
zurnHi, I'm wondering if someone can give me some guidance: in trying to troubleshoot my recording interface in Ubuntu Studio Controls, I've rendered JACK completely inoperable. It simply won't start no matter what master device I set it to.19:35
zurnI'm hoping someone can walk me through how to repair JACK, and then maybe give me some pointers on how I can get my interface to work with it again (it worked great once upon19:35
zurna time, but after upgrading to 20.04.3 LTS there's been some bugs, and now it doesn't seem to work at all). But any pointers would be most appreciated!19:35
zurnTried reinstalling ubuntu studio controls, didn't fix anything20:14
zurnwill try reinstalling Ubuntu Studio, see what happens20:41
zurnJust letting everyone know that a reinstall of Ubuntu Studio 20.04.3 fixed my interface issue... I suspect there will be more trouble down the road (it seems to have become quite tempermental as to how exactly it's plugged in and configured), hoping things will hold together for now though21:41

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