[02:53] good morning [05:26] Heya [06:11] good morning === Droid is now known as Mekaneck [08:34] good morning all [08:43] Hi. How you doing? [08:49] Hi guys, https://pastebin.com/TtJSt6Up why is Row 8 missing here? [08:54] Doesn't "get" in this case mean downloaded/fetched files? If row 8 is missing, that might simply mean the files weren't downloaded. [08:54] I'm most likely wrong, though. [08:58] croraf_ maybe take a loot at the `sources.list` file? [09:03] But there is also Hit and Ign rows [09:04] If the files were not downloaded, it might have Hit, or if not checked at all I guess Ign., KBar [09:37] A_Dragon: i have my though on the matter and how thing are being dealth with [09:37] though/thoughts [09:38] Ive been following them around for a bit trying to decide if they're actually a bit [09:38] s/it/ot [09:39] as for walking into channels that arent mine (but have given staff permissions), I'd rather wait some extra time to see if ops are about, rather than just using what isnt.... really mine? to solve things [09:40] imho, the Ops of the ubuntu channels and the staff should take action more faster instead of waiting and see what happens. We have have troll in #ubuntu-offtopic who asks the same annoying questions all over again when he's online, he even evaded a ban in #linux-offtopic and nothing is done about it. [09:40] We should be the ones putting every annoying troll on the ignore list [09:41] should/shouldn't [09:41] well that *specifically* is a thing for the ubuntu channel ops, if they believe theres a ban evasion issue they can poke me [09:41] but Im not here to tell them how to run their channels [09:41] speaking of ban evasion [09:42] well... they don't do a thing. That's the problem. I believe the Op team needs to be refreshed with people who are capable to deal with things faster. [09:43] I know how it is to be a Op because i've been one myself [10:01] Mekaneck: you'll want to contact the ubuntu team about that [10:04] already asked a Op i know, awaiting a answer [11:44] Hey. [17:54] just found out this news lol https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2021/09/ubuntu-makes-firefox-snap-default [17:59] one more nail in the coffin [17:59] lol TJ- [17:59] you get the support for it :p [17:59] snap is gonna be default in the future anyway [18:00] I've moved almost all our infra-structures to Debian now; only a couple of Ubuntu installs remaining [18:00] ^ same [18:00] \o/ [18:00] good ol debian stable vanilla setups : ) [18:01] doesn't even need to be debian stable [18:01] We build our own kernel; our own systemd, and a few others [18:01] nice [18:02] even all our routers/switches are Debian [18:03] sweet [18:04] "Ubuntu? I'm going to learn.... Ubuntu?" [18:04] Matrix 4: "Debian? I'm going to learn... Debian?"