
klausfiendwhat kernel command line option should i use with the U20 installer to prevent it from trying to DHCP on all NICs?00:05
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Swift110-mobilehey all02:46
yukiuphi Swift110-mobile02:48
guivercklausfiend, your question was vague.. u20? no such release; Ubuntu Core 20? Ubuntu 20.04 LTS? etc..  even if 20.04 which ISO? as that dictates the installer (ubiquity, subiquity, calamares if flavor).. etc.  Ubuntu doesn't use a single installer (even though a number are di compatible for the most part)02:58
klausfiendguiverc: specifically the 20.04 LTS autoinstaller03:09
klausfiendthe new method doesn't use preseed any longer and it doesn't seem to respect the options i used to use with preseed to specify the boot NIC03:10
guivercubiquity? subiquity?  calamares?  you've not said if desktop, server, flavor etc. that define the installer used on ISO03:10
klausfiendah, sorry, subiquity03:11
klausfiendbut the problem isn't the installer per se03:11
klausfiendit's the initrd options03:11
klausfiendin this case it's the initrd that comes from the netinstall ISO03:11
dbungertI see some network options in the casper manpage, is that what you're already using klausfiend ?03:12
klausfiendsec, lemme get you the options i'm using03:12
klausfiendimgargs vmlinuz ip=dhcp ipv6.disable=1 interface=eth0 biosdevname=0 net.ifnames=0 root=/dev/ram0 ramdisk_size=1800000 url=http://installserver/images/ubuntu20/ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso ds=nocloud-net;s=http://installserver/cloud-init/ fsck.mode=skip ro autoinstall initrd=initrd03:14
klausfiendin our case we're setting the value for "interface" programmatically (so it's not always going to be eth0, hence part of the problem)03:14
dbungertif you controlled the network config from subiquity autoinstall, would that be too late?03:17
klausfiendyeah, the problem is that all of our hardware has multiple NICs, and a majority are connected via LACP trunks, so booting off the non-primary NIC has a high probability of failure03:19
klausfiend(not to mention our provisioning system keys devices to their primary MAC)03:19
dbungertcasper manpage sounds like it doesn't acknowledge an interface option, and instead that's part of the ip option.  though I don't know if it has the granularity to just do dhcp on one interface.03:20
xboxbmlok, i got ubuntu 21.04 loaded on my Air successfully.. finally.. now, my printer does not work with ubuntu. It does work with Mint..any ideas? it's a Canon MP56003:38
TJ-xboxbml: how is the printer connected? network or USB or something else?03:43
xboxbmlit works in macos and linux mint but not ubuntu..03:46
xboxbmli usb'd it and it comes up.. i usually have it usb'd to my windows desktop and all other machines print wireless to it..03:49
TJ-xboxbml: CUPS is used for printer connections, and nowadays expects devices to do IPP. Have you used the CUPS local web admin interface to search for the device?03:51
TJ-xboxbml: as in http://localhost:631/03:51
xboxbmlno i don't think so.. i'm very new to linux.. i did the add printer and it searches and cups comes up by default03:52
xboxbmli tried to send something to it and it says could not start the printer please check configuration03:55
TJ-CUPS is developed by Apple so it should behave very similarly across OSes even. Note however it relies on MulticastDNS for discovery (zeroconf/bonjeur) so firewall rules or network organisation can cause problems. E.g. the printer needs to be in the same Ethernet broadcast domain as the PC03:55
TJ-xboxbml: the PC has discovered the printer then?03:55
xboxbmlyeah this is my home network..03:56
xboxbmleverything on same subnet03:56
xboxbmlbut printer on wireless and this machine is wired03:57
xboxbmlmain wifi/router in basement and second one up here in office just acting like an AP03:57
xboxbmland switch03:57
xboxbmlTJ: well i discovered that somehow it wasn't connected on wifi.. i fixed that and it is pingable04:12
xboxbmlhowever, it still will not print04:12
TJ-xboxbml: well, that's progress! Not being connected is a major problem :D04:14
TJ-xboxbml: has CUPS discovered it on the network and added a driver for it?04:14
xboxbmlyeah i can't figure who did that or why it was like that..04:14
xboxbmlcrap, now my machine is hosed searching for printers04:15
TJ-if you've previously connected the printer via USB, then that 'printer' won't work and you'll need to add a 2nd 'printer' on the network connection04:16
xboxbmlyeahi know.. that's what i'm doing04:16
TJ-OK :)04:16
xboxbmli removed usb and connected it back to desktop04:16
xboxbmli think i gotta restart...brb04:17
loganleehello what is the offtopic channel's name?04:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:22
xboxbmlTJ: i'm back04:38
xboxbmlalso had to fix wifi issue on this air..04:38
xboxbmlso i can ping the printer by ip04:39
TJ-xboxbml: does CUPS discover the printer though?04:44
xboxbmlwell, i say add a printer and the big icon circles and it comes up with the MP560 and CUPS-BRF-Printer04:45
xboxbmlstill does same thing if i select the CUPS printer04:46
xboxbmlkinda ticking me off04:47
TJ-it discovers that info from the printer itself, via mDNS service discovery (this is IPP - Internet Printer Protocol) - it is possible the printer isn't providing the correct info - often the case it is incomplete or incorrect04:48
xboxbmli'm fortunate this printer still works with catalina.. not really sure how i got it to work04:48
xboxbmlbut it does work on mint04:48
TJ-e.g I have Samsung colour laser on network; it works with IPP brilliantly, even understands and uses IPv6! But, it doesn't listen on the IPv6 address to print!!04:49
TJ-(but advertises that it does listen on IPv6 via its mDNS-SD IPP records!)04:49
xboxbmli go into Additional Printer Settings..05:01
xboxbmlclick Add05:01
xboxbmlGeneric CUPS-BRF comes up along with Enter URI and Network Printer.. I expand network printer and I see the Canon MP560 at
TJ-xboxbml: I always use the CUPS admin not the desktop GUI tools which dumb everything down05:03
xboxbmlI click on it and it wants to search for drivers.. i go into canon and that model isn't there05:03
TJ-xboxbml: as I said earlier https://localhost:631/05:03
TJ-xboxbml: if the printer offers IPP it'll be listed as such so you get much more info, and choices05:04
xboxbmlok i see ipp.. selected it now what05:05
xboxbmlthere's a Enter device URI at the top05:05
TJ-if the printer was listed as a discovered network printer that should be filled automatically05:05
xboxbmlcrap.. wish i could copy/paste screenshots05:08
klausfienddbungert, guiverc, does the the new autoinstaller tooling use Casper for everything?05:09
klausfiendor rather, is casper the init process for the subiquity autoinstaller?05:10
dbungertinit process, to my understanding05:11
xboxbmlthis just sucks.. this printer...ugh05:12
dbungertonce you make it as far as subiquity, casper really isn't super relevant05:12
dbungertbut from your use case, klausfiend, I'm not sure the subiquity network stuff will help you if you have to get it sorted out before subiquity starts.05:13
klausfienddbungert: so i'm pretty well-read on preseed but this subiquity stuff is still pretty new to me, where does the actual bootstrap tooling get loaded from? cpio tells me the only thing in the U20 live ISO initrd is some kernel microcode05:16
dbungertI'm fuzzy on that part, I mostly know what goes on once subiquity takes over :)05:16
ponyhow can I add a launcher to the dashboard for an executable that lives at ~/.local/kitty.app/bin/kitty? It doesn't let me 'add to favourites'05:16
klausfienddbungert: bummer :-( thanks for your insights05:17
TJ-klausfiend: cpio is not good for reading initrd.img; you want unmkinitramfs -- that understands images that have microcode pre-prended05:18
klausfiendTJ-: oh yeah?05:18
klausfiendlemme try that05:18
TJ-klausfiend: that'll extract the actual code into a sub-dir ./main/05:19
klausfiendnothing to see, unfortunately:05:19
TJ-"unmkinitramfs /boot/initrd.img path/to/directory"05:19
klausfiendugh, sorry about that05:20
klausfiendlooks like i got muted05:20
klausfiendis there a better way to paste stuff here05:21
xboxbmli booted mint and got all the printer settings05:22
TJ-klausfiend: why do you need to paste it? we already know what the listing looks like05:23
klausfiendright, but i tried unmkinitramfs and it only found the microcode, same as cpio05:25
lotuspsychjexboxbml: did you try adding your canon tru gnome systemsettings?05:26
lotuspsychjexboxbml: some canons might need extra drivers too05:26
xboxbmlhave no idea how to do that05:26
xboxbmldidn't have to do that in mint05:27
lotuspsychjexboxbml: systemsettings/printers/add printer05:27
xboxbmlthat's what i've been doing05:27
lotuspsychjeand does it list?05:27
xboxbmlbut it wants to search for drivers and goes into the vendor list.. i select Canon but there is no MP560 in there05:28
ponyfound solution here nvm https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/binary/#desktop-integration-on-linux05:30
lotuspsychjexboxbml: few ppa's here; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=244251005:31
klausfiendugh, i see something in the squashfs image that leads me to believe the behavior i'm trying to modify is fixed05:34
TJ-klausfiend: where is this file you're aiming unmkinitramfs at?05:35
klausfiendTJ-: i did this: unmkinitramfs /mnt/storage/images/ubuntu20/initrd /tmp/u2005:37
klausfiendthis is what's in the casper squashfs, though: https://termbin.com/wb3fz05:38
TJ-klausfiend: right, what I meant was where is that initrd coming from? is it in an Ubuntu ISO image, or did you build it yourself?05:38
klausfiendTJ-: it's straight from the U20 netinstall ISO05:40
TJ-klausfiend: "U20" means nothing to me05:41
TJ-klausfiend: we have 20.04 and 20.1005:41
klausfiendsorry, 20.04 LTS05:41
klausfiendspecifically ubuntu-20.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso05:41
TJ-klausfiend: is it one of the point releases, e.g. 20.04.2 ? AHA05:41
klausfiendalthough the .2 live server ISO initrd wasn't any different in layout05:41
TJ-wow! releases.ubuntu.com lost its IPv6 addresses05:44
xboxbmlTJ: WONDERFUL!! Thanks so much!! It works!05:47
lotuspsychje!cookie | xboxbml05:47
ubottuxboxbml: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:47
lotuspsychje!cookie | TJ-05:47
ubottuTJ-: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:47
xboxbmloops sorry05:48
TJ-xboxbml: which 'it' fixed it?05:48
xboxbmllotuspsychje: That was meant for you!05:48
xboxbmlapt-cache search bjnp05:48
xboxbmlsudo apt-get install cups-backend-bjnp05:48
alkisg!cookie | lotuspsychje05:49
ubottulotuspsychje: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!05:49
lotuspsychjeoh lol05:49
lotuspsychje!info bjnp05:50
ubottuPackage bjnp does not exist in hirsute05:50
lotuspsychje!info cups-backend-bjnp05:51
ubottucups-backend-bjnp (2.0.3-1, hirsute): printer backend for Canon BJNP protocol. In component universe, is optional. Built by cups-bjnp. Size 27 kB / 77 kB05:51
KBarYou get a cookie and you get a cookie. Everyone gets a cookie! :')05:51
lotuspsychjemaybe they should add that package by default instead of optional05:51
xboxbmlit's late.. having hard time reading all these lines crunched together.. thanks all!05:52
lotuspsychjeenjoy xboxbml05:52
klausfiendTJ-: so, uh, it seems good ol' BOOTIF= might actually be all i need06:11
klausfienddbungert: ^^ sometimes the old ways are best?06:12
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klausfiendi feel a bit sheepish lol06:24
fedorafanah cool :)07:32
pycodehow can i upgrade from 20.04 to 21.04 ?07:34
pycodeshould i reinstall everything with a fresh installation ?07:34
pycodehmm no it is better to stay with 20.0407:35
pycodelong mantainance07:35
ioguepycode: yeah... 20.04 is lts07:38
pycodeiogue, so basically every two years there is a new LTS version right?07:39
ioguepycode: yes but a lts release is supported with security updates and bug fixes for five years07:43
pycodeok so 20.04 still has a long life07:43
ioguepycode: but if you don't require full stability and likes to have the latest distro updates, you can install a non-lst release like 21.0407:46
ioguepycode: and if you are have a adventurer spirit you can even try 20.10, but things can get a litle unstable if you don't mind07:48
pycodeiogue, no no it is a webserver that need to run for long time, i need a stable version with security updates07:49
pycodei am not so brave :D07:49
ioguepycode: :D07:50
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ioguepycode: You can read about how it works here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LTS07:53
onizuhow do you install fff file explorer on ubuntu?07:55
guiverciogue, you said 20.10 (typo?) but I think you meant 21.10/impish  (note: both 20.10 (EOL) & 21.10 (beta) are off-topic here for support, so considering support options is useful)07:56
iogueguiverc: yeahp... typo07:58
guiverconizu, there is no `fff` package on any supported release; providing details of what file-explorer you mean (a link) may help07:58
guiverchttps://www.tecmint.com/fff-fast-file-manager-for-linux/ maybe helpful, but sorry I've no experience with it08:00
guiverc(I'd likely just follow instructions from link you gave, ie. https://github.com/dylanaraps/fff#distros)08:01
onizuyea, i was wondering if there was a repo that allowed installation via apt-get in ubuntu08:04
viktor__does anyone know if there's a way to use serveral monitors with independant vitual desktops at the same time?08:04
pycodethank iogue08:05
ducasseonizu: search ppa.launchpad.net08:23
onizuducasse: ok08:24
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FrancimanHi all, I read online that ubuntu has support for miracast for screening on external device via WiFi10:35
Francimanis it corresponding to the truth?10:36
Francimanif so, where can I read the implementatation?10:36
ograFranciman, the ubuntu phone had miracast support ... buut thats moved to #ubports ... for the desktop there are tools like "mkchromecast" in the archive10:41
ogra(but that is chromecast, not miracast indeed)10:41
FrancimanI would be a sucker for a miracast implementation for linux10:41
ograthere are various projects trying to get miracast into gnome though ... none of them ar packaged yet10:42
ograhttps://github.com/albfan/miraclecast and https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-network-displays10:42
Francimanogra: yea, I tried both of them10:52
Francimanmiraclecast for now has just the connection setup10:52
Francimanthen you are responsible for how to share things10:53
Franciman(and I don't know how to do it lol)10:53
Francimanthe other one does not work10:53
FrancimanI hope they get better!10:53
AltFantasygot the resume initramfs error, help?11:59
AltFantasywhat in literal fuck12:10
BluesKajHi folks12:11
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crorafhttps://pasteboard.co/hi63KbnCzN5g.png what should i do now14:29
ioriacroraf, paste ' sudo apt update | nc termbin.com 9999'14:30
crorafhttps://termbin.com/vyf4 ioria14:31
crorafBelow the given link there is also more errors: W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: https://repo.skype.com/deb stable InRelease: The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 1F3045A5DF7587C3 Skype Linux Client Repository <se-um@microsoft.com>14:31
crorafW: Failed to fetch https://repo.skype.com/deb/dists/stable/InRelease  The following signatures were invalid: EXPKEYSIG 1F3045A5DF7587C3 Skype Linux Client Repository <se-um@microsoft.com>14:31
crorafW: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.14:32
ioriacroraf, well, i don't use those repos... but i'd say you have a wrong/outdated signature14:34
ioriacroraf, meaning, delete that and re-download a new key14:35
pikapikaIf theres a particular package that I suspect might be shafted from the next ubuntu version, what is the best approach to collecting all its file and turning it into a deb or an /opt install etc?14:35
crorafioria, seems like skype is the only thing that is doing the problem?14:40
ioriacroraf,  as far i can see now; sudo apt-key del 1F3045A5DF7587C314:41
laurusWhen I scan paper with my Brother DCP-L2550DW scanner using "Document Scanner" (simple-scan), the paper size is _slightly_ wrong. How can I fix this?14:41
ioriacroraf,  curl https://repo.skype.com/data/SKYPE-GPG-KEY | sudo apt-key add -14:42
ioriacroraf,  and sudo apt update14:42
crorafI've now closed skype and the warning went away14:42
crorafSkype client was giving me warning that I should close it and apply updates. Guess now it is ok.14:43
crorafOh, "sudo apt update" still gave me error, even though the error in UI is missing.14:44
crorafBut now after I did curl... apt-key add -, and sudo apt update it shows no error :)14:44
crorafthx ioria14:45
ioriaok, no prob14:45
iorialaurus, do you have a ~/.cache/simple-scan/state file ?14:51
laurusioria: Let me check.14:51
laurusYes. It doesn't mention paper size though.14:51
iorialaurus, move it from there (or delete) and restart simple-scan14:52
jsmoothI just downloaded Matrix screensaver as a JAR file. How do I install it so it is loaded?14:55
laurusioria: When I open a test scanned PDF in GIMP, it's 821 pixels by 1092, not 850 by 1100. The ratios are different: 0.7518315 vs 0.7727273.14:55
jsmoothI've installed JDK 17, but when testing java version it says 1115:01
pikapikaI think there's some command to switch the system java version isn't it15:02
oerheksdoes that matrix jar site give install instructions?15:02
pikapikalike multiple jdks live alongside15:02
ubottuTo just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.15:02
oerhekson that wiki it tells you how to select a java version15:03
laurusMaybe I should give up.15:03
laurusI can't seem to find how to set paper size in some kind of command-line interface15:04
laurusAnd Simple Scan seems to have no documentation of this15:04
oerhekslaurus, simplescan gui gives papersize, standard set to automatic15:07
oerheksso, use the gui?15:07
laurusoerheks: I set it to Letter. It doesn't fix this, this is "slightly off"15:07
laurusAs I mentioned, the resulting scans should be 8.5 x 11 but they're not, they're slightly a different ratio.15:07
laurusOr is it just that any scanner cannot fully scan to the margins of a page?15:08
oerheks8.5 x 11 inch is A4..15:09
laurusoerheks: No15:09
laurusA4 is 210 mm x 297 mm, which is about 8-1/4 in x 11-3/4 in.15:10
laurusLetter is 8.5 in x 11 in.15:10
laurusI think I'll just give up and try to not write close to the margins on pages15:17
iomari891greetings, my ssh login to my ubuntu server periodically clears the screen and shows the ssh login message? What is causing this?15:28
tomreyniomari891: what's the "ssh login message"? which client are you using? which ubuntu version is runnung on the server? are you connecting oiver internet?16:38
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Ronalds_Mazitis_can I get gnome to drag files from nautilus to apps on gnome dash apps18:16
Ronalds_Mazitis_or I can't because effects are disabled18:17
Mekaneckderek_: hi18:32
Mekaneckif you have a Ubuntu support question just ask, offtopic chit chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic18:33
derek_i recently installed ubuntu 20.04. on the live usb "try ubuntu" my bluetooth worked. I installed 20.04 onto my sata sdd and now the bluetooth settings say "no bluetooth found. plug in a dongle to use bluetooth" can someone point me towards an article or help me troubleshoot please?18:33
oerheksderek_, did you run full updates? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade #  and also typr 'driver' in dash and the additional driver tool comes up, any available?18:38
derek_ i recently installed ubuntu 20.04. on the live usb "try ubuntu" my bluetooth worked. I installed 20.04 onto my sata sdd and now the bluetooth settings say "no bluetooth found. plug in a dongle to use bluetooth" can someone point me towards an article or help me troubleshoot please?18:39
croraf_Is 5.11 the kernel used for 20.04.3 (that is latest LTS Ubuntu version)?18:39
jeremy31derek_: Might need to shutdown the machine and do a cold boot18:41
oerhekscroraf_, no, 5.4 https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux18:41
oerheksi think 5.11 comes with HWE18:41
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack18:41
croraf_oerheks, thanks. Should I install HWE?18:42
oerheksi would, for LTS.18:43
derek_is "modprobe btusb" starting a service for a bluetooth usb adapter? what if i have an internal adapter?18:43
derek_jeremy31, theres a bug report about this and it has me "rmmod btusb" and then modprobe btusb" should i restart after that?18:44
croraf_oerheks, I guess in a month or so 20.04.4 will come out, right? That should have higher kernel version?18:44
jeremy31derek_: If that didn't work, do a shutdown and cold boot18:44
oerhekscroraf_, yes, AFAIK  the one that impish is going to have, 5.13 ??18:45
oerheksnot sure on the same date...18:46
croraf_oerheks, thanks. I see, I see. I think it will come couple months later than Impish. As seen here: https://ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle18:49
oerheksafter serious testing, indeed, it is LTS.18:49
deliver_Halleluiare, Sires18:53
derek_jeremy31, i restarted and nothing18:53
derek_i recently installed ubuntu 20.04. on the live usb "try ubuntu" my bluetooth worked. I installed 20.04 onto my sata sdd and now the bluetooth settings say "no bluetooth found. plug in a dongle to use bluetooth" can someone point me towards an article or help me troubleshoot please?18:54
cbreakderek_: have you considered finding out what kind of bluetooth hardware you have?18:55
cbreakthere was someone that had the exact same problem here a few minutes ago18:55
derek_cbreak, https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0832MR4WB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=118:56
derek_cbreak, that is the hardware i have18:56
deliver_Did you have inxi and clipit? Tell me about yout bluetooth-connection18:56
derek_i could pare my bluetooth headset and listen to youtube videos18:57
derek_now "settings" says i dont have a bluetooth adaptor installed. i have not changed any hardware18:57
derek_thats a screenshot of my bluetooth settings18:59
cbreakand if you type `lsusb` on your terminal?18:59
cbreakdoes something Bluetooth related show up?19:00
oerheksderek_, did you run full updates? sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade #  and also typr 'driver' in dash and the additional driver tool comes up, any available?19:00
derek_i "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and i installed the nvidia 470 driver.....19:01
oerheksmind the 'full-upgrade'19:02
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.19:02
derek_ill do that right now. there is only one proprietary driver in "drivers" and thats for my graphics card19:02
oerheksoke, it seems that the bt chip  is not recognized, or it is a wifi/bt combo without the proper driver19:03
derek_0 packages install 0 upgraded on "full-upgrade19:03
derek_it is wifi/bt combo19:03
derek_but it worked in live install19:03
derek_so should i not, by default at least have the driver?19:04
oerheksrfkill list19:05
derek_derek@Dereks-Desktop:~$ rfkill list19:05
derek_0: phy0: Wireless LAN19:05
derek_Soft blocked: no19:05
derek_Hard blocked: no19:05
oerheksthen i have to guess; maybe backport-iwlwifi-dkms fixes the driver19:06
oerheks!info backport-iwlwifi-dkms19:06
ubottubackport-iwlwifi-dkms (8613-0ubuntu2, hirsute): iwlwifi driver backport in DKMS format. In component universe, is optional. Built by backport-iwlwifi-dkms. Size 1,569 kB / 10,062 kB19:06
cbreakon my system, the `btusb` driver takes care of the AX20019:06
oerheksinstall, and reboot builds the driver19:06
cbreakbut your thing is maybe something incompatible19:06
cbreakand it's not even listed in lsusb, which is weird19:06
cbreakderek_: is it listed in lshw?19:06
derek_how could it be incompatible if it worked in the live install?19:06
oerhekscbreak, yes, that is why i think of backport-iwlwifi-dkms19:07
cbreakoerheks: the amazon thing writes it's some AX200 thing19:07
cbreakbut it also writes it's an AX3000... so... who knows... :(19:07
oerhekslive iso has an older kernel, and iwdrivers i guess. they match19:08
cbreakon my system, the btusb.ko comes from `linux-modules-extra-5.11.0-36-generic`19:08
derek_there is one thing i did different19:09
cbreak(it's a 21.04)19:09
derek_i was using cat5 and had the wifi turned off when i was using bluetooth19:09
derek_would that make a difference? that would be stupid if i had to choose one or the other19:09
derek_is there a tutorial on installing that driver?19:10
cbreakdo you have linux-modules-extra-5.11.0-36-generic installed?19:10
cbreakit seems available for focal: https://packages.ubuntu.com/focal/kernel/linux-modules-extra-5.11.0-36-generic19:11
cbreakor some other linux-modules-extra?19:11
derek_ive installed very little beyon "istall 3rd party extras" ticked on installation19:11
derek_should i install that module?19:12
cbreakmaybe. I don't know if it'd help you.19:12
derek_"linux-modules-extra-5.11.0-36-generic is already the newest version (5.11.0-36.40~20.04.1).19:12
cbreakso you should have thekernel module that handles the bluetooth ax200 I have19:12
cbreaklshw | grep AX200 # does this list anything?19:14
cbreakor with AX300?19:15
cbreakif it shows something, then maybe the full output of lshw in a pastebin can give someone enough hints to help you.19:16
derek_nothing for either19:16
derek_shouldnt the ax200 show up in the proprietary drivers list?19:17
cbreakanything "UNCLAIMED" in lshw?19:17
cbreakmy ax200 uses btusb, it's not a proprietary driver19:17
oerheksor maybe a FN + bt key, on your keyboard19:18
derek_its a desktop computer.19:19
derek_no bluetooth "switch" on keyboard19:19
deliver_Take freespire and your https://itectec.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-intel-ax200-wifi-card-not-found-on-ubuntu-20-04/ grafkcard is working19:20
cbreaklooks like the AX200 thing is recognized as WLAN19:20
derek_im speaking with you via wifi now19:21
derek_using this card.19:21
derek_but 0 bluetooth functionality19:21
derek_is ax3000 the bluetooth ?19:23
cbreakthat's what the crappy amazon listing might indicate19:23
deliver_sudo apt install backport-iwlwifi-dkms19:24
derek_i found this19:25
derek_and it has these19:25
deliver_Pls be sure to get backports in your source.list19:25
derek_but how do i install them?19:25
derek_deliver : its been a bit is that still /etc/fstab/srouces.list ?19:25
oerheksdeliver_, no, backports are not needed for this.19:26
oerheksjust that package19:26
derek_Error!  The /var/lib/dkms/backport-iwlwifi/8324/5.11.0-36-generic/x86_64/dkms.conf for module backport-iwlwifi includes a BUILD_EXCLUSIVE directive which19:27
derek_does not match this kernel/arch.  This indicates that it should not be built.19:27
derek_oerheks, how do i install the drivers in the link i provided?19:27
oerheksnot sure, i do not trust pcloud19:28
deliver_https://backports.debian.org/Instructions/ sry for this: deb http://deb.debian.org/debian buster-backports main19:28
oerheksweird, do you have an ancient CPU?19:28
derek_i have an I5 9600 3.7ghx 6 core 64bit19:29
athena3615#join ubuntu-fr19:29
derek_oerheks, manufacture date is 2019 i bought it in february of 202019:30
jeremy31The problem is that the bluetooth isn't found at all, not even in lsusb19:32
derek_jeremy31, yeah... thats the problem. yet the wifi part of the card is working better than it ever has. i never got 28 mbps on windows ten19:33
derek_jeremy31, how do i rectify the problem?19:33
jeremy31derek_: I am not sure, may have to reset BIOS to defaults19:34
derek_jeremy31, why would bios have anything to do with this problem?19:35
deliver_emmabuntu in nigeria: what do you think about it: https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=emmabuntus19:36
jeremy31derek_: I am not sure but it might be enough to reveal that bluetooth device19:36
derek_jeremy31, this bluetooth device isan add on card. bios is only pertaining to the motherboard.19:36
jeremy31derek_: Part of the Intell wifi card?19:37
derek_jeremy31, its not an intel wifi card19:39
jeremy31derek_: Your paste shows a wifi card using the iwlwifi module, it is Intel19:41
oerheksax200 is indeed intel19:43
derek_jeremy31, ok.... it has the intel chipset...... it is not integral to the motherboard and therefor i dont understand how resetting my bios would help anything19:43
jeremy31derek_: Sometimes devices don't work on an install that worked during the install, sometimes the BIOS reset can fix.  Unless you have too many devices on USB and it caused some power issue19:44
=== mozambique_littl is now known as makumba
deliver_You didn`t https://distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=emmabuntus.19:45
oerheksderek do the same as in live mode; cable and wifi off..19:46
oerheksdistrowatch is useless, btw19:46
deliver_I hhave fresoire19:47
deliver_freespre, sry for that19:47
oerheksnot in this support channel, thanks.19:47
deliver_I have bluetooth19:47
jeremy31deliver_: try ircs://irc.libera.chat/#ubuntu-offtopic19:48
deliver_thx a lot sir, oerheks and jeremy3119:49
=== mozambique_littl is now known as makumba
makumbahow are you guys19:50
derek_im back19:52
derek_what is the terminal command to open "Files"19:52
Mekaneckderek_: for simple questions please try to search first on the web before asking19:55
derek_i need to open the folder "firmware" with super user priveleges19:55
derek_Mekaneck, i did..... there are several file managers and i dont know which one i have because its just called "Files" on my windows manager19:56
delivertake caja or xfe19:57
jeremy31derek_: /lib/firmware/intel/?19:57
derek_theres a TON of iwl drivers in the firmware folder....19:57
derek_i think that the "live" version of 20.04 has the older driver which worked.19:58
deliveryouu can altought thunar19:58
jeremy31derek_: All for wifi, the bluetooth stuff is in /lib/firmware/intel19:58
derek_i think i have the older driver in my downloads directory19:58
jeremy31which driver?19:58
oerheksthat backport-iwlwifi-dkms refused to build, interesting.19:59
tomreynderek_: nautilus admin:///lib/firmware/   - but make sure you know what you're doing is safe.19:59
jeremy31derek_: you cannot switch drivers between kernels19:59
derek_tomreyn, i have no idea if its safe, but i also dont feel like i have an alternative20:00
tomreynderek_: i haven't followed the previous chat, so can't comment. i assume others have.20:00
jeremy31derek_: None of those answers were flagged as a solution or even got 1 upvote, I would ignore them20:01
jeremy31derek_: post URL from terminal for>  dmesg | egrep -i 'blue|firm' | nc termbin.com 999920:02
derek_tomreyn, yes some have worked with me, i am super grateful, but a solution was not found. the problem is that my wifi/bluetooth combo card worked great on the "live usb" but after install i only have wifi and no bluetooth20:02
derek_jeremy31, why?20:03
jeremy31derek_: It will reveal any problems with firmware loading for bluetooth or wifi20:04
derek_it revealed nothing20:04
derek_there is no issue with wifi20:04
deliverhttps://askubuntu.com/questions/1272481/intel-ax200-wifi-works-but-bluetooth-doesnt tja20:04
derek_deliver, theres no solution there20:06
deliverWhy is it working, but for you not20:06
tomreynderek_: if anyone can help with wireless, it's jeremy, you'r ein good hands.20:06
jeremy31derek_: URL for>  dmesg | grep 8087 | nc termbin.com20:07
derek_deliver, further down that post it says even bigger problems arose from installing those drivers. and i dont even know how to install those drivers...20:07
derek_jeremy31, i did that.20:07
jeremy31backport-iwlwifi-dkms is for wifi only, btusb and btintel are for the bluetooth20:08
derek_and it returned a url... because my wifi is working..... but we knew that because im talking to you... via wifi20:08
jeremy31derek_: post the URL for the last command20:08
deliverI don*t know about your knowledge, I go with same of some historical netscape-developers20:10
jeremy31derek_: that wasn't from dmesg20:10
derek_ill give you a screen shot20:11
oerhekslols meanwhile bitcoin mining..20:13
jeremy31Messing with wifi and/or bluetooth drivers is not going to help when it is not being discovered for whatever reason20:14
derek_is there a way to force it to "look again" ?20:14
jeremy31derek_: I think there is a way to force a rescan on USB but it isn't likely to help as USB can be hotplugged20:15
derek_this is in a pcie 1x slot20:16
jeremy31derek_: for a long time bluetooth devices piggybacked on wifi cards use the USB bus, the only exception I know of on PCI(e) is Mediatek20:16
derek_oh shit.... it does actually go to a usb header on the motherboard20:17
derek_you are absolutely right.20:17
jeremy31I only use laptops, the USB part is inside the chipset20:17
derek_so buntu would see it as a usb plugged device20:18
oerhekslsusb would show20:19
derek_problem found!20:19
jeremy31On laptops, the cards just slip into a slot and antennas get connected, nothing else and bluetooth shows in lsusb20:19
derek_brb to show you20:20
deliverThe third world, greets you20:20
derek_thank you guys so much20:23
jeremy31One of the pictures on the amazon page shows Note: A power cable needs to be connected to the motherboard 9 pin interface, missed that20:23
derek_this time it was my own idiocy20:23
diniwedlooking at Win10 partition folder Windows/Fonts and all the font files have a padlock next to them in Nautilus... trying to copy them over to ubuntu gives me an 'Input/output error'20:23
jeremy31derek_: check lsusb now, you should have another device with ID 8087:????  I have no idea what might be in place of ????20:24
derek_jeremy31, sooo20:24
derek_when you brought up that it plugs into the usb bus i remembered....... while installing buntu i took the side panel off to clean a filty with a small paint brush.....20:25
jeremy31derek_: I have no idea why a desktop needs that cable when a laptop doesn't.20:25
jeremy31Unless it has something to do with the number of pins on the motherboard slot20:26
derek_i must've gave that jumper a little tug with the paint brush!20:27
derek_its back in an working fantastic20:27
jeremy31Good, a fairly simple solution for once20:28
derek_jeremy31, also for your viewing pleasure https://pasteboard.co/X4A1q2FceE9L.jpg20:28
derek_thank you guys so much!20:28
derek_"you're connected. Battery FULL"20:29
oerheksgood spot20:29
morganuand hello again. 20.04 update appears in background and completely steals the cursor. I rebooted before I thought of it. So immediately I went to update mgr and it said, Nope, you are up to date. Then Crome started and the Update Manager interrupted me.  What is wrong with this OS?20:33
cbreaknice :) hardware problem... :(20:35
morganucbreak, talking to me or another?20:36
cbreaksomeone else.20:36
jeremy31morganu: open a terminal and do>  sudo apt update20:37
morganudid update and upgrade and ... (waiting for it to finish), done can I automate this? [I had already answered YES to doit  now?.]20:40
dung3onm4st3r13Ikelis, what is your quest?20:44
AfdalAnyone have any idea what might be wrong with this apt-get update ouput here?  https://termbin.com/lmgk20:44
AfdalIt's not merely corrupted sources lists; I've already tried deleting everything in /var/lib/apt/lists/ and that doesn't help20:46
cbreakxenial? Isn't that, like, prehistoric?20:46
AfdalYeah, yeah... I know it's EOL.  I just need this apt problem resolved and then I'm doing a release upgrade.20:46
leftyfbAfdal: remove all of the repo's mentioned at the bottom20:46
cbreakI wouldn't be surprised if the servers for that thing have been shut down, or at least the no longer needed stuff deleted20:47
AfdalThis just started occurring out of the blue yesterday and I can't figure out what the problem is.20:47
leftyfbadduc: getdeb, riot, packagecloud, winehq, etc20:47
tomreyngetdeb has been non-existing for some 3 or 4 years, i think20:47
leftyfbAfdal: xenial is no longer supported, which means most repo's will be removing support for it20:47
morganujeremy31, I have constantly had problems since I installed 20.04 and had to reboot.20:48
AfdalIs there an easy way to save repo lists so I can re-add them again once I've released upgraded?20:48
morganuand thanks for this fix.20:48
leftyfbAfdal: you are better off only adding repo's you know you need after the fact20:48
tomreynrename the .list file to .save20:49
leftyfbAfdal: don't just "port" over everything20:49
tomreynbut yes, for release upgrades you really should remove all ppas and packages / (updated) package versions installed from them, gettign back to a pure ubuntu system20:50
cbreakdoes it even make sense to upgrade a xenial machine?20:50
cbreakmaybe reinstalling 20.04 fresh is better20:50
cbreakmaybe not. :/20:50
AfdalIt does for me, because *buntu installers tend to lock up when attempting to install on this hardware20:50
Afdalfor some other reasons I won't go into20:51
tomreynthere are three different installers which should be usablenone of them works?20:51
AfdalI don't remember, it's been a while since I last tried20:52
leftyfbabout 5 years20:52
tomreynprobably :)20:52
leftyfbAfdal: from just the looks of your repo's, I would highly recommend a fresh install of 20.04 or wait till April and go with 22.0420:53
AfdalLook that's not an option for me :(20:53
cbreakwonder if the distupgrade stuff for 18.04 even still exists20:54
Afdallol, really?20:54
cbreakno idea. I'm just wondering.20:54
leftyfbAfdal: it's going to take you a lot longer to upgrade the mess you have there now, if it'll even work when you're done, then it will to just install from scratch20:55
AfdalYes but at least that's doable20:56
AfdalWhereas installing from scratch is not20:56
leftyfbAfdal: why not?20:56
EriC^^Afdal: why does it lock up?20:56
Afdalomg -_-20:56
cbreakI've installed ubuntu without it locking up20:56
AfdalI have a cryptic motherboard problem relating to monitor output that basically causes my system to freeze in various scenarios20:57
cbreakthat sounds annoying.20:57
AfdalThey usually have to do with unplugging or sending an off signal to an active monitor20:57
Afdalbut most Linux installers also make it happen even after I take steps to disable power control20:57
cbreakwonder if that problem also manifests itself with a dedicated GPU20:58
AfdalI do have a dedicated GPU20:58
cbreakor with an ubuntu server installer without X20:58
AfdalBut it's not the GPU20:58
AfdalThis was a problem with a previous GPU as well20:58
AfdalI've pretty much replaced every part in this system now and the motherboard is the last possible culprit20:58
cbreakthe server installers can install ubuntu server, which can later be upgraded to something similar to ubuntu desktop20:58
cbreakmaybe it's your monitors? :/20:59
tomreyndebootstrap would also work, there it's certainly to you to handle signalling.20:59
AfdalCan a monitor even send a signal back in the other direction?21:00
cbreakmy systems recognize when screens are turned on.21:00
AfdalWell I've got DVI/VGA and this happens on both formats21:01
AfdalI don't think VGA can send anything in the other direction...21:01
AfdalAnyway, I just wanna get this apt problem resolved21:02
tomreyndisable the apt sources which are reported in lines starting "E:"21:04
AfdalWoo, that worked \:O/21:06
AfdalThanks a bunch21:06
tomreynyour main problem remains unsolved, though.21:06
AfdalSeems weird to me that dead repositories can cause the entire apt system to breakdown21:06
Afdalinstead of simply being ignored21:06
tomreynare running an EOL system, that's the definition of broken21:07
Afdalthat old getdeb.net repo was probably the problem21:07
Afdallol, I'll accept that :321:07
AfdalGonna do a release upgrade later21:07
ThinkT510you should have done that ages ago when it was supported21:08
AfdalYes well, as I mentioned about my hardware problem21:08
AfdalI was afraid of doing a release upgrade without the ability to install other OSs21:08
Afdalin case something went wrong21:08
AfdalI recently finally got a different distro installer to work today, which changes everything21:09
AfdalHmm should I click the big "Upgrade..." button on the Software Updater GUI or is it smarter to do this in terminal21:10
ThinkT510the first smart step is a backup21:10
AfdalMost of my files are on a separate drive/partition21:11
Afdaland I rsync them regularly21:11
AfdalI should probably save my home folder config files though21:11
AfdalActually the most annoying part about release upgrade/distro changes for me are the changes I sometimes need to make outside /home/21:12
Afdalthat I don't write down on a list and can't remember21:12
leftyfbAfdal: look into ansible21:12
Afdalsuch as editing sshd_config and what not21:12
ThinkT510maybe make a list this time21:12
AfdalWhat about ansible?21:13
AfdalIs there something handy it can do with configuration management?21:13
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
AfdalMaybe I should finally separate my /home/ folder into its own partition.21:22
AfdalAlways been a little unsure if there are cons to this when using an SSD though.  I think making lots of separate partitions makes it more difficult for an SSD to handle garbage management and thus reduce its lifespan21:23
cbreakAfdal: not really21:24
cbreakif you want to not reduce the lifespan of an ssd, don't fill it too much, and use TRIM21:25
cbreakI have a separate dataset for each user21:25
cbreakand separate datasets for various parts of the system21:25
AfdalDo you use logical volumes on your SSD?21:25
cbreakno, I use zfs21:25
cbreakthere are GPT partitions too of course, two of which are for zfs pools21:26
Afdaldoes that have its own high level partition system analogous to olgical volumes21:26
cbreakif you don't use zfs, you'd use normal partitions21:26
cbreakzfs allows "thin provisioned" partitions, called datasets21:26
cbreakthey're not really partitions, but are in some ways similar21:26
gneeriiloeepdeerhow com I have to run sudo for htop to work? If I run it as regular user all I get are zeros for CPU and MEM usage21:40
AfdalI not only don't need to run sudo to run htop, but I can kill processes with it without sudo.  Unlike other commands like pkill.  I've always found that a bit odd...21:43
oerheksgneeriiloeepdeer, not here, works fine without the use of sudo21:43
oerheksmust be mint or something..21:43
gneeriiloeepdeerno, I dont have mint21:43
oerheksubuntu in a VM ?21:44
gneeriiloeepdeerno, no VM either21:44
gneeriiloeepdeerplain ubuntu21:44
gneeriiloeepdeerhtop is already the newest version (3.0.5-6).21:44
oerheksall i find is the mac os issue https://superuser.com/questions/338749/htop-isnt-returning-cpu-or-memory-usage21:45
gneeriiloeepdeerno mac21:45
oerhekswhat CPU do you have?21:46
oerheksi have no clue why it should not access cpu/mem usage21:46
gneeriiloeepdeerIntel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U21:48
oerheksno funny ryzen .. oke, maybe you can post this on askubuntu too, with screenshots to show the diff?21:49
gneeriiloeepdeeroerheks, are you talking to me?21:49
oerheksgneeriiloeepdeer, yes21:50
gneeriiloeepdeerI just learned that ryzen is a brand...21:51
oerheksamd ryzen, a pretty neat processor gaining market.21:52
gneeriiloeepdeercrap, now I have to log a bug...21:53
Sven_vBhi :) I have some devices that interfere with my bluetooth audio when they're active, and I'd like to detect them to log dates and timespans when the interferences are present. I could imagine setting up a bluetooth audio sender/receiver pair, transmit DTMF and detect the anomalies. might there be an easier way? could my USB BT antenna maybe monitor interference passively?22:36
Sven_vB(and if it could, what software would I use on focal to ask it?)22:37
oerhekssome devices?22:42
oerheksmicrowaves? cellphones?22:42
Sven_vBnot sure, it's behind my neighbor's wall22:44
Sven_vBor at least I suspect it's coming from there. having a time pattern might help identify i22:45
oerheksmicrowave/waterheater probably22:46
Sven_vByeah could be22:46
Sven_vBdepending on how raw the antennae report it, maybe I could even triangulate the signal22:47
oerheksjournalctl -r -u bluetooth22:47
oerheksjournalctl -r -u bluetooth > /someplace.txt for logging22:48
Sven_vB"sudo journalctl --reverse --unit bluetooth.service" only has entries for my BT headset connecting and disconnecting. latest entry is from 3 hours ago when I put it on.22:50
Sven_vBthe latest anomaly was less than an hour ago22:50

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