
Iamthehuman1I figured out how to make my 'xset dpms force suspend'-script work ... started working as expected when a 'sleep 1' was added before that command to turn off the displays14:23
Iamthehuman1apparently it would pick up keyboard press from the hotkey combo, unless the invoked script first sleeps for a second14:24
OvenWerksthat makes sense14:56
Iamthehuman1I have the script even on my cell phone's KDE Connect, so I can shut down the displays even when I'm not at the keyboard. Now I wish I could figure out how to /disconnect in Konversation with a textual command, so I could do a script that disconnects from irc before putting the computer to sleep15:00
Iamthehuman1Anyone have any idea why autostarting Ardour6 does not work. Other software autostarts fine... Could maybe be some timing thing17:30
Iamthehuman1ok.. got it. changing the autostart command from '/usr/bin/ardour %f' to just '/usr/bin/ardour' could help. Logging out to verify17:32
Iamthehuman1nope, still Ardour6 won't autostart. There is prlly a log file to look at17:35
OlneyPyne[m]I have issue with my Audio card, can any one help me with it?19:14
OlneyPyne[m]My Issue is this: I have Ubuntu Studio 21.04, I have installed my Focusrite Audio Card and It worked properly several times, I always plug the USB Cable in to the computer, use the programs to play sound and record, then unplug the USB cable without issues, but the issue is this: One day, when I plugged it to the USB input on my laptop and rebooted my system with my card been connected to USB port, when it started up the sound did not20:12
OlneyPyne[m]work. When I opened firefox or a Daw, seems that it is working properly, showing output signals ok. No issues reported when I use Jack also, but still no Audio sound. It also happens with Ubuntu studio 20.04 and 21.04, on the 19.04 version this issue doesn't happen. The scarlet 18i8 works properly when ubuntu is installed from the scratch, only issue is when system reboots with the card pluged in. I appreciate if you can help me with20:12
OlneyPyne[m]this issue. Thanks.20:12
EickmeyerOlneyPyne[m]: Seeing as how you've been waiting an hour, the honest truth is you might not get answers here. You might also try #opensourcemusicians:libera.chat and/or #lau:libera.chat.21:20

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