
blackboxswfalcojr: per the diffs you mentioned on the ubuntu/devel branch: what release of Ubuntu are you running those quilt cmds on?15:38
blackboxswcsmith@downtown:/tmp/cloud-init (ubuntu/devel)$ lsb_release -sc15:38
blackboxswcsmith@downtown:/tmp/cloud-init (ubuntu/devel)$ quilt --version15:38
blackboxswnote in my /etc/quilt.quiltrc I have this `QUILT_DIFF_OPTS="--show-c-function"`15:39
blackboxswwhich I believe accounts for that whole diff set you mentioned15:39
falcojrblackboxsw: hmmmm, also on hirsute, version 0.66, with the same QUILT_DIFF_OPTS15:49
falcojrbut yes...it seems mine is the one acting strange15:51
blackboxswstrange, yes I see that mine has the "c functions" shown15:51
blackboxswcould be other env varis at play maybe?15:51
falcojroooh, I have a ~/.quiltrc that doesn't have that15:52
falcojrthat's probably it15:52
blackboxswlikely. yeah I was just checking if I had anything in other paths too15:52
blackboxswfalcojr: uploaded impish and merged ubuntu/devel branch Do you want to talk braching strategy for cloud-init?17:10
blackboxswreviewing your bionic branch now17:20
falcojrblackboxsw: sorry, just saw the message. I put up the other branches and I'll be in standup room until our next meeting17:26

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