[06:21] good morning === RikMills__ is now known as RikMills [12:50] https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Ubuntu-14.04-16.04-Ten-Years [12:56] wow, what a nonsense "maintained for a period of five years under Canonical's extended security maintenance (ESM)" [12:57] 5y is normal maintenance, ESM is 10y maintenance for Ubuntu Advantage users [12:57] (and it has been like that since 12.04) [13:00] ogra: prob a lot of servers still on trusty and xenial [13:00] well, 16.04 is still supported for 5y [13:00] via the existing ESM [13:01] and 14.04 for another 3 [13:04] ogra: I think you misread; I read the "maintained for a period of five years under Canonical's extended security maintenance (ESM)" to mean there's 5 years of ESM *from when ESM starts* (i.e. 5 years after release of LTS) [13:06] the PR says 14.04 and 16.04 ESM have additional 2 years (from3 to 5 years ESM) [13:06] TJ-, yes, it hasd been like that since 12.04, there is nothing new ... 5y free support, 5y ESM support = 10y [13:06] not according to the Canonical PR [13:06] Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) April 2014 April 2024(from April 2022) [13:06] Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) April 2016 April 2026(from April 2024) [13:07] yeah, thats nonsense ... [13:07] * ogra asks internally [13:08] blog posts say the same; March 2021 about 14.04: [13:08] we have put 12.04 to rest this summer as the first LTS going EOL ... we obviously always supported LTS for 10y [13:08] Two years ago, we launched the Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) phase of Ubuntu 14.04, providing access to CVE patches through an Ubuntu Advantage for Infrastructure free or paid subscription. This phase extended the lifecycle of Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, released in April 2014, from the standard, five years of an LTS release to a total of eight years, ending in April 2022 [13:08] https://ubuntu.com/blog/what-lies-after-lts-two-years-of-ubuntu-14-04-in-esm [13:09] the PR: https://ubuntu.com/blog/ubuntu-14-04-and-16-04-lifecycle-extended-to-ten-years [13:09] geez, what a mess [13:10] are there really that mean ESM customers that this applies to? [13:10] and a May 2021 announcement about 16.04: [13:10] Ubuntu 16.04 LTS ‘Xenial Xerus’ transitions into the extended security maintenance (ESM) support phase at the end of April 2021 from its standard, five-year maintenance window for Ubuntu long term support (LTS) releases. Xenial Xerus is still supported until April 2026 with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM) [13:10] leftyfb: where so you think Redhat makes its money!? [13:11] ok, so I don't see what changed with 16.04 then [13:11] leftyfb: what isn't broke, leave alone (aside from security fixes) [13:11] 5 LTS + 5 ESM [13:11] 16.04 was +3years ESM, now +5yrs [13:11] 14.04 was +3 years ESM, now +5yrs [13:11] not according to the May announcement you just posted [13:11] yes [13:11] "Xenial Xerus is still supported until April 2026 with Extended [13:11] 31. #weechat │ | Security Maintenance [13:12] oops [13:12] "Xenial Xerus is still supported until April 2026 with Extended Security Maintenance (ESM)" [13:12] ahh, sorry, I see what you mean! I was reading the 14.04 one! [13:12] so nothing changed for 16.04 since May [13:13] I forget which years the codenames represent and associated Xenial with 2018 [13:13] I wish they'd drop those as the primary comms naming and use the release dates! [13:13] tomreyn used to edit the eol wiki [13:14] !eol [13:14] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [13:14] its gonna need some edits now :p [13:24] scary to think in 2024 they may add another 3 years :) [13:26] depends who pays 🙂 [13:31] That Ronalds* in #ubuntu is .... draining [13:32] yep [13:35] escalates quickly from nvidia issue to a stick issue [14:56] leftyfb: some of the ubuntu flavours use telegram these days, also for support [14:56] they teleport the messages towards irc too [14:57] (just for info) [14:57] I find that really difficult to parse so I try to ignore it [14:57] lotuspsychje: sure. Though they didn't ask for flavour-specific support [14:57] yeah i know, didnt mean something with it, just for the record : ) [14:58] the QA team also allows it in their testing days chat [15:11] lol