[09:19] b& their v6 as well, since they seem to be using it to ban evade [09:30] Thanks for marking the bans too! [09:40] Unit193: who do you take me for, some kind of heathen? [09:43] Well, certainly wouldn't be the first to do that. :> [13:30] @login === genii-core is now known as genii [17:19] good evening to all, would it be possible to have ubot9 or ubottu back working in #ubuntu-discuss please, we often need it for factoids & bugs discuss [18:02] ubottu: join #ubuntu-discuss [18:02] lotuspsychje: Should be there now. [18:02] ty krytarik [18:03] works like a charm, many tnx === genii is now known as genii-away [18:52] MatrixTravelerbo: anything we can do for you in the channel? If not, please /part [19:09] hggdh: that's a bot. the only thing is does is join channels as it finds out about them [19:10] hggdh: we knocked it off oftc because it had a habit of joining channels with names that simply couldn't be tolerated on the network, because internet. I'm a bit surprised it hasn't done the same thing here, but it's probably just a matter of time :) === genii-away is now known as genii [22:14] sarnold: yeah, and not even identified... [22:16] hggdh: lazy bot