
=== genii is now known as genii-core
mwhudsonam i going crazy or does the pending impish desktop daily have gdb on it?04:06
mwhudsonas in installed by default04:06
Eickmeyermwhudson: That does seem strange, and I wonder what the rdeps look like on that.04:32
Eickmeyermwhudson: Unrelated: thanks for looking into the Electron mess. :)04:32
wgrantmwhudson: Probably through apport-gtk's Recommends?04:52
mwhudsonwgrant: oh hmm05:07
RikMillsmwhudson Eickmeyer: damn. Didn't occur to me that LP: #1939993 was similar to the electron problem :(07:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1939993 in glibc (Ubuntu) "glibc 2.34 causes qtwebengineprocess to crash or fail to start" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193999307:27
RikMillsto be fair I didn't know these apps use chromium. I just avoid electron stuff mosltly07:30
Unit193Good plan.07:32
iceystarting out my +1 today, I'm going to continue working on the fossil issue identified last time and verify it's a bug in Debian as well07:39
iceyah, it doesn't happen with a Debian unstable build - and I note that Debian's updated their sqlite3 as well beyond what we've got :-/08:19
mwhudsonRikMills: oh yeah08:37
mwhudsoni don't understand why electon apps are crashing so messily but i guess it doesn't really matter08:38
* RikMills shrugs08:47
=== paride4 is now known as paride
xypronI am looking for a sponsor for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/1944419 (vim: impish missing in debchangelog.vim)11:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1944419 in vim (Ubuntu) "vim: impish missing in debchangelog.vim" [Low, In Progress]11:13
mapreriddstreet, teward: I kind of feel bad at rejecting mpitt's upload that he did on 2021-09-10 (!)  I think I'd rather leave those 3 uploads in there while we flush the last details12:03
juliankxypron: sponsored13:11
xypronjuliank: thank you13:11
=== genii-core is now known as genii
xnoxlocutusofborg:  virtualbox-guest-dkms is needed back in focal only; as it's the only thing that provided vboxsf module; which is not in GA linux v5.4 kernel.14:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1944744 in virtualbox (Ubuntu) "vboxsf missing in focal" [Undecided, New]14:54
tumbleweedbdmurray: happy with these ESM dates? https://salsa.debian.org/debian/distro-info-data/-/commit/6a443b27443d45e7a495b1a0ddc46a11eaf9049816:21
ubottuCommit 6a443b2 in debian/distro-info-data "Extend Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04 ESM out to 10 years in total."16:21

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