[01:45] good evening [01:45] my networking is broke after kernel update [01:46] how can i reinstate it? [01:46] 6wis [01:47] only LAN mis detected and when i plug it in [01:47] doesnt work [01:47] please helpo [01:54] nvm i shutdown my computer and booted with 5.11.36 and it worked [08:05] Hi all. How do I get rid of the weird keyboard which completely fills my screen when I login, and I mean permanently, not by "clicking it away" every time? Solutions online which reference sddm.conf don't work. [09:19] Sounds like the accessibility keyboard [10:28] hmmm.. anyone notice the difference between https://kubuntu.org and https://www.kubuntu.org? is it intentional? [10:31] I will ask. [10:32] thanks [10:39] Guest95: I am asking canonical sysadmins about that [11:33] can I get some help? [11:34] hello? === john is now known as John1234 [11:40] !ask [11:40] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [11:43] Ok. I have a kubuntu 21.04 setup and it has slow DNS lookup... I have a dual boot with a linux mint install and everything is super fast there! I am on fibre. What can I do to make it faster? Howcome KDE cannot just work out of the box. I did resolvconf --status and it says the nameserver is I just want it to work... howcome I have to start tinkering now? I really like Plasma, but like this, it is getting [11:43] annoying and I am considering moving back to mint [11:44] !patience [11:44] Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/ [11:50] John1234: upload the output of `resolvectl` in both of these distributions [11:51] So that we can compare it [11:52] kubuntu: https://pastebin.com/frU2f8dp [11:53] see anything funny yet? [11:54] hi [11:54] hi [11:54] is my fibre modem, to which I connect via a router called fritzbox, to which I have my pc connected with an ethernet cable [11:55] let me go offline for a minute to boot into the other system [11:55] John1234: well you appear to be using that as a dns server, so I don't see how it would behave differently when switching distributions [12:00] Could there be two different browser configurations, and one uses your system dns resolver, and one uses a dns resolver set by the browser? [12:00] this is the linux mint resolvctl thing: [12:00] https://pastebin.com/jdDyweUP [12:00] looks pretty similar [12:00] I do not know what I missed in the last 5 minutes [12:00] the DNS servers are similar [12:00] john: are you dual booting these two distributions? [12:01] yeah [12:01] they are on 1 pc [12:01] Yes the DNS servers are similar, although in your kubuntu, it said "foreign", that you're not using the normal stub resolv.conf, so let's see: [12:01] in the linux mint part there is more text under "global", but I do not know what that stuff is [12:01] 1) ls -l /etc/resolv.conf; cat /etc/resolv.conf ==> for mind [12:02] 2) sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt; ls -l /mnt/etc/resolv.conf; cat /mnt/etc/resolv.conf ==> for kubuntu [12:02] Replace sda3 with your kubuntu partition name [12:02] where does the "foreign" come from? and what does it mean? why does Kubuntu make it such, it obviously does not work, mint just works out of the box [12:02] You can see it with `sudo lsblk --fs` [12:02] It means that you manually modified resolv.conf [12:02] Kubuntu didn't do that [12:02] I did not manually modify my resolv.conf [12:02] Paste the output of the commands so that we see [12:03] for mind ??? [12:03] for mint [12:03] typo [12:04] I.e. (2) is a way to provide information for your kubuntu, without rebooting [12:04] https://pastebin.com/MuWXmp3j [12:04] this is resolv.conf in mint [12:05] Paste also the output of the first command, the ls -l one [12:05] So that we see if it's a symlink or not [12:06] Hi folks [12:07] o/ [12:07] now I cannot find resolv.conf in the /etc directory of the kubuntu install [12:08] first command yields: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 Sep 22 03:22 resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf [12:08] john, see the ls part [12:08] ls -l /etc/resolv.conf [12:08] and ls -l /mnt/etc/resolv.conf [12:08] If it's a symlink, it's normal to be unable to `cat` it [12:08] I cannot even ls it [12:08] resolv.conf is not there in the kubuntu dir [12:09] OK, so mint is using the old resolvconf. That's not really a good thing [12:09] it works fine !! [12:09] it is kubuntu that is the problem [12:09] I understand what you're saying [12:09] Try to understand what I'm saying [12:09] can you explain it please [12:09] Reboot to kubuntu, I'll wait for a few minutes [12:10] sorry... [12:10] I did the ls -l resolv.conf command in the /mnt/kubuntu/etc dir [12:10] so that is kubuntu [12:10] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 May 8 01:58 resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf [12:10] this is the mint output [12:11] And what about your mint? [12:11] OK. Now do this: chroot /mnt dpkg -l | grep resolvconf [12:11] with sudo in front [12:11] sudo chroot /mnt dpkg -l | grep resolvconf [12:12] that kubuntu parition is under /media [12:12] hello [12:12] what does that command do? [12:13] It checks your kubuntu installation to see if a package named resolvconf is installed [12:13] In a default installation, it's not [12:13] So it was installed manually; for example, maybe you installed some other package that recommended it [12:13] I installed bind9 [12:13] to try to solve it?? [12:13] I'm trying out ubuntu 21.10 with plasma beta 5.23, I was using gnome(stable) before and X11 wasn't really working already, but wayland worked [12:13] john, bind9 is if you want to create your own internet dns server [12:14] so I should do chroot /media dpkg -l | grep resolvconf ? [12:14] I changed from gdm3 to sddm, and it seems that the X11 bugs that I had before now are much worse [12:14] It's not for users, it's for companies with large intranets etc [12:14] well some people recommanded it [12:14] basically, my keyboard doesn't work and my touchpad barely works [12:14] both inside sddm and the plasma/xorg session [12:14] john: if it's a fresh installation, I'd recommend to redo it from scratch, AND ignore those people :) [12:15] it is not a fresh install [12:15] either the keyboard doesn't work or it will send repeated keys for whatever reason [12:15] and I have got it all set up [12:15] bind9 would have pulled a lot of services that would take some time and experience to clean up [12:15] OK [12:15] if I manage to very carefully use the onscreen keyboard, I can login to wayland, and that works [12:15] what exactly is the problem with my install now??? [12:15] how can I even debug this? [12:15] Anyway, you need to remove bind9 and resolvconf and let systemd-networkd do its job, like it does in mint, like it does in the default kubuntu [12:15] john, you made your pc a dns server, instead of a dns client [12:16] but that problem existed even before bind9 [12:16] that is why I tried bind9 [12:16] john: that would be a different issue though. This one is a much bigger problem [12:16] I go to the package manager to remove bind9 server and resolvconf ? [12:16] let me go back to kubuntu [12:16] wait [12:16] try settings in /etc/systemd resolved.conf [12:16] john: I can't give instructions for that, as you may remove them and break something else [12:16] john: you need someone with more time :) [12:17] * alkisg needs to go for now, back later! [12:17] howcome this got screwed up so much?? I never changed anything big, then the dns look up got really slow!! [12:17] I only installed bind9 to try to solve it, but the problem was there even before [12:17] the problem cannot be to do a complete reinstall, that will take hours [12:18] let me go back to kubuntu [12:19] back === john is now known as john1235 [12:20] I should remove resolvconf too? [12:21] john1235, I suggested settings in /etc/systemd/resolved.conf [12:22] it is empty [12:22] is this Kubuntu or mint? [12:22] https://pastebin.com/QiyezdUn [12:22] I am in kubuntu now [12:23] are there options listed there like DNS etc [12:23] ? [12:23] oh wait [12:24] sorry [12:25] uncoment tyje options you want use and add the IP/settings there [12:25] let me check that file in mint [12:26] in mint it is empty too [12:26] howcome it works in mint and not in kubuntu [12:27] maybe because of what alkisg said?? maybe it is not using the systemd ?? [12:29] john1235, this is my /etc/resolv.conf , it's astub now https://bpa.st/56ZA [12:30] well in my /etc/resolv.conf it says that my nameserver is too, but obvisouly that does not work [12:30] right because /etc/resolv.conf is no longer used [12:31] thanks to systemd [12:31] but alkisg said that on my system it IS being used [12:32] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 29 sept. 22 03:22 resolv.conf -> ../run/resolvconf/resolv.conf [12:32] yeah, I'm surprised he said that [12:32] why are you surprised [12:33] that is the result of ls -l /etc/resolv.conf [12:33] on mint it pointed to another file [12:33] afaik /etc/resolv.conf is redundant [12:33] lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 39 mai 8 01:58 resolv.conf -> ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf [12:33] that is mint [12:33] mint issue? [12:33] lolz [12:33] on mint it works fine [12:34] no mint points to systemd [12:34] it is kubuntu that points to /run/resolvconf/resolv.conf [12:34] I do not even understand the difference.... [12:34] then do not compare kubuntu with mint, and focus on your kubuntu issue? [12:34] I wanna do it [12:34] but I do not understand the architecture.. how thinks this up??? [12:35] what are the program that use these files? and if there are stubs everyhwere, where are the REAL configuration files? [12:35] afaik /etc/systemd/resolved.conf supposed relaced it [12:35] supposedly [12:35] what program uses that file?? [12:36] what process? [12:36] the kernel? [12:36] network manager I think [12:36] I guess I will actually have to reinstall [12:36] systemd-resolve --status , this service is controlling it [12:38] maybe if i remove resolvconf? [12:39] I have my DNS settings entered inmy router DNS options so i don't bother with system resolved [12:39] systemd resolved that is [12:41] but your computer needs to know where to look for the dns lookup [12:41] doesn't it?? [12:41] i read back, you installed bind9 ? [12:41] and what else? [12:42] I uninstalled bind9 now [12:42] nothing else [12:42] only the server part though [12:42] not the client part [12:43] but the problem existed before bind09 [12:45] I think I will try to remove resolvconf [12:45] don't think that will make any difference [12:47] I now selected and in my router [12:48] let me see if that makes a difference [12:49] seems to work better now [12:49] werid [12:49] but now all my dns look ups are done through google!! [12:49] https://askubuntu.com/questions/985336/why-there-are-resolvconf-service-and-systemd-resolved-service-services-present-i [12:51] ok so that did the trick [12:51] there are other DNS servers like cloudflare or even some other private DNS servers in your country I'm sure. I use a couple of University servers here in Canada [12:52] I still do not understand why it cannot work normally on a kubuntu install and it DOES work on a mint install, with the "recommended DNS servers" on the router [12:52] I searched for the dns servers of my ISP and they work too [12:52] but still weird that kubuntu would screw up like this [12:52] do you use networl manager? [12:52] network manager [12:54] I do not know [12:56] let me reboot === john is now known as john1236 [12:58] ok [12:59] check your package manager for network-manager [13:00] yeah, it is installed [13:00] I removed resolvconf [13:00] but when I change back to the recommended DNS server in the router it is slow again [13:00] and also the ls -l /etc/resolv.conf still points to ../run [13:01] It might be time to finally use a vpn [13:01] that handles DNS [13:02] I might try a live kubuntu cd now [13:02] mom [13:05] brb [13:14] still the same thing [13:14] also under the live cd [13:14] this is a kubuntu problem!!! [13:16] sudo apt install nm-applet && nm-applet (re @IrcsomeBot: this is a kubuntu problem!!!) [13:17] Oops, went through the messages and guess it won't help [13:21] ok, thanks guys, for the help [13:23] john, is your DNS resolving more quickly now? [13:25] well... under the live cd I had the same problem, and the ls -l /etc/resolv.conf point to ../run/systemd/........ in both the live cd and the regular kubuntu install... the only way to get faster dns is to set the DNS servers in the router... but linux mint works fine even with the "recommended DNS server"-setting in the router... so this seems to be a kubuntu problem [13:25] so it works fast under kubuntu only when I select my own dns servers in the router [13:26] these 5 second delays every 5 seconds were starting to annoy me.. [13:26] so it is working now, but still I does not increase my trust in kubuntu [13:26] even though I like the plasma surface better then MINT, mint works better "under the hood", that is my impression [13:26] I could try ubuntu too, to see if the same problem arises there [13:26] then it would be more of a ubuntu config problem [13:27] but mint is based on ubuntu too, but they only use the package base, they do their own thing [13:29] I've run mint in the past, it was ok but nothing special IMO [13:30] well... I changed to mint after kubuntu was such a buggy experience [13:31] I used mint for years [13:31] but now I got back to kubuntu because it has really improved, especially the updates [13:31] but now i am beginning to remember why i moved to mint [13:31] mint is just a very good install [13:31] it just works [13:31] but it is not as pretty as kubuntu [13:33] the reason I set my DNS in the router was because the default settings there went thru the ISP own DNS server thus blocking my vpn so I changed the settings on the first day I received their router :-) [13:33] well good for you that you can even change the DNS [13:33] in your router [13:33] in mine that doesn't even seem possible [13:34] most users can [13:34] I will try the live cd of ubuntu now [13:34] just need the gateway IP to access [13:37] yeah [13:38] I guess the standard for all DNS requests is to be sent to the gateway [13:38] set your own username and pw [13:38] my router only lets me define dns local [13:38] so local aliases [13:39] not the dns server itself [13:41] john, which mint version are you comparing to which kubuntu version? [13:41] the latest [13:41] latest version of mint [13:41] I just upgraded yesterday [13:41] I'm not using mint, so that's like ubuntu 20.04 then? [13:42] 20.2 mint [13:42] But which ubuntu version is it? [13:42] Mint is just ubuntu with a few tweaked packages [13:42] OK let me google it... [13:42] it is based on ubuntu 20.04 lts yes [13:43] I do not think mint is just plain ubuntu with some tweaks, it runs way better [13:43] OK. So the most probable cause is that systemd-networkd updates make DNS behave differently in your router [13:43] Mint doesn't have enough developers to work on things like networking [13:43] This is done by systemd developers [13:44] For example, maybe it doesn't like your router as a DNS server, and looks for authoritative answers, for validation [13:44] That's just an assumption. To compare, you'd need to compare the same systemd versions, not different ones [13:44] In any case, you can set any DNS server you like in the network-manager connection properties [13:45] where do I set those connection properties?? [13:45] You right click in the network icon in the applet [13:45] alkisg: but that is the normal situation I think, that the linux install uses the DNS server of the router [13:46] Yes, indeed. [13:46] But `resolvectl` output is very different in 20.04 vs 21.04 [13:46] I believe many things have changed under the hood; maybe what you're seeing is related to systemd updates [13:47] hmmmmm [13:47] kde 21.04 you mean? [13:47] So in the connection properties, there's an IPv4 tab, where you can select "auto, ips only" or something (I'm using a translated UI) [13:47] The desktop environment isn't related [13:48] I mean any ubuntu 21.04 [13:48] well I was considering going back to 20.04 for my fresh kubuntu install anyway because 21.04 is only supported until january, a bit short! [13:48] These base things are common to all distros [13:48] Right, so if you use kubuntu 20.04, it should have the same systemd as your mint [13:48] Can you check from the live cd there? [13:49] Btw, I read your chat above; /etc/resolv.conf is USED by libc and all networking libraries [13:49] That stub file is generated by systemd, but it's essential; without it, no DNS works [13:49] ok [13:49] thanks [13:50] I go to "ipv4" and I chan choose method [13:50] It means that systemd itself is now the primary dns server (which in then asks the router dns server) [13:50] it is automatic [13:50] You can select auto / ips only or something like that [13:50] And add the DNS in the text below [13:50] Automatic (only addresses) or something [13:50] there is auto adresses only [13:50] Right, that one [13:50] Then you can set your DNS in the box below [13:50] what is the difference to auto? [13:51] Auto means from dhcp, which means your router [13:51] still I do not get why it would not work using my router's DNS [13:51] that is weird [13:51] auto (addresses only) means your router sends the IP, but not the DNS; you hardcode the DNS to the one you like [13:51] the IP means the data?? [13:51] "changes to systemd" [13:52] ok [13:52] For now, you'll probably be able to use 20.04 with no delays etc, like in mint, [13:53] while in 22.04, if the issue happens there in both mint, kubuntu and all, you'll need to either hardcode a DNS, or troubleshoot the issue, [13:53] from where you may find that you'll need to check some setting in your router, because systemd now needs that, etc etc; we'll see then, it's not important now [13:54] I am on kubuntu 21.04 but I used that method you suggested and now it is faster, even without the standard dns in the router [13:54] it is a bug in the new systemd [13:54] It may be a bug in your router [13:54] You don't know yet [13:54] I should not have to change my router if systemd changes, that router has been working fine for years [13:55] And maybe the new systemd is safer, and does additional work to resolve the router bug [13:55] that is a fritzbox, the leading provider of routers in germany [13:55] router bug [13:55] ? [13:55] what is that? [13:55] So what? http was working fine for years, until all the internet had to change to https [13:55] ok [13:55] so now I do not have to reinstall, thank goodness [13:55] There's no point in placing blame yet. It's either systemd or fritz, but we don't know yet. [13:56] but what happens if january 2022 comes.. then I will have to reinstall kubuntu.. because no longer supported, or will I be able to upgrade ot another version [13:56] It's most probably not related to distributions though, and certainly not desktop environments [13:56] I doubt it is fritz, fritz always offers standard stuff [13:56] but ok, you might be right, maybe the standard is flawed [13:56] but how hard can it be.. it is just a lookup table nothing more [13:57] From kubuntu 21.04 you'd need to update to 21.10 and then 22.04 [13:57] Nowhere near simple as that [13:57] will I be able upgrade in january or have to reinstall my kubuntu 21.04? [13:57] DNS is authoritative, recursive etc etc, it's not a lookup table [13:57] In October you'll be able to update to 21.10 [13:57] In April you'll be able to update to 22.04 [13:57] great [13:57] Nothing happens in January [13:57] well support expires [13:58] Ah sure, yeah [13:58] what about the ipv6 tab? [13:59] is ipv6 already working now??? [13:59] I never understood it [13:59] if i give in a ipv4 address.. I can still connect, so what about ipv6? [13:59] It depends on your router AND your isp AND the servers you visit [13:59] Ignore it for now [13:59] but if I rent a server I get a ipv4 address [13:59] not a ipv6 address, or do I? [13:59] You can ask for whatever you prefer [13:59] I am considering renting a server to host my own cloud, but I am not sure if I am knowledgeable enough... [14:00] But public servers are supposed to have an ipv4 address as many users won't have proper ipv6 networking [14:00] so ipv6 addresses are actually being given out already? [14:00] so there are basically 2 adress spaces now??? [14:00] Yes, they're widely used [14:00] Yes [14:00] hmmm, since when is that? [14:00] Eh, google that part, I guess more than a decade [14:01] who would have hardware old enough not to understand ipv6?? it has been around for years [14:01] For example my isp doesn't offer ipv6 [14:01] alkisg: where is that? [14:01] While my hardware/software/router etc do support it [14:01] my router has ipv6 [14:01] Greek school network :) [14:01] While at home, I do have both ipv4 and ipv6 [14:02] alkisg: you are in school? [14:02] you know a lot [14:02] at least compared to me [14:02] :) [14:02] I'm an IT administrator for 1000+ schools that have linux [14:02] aaah! [14:02] haha [14:02] not a teenager... [14:02] good to know [14:02] I was starting to feel old [14:02] really old [14:03] Nah, even my kids are not teenagers anymore :D [14:03] in greek schools they use linux instead of windows??? that is great! [14:03] so linux is a big thing in greek schools? [14:03] Worldwide, maybe in 1% of schools. In Greece we made it around 10%. In my prefecture, it's more than 90% :) [14:04] nice [14:04] I really like linux [14:04] OK time to go again, cheers! [14:04] thanks man [14:04] bye [14:04] 👍️ [14:05] bye blueskjaj [14:05] take care Joel :-) [14:05] oops [14:06] he left right before I hit the tab key [14:06] :) === genii-core is now known as genii [16:10] join #konversation [16:10] shit, wrong tab [16:10] sorry friendos === ynhuser|10087 is now known as rinaku [17:50] hi all. apparently my client failed to stay connected since yesterday. I was wondering if there was a date for the release of 21.10 beta, if it was the same as the ubuntu beta tomorrow === nahoj is now known as Johan_ [18:56] Johan_: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/09/ [18:57] There were some replies to your question yesterday [19:03] alkisg: thx for the link but I don't believe I got a reply about a date for the beta [19:13] Johan_: yes, it is the same as main Ubuntu [19:16] ok great, thanks === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [21:46] yes the kernel got an update [21:46] and apparently it disrutpts kubuntu network [21:46] i ran the old kernel using grub and it solved the problem