[00:41] good morning [05:40] Good morning all [05:48] Morning jibel [05:49] Hi duflu [06:58] good morning [06:59] Morning jpnurmi [07:02] hi duflu [07:09] good morning jpnurmi [07:22] Hi didrocks [07:27] hey duflu [07:56] sounds like I forgot to say hey on IRC [07:57] goood morning desktopers! [08:02] hey seb128 [08:02] salut didrocks, bon vendredi ! en forme ? [08:04] ça va, et toi ? [08:04] Hi seb128 [08:05] definitely bon vendredi [08:05] didrocks, ça va :) [08:06] duflu, happy friday! is the day going any better than the previous ones or are you just glad it's almost the weekend? [08:06] seb128, I'm improving a bit and super happy to have a long weekend in which to recover [08:07] :-) [08:08] seb128, but I can't talk so won't join the meeting [08:14] I saw you mentioning that, it's fine, rest and recover ! [09:08] jamesh: FYI: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3584 [09:08] Pull 3584 in snapcore/snapcraft "extension/desktop: Prevent keeping updating when there is no user use…" [Open] [09:14] didrocks: you'll probably need to rewrite that commit with an @canonical.com address. They're kind of picky about that CLA check. [09:16] jamesh: well, I think sergiusens should know me and it’s weird when we encourage people to use @ubuntu.com to sign our project for policy that we can’t fix our CLA checker for this… [09:17] didrocks: yeah. For snapd we turned on the "accept previous committers option", which would accept your commit. They don't seem to want to do that for snapcraft [09:18] jamesh: interesting, we added that option on purpose… let’s see then, I’ll rewrite if requested [09:19] didrocks: I think part of the problem is that we purposely don't have an "is this user a Canonical employee?" oracle [09:19] gnome-todo Janitor 266564 * commented merge request !4 * https://deb.li/3adTd [09:21] jamesh: yeah, and obviously, when you get a launchpad user, you can’t list over emails to check if there is an @canonical.com one [09:21] however, the CLA list is wrong, I signed it in 2008, before joining canonical [09:21] I wonder if I would not just requesting to resign it :p [09:21] can I put then myself as a Canonical contact? :p [09:26] didrocks: hmm. That might be worth a shot. As it is, the check is essentially (a) does your email address end in @canonical.com or @mozilla.com?, (b) are you a member of the CanonicalContributorAgreement Github org?, or (c) are you a member of the canonical-contributor-agreement LP team [09:27] we could probably list other registered LP email addresses to redo the (a) check though. [09:30] can we list them? I don’t think the API allow for that [09:31] for spam prevention [09:32] web scraping instead? ;-) [09:33] lalala [09:35] it looks like the email address collection is in the API docs. Not sure if it works [09:36] but if I can read your email addresses on the web site (i.e. you haven't opted to hide them), I don't see why I couldn't read them with the API. [09:37] gnome-disk-utility signed tags af6d5c0 Sebastien Bacher ubuntu/41.0-1ubuntu1 * gnome-disk-utility Debian release 41.0-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/0fwi [09:37] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 416e8ba Sebastien Bacher * pushed 23 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/jfKN [09:37] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master c3579ff Guido Günther data/ gnome-disk-image-mounter.desktop.in gnome-disk-image-writer.desktop.in org.gnome.DiskUtility.desktop.in * desktop-file: Add X-Purism-Form-Factor * https://deb.li/3Hnle [09:38] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 379ad15 Guido Günther data/org.gnome.DiskUtility.appdata.xml.in * metainfo: Add minimum screen size requirement and input recommendations * https://deb.li/VAgI [09:38] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 330a443 Anders Jonsson po/sv.po * Update Swedish translation * https://deb.li/3T2IA [09:38] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master 04255fe Guillaume Bernard po/fr.po * Update French translation * https://deb.li/3DTyx [09:38] gnome-disk-utility ubuntu/master b54d31b Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/B9cg [09:40] ah. the CLA check logs in anonymously, so it can't get your email addresses. It'd need to authenticate as an actual user [09:41] that makes sense [09:41] well it's easily solvable [09:42] presumably we could also check for public members of the Canonical github org [09:42] won't get everyone [10:26] jamesh the reason we don't is that we sometimes accept patches that don't require a CLA and the red mark allows us to ensure it wouldn't be a problem [10:56] seb128: the cheese 41 update looks interesting to me because it can improve webcam support (I don't have an affected webcam) [10:58] jbicha, hey, I checked the news description the other day and it would require a ffe, that's not bugfix only changes [10:59] ok, might be worth someone filing the ffe then :) [11:01] right [15:08] good morning desktopers [17:56] thanks for indaba! [19:35] you're welcome for the indaba :) [19:37] mutter tags 905391b Marco Trevisan upstream/40.5 * Upstream version 40.5 * https://deb.li/ikIEe [19:38] mutter upstream/40.x 4090e3c Marco Trevisan * pushed 21 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3kuSC [19:38] mutter upstream/40.x 46f8492 Robert Mader src/wayland/ meta-wayland-subsurface.c meta-wayland-surface.c * wayland/subsurface: Handle node unlinking on parent destroyed * https://deb.li/i7HXG [19:38] mutter upstream/40.x 3cbbfd0 Robert Mader src/compositor/meta-window-actor-wayland.c * window-actor/wayland: Remove subsurface actors on dispose * https://deb.li/4xkM [19:38] mutter upstream/40.x a308672 Robert Mader src/tests/ wayland-test-clients/meson.build wayland-unit-tests.c wayland-test-clients/subsurface-reparenting.c * tests/wayland: Test reattaching subsurface after parent was destroyed * https://deb.li/3jI1j [19:39] mutter upstream/40.x d09daa6 Goran Vidović po/hr.po * Update Croatian translation * https://deb.li/YDF4 [19:39] mutter upstream/40.x 17f0862 Balázs Úr po/hu.po * Update Hungarian translation * https://deb.li/3BvND [19:39] mutter pristine-tar d9e42e6 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) mutter_40.5.orig.tar.xz.delta mutter_40.5.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for mutter_40.5.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/0udx [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master e0c311f Marco Trevisan * pushed 39 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/sMK2 [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master d426993 Florian Müllner NEWS * Tag release 40.2 * https://deb.li/36DaC [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master b1bc047 Jonas Ådahl src/backends/native/meta-renderer-native.c * renderer/native: Clear pending update list before repopulating * https://deb.li/cfuN [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master 69f35b8 Florian Müllner NEWS meson.build * Bump version to 40.2.1 * https://deb.li/3G0Rx [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master 5351a49 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) (21 files in 12 dirs) * New upstream version 40.2 * https://deb.li/xMRg [19:41] mutter ubuntu/master ec7e992 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) (21 files in 12 dirs) * Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/40.2' * https://deb.li/3KDnl [19:41] mutter signed tags 818cc10 Marco Trevisan ubuntu/40.2.1-1ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 40.2.1-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/vxvx [19:52] mutter signed tags 7feb87c Marco Trevisan ubuntu/40.5-1ubuntu1 * mutter Debian release 40.5-1ubuntu1 * https://deb.li/870l [19:52] mutter ubuntu/master 59753f2 Marco Trevisan * pushed 103 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3oYCI [19:52] mutter ubuntu/master ea9375d Michel Dänzer src/backends/meta-screen-cast-monitor-stream-src.c * screen-cast/monitor-src: Use clutter_stage_paint_to_buffer * https://deb.li/3mw9c [19:53] mutter ubuntu/master 8de09c7 Michel Dänzer clutter/clutter/ clutter-mutter.h clutter-stage.c * clutter/stage: Remove clutter_stage_capture_into * https://deb.li/SYAj [19:53] mutter ubuntu/master 0861c97 Michel Dänzer src/backends/ meta-cursor-renderer.c meta-cursor-renderer.h * cursor-renderer: Remove meta_cursor_renderer_is_overlay_visible * https://deb.li/3zihR [19:53] mutter ubuntu/master 0a8e60f Jonas Ådahl src/backends/ meta-cursor-renderer.c meta-cursor-renderer.h * Revert "cursor-renderer: Remove meta_cursor_renderer_is_overlay_visible" * https://deb.li/3gsiD [19:53] mutter ubuntu/master 5526e36 Jonas Ådahl clutter/clutter/ clutter-mutter.h clutter-stage.c * Revert "clutter/stage: Remove clutter_stage_capture_into" * https://deb.li/iO7cz [20:35] gnome-shell tags b2a98ea Marco Trevisan upstream/40.5 * Upstream version 40.5 * https://deb.li/3Q561 [20:35] gnome-shell upstream/40.x 9433345 Marco Trevisan * pushed 17 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/1Y8d [20:35] gnome-shell upstream/40.x d4b5205 Jordi Mas po/ca.po * Update Catalan translation * https://deb.li/3BitV [20:36] gnome-shell upstream/40.x 17e9189 Daniel van Vugt js/ui/magnifier.js * magnifier: Avoid painting a desktop that's fully occluded by its clone * https://deb.li/ZiqC [20:36] gnome-shell upstream/40.x a0ae847 Daniel van Vugt js/ui/overview.js * overview: Add a 'closing' getter * https://deb.li/3LSwG [20:36] gnome-shell upstream/40.x e346062 Daniel van Vugt js/ui/workspace.js * workspace: Ignore new windows that appear while the overview is closing * https://deb.li/07oc [20:36] gnome-shell upstream/40.x bb95764 Daniel van Vugt js/ui/windowManager.js * windowManager: Allow animations to start if the overview is closing * https://deb.li/3MiWi [20:36] gnome-shell pristine-tar 6423ff6 Marco Trevisan (Treviño) gnome-shell_40.5.orig.tar.xz.delta gnome-shell_40.5.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell_40.5.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/iiYry [21:00] gnome-shell Marco Trevisan 268433 * commented merge request !50 * https://deb.li/3CGYF [22:03] ghex signed tags 4aae313 Jeremy Bicha upstream/3.41.0 * Upstream version 3.41.0 * https://deb.li/3yNMj [22:03] ghex upstream/latest f852011 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 52 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/5Knn [22:03] ghex upstream/latest 2a0e9b9 Jordi Mas po/ca.po * Update Catalan translation * https://deb.li/3XGf7 [22:03] ghex upstream/latest e288957 Yuri Chornoivan help/ LINGUAS uk/uk.po * Add Ukrainian translation * https://deb.li/JGs0 [22:03] ghex upstream/latest 5d34d99 Logan Rathbone src/gtkhex.c * gtkhex: fix cut, copy and paste behaviour * https://deb.li/3Gkr2 [22:04] ghex upstream/latest 414d3c3 Logan Rathbone meson.build * meson: required version is >= 0.50.0 * https://deb.li/3UTwi [22:04] ghex upstream/latest 90919ca Kalev Lember ghex.doap * doap: Add Logan as a maintainer * https://deb.li/itKYh [22:04] ghex pristine-tar 926ee32 Jeremy Bicha ghex_3.41.0.orig.tar.xz.delta ghex_3.41.0.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for ghex_3.41.0.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3aQ2 [22:12] rygel signed tags a0f9765 Jeremy Bicha upstream/0.40.2 * Upstream version 0.40.2 * https://deb.li/z6Sh [22:12] rygel upstream/latest 1726126 Jeremy Bicha * pushed 9 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/3h6lR [22:13] rygel upstream/latest a38eb6a Fran Dieguez po/gl.po * Update Galician translation * https://deb.li/HEH7 [22:13] rygel upstream/latest 86cb4ec Charles Monzat po/fr.po * Update French translation * https://deb.li/3SA5d [22:13] rygel upstream/latest 93bc9b1 Pawan Chitrakar po/ne.po * Update Nepali translation * https://deb.li/NzbF [22:13] rygel upstream/latest cd391d3 Yaron Shahrabani po/he.po * Update Hebrew translation * https://deb.li/ig6k1 [22:13] rygel upstream/latest 5f0dade Quentin PAGÈS po/oc.po * Update Occitan translation * https://deb.li/2zVj [22:13] rygel pristine-tar 7ae13da Jeremy Bicha rygel_0.40.2.orig.tar.xz.delta rygel_0.40.2.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for rygel_0.40.2.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/8agD