[00:29] wrong version on icon... yuk.. but that's always changed late.. easy to miss since it's been there maybe 6+ months (the + being the problem!) ... can't see the wood because of all those damned trees [00:30] [telegram] no worries. I should have updated it a while ago. [00:30] [telegram] I hope to get to it tomorrow. Well, my tomorrow. [00:31] ack & thanks as always Dan/@kc2bez [00:32] [telegram] 👍 === genii is now known as genii-core [04:47] https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/testing-checklist-understanding-the-testcases/2743 no doubt contains tons of errors.. out of time so will first-read it later.. @Leokolb since you should understand what I'm trying to say.. does it make any sense? comments welcome (though may not respond for some time) [05:24] [telegram] yes @guiverc so far it looks real good and useful to have this all in one doc. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) https://discourse.lubuntu.me/t/testing-checklist-understanding-the-testcases/2743 no doubt contains tons of errors.. out of time so will first-read it later.. @Leokolb since you should understand what I'm trying to say.. does it make any sense? comments welcome (though may not respond for some time)) [05:41] [telegram] @guiverc that is a really great document. I think it makes a great foundational base for other flavours to base off of too. [05:42] it's a wiki (or that was my intention; ie. you can edit to if you see glaring errors (I hadn't read thru any initially; so far I've only read thru top part) [05:43] & thanks @Leokolb. [12:05] thanks @Leokolb (octo/septem..) :) === genii-core is now known as genii [13:46] [telegram] 👇👇👇👇👇 [13:46] [telegram] https://t.me/joinchat/PrhAaQPmQJVmYzk0 === genii is now known as genii-core [23:01] [telegram] thanks, appreciated :) (re @franksmcb: @guiverc that is a really great document. I think it makes a great foundational base for other flavours to base off of too.) Binary file (standard input) matches