
rghchris_uk: can't read paste. One needs to be logged in. 06:05
chris_uk[m]Sorry, it just goes v dxthe07:34
chris_uk[m]Sorry, the pastebinit just gives the version number of studio-controls already mentioned in same post.07:37
chris_uk[m]Don't know why I have to login to do a pastebinit. Previously, I did not have to do so.07:39
chris_uk[m]I have now logged into Ubuntu.com so try this:08:45
* rgh uploaded an image: (98KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/CWgIypbnewObzavDybIoWARy/Screenshot_20210919-155044.png >13:51
oerheksyes, login ?14:00
rghI'm not gonna log in to view a paste 14:36
rghAnd I thought we were trying to figure out how to share a paste without the need of logging into a service. 14:38
oerhekslet them use termbin or the like14:38
rghIt's just strange, because the Ubuntu cli thingy should Just Work, without any log in, right? 14:40
oerheksbut i do not understan the reason why you don't want to login.14:41
oerheksno, the policy has changed, due to legal reasons14:41
chris_uk[m] oerheks @oerheks:libera.chat So you can see the content of my pastebinit when logged in?16:13
oerhekscan you repost that paste url?16:16
oerheksi /clear'ed16:16
chris_uk[m]Is it a bad time to ask for help. I imagine people are working on the 21.10 release? 16:17
oerheksabout; Package: studio-controls Version: 2.2.1-0ubuntu1~ubuntu20.04.1~ppa116:18
Eickmeyerchris_uk[m]: That means you're using the backports PPA for newer software. I'm in the process of backporting 2.2.2 from impish to that, if you're wondering. I only have so much time on my hands.16:22
chris_uk[m]@Eickmeyer. Understood. No worries. 😀16:28
chris_uk[m]Thanks for everything you do!16:44

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