-controlled16:26
leftyfbdzwdz: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/yphyQW95Fy/16:27
HashGod forbig someone be human and go through a bit of frustration when everything crashes, you lose your tabs and all your work. No, I have to be a robot, show no emotion, or feeling, or frustration. Humanity to others. What a bloody joke.16:27
leftyfbdzwdz: looks like I actually did ~700M on mine. You should be good16:27
dzwdzleftyfb: ty16:27
dzwdzoh hey, i was planning to make mine 700m too16:27
dzwdzthat's a nice coincidence16:27
cbreakmy /boot is 2GB16:28
cbreakI've found it to be too small often16:28
cbreakI think this is caused by ubuntu's zsys thingie not purging snapshots after cleaning up kernels16:29
cbreakso I had to go in a few times and manually destroying them16:29
cbreak(you probably don't have this exact problem unless you also use a zpool for /boot)16:29
=== c10l0 is now known as c10l
pi0https://i.imgur.com/YF4f94E.png how do obtain this crash report without submitting it18:40
alkisgls /var/crash => they're there18:47
pi0ah thank you!!18:56
vitus`Hey guys! Can anyone help me get an unofficial debian app running on (Garuda) Arch Linux?19:33
vitus`hey there!19:33
Dax2051Hi Vitus.19:34
vitus`do you have an idea how to install this package on arch linux: https://www.sciebo.de/install/linux/download/19:35
vitus`i have somehow managed to get a trusted key but do not know how to download it19:36
Dax2051I can't install quake game on ubuntu. Please help.19:37
ioriavitus`, correct me: the key is for the repo; the repo would use apt ; you don't have apt; how do you think you can download/install it ?19:39
vitus`i did not know this, I am a complete beginner19:41
alkisgI think you should ask this in #archlinux, not in #ubuntu, for example https://www.maketecheasier.com/install-deb-package-in-arch-linux/ says you can use "debtap" to convert a .deb into an archlinux package19:41
Dax2051I'll try. Thank you Vitus.19:41
vitus`I have seen this post online: https://archived.forum.manjaro.org/t/solved-install-a-program-from-another-repository/15560319:41
vitus`it contains a link to a tutorial how to convert .deb packages to arch linux packages, but the app I just posted is not in the debian repository, so I am completely overwhelmed19:42
ioriavitus`, if the source is available, maybe your bes bet is pkgbuild19:43
alkisgvitus`: the packages are there, you can download them: https://www.sciebo.de/install/linux/Ubuntu_21.04/19:43
alkisgYou don't need a key or apt to download them, you can use a browser19:44
ioriadpkg works on arch ?   didn't know that19:45
vitus`so what do I do exactly? download every file in the directory you sent me, and then?19:45
alkisgNo not all of them. They seem to target different file managers19:48
alkisgSo if you use kde, you'd download the one that says dolphin, etc19:48
alkisgBut you'd need to know which ones you want19:49
vitus`yes, I use KDE and my file manager is Dolphin19:49
vitus`i have downloaded the packages, what do I do now?19:49
alkisgNow you ask in #archlinux for the rest19:50
alkisgdebtap sound like a good bet19:50
vitus`okay, great! thank you guys :)19:51
obbyhey guys20:25
obbyanyone available to try and help me with a boot issue20:25
obbyi have a ubuntu desktop 20.04 that i use as a server and i cleared the cmos cuz the gpu wouldnt post, fixed the gpu but it cleared my EFI boot options20:25
obbyso now everytime i boot it goes into grub (didnt before) and then gives me option to boot into ubuntu but it fails, i just tried to make a new fstab with properly mounted luks drives and generate a new grub-mkconfig with the proper cryptsetup hook but it still wont work20:26
obbybefore it would immediately boot into a Ubuntu themed menu and do the cryptsetup immediately, any help20:27
toddcobby: I recall I had to point uefi bios to the efi bootloader20:28
obbyI shouldnt be trying with GRUB at all is what youre saying?20:29
obbytoddc: ?20:29
toddcobby: 1 sec looking for notes20:29
toddcobby: I cannot find it but bios need to point to ubuntu efi grub since you cleard cmos  the bios need to be able to find it20:33
obbyfrick im not sure how id do it20:34
TJ-obby: just saw your question in #linux20:34
TJ-obby: you say the system boots to GRUB still? is that to the GRUB menu ?20:35
toddchow set efi bios path varis by bios oem you can also try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair20:36
TJ-toddc: hold off please; this is my particular area of expertise (can do this stuff in my sleep!) :)20:36
TJ-obby: still there?20:37
obbyhi sorry20:38
obbyi was checking the system20:38
obbythe system previously did not boot to grub or if it did it didnt show the menu20:38
TJ-obby: OK ... I might be able to help you bootstrap into it if you can answer a few questions20:38
TJ-obby: yes, that would be expected behaviour if previous boots were good - it hides the menu!20:38
obby/dev/sda5 is boot partition /dev/sda6 is a LUKS20:38
TJ-obby: so you see the menu now, and there is an "Advanced..." sub-menu with recovery options on it? Have you tried any of those recovery options and do they fail the same way if so?20:39
TJ-obby: right now are you on IRC from the problem PC using a LiveISO, or another PC?20:40
obbyI havent tried using the other options20:40
obbyI am on IRC from my desktop computer20:40
obbyI am using the problem pc from a arch linux live boot iso usb20:41
TJ-obby: OK, good, let's see if we can do a repair. Can you get on IRC from the arch liveISO as well? so I can give you commands you can copy/paste, and collect info easily?20:42
obbyyea i can20:43
obbyi just tried the other options and they didnt work20:44
obbybut i am going to try and get on irc on it now20:44
TJ-obby: great!20:45
=== root_ is now known as obby_ubuntu
obby_ubuntuhi im here20:47
obby_ubuntui dont think ill be able to copy paste but i can use like curl or something to send command outputs to a pastebin site20:48
TJ-obby_ubuntu: OK what client are you using?20:49
obby_ubuntui dont have a x server running tho just like tty20:51
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "sudo -i" then let's start with " (lsblk; blkid ) | nc termbin.com 9999 "20:51
TJ-obby_ubuntu: you could ssh into that system from your desktop20:52
obby_ubuntutbh probably ill see if i can now20:52
TJ-obby_ubuntu: is that from within a chroot?20:58
obby_ubuntuyes i cant boot into real ubuntu20:58
obby_ubuntui can leave chroot tho20:58
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I know, just need to be clear. First thing we need do is ...20:58
TJ-obby_ubuntu: ... give the LUKS container device-mapper the same name it has in /etc/crypttab20:59
TJ-obby_ubuntu: so you might need to exit chroot and unmount everything to do that20:59
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if we don't do this, the various tools will get very confused and it won't repair cleanly20:59
obby_ubuntuit says sda6_crypt20:59
obby_ubuntuwhere do i put that name20:59
obby_ubuntuin cryptsetup?21:00
TJ-obby_ubuntu: currently you've called it "luks"21:00
TJ-obby_ubuntu: where have you mounted the chroot? what path?21:00
obby_ubuntu the vgubuntu-root is mounted on /mnt and /dev/sda5 is mounted on /mnt/boot21:01
obby_ubuntuand swapon the vgubuntu-swap21:01
obby_ubuntudo u think if i grub-mkconfig with the proper name sda6_crypt instead of LUKS it would fix?21:02
TJ-obby_ubuntu: ok, so "umount --recursive --lazy /mnt/" should unmount everything from there21:02
TJ-obby_ubuntu: do that, then check "mount | grep mnt" ... if that's empty then "cryptsetup close luks"21:02
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I usually follow the debian-installer pattern and call the mount-point /target/ so I'd do "mkdir /target; cryptsetup open /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt; mount /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt /target; chroot /target mount -a; chroot /target grub-install -v |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log; chroot /target update-grub"21:04
obby_ubuntuit refusing to close the luks21:04
obby_ubuntueven tho i cant find anywhere its still mounted21:04
obby_ubuntui did swapoff for the swap part21:04
TJ-obby_ubuntu: so you have something open from within it, or a shell still in a directory under /mnt21:05
TJ-obby_ubuntu: does "mount | grep mnt" report anything?21:05
root_it refusing to close it21:06
root_ima reboot21:06
=== root_ is now known as obby_ubuntu
TJ-root_: OK not opened the LUKS yet I hope!21:07
obby_ubuntuoh i just reopened it now with the proper name21:09
obby_ubuntuand remounted everything do u want me to close it21:09
obby_ubuntui did it to /target too21:10
TJ-no, if you've got it with the correct name21:10
TJ-obby_ubuntu: this is the usual sequence I do21:10
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I usually follow the debian-installer pattern and call the mount-point /target/ so I'd do "mkdir /target; cryptsetup open /dev/sda6 sda6_crypt; mount /dev/mapper/sda6_crypt /target; chroot /target mount -a; chroot /target grub-install -v |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log; chroot /target update-grub"21:10
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if all that completes, pastebin the /tmp/grub-install.log21:11
obby_ubuntuuhhh okay21:11
obby_ubuntuive done all the mounting and cryptsetup stuff properly21:11
obby_ubuntuso ill go to the chroot mount -a part21:11
TJ-obby_ubuntu: oh hang on, I missed a bit !21:13
obby_ubuntui was gonna say21:13
obby_ubuntui dont think the grub install part is right21:13
obby_ubuntuand im not sure what mount -a did21:13
TJ-obby_ubuntu: need to do "mount -t proc proc /target/proc; mount -t devtmpfs udev /target/dev; mount -t devpts devpts /target/dev/pts; mount -t sysfs sysfs /target/sys"21:14
TJ-obby_ubuntu: sorry about that! THEN you can continue with "mount -a" (-a == --all and mounts all 'auto' entries from the fstab)21:14
obby_ubuntuits failing to run grub-install21:18
obby_ubuntuno such command21:18
obby_ubuntuif i try to chroot into /target without a command it says sys already mounted21:18
obby_ubuntuo nvm21:18
TJ-obby_ubuntu: errrr that sounds .... weird !21:19
obby_ubuntuwhat is the point of the tee tmp grub install21:19
obby_ubuntuwhat is the grub-install -v supposed to do21:19
obby_ubuntubecause grub-install -v fails21:19
obby_ubuntuerror: Cannot find EFI directory21:20
TJ-obby_ubuntu: that means your fstab doesn't have an entry for the EFI-SP, or it is broken21:20
TJ-obby_ubuntu: so now we diagnose and fix!21:20
TJ-obby_ubuntu: from outside the chroot: "cat /target/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999"21:21
obby_ubuntumy fstab only has the vgubuntu-root as /, vgubuntu-swap as swap and then /boot as /dev/sda521:21
obby_ubuntubut ya i will21:21
TJ-obby_ubuntu: this looks like the EFI system partition: /dev/sda1: UUID="C676-9018" TYPE="vfat"21:22
obby_ubuntuyea sda1 is 512m21:23
obby_ubuntuprobably efi boot part21:23
TJ-obby_ubuntu: ok, we now fix it21:23
obby_ubuntuwhere should i mount it21:23
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "mkdir /target/boot/efi"21:23
obby_ubuntuif i mount /dev/sda1 to /target/boot/efi its empty21:24
TJ-obby_ubuntu: " echo 'UUID=C676-9018 /boot/efi auto umask=0077 0 1' >> /target/etc/fstab "21:25
obby_ubuntu termbin.com/4jri21:26
obby_ubuntuwill thAT WORK21:26
TJ-obby_ubuntu: after that "umount /dev/sda1" then ensure it can be mounted from fstab with "chroot /target mount -a" and check "mount | grep efi"21:26
obby_ubuntuor change it21:26
obby_ubuntui just used genfstab21:26
TJ-obby_ubuntu: it'll mount; whether the options are appropriate is another matter!21:27
TJ-obby_ubuntu: so ensure it will mount from fstab as I said21:28
obby_ubuntuokay sure21:28
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if so, then "chroot /target grub-install -v |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log"21:28
TJ-obby_ubuntu: then paste the /tmp/grub-install.log when it finishes21:28
obby_ubuntui think it worked21:29
leftyfb!rootirc | obby_ubuntu21:29
ubottuobby_ubuntu: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.21:29
obby_ubuntuill try21:29
obby_ubuntuim on live usb21:29
leftyfbah, ok :)21:29
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "cat /tmp/grub-install.log | nc termbin.com 9999"21:30
TJ-IRCing as root is a bloody good idea!!#21:30
obby_ubuntuwell i ran grub-install -v and it did a bunch of lines then it quit saying installation completed successfully but i did it without the pipe21:32
obby_ubuntudo uw ant me to run again with pipe to show u the log21:32
obby_ubuntuor u think its good21:32
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I want to see the log21:32
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "cat /tmp/grub-install.log | nc termbin.com 9999"21:32
obby_ubuntuok sec ill run it again with the pipe21:32
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I wish you'd follow my instructions! I don't give these exact commands for fun!21:33
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I know what to expect; if you deviate, you may cause something else to happen, and then we waste lots of time trying to figure out what happened21:33
TJ-thank you21:34
obby_ubuntui cant follow ur exact commands21:34
obby_ubuntuim not on a debian usb or ubuntu usb21:34
obby_ubuntui have to actually chroot and stuff21:34
TJ-this looks good:21:34
TJ-mkimage --directory '/usr/lib/grub/x86_64-efi' --prefix '/grub' --output '/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/core.efi'  --dtb '' --format 'x86_64-efi' --compression 'auto'  --config '/boot/grub/x86_64-efi/load.cfg' 'ext2' 'part_msdos' 'search_fs_uuid'21:34
obby_ubuntunor can i cp so its a total pain21:34
TJ-obby_ubuntu: that grub-mkimage looks good21:35
obby_ubuntushould i run grub-update / mkconfig u think21:35
TJ-obby_ubuntu: but this doesn't 2/usr/sbin/grub-install: warning: EFI variables are not supported on this system."21:35
TJ-obby_ubuntu: looks like you also don't have the efivars file-system added21:35
obby_ubuntui think i have a cryptsetup hook in my /etc/default/grub21:35
obby_ubuntudo i have to mount that as well/21:35
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if you do, then you have /boot/ encrpyted as well. Hang on a mo21:36
TJ-obby_ubuntu: no, you won't have (or should't have) GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y in /etc/default/grub21:36
obby_ubuntuI just used ubuntu gui luks setup for this and i dont think that does /boot21:37
TJ-obby_ubuntu: your /dev/sda5 is an unencrypted ext4 for /boot/21:37
TJ-obby_ubuntu: correct21:37
TJ-obby_ubuntu: but now we need to fix the efivars issue21:37
obby_ubuntuin /etc/default/grub i just added cryptsetup:/dev/sda6:luks to the GRUB_DEFAULT_LINUX_CMD_LINE or whatever21:38
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "mount -t efivars efivars /target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars "21:38
TJ-obby_ubuntu: that isn't necessary on Ubuntu; cryptsetup-initramfs takes care of that21:39
obby_ubuntuhmm okay ill remove it21:39
TJ-obby_ubuntu: once you've mounted the efivars, redo "chroot /target grub-install -v |& tee /tmp/grub-install.log"21:39
obby_ubuntuunknown filesystem efi-vars21:40
TJ-obby_ubuntu: then check the last 10 or so lines and pastebin them: "tail -n 15 /tmp/grub-install.log | nc termbin.com 9999"21:40
obby_ubuntuoops efivars*21:40
TJ-obby_ubuntu: there is no - in there :)21:40
obby_ubuntuyea my b it doesnt have one21:40
obby_ubuntutriple checked none of them have -21:41
obby_ubuntubut get error21:41
TJ-obby_ubuntu: what's the error?21:41
obby_ubuntudo u think this arch usb doesnt support it maybe?\21:41
obby_ubuntuno such filesystem efivars21:41
obby_ubuntuUnknown filesystem type efivars21:42
TJ-obby_ubuntu: you did boot this rescue LiveISO in UEFI mode?21:42
obby_ubuntui believe so21:42
obby_ubuntuis there a way to check21:42
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I think the kernel can help: "journalctl -k | grep efi:"21:42
TJ-obby_ubuntu: I see 3 lines, one of which is "kernel: efi: seeding entropy pool"21:43
obby_ubuntumy actual looks like21:43
obby_ubuntuEFI v2.4.021:43
obby_ubuntuone line says21:43
obby_ubuntumy actual /sys efi-vars thing is populated21:44
TJ-obby_ubuntu: you mean /sys/firmware/efi/efivars (outside the chroot) ?21:44
TJ-obby_ubuntu: did you correct mount sysfs into /target/sys/ ? check with "mount | grep target/sys" form outside the chroot21:45
obby_ubuntusysfs on /target/sys21:45
obby_ubuntuit says21:45
TJ-obby_ubuntu: good.21:45
TJ-obby_ubuntu: and does "mount | grep efivars" report anything about it being mounted at /sys/firmware/efi/efivars ?21:46
TJ-this is outside the chroot of course?21:46
=== c10l0 is now known as c10l
obby_ubuntuyea outside of chroot21:46
obby_ubuntui think the chroot PATH is broken if it matters21:47
TJ-obby_ubuntu: something like "efivarfs on /sys/firmware/efi/efivars type efivarfs (rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime)"21:47
obby_ubuntueven tho im not inside it right now21:47
obby_ubuntuyea exactly21:47
obby_ubuntuelivarfs on21:47
obby_ubuntu/sys/firmware whatevfer21:47
obby_ubuntumaybe thats the name21:47
TJ-obby_ubuntu: then we'll simply bind-mount it. "mount --bind /sys/firmware/efi/efivars /target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars"21:47
obby_ubuntuif i change the name from efivars21:48
obby_ubuntuto evivarfs21:48
obby_ubuntuit mounts properly21:48
obby_ubuntuwith ur original commabnd21:48
TJ-"evivarfs" ?21:48
obby_ubuntui mean21:49
obby_ubuntubut ya21:49
obby_ubuntunot evi21:49
TJ-ahh, efivarfs21:49
TJ-obby_ubuntu: yes! my typo in the command, sorry, missed the 'fs' on the end21:49
TJ-obby_ubuntu: should have been: "mount -t efivarfs efivarfs /target/sys/firmware/efi/efivars "21:50
Swift110-mobilehey all21:50
TJ-obby_ubuntu: glad we figured that out :P21:50
obby_ubuntudoes that look good now?21:51
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "/usr/sbin/grub-install: info: setting EFI variable Boot0000." looks good21:51
obby_ubuntuthanks a lot for ur time TJ- it really means a lot to me if u have a crypto address like btc or preferably eth or something id be happy to send something21:51
TJ-obby_ubuntu: so now "chroot /target update-grub"21:51
TJ-obby_ubuntu: then reboot and test and tell us it works!21:52
obby_ubuntumy chroot $PATH is broken21:53
obby_ubuntuwhat should a proper default $PATH be?21:53
TJ-obby_ubuntu: for the root UID 0 user?21:53
obby_ubuntui did export PATH=/usr/sbin and grub-update was able to find grub-mkconfig but now it says 'basename not found' when i run grub update21:53
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin"21:54
obby_ubuntufun life for me i get to type that out21:54
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if it is broken then you should fix that now, before reboot!21:54
TJ-obby_ubuntu: that should be in /etc/environment21:55
obby_ubuntuim afarid to reboot21:58
TJ-obby_ubuntu: :D21:59
obby_ubuntugrub-update looks like it ran properly21:59
TJ-obby_ubuntu: if it listed the installed kernels it did21:59
obby_ubuntulool inb4 i reboot and its still broken22:00
obby_ubuntugoing to have a mental breakdance22:00
obby_ubuntubrb checking22:00
obbyhate my life22:02
obbylooks like it booted better then before but not right22:02
obbystill doesnt even ask me for my luks key22:02
obbyi forgot to remove the thing from /etc/default/grub so im gonna try to manually remove the cryptsetup hook from grub.cfg i guess22:03
TJ-obby: well that wouldn't help for sure; maybe you also broke the regular cryptsetup-initramfs support and we need to to fix that?22:06
TJ-obby: did it boot to kernel then fail and drop to a busybox shell prompt?22:07
obbyit wont go to a shell22:07
obbyit shows a bunch of kernel module information22:07
obbyand then just freezes22:07
obbya lot of info about the amd drivers at the bottom22:07
TJ-obby: try tapping Esc key (that will toggle the splash screen) then try pressing Enter a few times, you may find there's a shell prompt lost in the spam!22:08
obbyok ill try22:09
obbylast line is fb0:switching to amdgpudrmfb from efi vga22:10
obbyStarting version 245.4-4ubuntu3.11 i can see somewhere up high22:10
TJ-obby: that's systemd starting, the init daemon22:11
TJ-obby: that seems strange; you wouldn't see that if the root-fs hadn't been unlocked, since it isn't used in the initialramfs22:11
obbyimpossble it never asked me for the decryption key22:12
obbySorry i accidentally closed my weechat22:13
obbyDid you say something, I was going to say I have a feeling that the problem lies with it not asking for the passphrase22:13
TJ-obby: yes,I suspect the initialramfs (initrd.img) doesn't have the cryptsetup-initramfs tooling22:14
obbyhow do i make a new one22:14
obbyor is there a way to make grub cryptsetup work22:14
TJ-obby: you'll need to boot the liveISO again, so we can ensure it is configured correctly, and then we rebuild the initrd.img22:14
TJ-obby: GRUB has nothing to do with LUKS in your case22:14
obbyman it seems absurd to me there isnt a ubuntu gui process for fixing the boot loader22:15
obbyif u clear ur cmos or something22:15
obbyat this point im thinking of just reinstalling ngl22:15
TJ-obby: what you're actually referring to, is addding a kernel command-line option that the tooling in the initrd.img scripts reads from /proc/cmdline ... but if cryptsetup isn't installed in the initrd.img that won't help22:15
obbyi see22:15
obbyis it pretty easy to do the initramfs22:16
TJ-obby: yes22:16
obbyor the initrd.img *22:16
obbyhmm sec ill boot into it right now22:16
TJ-obby: we need to re-construct the chroot22:16
TJ-obby: all the same mount operations as before22:16
root_hi TJ-22:24
root_i restored it all the chroot etc22:24
=== root_ is now known as obby_ubuntu
obby_ubuntuall the mounts etc22:24
TJ-obby_ubuntu: OK22:26
TJ-you did the proc dev dev/pts sys as well?22:26
obbyno what is the command sorry22:26
TJ-obby_ubuntu: "mount -t proc proc /target/proc; mount -t devtmpfs udev /target/dev; mount -t devpts devpts /target/dev/pts; mount -t sysfs sysfs /target/sys"22:27
TJ-obby: once those are in place I need to gather some info to determine what state the install is in22:28
TJ-obby: so " (cat /target/etc/crypttab; chroot /target lsb_release -r; chroot /target apt list --installed 'cryptsetup*'; ) | nc termbin.com 9999 "22:30
obbyfrick man i wish my ssh worked22:30
obbysshd is running but it wont let me connect port 22 is conn refused22:30
obbyit works on on that machine tho22:30
TJ-obby: some firewall in the arch liveISO?22:31
obbyoh i got it to work22:32
obbyi was using wrong ip my router was reporting wrong one smh22:32
obbymounting that stuff now22:32
TJ-obby: OK, that's going to help!22:32
obbyokay ran that big one22:33
obbydo i need to remake the22:33
TJ-obby: shouldn't need that this time around22:34
TJ-obby: I just need to see all that info so I know how we fix it22:34
TJ-obby: that's good; so now we'll get the installed kernel versions, rebuild the initrd.img for the latest, check what is actually put inside it, and if it is correct, try another reboot22:36
TJ-obby: so show me " ls -latr /target/boot/ | nc termbin.com 9999 "22:36
TJ-obby: just in case, make sure you've done "chroot /target mount -a"22:37
TJ-obby: right; now we rebuild the initrd.img for 5.11.0-34-generic and capture the verbose log so I can be sure all the correct crypt bits are added. " chroot /target update-initramfs -v -u -k 5.11.0-34-generic |& tee /tmp/initrd.img "22:38
TJ-obby: then "cat /tmp/initrd.img | nc termbin.com 9999"22:39
TJ-obby: looks good so far,but I haven't read to the end yet, so wait "Adding script /usr/share/cryptsetup/initramfs/bin/cryptroot-unlock"22:42
TJ-obby: looks correct!22:44
TJ-obby: that wouldn't have been added if an /etc/crypttab entry didn't match the current root-fs container22:44
obbyshould i reboot?22:46
obbyor do another command22:46
TJ-obby: From what I can see it should boot correctly, and offer the LUKS prompt for passphrase22:47
obbyok ill try22:47
TJ-obby: you did remove the addition from the kernel commandline in /etc/default/grub ?22:47
obbyi didnt TJ-22:48
obbybut i just rebooted22:48
obbyand same exact thing22:48
obbyhonestly my files arent that precious and i think this is taking longer then reinstalling at this point22:48
obbyso i think ima just give up22:48
TJ-obby: are you sure this is even reading the same file-systems we're editing?22:48
obbyi know its booting the grub boot menu options we created with update-grub22:49
obbybut there isnt any ext4 with a full fs anywhere else on that pc iirc22:49
TJ-obby: I was wondering if it is using a different /boot/ !!22:49
obbyi dont think there is any other /boot22:50
TJ-obby: no, that is the weird part. Did you check if the GRUB entry that is booting has the same kernel version we just built the initrd for?22:50
TJ-obby: can you get it to the GRUB menu, then press 'e' to edit the 'default' (topmost) entry22:51
obbyhmm let me double check22:51
TJ-obby: then navigate down to the "linux ..." and "initrd ..." lines and check the version is 5.11.0-34-generic22:51
TJ-obby: and check the "linux ..." line has "root=/dev/mapper/vgubuntu-root"22:53
TJ-obby: that line should have very little else except "ro quiet splash" maybe22:53
obbyall of those look correct22:54
obbyi even tried booting editing the menu to not include the cryptsetup22:54
obbyim going to just reinstall22:54
obbythanks a ton for ur help tho man22:54
obbyit means a lot to me22:54
obbyanyone reading this make sure u backup ur efi boot stuff before clearing ur cmos !22:55
TJ-obby: I don't think a reinstall is necessary; you can get it to drop into the initrd shell and figure out the issue there22:55
TJ-obby: if you add "break=premount" to that "linux ..." line, then press Ctrl+X it'll boot into a busybox shell in the initrd22:56
obbyokay i will now22:56
TJ-obby: there you can check if you can manually unlock, and check for clues as to why it isn't prompting you, such as the /etc/crypttab being incorrect or empty22:57
TJ-obby: once you have a shell, check that with "cat cryptroot/crypttab "22:58
TJ-obby: you'll expect to see that sda6_crypt .... entry22:59
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
TJ-obby: if the file seems correct, try a manual unlock with "/usr/bin/cryptroot-unlock"23:01
obbyi added break=premount and it still booted the same way23:01
TJ-obby: that breaks before LUKS unlock is attempted; so if you're not getting a shell at that stage, there's something else wrong23:03
obbyyea screw it i dont need anything on the fs23:05
obbythanks a lot <323:05
obbyima reinstall later23:05
TJ-obby: despite all those console messages, have you tried just pressing Enter a few times? that usually uncovers the shell prompt if console messages have overwritten it23:05
obbyyea i did23:05
obbywont take input23:05
TJ-obby: is it on the /wrong/ tty?23:05
TJ-obby: this sounds like an issue Ubuntu used to have with using a different tty for graphical splash23:06
TJ-obby: and as a result input went to a different tty23:06
TJ-obby: long shot and I cannot recall how exactly to fix it when you're at the console, but I /think/ Alt+F1 or some other function key then back to Alt+F1 might do it23:07
obbyno keys do anything23:07
TJ-obby: that suggests the hardware has hung then23:07
obbyi give up ubuntu has defeated me23:08
TJ-obby: that'd certainly explain the symptom, if there is no reaction to input. Try this. Press Ctrl + Alt + SysRq, then the S key23:09
TJ-if the kernel is still responsive you should see a message "emergency sync" or similar23:09
TJ-(this is called Magic Sys Request) and are kernel hotkeys it will always obey23:09
obbywhat is sysrq23:10
TJ-usually on the PrntScrn key23:10
TJ-obby: all the details including all the keys it'll respond to https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/admin-guide/sysrq.html23:11
obbyunless sysrq is a diff key23:11
obbytried ctrl alt and a bunch of keys23:12
obbyjust ended up rebooting23:12
TJ-obby: so possibly kernel has locked up23:12
obbydont worry about it im going to go make some food and when im done eating im gonna install arch on it probably or something23:14
obbythanks a ton for ur help23:14
TJ-obby: one last thing you might find helpful. Early this week we had someone else with the same issue; and there it turned out a kernel module being loaded from initrd was responsible. We discovered that by using "break=top" which drops to the busybox shell even before it tries to load kernel modules. You might try that, if you do get a shell, you know where the issue is23:14
asarchOne stupid question: can Xen, in the dom0/domU combination, "emulate" other arch than the dom0's arch?23:26

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