
sarnoldsarthor: a systemd timer could probably be made to do this; a crontab entry @reboot sleep 1200 ; shutdown -h now    ... maybe00:01
JanCthe 'at' command can be used to schedule stuff too00:06
gsker@search watchman Erdrich00:29
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lordievaderGood morning07:47
sarthorHi, added alias ab='ping yahoo.com' to ~/.bashrc, i tried to add tht ab in my rc.local, but now working, while i tested this command in terminal, working fine,  what should I do for this be functioning in rc.local, others entries in rc.local is working fine. HELP and Thanks in advance.12:05
arif-alisarthor: Have you tried to add your custom aliases/environments in /etc/profile.d/<some-file>.sh?12:11
sarthorarif-ali, bhai, I did not added anything there, 12:15
sarthorarif-ali, where I excute this command in terminal, working fine.12:16
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=== genii is now known as genii-core
superdadHi, does anyone know much about the ubuntu cloud images? I'm trying to figure out how to ipxe boot them on my own servers22:19
sarnoldhey superdad, one thing I noticed in the ramroot project...22:20
sarnoldif mount -t tmpfs -o size=${memtotal:-500M} tmpfs ${rootmnt} ; then22:21
sarnoldif i"m reading this right, it'll let the system use all the ram on that tmpfs. :/22:21
superdadhey! it's you again!22:22
superdadI'm still not sure that I need ramroot. It seems like I should be able to ipxe boot the cloud images?22:23
sarnoldI would hope so, yeah, but I don't actually know :/22:23
superdadI figured someone here must know about booting ubuntu , into ram on servers?23:06

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