
mparilloLooks really solid. Passed a couple of test cases. Should be able to try OEM tomorrow, assuming no re-spin coming. We could use testers on real HW, Nvidia, EFI, and Secure Boot, all of which are more difficult use cases than VMware.00:04
mparilloShame it did not land with Plasma 5.23 Beta, but my preference is atypical.00:19
RikMillsmparillo: thanks!07:31
RikMillsyes, we are looking at a good release I think07:31
RikMillsvalorie: indeed, the beta crept up quick07:34
bettiniHi, I've just started to test KDE beta (anniversary edition)10:05
RikMillsbettini: Hi. Thanks for testing :)10:06
bettinithanks for making it available :)10:07
bettinithe look and feel really looks good! the accent colors is a small new feature but it really rocks!10:07
RikMillsyeah, it does look great :)10:08
bettiniI've noted a few things that are not working, what's the best way of reporting them? should I start write them here?10:08
RikMillsyou can if you like. depending on what they are they might need reporting to KDE itself, but we can see10:10
bettiniI've noted that switching to a global theme applies the dark or light theme but does not seem to change the panel: for example, changing from breeze light to breeze twilight does not make the panel dark (it works after logout/login)10:12
RikMillsthat would likely be an upstream KDE issue. please search on bugs.kde.org to see if already reported10:15
bettiniconcerning wayland session I found that unusable: scaling does not work as expected and most applications start eating 100% CPU. I guess you're aware of Wayland issue already...10:16
mparilloAlso, when I switch theme elements (mine is to add my beloved Oxygen Yellow Cursor), it seems to behave strangely depending on whether the element was previously drawn until I reboot.10:17
bettinimparillo: at least for my logout/login seems to be enough10:18
mparilloI agree that it should probably work also. But for my laptop use case, the reboot cycle is quicker than any coffee / tea break, I tend to simply re-boot. Oh, and now I read your "(it works after logout/login)"10:20
mparilloNeed more coffee, I guess.10:21
RikMillsFYI, I have just updated plasma-workspace in the beta PPA to fix this bug:10:25
ubottuKDE bug 442758 in plasmashell "Some apps' tray icons don't have context menu anymore" [Normal, Assigned]10:25
mparilloIn the #kubuntu I see <Guest95> hmmm.. anyone notice the difference between https://kubuntu.org and https://www.kubuntu.org? is it intentional?10:32
mparilloAdding the www. appears to direct the browser to Official Ubuntu Documentation (at least on qutebrowser and konqueror).10:34
RikMillsdoes here too10:34
RikMillsI will have to ask canonical sysadmins what happened there sometime10:34
mparilloWill they need a launchpad bug?10:35
RikMillslikely not. they have their own ticketing system10:36
RikMillsanyway, I have asked in #canonical-sysadmin10:37
BluesKajHi folks12:06
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