
kradInstalling kubuntu 20.04.3 LTS via USB on an Asus Zenbook and got the error "ubi-partman failed with code 141" on the "Software" selection of the installation screen. What would the suggested next steps be? (thanks - first time linux user!)00:55
lethukrad, check the bootable usb integrity01:08
krad~lethu Is there a tutorial for checking bootable USB integrity? (a quick google search is not turning up an obvious set of steps).01:14
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lethukrad, I believe most distros bootable media have a check option at boot up screen01:27
lethukrad, another thing you can do is check the image from which you made the bootable usb, by checking its checksum against the one on Kubuntu's site01:56
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Klindahello, sometimes my ubuntu freeze, what should I do?12:34
MekaneckKlinda: this is the Kubuntu support channel not Ubuntu12:35
Klindayes  I have kubuntu12:36
BluesKajHi folks12:39
Klindaseems the freeze happens when it's loading things12:40
Klindahi BluesKaj12:40
BluesKajhi Klinda12:41
Guest81hey guys13:33
Guest81hello kubuntu users13:33
Guest81two questions for you13:33
Guest81when I install new programs, there are no start menu icons for them13:33
Guest81how do I fix that?13:33
BluesKajusually a relogin will assign them to the menu list with which they're associated13:39
Guest81oh I will try that13:39
Guest81that would be good news13:39
Guest81let me try now lol13:39
Guest33fantastic, that did the trick13:40
Guest33thank you13:40
Guest33The next question is, for cbz files13:41
Guest33I am not getting thumbnail previews?13:41
Guest33I checked the preview options and get nothing...13:41
Guest33Any ideas?13:41
Klindahello my kubuntu randomly freeze, what can I do?13:46
BluesKajKlinda, which release ?13:55
BluesKajKlinda, ok what kind of HW and drivers?13:58
BluesKajand memory capacity13:59
Guest33I had that problem in 21.04 as well14:03
Guest33I tried the ppa to get newer plasma versions and it didnt help14:03
Guest33so I went to the lts14:03
Guest33and it worked better14:03
BluesKajnewer isn't necessarily better...especially ppas, sometimes they're worse since they're stillexperimental14:04
Klindai5 3570k, 1660 grtx, 16 gb ram, drivers I don't know14:07
Guest33I am very happy with the LTS release but I wish CBZ files would preview lol14:08
BluesKajfor cbz thumbnails try installing qcomicbook14:15
Guest33is that a program?14:15
Guest33It's weird cause other KDE distros work perfectly14:15
klinda_when opening the broswer14:16
Guest33Debian 11 with KDE off the top of my head14:16
Guest33works perfectly with cbz files14:16
Guest33with ocular14:16
BluesKajGuest33, yes it should be in the repos14:16
klinda_so can I do anything to see what is the issue?14:21
klinda_isn't like a crash log14:21
klinda_or something14:21
Guest33that program didn't work14:24
Guest33CBZ thumbnail preview is still broken14:24
Guest33I think it's a Kubuntu bug tbh14:24
Guest33Wonder if I should file one14:24
BluesKajklinda_, look in /var/log/syslog, it might show some errors14:33
klinda_Sep 21 16:14:52 superleague kernel: [   18.983185] nvidia-gpu 0000:01:00.3: i2c timeout error e000000014:38
klinda_Sep 21 16:14:52 superleague kernel: [   18.983199] ucsi_ccg 0-0008: i2c_transfer failed -11014:38
klinda_Sep 21 16:14:52 superleague kernel: [   18.983204] ucsi_ccg 0-0008: ucsi_ccg_init failed - -11014:38
klinda_Sep 21 16:14:52 superleague kernel: [   18.983216] ucsi_ccg: probe of 0-0008 failed with error -11014:38
Guest33nvidia drivers14:38
Guest33linux's arch enemy14:39
BluesKajnvidia drivers used to be very stable a few yrs ago, but I haven't used my old nvidia gpus since then so i'm no longer very knowledgable about their issues now14:50
BluesKajklinda what source did you use for the nvidia drivers, not their website I hope ?14:52
klinda_I didn't install any driver14:53
BluesKajklinda_, so I assume you're using the default nouveau driver14:54
BluesKajklinda_, run,  dpkg -l | grep nvidia, in the terminal to see which driver you have installed15:02
klinda_no answer15:07
klinda_klinda@superleague:~$ dpkg -l | grep nvidia15:07
BluesKajklinda_, ok, dpkg -l | grep nouveau15:21
user|28hey guys, whats a good firewall gui for kde?15:24
user|28I know of GUFW but I think that is GTK based15:24
linsuxhelp cpu 100%15:28
linsuxkwin always 100% cpu, help15:31
linsuxwhat's kwin doing so busy15:34
linsuxonly thing that works is kill -915:40
klinda_klinda@superleague:~$ dpkg -l | grep nouveau15:42
klinda_ii  libdrm-nouveau2:amd64                         2.4.105-3~21.04.1                                                    amd64        Userspace interface to nouveau-specific kernel DRM services -- runtime15:42
klinda_ii  xserver-xorg-video-nouveau                    1:1.0.17-1                                                           amd64        X.Org X server -- Nouveau display driver15:42
linsuxthis happens when my wife log off15:56
MrMatthijsDoes anyone know how to solve this issue? when i move my mouse cursor up whilst selecting it selects the text behind the cursor. Its driving me insane since this keeps happening when i'm releasing my mouse https://gifyu.com/image/P4Kr16:01
MrMatthijsIt does not happen in chrome but it does happen in Firefox or native textfields inside the os (the 'test your keyboard' screen has the same issue). i'm currently running kde+ubuntu16:03
linsuxno love for kwin 100 cpu problem?16:05
BluesKajlinsux, a nicer nick would probly help ypu get more positive saupport, but try top or htop to check what's going on HW-wise16:06
klinda_BluesKaj: so no help? should I change drivers?16:08
MrMatthijslinsux, i had a similar issue a few days ago. Turned out my usb-c dock was not able to handle hardware-acceleration for multiple displays. You could try and check if disabling hardware acceleration impacts cpu-usage.16:11
BluesKajklinda_, I'm surprsed that the nouveau driver is causing freezes. Look at the nvidia website and find the driver applicable to your gpu, then look in the package manager for that linux driver...don't use the one on the website unless you plan on no new kernel updates/upgrades.16:14
klinda_btw is just my guess that are the nvidia drivers16:15
klinda_do you wanna see my logs?16:15
BluesKajyou can pastebin them16:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:16
MrMatthijsStill here, changed clients so i would get notified whilst waiting. if anyone knows how to turn off selection when dragging my mouse up/down: please let me know :)16:20
IrcsomeBot<Matthijs> V6F16:32
IrcsomeBot<Matthijs> yV6F16:33
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rinakuhi o/17:57
rinakuwill there be a kubuntu beta along the ubuntu beta the day after tomorrow?17:57
rinakualso, are there preliminary release notes for 21.10?17:58
rinakui'm gonna receive a new pc in a few days and i'm wondering whether i should install 21.04 and upgrade later or install the upcoming beta and skip 21.0417:59
alkisgThe official word would be "for normal use, don't go beta". My unofficial word is, since it's so close to release, just get the latest daily .iso... :)18:05
Mekaneckrinaku: release notes will be released once the Beta and Final come out18:07
rinakuany date for the beta?19:09
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jacobmayhew27anyone on here?20:25
kirvesAxetotal of 112 nicks are idling here, not sure how many of them are active at the moment!20:27
jacobmayhew27wow!  ok20:27
jacobmayhew27Does anyone know what KTorrent Torrent client is on KDE? still new to linux and trying to figure eveything out20:28
kirvesAxe...are you asking what a "torrent client" in general means?20:29
jacobmayhew27Yeah, basically. Never heard of that term before20:30
kirvesAxeWell the long answer is here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BitTorrent20:31
kirvesAxeI'm not sure how to put it shorter than that :)20:31
jacobmayhew27Thanks! I'll look into it :)20:31
kirvesAxemaybe... client for a peer-to-peer file sharing protocol :)20:32
jacobmayhew27ok...ok. Yea thats interesting! Thanks :)20:33
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