
Unit193bluesabre: In case you didn't see, as promised xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin 2.6.0-1 is up, can sync after beta.00:53
DarkTrickbluesabre, yes: https://github.com/shimmerproject/Greybird/issues/300#issuecomment-91322955501:19
ubottuIssue 300 in shimmerproject/Greybird "Coloring of unfocussed windows makes text unreadable" [Open]01:19
bluesabreUnit193: thank you!01:27
bluesabreDarkTrick: thanks, will nudge ochosi or maybe peek myself this weekend01:28
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DarkTrickbluesabre, I think I got a solution05:27
DarkTrickochosi, FYI: ↑ 05:28
ochosiDarkTrick: i still don't see a PR or a finished solution though10:15
ochosinot to be rude, but i simply haven't had time to look into this myself at all10:15
ochosiso I'd need an end-to-end solution, not a "hunch" where the fix may have to be created10:16
DarkTrickochosi, sorry, I guess that came through the wrong way. I understood you to be very busy, so I got on it myself.10:46
DarkTrickochosi, I'm still smoothing the code out, but I will do a merge request with an end-to-end solution as soon as I'm done :)10:46
ochosithanks a bunch :)11:02
Unit193I don't mean to be rude, but if you're going to get that in impish, https://ubottu.com/y/ii it'll need to be pretty quick. :312:00
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=== genii is now known as genii-core
DarkTrickUnit193, I want to submit within the next 12 to 20 hours23:32

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