
daftykinshappy weekendings11:37
zxmpimerry saturdaying11:38
zxmpioh goodie, my new cdo keyboard arrived :-P https://i.redd.it/ms24xmnyhmp71.jpg13:36
penguin42oh weird13:54
penguin42odd punctuation placement as well13:55
zxmpiwell when you've changed every other keys placement it seems a shame not to move them13:56
penguin42I wonder if it started out as French layout13:57
zxmpithe accents on the number row suggest somewhere non english speaking13:58
penguin42but I think it's only the French who are mad enough to have shifted numbers13:59
m0nkey_zxmpi: what is that horror?18:11
zxmpisomeone posted it on reddit as an artwork18:12
m0nkey_daft question, but is there a release of ubuntu that doesn't have snap enabled by default?21:56
m0nkey_or should i embrace snaps and not worry about it?21:57
m0nkey_and can I move /home/$user/snap to something like /home/$user/.snap .. I like a clean home dir21:58
daftykinskubuntu doesn't have it, at least in 20.04 - no idea about newer21:58
m0nkey_that's kde, right? .. i'm not a fan if it is. i much prefer gnome.22:01
daftykinsblech then you're stuck with their sauce!22:01
daftykinsat least i am led to believe it relies on it, i just purge snapd when i see it22:01
m0nkey_i'll try it in a vm22:02
m0nkey_de-snapifying wasn't difficult22:37
m0nkey_nothing broke, which is good22:37
m0nkey_lol. but the store is gone, so there's that. 22:37
daftykinsthat's a plus22:37
m0nkey_it's a simple process, remove all snap packages, remove snapd and the gnome plugin.. put the snapd package on hold in apt, reboot and done.22:39

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