
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> @mitya57 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glibc/+bug/194446807:37
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> they are talking there about reverting the clone3 change for 21.1007:38
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> I guess that would not re-break QtWebengine things? The patch you applied seem to have an 'if' guard07:38
lubot_[telegram] <mitya57> I hope so. In any case we have autopkgtests which should signal if something goes wrong.08:04
lubot_[telegram] <RikMills> ok, thanks08:06
fvogt_vpsIs that actually the plan or is that just something requested by "victims"? Here our glibc maintainers are vehemently opposed to doing anything about this issue and if Ubuntu reverts this, it would be a good argument...08:50
RikMillsfvogt_vps: at the moment, it is only as for as the comments on that as far as I know. The commenters are core developers, but not the senior release/foundations-team people I would expect to see sign off such an change08:54
RikMills*as far as08:54
* RikMills needs more coffee before constructing sentences08:56
RikMillsfvogt_vps: if it becomes a firm plan, I will let you know08:57
fvogt_vpsRikMills: Here it's pretty much the same... Thanks! 09:03
-queuebot:#ubuntu-qt- Unapproved: qtbase-opensource-src (impish-proposed/universe) [5.15.2+dfsg-10 => 5.15.2+dfsg-12] (i386-whitelist, kubuntu, qt5) (sync)11:39

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