
WaggieI'm running Ubuntu 20.04... Currently have JACK/PulseAudio setup working (and pretty well). However I'm thinking about moving to PipeWire so I can route PA apps and such like I do the JACK stuff. Any thoughts or comments?00:27
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xboxbmlhey all.. anyone here ever run ubuntu on macbook air and have success? I have a 2015 Air and couldn't get it to work.01:00
xboxbmllive usb works but i couldn't seem to get it to install for some reason.. didn't want to touch onboard nvme drive so tried to install from liveusb to 512gb microsd in the SD slot. don't remember all the details on what happened. just trying to see if anyone else has done it successfully. I installed it on my Windows desktop machine on an unused drive and dual boot that just fine.01:03
xboxbmlI did this on the Air with Linux Mint Cinnamon 20.2 just fine as well.01:06
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jcbjoe2021hi all, looking to try the latest ubuntu on a macbook pro mid 2018 i've disabled the t2 chip security and am allowed to boot from flash drive. is there a good way to write thei so to a flash drive?06:31
DisconsentedHey QQ: I want to add an address to an network interface, does netplan apply interrupt traffic on that interface?06:41
ducasseDisconsented: i've ran netplan apply over ssh without losing the connection07:05
ducassebut you can use 'ip' to add an address07:06
spagootewhy is there no rar2fs package for ubuntu?07:14
Disconsentedcheers ducasse07:15
spagootei'd love to have it on my media server but the install is a bit involved and i'd have to remember to maintain it07:18
tarzeau_spagoote: what is rar2fs supposed to do? simply because there's no rar2fs at packages.debian.org/rar2fs07:19
tarzeau_spagoote: this? https://github.com/hasse69/rar2fs07:19
spagootetarzeau_: yes07:19
tarzeau_why do you still have rar archives? you get them or you create them?07:19
spagootei get them07:19
tarzeau_spagoote: tried to build it, needs unrar source, which is non-free07:22
tarzeau_spagoote: why don't you convert all your .rar to something that is free, and with better compression?07:22
tarzeau_or even better use a live copressed filesystem like btrfs?07:23
spagootetarzeau_: that would be something i'd have to automate. rar2fs seems transparent in my use case07:24
tarzeau_spagoote: should be easy to automated, i don't have a better solution sorry (except you create yourself a .deb, i started at sid.ethz.ch/debian/rar2fs)07:25
spagootetarzeau_: thanks! i'll look into it07:33
wwwii am trying to improve my ubuntu skills/linux administrator skills07:45
wwwii made a shared folder, installed a web server, created a user, gave permissions to files/directories with chown, installed openssh07:46
wwwiany ideas of what else i can do?07:46
TJ-wwwi: master ACLs, learn how NFS works and the pitfalls of independent systems using NFS shares :)08:04
ducassewwwi: set up a virtual machine with libvirt/kvm08:06
wwwiTJ-, and ducasse thank you09:04
wwwiTJ-, what are the ACLs and the NFS?09:04
wwwiducasse, why set up a virtual machine with kvm instead of oracle's virtual box?09:04
TJ-wwwi: ACL == Access Control Lists, see "man acl" after "apt install acl" or http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/en/man5/acl.5.html09:05
wwwiTJ-, I see09:06
TJ-wwwi: Virtualbox uses out of tree kernel modules that do things weirdly in the network layer; Qemu/KVM uses the kernels own facilities, properly09:06
wwwiTJ-, I see.09:06
TJ-wwwi: there is a management tool for GUI "virt-manager" to make working with virtual machines easy09:06
sidhI would need help with my ubuntu laptop 20.04 zsys enabled , it doesn't boot anymore , booting from the 20.04 livecd, zpool import shows rpool and bpool09:11
sidhis it possible that grub messed things up ?09:12
sidhis it better to boot from a 21.04 (more recent zpool version ?)09:12
sidhi never made a zpool upgrade by myself fyi09:13
sidhwould you have any idea how to check and fix if this is a grub issue ?09:14
faekjarzWhich program would i use when i wanted to feed keystrokes to an interactive program in a script? Something like "yes", but with custom strings.10:52
ossefaekjarz: you can use just about anything, if the program reads standard input.10:53
ossefaekjarz:  e.g.  printf '%sn\'  'string one' 'string two' y Y n wq | cmd10:53
oerheksold fashioned way is using xdotool10:54
oerheks!info xdotool10:54
ubottuxdotool (1:3.20160805.1-4, hirsute): simulate (generate) X11 keyboard/mouse input events. In component universe, is extra. Built by xdotool. Size 41 kB / 122 kB10:54
faekjarzhmm, ok, thank you - i need to feed cryptsetup with a list of password permutations, because i can't remember exactly what it was *sigh* quite annoying, but i'm the only one to blame10:57
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ramblebamble@faekjarz, looking at the man-pages for cryptsetup I found this11:09
ramblebamble--key-file, -d name11:09
ramblebamble              Read the passphrase from file.11:09
ramblebamble              If the name given is "-", then the passphrase will be read from stdin.  In this case, reading will not stop at newline characters.11:10
ramblebambleso you do not have to deal with an interactive prompt but can feed the permutations in directly.11:10
crstHi, my hardware has been replaced on 20.04, I'm in the rescue system and need to change the file containing the MAC address. Where is that file?11:18
alkisgcrst: can you elaborate? What file are you searching for? I don't know of anything that would block your booting based on the network card mac address...11:21
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crstalkisg: not sure either, support told me: Due to a hardware fault, we have replaced your server while taking over the hard drives. Your server has been booted into our rescue system. Please modify your system configuration to accommodate the new MAC address.11:23
crstWhen I reboot I can't ssh into the server anymore11:23
alkisgOK I guess then you have some form of network connection that is based to the mac address11:24
alkisgYou don't need to boot it into a system rescue cd, a normal booting (via local console, not ssh) should also do,11:24
alkisgbut if this is a VPS, it's probably using netplan, which I'm totally ignorant about11:25
alkisgCheck in /etc/netplan, and wait for other's feedback11:26
crstalkisg: thanks, yeah there's no MAC entry in /etc/netplan, the provider is Hetzner and it's a dedicated server if that helps.11:27
alkisgOther places to look for are /etc/network/interfaces or interfaces.d, and /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections11:28
alkisg(for ifupdown and network-manager)11:28
TJ-server? /etc/systemd/network/11:29
TJ-crst: are you sure there is such a hard-coded entry? Have you actually triedto reboot the server normally?11:30
crstTJ-: I just know that I can't ssh into the machine when booting, and have the statement from support as above.11:31
TJ-crst: what name/address are you using to connect to it with ssh?11:31
TJ-crst: you need to connect to the server's remote console to watch and oversee the boot process11:33
crstTJ-: I don't think that's possible here to watch that unfortunately, and it looks like the server doesn't boot properly. I can ping it but nmap returns "Host seems down"11:40
crstEither it doesn't boot or there's a problem with the network connection11:40
TJ-crst: no remote console!?!? move hosts!11:40
crstIt's a dedicated server, not a vm11:41
TJ-So? even more reason for KVM/iLo/iDRAC - all ours have it11:43
TJ-how else are you supposed to work on a broken headless remote server without some kind of out-of-band access ?11:43
crstSorry there is an option https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/virtualization/vkvm/ that's news to me11:46
TJ-crst: that's what you need! :)11:47
TJ-crst: actually no, that isn't what I meant!11:47
TJ-crst: Under "Maintainance" at https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/11:50
TJ-crst: looks like they have a few options there11:51
TJ-crst: looks like you need https://docs.hetzner.com/robot/dedicated-server/maintainance/kvm-console11:51
crstTJ-: awesome, just ordered one11:57
TJ-crst: looks like you have 3 hours to fix it if it is broken :)11:59
cokethye dont always turn it off right away12:00
cokeand they also have some livecds you can use to boot and log with a ssh key12:00
vuurdraakhelu :)12:07
Mekaneckvuurdraak: if you have a ubuntu support question just ask, casual chit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic. Thanks12:08
vuurdraaksorry my apoligies , i was just redirected from freenode to here, as i didnt know everybody went here12:08
crstTJ-: This is what I get https://ibb.co/L5p48CC12:13
TJ-crst: hardware failure12:15
TJ-crst: if they changed the hardware out from under you, it's their issue12:16
crstLooks like it... told support, thanks so much for your help in this everybody! I keep you updated. They replaced my "allegedly broken" hardware with a "faulty one" it seems.12:17
wwwiwhy would someone create a virtual machine?12:19
oerhekswwwi, because we can?12:33
vuurdraak@ wwwi , you realy want one if you want scammers to connect to your machine and let them hack you like Kitboga does12:39
sidh /j #zfsonlinux13:04
wwwiwhat is the nfs? I googled it, but the help there didn't help me13:05
oerheksinteresting, bing shows me a lot13:06
TJ-www Network File System13:06
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.13:06
crstTJ-: "As requested, we have briefly checked your drives and cannot find a critical issue. Furthermore the BIOS is already up-2-date." They say all is ok, lol13:08
TJ-crst: did you show them the screenshot with the EDAC report?13:12
crstSure I did13:12
crstThey boot into rescue and say all is ok13:12
TJ-crst: well, as it broke after they changed hardware not sure what else you can do. what kernel version is Rescue compared to the installed ?13:13
crstTJ-: Not really sure I'll try to note that next time when in rescue, it's supposed to be a default Linux-64 whatever that means.13:14
crstWhat hardware could be broken according to the screenshot?13:16
crstRight now the output it just a never ending VVVVVVVVVVVV...13:16
TJ-crst: see https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=21059313:18
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 210593 in Platform Specific/Hardware "EDAC amd64: Error: F0 not found, device 0x1650 (broken BIOS?) with Ryzen 5600x & B450 chipset" [Normal, Resolved: Patch_already_available]13:18
BluesKajHi folks13:23
crstCould I have any fault in this because I use the standard latest kernel (nothing custom just regular apt upgrade)? I'd say no.13:26
TJ-crst: check which kernel versions are being used between rescue and installed, as I said13:27
crstWill do, where can I find the kernel version of the installed?13:28
TJ-crst: well, from rescue you can acess the installed system and check what's in /boot/13:28
crstTJ-: rescue: Linux rescue 5.13.13 #1 SMP Thu Sep 2 05:38:34 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux13:32
crstinstalled: looks like config-5.4.0-84-generic13:32
TJ-crst: right, so it's possible the Ubuntu kernel doesn' contain the EDAC patch13:34
TJ-crst: and they've changed the mobo to one that triggers it which didn't happen on the earlier mobo/CPU13:35
TJ-crst: best thing to do would be to use a rescue chroot to upgrade the Ubuntu kernel to one of the HWE releases13:36
wwwithank you oerheks13:36
TJ-crst: that'd get you a v5.11 kernel on Ubuntu 20.04/Focal13:36
crstJust today before that happened I've ran `apt update` and `apt upgrade`, so nothing should be outdated in theory. Do I need to customize the kernel version now? Shouldn't the provider support that version?13:38
TJ-crst: yes, you'll need the HWE versions of the kernel13:38
TJ-!hwe | crst13:38
ubottucrst: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:38
TJ-crst: e.g. linux-generic-hwe-20.0413:40
TJ-!info linux-generic-hwe-20.0413:40
ubottulinux-generic-hwe-20.04 (, hirsute): Complete Generic Linux kernel and headers. In component main, is optional. Built by linux-meta. Size 2 kB / 18 kB. (Only available for amd64, armhf, arm64, powerpc, ppc64el, s390x.)13:40
oerheks5.13.13 comes from the mainline ppa ?13:42
oerheksso it is done manually.13:42
crstI've never upgraded a kernel via rescue or so, can you help me with that please?13:49
vuurdraakinteresting, I am still on the GA kernel, I guess due to having upgraded onward from 14.04, I am wondering if I should also install HWE stack and/or if this might break things already installed, I think I had a problem once going to HWE but I can not remember what it was13:52
oerheksif you run 5.13, you surely upgraded to a testing kernel.13:52
TJ-oerheks: 5.13 is the rescue env provided by Hetzner13:57
TJ-crst: do you have a shell in the rescue environment ?13:57
TJ-crst: does it have Internet access so we can collect some logs?13:58
crstTJ-: It does have internet access and I've mounted the disk containing the installation already.14:00
TJ-crst: great; show us this: " (lsblk; blkid) | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:01
TJ-crst: OK, just to match the pattern used by the installer, and to humour me, can we change the mount-point to something else ? as in "umount /mnt; mkdir /target; mount /dev/md0 /target"14:03
TJ-crst: My fingers are used to typing /target :)14:04
crstSure thing https://termbin.com/thgs14:04
TJ-crst: OK, lets motor! Are you able to  copy/paste the commands I give here into it?14:06
TJ-crst: even better :)14:06
TJ-crst: it's not clear whether that system boots using UEFI or BIOS/Legacy14:08
TJ-crst: I don't see any sign of a UEFI system partition, and p2 looks like it may be a BIOS Boot partition14:08
TJ-crst: show us " cat /target/etc/fstab | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:09
crstI also think it doesn't use UEFI, can't say for sure though14:10
TJ-crst: looks unlikely. Let's get things prepared. I'll assume you're 'root'14:11
TJ-crst: " mount -t proc proc /target/proc; mount -t devtmpfs udev /target/dev; mount -t devpts devpts /target/dev/pts; mount -t sysfs sysfs /target/sys "14:12
TJ-crst: then " chroot /target apt list --installed 'linux-image*' | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:13
TJ-crst: this is to check what kernel packages are currently installed14:13
XiolAfternoon all. I'm having some trouble with the HP servers we have in that the SD card reader is enumerated as /dev/sda, then the RAID array as /dev/sdb. The HP documentation suggests adding `rd.driver.pre=smartpqi` to the kernel command line at boot time to ensure the RAID array is enumerated first, and this works fine for our RHEL installations, however that's a dracut option which isn't going to work for Ubuntu. Does anyone know14:13
Xiolwhat the equivalent option to `rd.driver.pre` is for Ubuntu? `rd.modules_load` looks promising however I'm not sure this will load the driver early enough.14:13
crstTJ-: https://termbin.com/ur1he14:13
TJ-crst: let's install HWE: " chroot /target apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.04 |& tee /tmp/fix.log "14:14
TJ-crst: this will capture the log /tmp/fix.log. When the command ends, paste the log with "cat /tmp/fix.log | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:15
TJ-crst: oh dear, we have name resolution problems (DNS)14:16
crstYeah it's using the default ones from Hetzner, let me check if I can change the DNS in the rescue14:17
TJ-crst: great; we'll need it14:18
TJ-check current with "resolvectl status"14:18
crstNo success changing the DNS here, any ideas? Changing /etc/resolv.conf14:32
crstdoesn't work14:33
ramblebamblecrst, late to the party what is your problem again?14:34
TJ-crst: can you show "resolvectl status"14:35
TJ-crst: hopefully the rescue is using systemd-resolved14:35
ioriabut you need to restart it afair14:36
crstI normally edit those on my Hetzner machines but this is rescue...14:36
TJ-crst: can the system reach the primary? "ping"14:36
crstyes: 6 packets transmitted, 6 received, 0% packet loss, time 5008ms14:37
ioriacrst,  systemctl restart systemd-resolved14:37
TJ-crst: you shouldn't directly alter /etc/resolv.conf; that should be a sym-mlink14:37
crstI know, not sure what else to do14:37
TJ-crst: that's good - so does this work: "resolvectl query de.archive.ubuntu.com"14:37
TJ-crst: looks t be working right now, lets rush!14:39
TJ-crst:  " chroot /target apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.04 |& tee /tmp/fix.log "14:39
crstsucks https://termbin.com/r06j14:40
crstI hate Hetzner so much right now...14:40
ioriacrst, can you ping google.com ?14:40
TJ-crst: ha! I can understand that14:41
crstIt's not the first time their DNS made me trouble14:41
crstSo bad14:41
ioriacrst, are you in chroot env ?14:41
crstI'm in rescue as root14:41
ioriacrst, cat /proc/cmdline14:42
TJ-crst: does this work? "ping"14:42
TJ-crst: we can manually add an /etc/hosts record to work around this if so14:42
crstIt does work, yes14:42
TJ-crst: hmmm, before we do that, I wonder if this is just the target. what does "ls -l /target/etc/resolv.conf" report?14:43
TJ-crst: if that is a symlink it'll be broken if the /run/ tmpfs isn't in place, as is to be expected in a chroot14:44
crstlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Apr 22 17:58 /target/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf14:44
TJ-crst: aha! fix: "mount --bind /etc/resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf"14:44
crstmount: /target/etc/resolv.conf: mount point is a symbolic link to nowhere.14:45
TJ-crst: ahh!14:45
TJ-crst: we need to put this back later, so don't forget. "rm /target/etc/resolv.conf"14:45
crstWill remember, thanks14:45
ogracant you just bind mouont /ron ?14:45
TJ-crst: "mount --bind /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf!14:46
ograor that 🙂14:46
TJ-ogra: it's not helpful since it mixes the rescue env with the chroot's so services/processes start dropping their files in it14:46
crstmount: /target/etc/resolv.conf: mount point is a symbolic link to nowhere.14:46
TJ-crst: errr, didn't you just delete it!?14:47
crstOh ok, sorry. Now we get:   mount: /target/etc/resolv.conf: mount point does not exist.14:47
TJ-crst:oh, true! "touch /target/etc/resolv.conf" then redo the command14:48
ogratouch it before bind mounting14:48
crstTJ-: done :)14:48
TJ-crst: now try again!14:48
TJ-crst:  " chroot /target apt install linux-generic-hwe-20.04 |& tee /tmp/fix.log "14:49
TJ-crst: finally! now we undo what we did and you try a reboot.14:50
TJ-crst: "umount /target/etc/resovl.conf; rm /target/etc/resolv.conf"14:50
TJ-crst: then "ln -s ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /target/etc/resolv.conf"14:51
TJ-crst: errr, typo in my first line14:51
TJ-crst: "umount /target/etc/resolv.conf; rm /target/etc/resolv.conf"14:51
TJ-crst: check it looks correct with "ls -l /target/etc/resolv.con "14:52
TJ-oh typos!14:52
TJ-crst: check it looks correct with "ls -l /target/etc/resolv.conf "14:52
crstlrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 Sep 20 16:51 /target/etc/resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf14:52
TJ-crst: good - reboot14:53
TJ-crst: you'll likely want to watch that KVM14:54
crstvm doesn't work anymore, but man: I'M BACK IN!!!!14:55
crstLinux fondi 5.11.0-34-generic #36~20.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Aug 27 08:06:32 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux14:56
TJ-crst: phew!14:56
crstTJ-: Outstanding job man, thank you so much!14:56
lotuspsychje!cookie | TJ-15:00
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!15:00
crstHe's better than Hetzner :D15:03
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mybalzitchhuh, think thats the first time I've seen a 2. ip15:16
yatesis there a way to force emacs to 27 under ubuntu 18.04 LTS?15:44
russwI'm having some strange update issues. Does anyone know why I'm getting "cannot find EFI directory" (and more) here? https://bpa.st/raw/OCIQ15:47
russwI don't have a /sys/firmware/efi dir, so I don't think I even have EFI. It is unclear to me why grub is having issues.15:47
ograyates, use the snap15:48
ioriayates, snap ver is 27.215:48
ogra snap info emacs|grep stable15:48
ogra  latest/stable:    27.2                   2021-06-07 (1161) 183MB classic15:48
yatesogra: ack - thanks!15:52
Guest51Can someone help with a zfs root issue on 21.04? https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Tm7BKZh4xN/  I rebooted today and was unable to mount root. Recovery grub option didn't work. It can't seem to find any of my mounts. The pastebin link is a view from a USB Ubuntu instance where I imported the pool. Is there a way to get my volumes back?16:25
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vimartha, again damn touchpad not working and I'm not sure even how I did switch it off with some Fkey16:30
lotuspsychjevimart: you might wanna share your dmesg in a paste with the volunteers so they can take a look for you16:31
ppetrakiI'm booted from a USB disk now, there's nothing in dmesg of consequence16:32
ppetrakiSingle physical disk. nvme, default install of 21.0416:33
ppetrakiworked fine until it didn't16:33
ppetrakizpool history is interesting, https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/SNf6yBfZ33/ , a lot  of that looks familiar, I just need to expose those volumes again.16:36
vimartlotuspsychje: actually had to hit one of the F-keys that switched off the TouchPad during cleaning then when activated it back the touchpad was a bit wet yet and not responding nice.16:38
zteamHi all, is there any easy way to determine why Gnome-shell is starting to use 100% of one of my CPU-cores if I leave my computer one for a few days?16:42
zteamThis is a reoccuring issue, killing gnome-shell and letting it restart works-around the issue temporarily, but it's not really good way to deal with it16:44
crstTJ-: Could it be that this particular kernel messes up my microk8s? https://github.com/ubuntu/microk8s/issues/72816:44
ubottuIssue 728 in ubuntu/microk8s "Microk8s cluster nodes stuck in NotReady state on ARM64" [Closed]16:45
crstThere's something going on with the storage and I'm not sure what's up16:46
lotuspsychjecrst: wich kernel were you on?16:47
crstWas on 5.4 now on 5.1116:48
lotuspsychjecrst: we currently notice a lot of 5.11 bugs, so def worth a shot to different kernel test16:48
crstlotuspsychje: Which kernel would you recommend?16:49
lotuspsychjecrst: well what we usualy try is previous kernel(s) from your current list for testing purposes, or !mainline kernels to go higher16:50
ppetrakiHmmm, running some simple zsysctl show rpool/ROOT/ubuntu_tz6r79 appears to have prompted zfs to remember it's a storage array.  zfs list is actually returning something useful now. https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/cjY5V84fTF/16:53
* ppetraki reboots to try16:54
cws6969who can help me https://paste.debian.net/121253316:54
leftyfbcws6969: cat /etc/os-release | nc termbin.com 999916:55
leftyfbthought so16:55
zteamI'm still a bit dissapointed Canoncial decided to Require login for ther pastebin-server nowadays16:58
webchat78hello, I am using ubuntu 20.04 on a vps, and I have the problem that every day or two, the eth0 network interface seems to go down. A reboot fixes it, but I can't find anything in the logs.16:59
leftyfbzteam: the pastebininit command doesn't require it16:59
krytarikBut then you are just shifting the login req to the reader..17:00
mybalzitchzteam: so silly17:00
zteamleftyfb, no, that's correct, but you can't see the logfiles, without having an account, nowdays, at least that's what it tells me everytime, it kinda defeats the whole purpose, Should we really need to create an account to JaTop Shaving Head look at other logfiles...?17:02
zteamthat's only making less people able to help people out here17:04
zteammybalzitch, yep, it truly is, requring users to create an account to upload logs, is one thing, but requring an account to look at files, uploaded by others, thats beyond being silly :)17:08
ograzteam, tell the people that abused it en-masse to post credit card details and other DMCA relevant bits ...17:08
ogracanonical simply could not cope with the DMCA teardown requests anymore (you have to check each single one, keep logs with IPs of submitters and a ton of other legal requirements)17:11
webchat78Is there any good reason why I should *not* make a cronjob run every 5 minutes "ip link set eth0 up"?17:14
mybalzitchwhy would you need to17:15
webchat78my eth0 drops out every day or two17:15
mybalzitchget a better eth017:15
zteamogra, well, first off, I didn't know that was the reason, second of all, I don't really see requring an account to view those files as a good solution either, with that being said, it at least explains why they decided to do what they did :)17:15
webchat78i don't know why, and this seems like an easy solution17:15
ograwebchat78, if you really want to do that i'd rather write a script that pings the default GW and only if it cant reach it, only then call the ip link up command17:16
zteamwebchat78, you should propably hunt dmesg for clues instead, something like dmesg -wH grep eth017:16
zteamwebchat78, but eth0, is the old name, newer versions of Ubuntu renames the network interface, nowadays17:17
ograwebchat78, and ask your cleaning person to not pull the plug of the switch to put in the vaccum cleaner when cleaning the server room 😉17:17
zteamSo any easy way to diagnose why my gnome-shell likes consuming 100 of 1 of my cpu cores ? (can't find anything useful in syslog17:20
webchat78ogra haha it's a vps. I'm sure it's something else I did, and so far I haven't seen anything in the logs. Could you elaborate on 'a script that pings the defaultGW'17:21
ograzteam, broken extension ?17:21
zteamogra, well I remember correctly I did try to disable all of them (I'm not 100 sure I did disable all of them, though I looked into this about 1,5 months ago17:24
ograzteam, the other idea might be fractional scaling ... do you have it in use ?17:25
webchat78zteam kernel: virtio_net virtio1 enp1s0: renamed from eth017:25
webchat78Sep 18 19:18:38.441619 j2buntu kernel: virtio_net virtio1 eth0: renamed from enp1s017:25
webchat78This doesn't seem to be related to the event.17:25
ograwebchat78, something like: ping -c1 $(ip route show to default | sed 's/^.*via //;s/ dev.*$//') >/dev/null 2>&1 || ip link set eth0 up17:29
ograwebchat78, that will only run the ip command if it can not ping the default GW17:30
webchat78and put that in crontab to run every 5 min?17:31
ogra(if you do such hacks, only do them with some checks 😉 )17:31
zteamogra, nope I don't. I did upgrade from Ubuntu 20.10 to 21, 21.04, but unfornetly the upgrade failed, so I let apt and dpkg attempt to fix the issues, and it did, so maybe it's because óf that17:31
ograah, yeah, you might have left some old stuff around17:32
zteamwebchat78, since you already know the kernel decided to rename your network card, you should try digging dmesg for clues about enp1s0 as well, if you haven't already tried that17:33
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webchat78zteam it's only the same messages17:34
zteamwebchat78, try dmesg -wH without grepping then :-)17:35
zteamwebchat78, do note that dmesg -wH only lists new errors happening after you run the command, it doesn't look for what happenend earlier17:36
webchat78zteam i've looked at all the dmesg, and from several boots back in time. I haven't had anything jump out at me17:36
ograyou should also check your journal ... dmesg is kernel messages only ... if anything in userspace tinkers with it it will be in the journal17:37
zteamogra, yep, I rather avoid reinstalling thought17:38
webchat78ogra journalctl -xe seems to show only events from today/last boot also.17:41
webchat78if you could explain the script you wrote above, i would appreciate it :)17:42
ograyou can enable presistent logging by creating /var/log/journal (though normally this does exist on ubuntu installs)17:42
webchat78yes, i have it apparently17:43
ograthe script above calls "ping -c1 <default GW>" ... the || means if the first command fails, call the second command ... the second command is your ip link up17:43
ogra... if the first command does not fail the second will not be run17:44
webchat78ogra ok. And i can crontab that to run every 5 minutes? And why is it better than just ip link up?17:44
ograbecause it will only take action if action is needed17:44
webchat78won't ip link up only do anything if the link is down?17:45
ograinstead of blindly calling ip link up every 5 min17:45
ograit simply adds a check if the command is really necessary17:45
webchat78ok. i guess what i'm asking is if one uses less resources or something.17:46
ograthough this is really just an awful hack ... like having a timed wall plug to reboot your windows server once a night (i have seen such things in "professional" datacenters !!)17:46
ograthe real solution is indeed to find the cause and fix that 😉17:47
webchat78ogra. haha yes, i would prefer to solve the root issue, but it seems like it will take some time. in the meantime, i need this server connected17:47
zteamHere is a syslog, of my gnome-shell issue  with gnome eating 100 cpu if anyone feels borted https://pastebin.com/w8tfeVtR17:48
zteambored *17:48
ogralots of gjs errors you have there17:49
zteamogra, actually one of former employes used to do just that, with some Webserver they had running (I had no part of it) :D17:50
lotuspsychjezteam: and a lot of nvidia connects/disconnects17:50
zteamogra, what's gjs short for?17:52
lotuspsychjezteam: a full dmesg could be usefull too17:52
ogragnome javascript ? not sure17:52
zteamlotuspsychje, coming right up :-)17:52
lotuspsychjezteam: got a lot of gnome extensions?17:53
ograzteam, apt show gjs17:53
zteamlotuspsychje, dmesg is herer https://pastebin.com/GUhb8Ls917:56
tewardogra:  based on `apt-cache search`...17:57
tewardgjs - Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform17:57
ograpretty much the core of gnome-shell (given the whole desktop is javascript)17:57
zteamlotuspsychje, about 7 gnome extenesion installed, I believe I did try to disable all of them (although I might have leaven one or two on)17:58
lotuspsychjezteam: the first things the devs will ask to debug is remove the gnome extensions17:59
lotuspsychjezteam: did you try a fresh user yet, to see if gnome acts up there?18:01
zteamogra, apt show gjs https://pastebin.com/z0KmCkN118:02
zteamlotuspsychje, yes, obvisiosly, as I mentioned I believe I did disable most of them (Ubuntu ships with a few extras enabled out of the box, those I think I leaved on.18:05
lotuspsychjezteam: other ideas crossing my mind, is testing other kernel versions and a lower nvidia version, or a 470 reinstall18:05
lotuspsychjea lot of tests you can try18:06
zteamlotuspsychje, yes, I was running an older version of the Nvidia driver, but I upgraded it to see if that would fix the issue18:07
lotuspsychjezteam: since when did you get higher cpu?18:08
zteamlotuspsychje, as of trying gnome-shell as a different user, thats a very good idea, I should definetly try that :-)18:10
zteamlotuspsychje, I was upgrading from a healthy install of Ubuntu 20-10 to 21-04 but the upgraded crashed at the end of the upgrade, so I ran sudo dkpg --configure -a and sudo apt install -f to fix broken dependencies, and after running a couple sudo apt full-upgrade I got myself a working system, note that gnome-shell behaves normally for a day or so, only if I leave it on for a few days, it's starting to use 100% of one core not all18:16
lotuspsychjei see, a bit of non-lts fun :p18:17
zteamlotuspsychje, well yes, but I needed a more recent version of Kodi :P (and I had my reasons to avoid there ppa, in this case)18:19
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goddardanyone know why ubuntu is saying I have a manually installed driver in jockey?18:55
oerheksjockey is an old application, removed from 20.10 IIRC18:58
oerheksubuntu-drivers-common is current18:58
oerheks*if* you have nvidia/wireless drivers installed by the 'drivers' tab, so the message is true18:59
leftyfbjockey isn't available in any supported version of ubuntu from what I can tell19:00
oerhekserr i made a mistake; removed from 12.10*19:00
goddarddidn't they just merge jockey into software sources19:11
goddardbecause that is what i am talking about19:12
goddardlooks identical if they didn't19:12
oerheksyes, it is.19:12
oerheksonly when you select 3rd party stuff during install, it gets automatic installed19:13
oerheksand counts as manual19:13
goddardthats that then19:14
goddardso if an update rolls around I will still get it?19:14
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goddardsince nvidia just released a new driver19:14
oerheksyes, but the new 470 might not be valid for older cards.19:14
superdadHi, I'm trying to ipxe boot ubuntu cloud images to servers with  no disks.  I have this so far:  https://pastebin.com/SNesz51519:24
superdadBut I get errors. Does anyone know how to do this?19:24
PMunchHello, anyone here got experience with resizing partition while a server is running?19:27
PMunchFound an old StackOverflow post detailing how its done. But my newer fdisk spit out some warnings that I'm not particularly stoked about19:27
superdadI have some experience19:28
superdadAre you using LVMs?19:28
sarnoldsuperdad: what errors do you get? do you need to add in some cloud-init datasource to your kernel command line?19:30
PMunchsuperdad, nope, it's labeled as dos19:30
PMunchIt's MBR19:31
superdad@sarnold.  When I ipxe boot, I get "can't open /dev/sr0: No medium found"19:31
PMunchHmm, that might be an issue19:31
sarnoldsuperdad: hrm. I wonder if the first thing the cloud images do is try to resize the first drive..19:32
superdad@PMunch. Ya, it kind of depends on what type of filesystem I think19:32
alkisgPMunch: is the filesystem ext4? Do you want to resize and then reboot for it to take effect, or to take effect immediately?19:33
PMunchThe filesystem is ext419:34
superdad@PMunch, if you do "fdisk /dev/sda"  and then "p" what output do you get19:34
PMunchWell, now I've created a second partition on the rest of the device19:34
PMunchSo now it shows this: http://ix.io/3zu519:34
PMunchBut /dev/sda2 is newly created19:35
superdadIf you do "lvdisplay" do you see any drives?19:35
superdador logical volumes19:35
PMunchNope, doesn't show anything19:35
superdadOk. So ya, seems like you aren't using LVMs at all19:36
alkisgQEMU? Can't you just do it properly then, by temporarily shutting it down first?19:36
superdadSo I think what you want to do, is fdisk /dev/sda,  and then do "d" to delete both of those partitions19:37
PMunchTBH I think I'll just copy /home to the new partition, then rename it to /home_old, set up fstab to point to the new /home and reboot19:37
superdadThen do "n" to create a new primary partition, and have it start at 2048, and end (as large as it says which should be the full 2TB).19:38
superdadDo "t" to set it to type "83".19:38
PMunchYeah I started on that, got two warnings: The size of this disk is 2.1 TiB (2317134856192 bytes). DOS partition table format cannot be used on drives for volumes larger than 2199023255040 bytes for 512-byte sectors. Use GUID partition table format (GPT).19:38
superdadThe write those changes19:38
PMunchAnd: Partition #1 contains a ext4 signature.  Do you want to remove the signature? [Y]es/[N]o19:38
superdadoh. Interesting. I haven't seen that before19:39
superdadI have a feeling the disk label means nothing really19:39
Ronalds_Mazitis_hey I installed ubuntu on my new nitro 5 with nvidia gtx 165019:41
Ronalds_Mazitis_I could start the thing only with acpi=off19:41
Ronalds_Mazitis_I installed drivers by sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall19:42
Ronalds_Mazitis_but the thing is really lagging19:42
Ronalds_Mazitis_I am guessing the drivers are incorrect19:42
Ronalds_Mazitis_I installed 18.04 btw19:43
superdad@PMunch, maybe I am wrong about that, after some googling, looks like maybe you can't change from disk label "dos"?19:43
Ronalds_Mazitis_any thoughts how to install correct nvidia drivers?19:43
PMunchI'm just going to go with my dual partition route :P19:44
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: Nvidia recommends the 470 version driver for that card : https://www.nvidia.com/Download/driverResults.aspx/180475/en-us , What is installed ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' ?19:46
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/3a761b2bfcf13650c5d3cecba188fa0f/pasted.txt19:47
superdad@PMunch, dual partition route is probably safe bet :)19:49
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: Wow - Will take one more experienced than I - to know what is up with server and all these additional library packages installed.19:52
Ronalds_Mazitis_I just install 47019:52
Ronalds_Mazitis_and hope it does not go dumb19:52
Ronalds_Mazitis_like me19:52
Ronalds_Mazitis_I installed that and it made PC work faster instantly, no reboot19:56
ubottuSystems with certain graphics chipsets may not boot properly out of the box. "Temporarily Add a Kernel Boot Parameter for Testing" as discussed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters to add the "nomodeset" parameter there.19:56
Ronalds_Mazitis_nice one linux again19:56
Ronalds_Mazitis_wait so now I still have to set nomodset?19:57
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: If you are booting to the GUI then no - "nomodeset" is not required.19:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_acpi=off should be set in grub line, permanetly?19:59
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: No -20:00
Ronalds_Mazitis_should I use20:09
Ronalds_Mazitis_or nomodset20:09
oerheksi would use nomodeset20:12
oerheksacpi off is so hard20:12
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: If you still have ACPI issues and this is a laptop - see: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html .20:14
ash_worksiI set the titlebar to a more contrasty blue color.... I don't remember how I did that... is there a way people are _supposed_ to do that?20:15
ash_worksipreferrably a way that is a file I can keep in git20:15
swenssonAm I stupid or doesn't this say I got 22gb ich available to use? https://dpaste.org/gBZ6 When starting to download, it goes to 100% used in like 5sec..20:27
sarnoldswensson: are you sure your download is going to the root filesystem?20:29
swenssonsarnold, Yes, I just doublechecked that20:36
ash_worksialso, does anyone keep their dot files (like .vimrc) in a repository? how do you prefer to do that?20:37
dbungertash_worksi: there are a few approaches for doing that sort of thing.  I like the symlink approach and use a variant of https://github.com/holman/dotfiles/blob/master/script/bootstrap20:39
Bashing-omash_worksi: Will help to know what desktop and release you are on.20:40
swenssonJust want to say I'm an idiot. The torrent were bigger than my entire disk-.-20:41
ash_worksiBashing-om: focal20:41
* ash_worksi checking20:41
ash_worksiyes, focal20:41
ash_worksiI am not a fan of the backdrop, ftr20:42
Bashing-omash_worksi: Ubuntu running GDM3 as the DE ?20:42
ash_worksiBashing-om: how do I check that?20:43
leftyfbash_worksi: I use github. Though, your question isn't really an ubuntu support question. Try #ubuntu-offtopic for software recommendations20:43
leftyfbBashing-om: are you sure you are troubleshooting the correct problem with ash_worksi ?20:43
leftyfboh right, ash_worksi asked about the titlebar earlier20:44
ash_worksileftyfb: okay; I'll move that question, though this is more of an approach question than a software recommendation20:44
ash_worksileftyfb: if you have advice on that, I would still appreciate it20:44
ash_worksi(re titlebar)20:44
Bashing-omash_worksi: ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' .20:44
leftyfbash_worksi: nope. Only to suggest using github to manage dot files20:45
leftyfbash_worksi: https://dotfiles.github.io/20:45
ash_worksileftyfb: nope, as in, there is no standard for changing the titlebar color, or there might be, but you don't know of one20:46
ash_worksiBashing-om: ubuntu ubuntu:GNOME20:47
ash_worksialthough, I don't know how that tells you what DE exactly that is20:47
Bashing-omleftyfb: ash_worksi - had asked >> I set the titlebar to a more contrasty blue color...... - :)20:48
ash_worksiBashing-om: leftyfb mentioned that too earlier :P20:48
Ronalds_Mazitis_dudes, pc stopped lagging after installing 470 nvidia driver, then I restarted and it lags again20:50
Bashing-omash_worksi: GNOME == GDM3 for ubuntu focal/ I do not run GDM so have no input for your request there :(20:51
Ronalds_Mazitis_it could be cool if shotcut would know about nvidia too20:51
Guest5hello. Does anyone have any docs about building debian packages with golang? My god, the documentation, as far as I can tell, is aweful. I am getting stuck with all of the 10-year-old tutorials, they seem to all have something slightly different and slightly wrong about them.20:51
ash_worksiBashing-om: I see... is there a way to determine that without just memorizing what the DE is for that variable assignment?20:52
Guest5The problem I'm having at the moment, is that since it's a go package, running debuild (apparrently) doesn't use the typical GOPATH and instead it uses its own and then fails to delete go mod files because it is chmod 444. Can I get it to use my own GOPATH? I don't know not documented. Can I add more steps to tell it how to delete mod files20:53
Guest5correctly? I don't know. Also undocumented.20:53
Guest5Maybe there is a more recent doc site somewhere?20:54
leftyfbGuest5: try #ubuntu-packaging20:54
Guest5Thank you.20:54
Bashing-omash_worksi: I would "assume" that there is a tick somewhere in the GUI settings to say what the environmnet is. I have not seen GDM in a long time to know more.20:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_nomodeset does not work on this pc, acpi=off works, but when I install any nvidia driver it goes laggy again21:23
Ronalds_Mazitis_w: possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8125a-3.fw for module r816921:23
Ronalds_Mazitis_w: possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8168fp-3.fw for module r816921:23
sarnoldRonalds_Mazitis_: not all firmware files are used by all devices21:27
sarnoldRonalds_Mazitis_: those messages just tell you that the driver is looking for those files to load them, and they aren't there, it doesn't say anything about the devices you've got in your system and which files they need21:28
sarnoldRonalds_Mazitis_: it's even possible for those filenames to not even exist, if the company hasn't prepared any yet21:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_according to this one You can get them21:28
Ronalds_Mazitis_so I am installing 470 and waiting what will happen when I copy them from git21:29
Ronalds_Mazitis_I tried 440 and 470 driver and both make my system go laggy21:49
Ronalds_Mazitis_nomodeset does not work ether21:50
Ronalds_Mazitis_just acpi=off21:50
Ronalds_Mazitis_gtx 1650Ti21:50
Ronalds_Mazitis_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: NVIDIA Corporation Device [10de:1f99] (rev a1) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])21:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_05:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Device [1002:1636] (rev c7) (prog-if 00 [VGA controller])21:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_this is what the terminal is showing21:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_vga is not gpu?21:57
Ronalds_Mazitis_how can I be sure this laptop really got nvidia and windows was not faking it21:58
Ronalds_Mazitis_although it was looking like it had gpu21:58
Ronalds_Mazitis_hey is there a chance 20.04 will have better nvidia support? or 1650Ti is not supported at all22:01
Ronalds_Mazitis_why lie about this? seems like none of the methods google give for 18.04 work22:02
ghostnik11hey quick question. i have a system in which its a multiboot system where i have a OS installed on a micro sd card and an ubuntu install on the internal eemmc 32gb. i want to be able to install another lighter weight ubuntu on the internal 32gb eemc without losing the ability to boot into the OS installed on the internal micro sd card22:18
Ignorantcan anybody help me?22:31
Ignorantfirst I need to know where to send a text file with the problem I need help with!22:32
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:32
IgnorantOk, thanks!22:33
ghostnik11is it possible to just install the version of linux i want on my internal 32gb and then see if grub recognizes the other location of root for the OS on my internal micro sd card. because that boot is saved in a separate location on my internal hard drive. basically i would only erase my ubuntu partition22:34
sarnoldif you don't already have an account for the pastebin, you can also use cat foo | nc termbin.com 999922:34
IgnorantHi! It's me, again. This is the link to my question: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VpXZ5ksyPP/22:48
leftyfbIgnorant: why are you splitting up partitions?22:50
Ignorantjust to lear some more - maybe to speed my old system up a bit22:51
Ignorantit's not a server, I understand that22:51
Ignorantbut I think it's a but in the OS22:51
leftyfbIgnorant: ok, lesson learned. Don't split up partitions unless you know you need to (you don't). Doing so in no way speeds things up22:52
Ignoranteverywhere I read it say 2Gigs was enough22:52
leftyfbyou read wrong22:52
Ignorantleftyfb: ok22:52
Ignorantleftyfb: cool22:53
leftyfbhell, just my /var/crash is 1.9G :)22:53
leftyfb /var/log is 4.3G22:53
IgnorantAs I said, I'm no expert22:53
Ignorantleftyfb: yeah, I'm way below22:53
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Ignorantleftyfb: Is there anything more you will tell me?22:59
leftyfbIgnorant: about what?23:00
Ignorantleftyfb: a solution without reformating23:00
Ignorantleftyfb: will that partition just keep on growing indefinitely?23:01
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ash_worksileftyfb: had you responded to me earlier about the titlebar?23:03
leftyfbIgnorant: if you don't care about borking everything, you could try, one partition at a time, booting a live cd/usb, mounting the root and said partition (var to start) to temporary mount points and rsync'ing the partition into root. ie: sudo rsync -av /path/to/var-mount/ /path/to/root-mount/var/. Then edit /etc/fstab in the root mount and comment out mounting var. Then reboot23:03
leftyfbash_worksi: no23:03
ash_worksileftyfb: ok23:03
IgnorantHi! anybody else who can shed some light about this?: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VpXZ5ksyPP/23:03
leftyfbash_worksi: sorry, typed in the wrong window23:03
leftyfbIgnorant: I answered you already23:04
Ronalds_Mazitis_Uploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/69be821db8f6967a35723724e466da17/pasted.txt23:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_why my nvidia model does not show up23:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_installing default additional proprietary drivers fail23:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_everything lags23:22
Ronalds_Mazitis_upgraded to 20.0423:23
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have this https://www.acer.com/ac/en/GB/content/model/NH.Q9HEK.00323:30
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Ronalds_Mazitis_470 and 460 make this pc lag23:36
Ronalds_Mazitis_so why no nvidia drivers23:36
Ronalds_Mazitis_I asked dudes if 1650Ti will work wit ubuntu23:36
Ronalds_Mazitis_they said yes23:36
Ronalds_Mazitis_and it does not23:36
Ronalds_Mazitis_I have to go try repo drivers too23:37
Loshki__Ronalds_Mazitis_: Does this help? https://tutorialforlinux.com/2020/09/26/nvidia-gtx-1650-ti-ubuntu-20-04-driver-installation-guide/23:45
Ronalds_Mazitis_I installed various version including that one23:45
Ronalds_Mazitis_I can start ubuntu only with acpi=off23:45
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: EFI system where "secure boot" needs to be disabled when installing a proprietary driver ?23:49
Ronalds_Mazitis_it's disabled23:49
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Ronalds_Mazitis_I be back23:50
Bashing-omRonalds_Mazitis_: Purging the old driver before attempting to install another ?23:50

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