=== Droid is now known as Mekaneck [08:04] `apt list --upgradable` lists 11 packages can be upgraded but `update-manager` is sure that 'The software on this computer is up to date'. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? [08:58] did you ran `apt update` before? [09:01] Not this time. This issue has been on for a while but, yes, I have ran `apt update` in previous instances. [09:06] then I really have no idea how that discrepancy can happen [09:17] KBar: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade [09:18] Exterminador could that potentially be a bug? [10:16] Ciao ,dopo molto tempo che non utilizzavo il mio account ho dimenticato la password...come faccio a resettarla? grazie