
DarkTrick@dc_coder_84's suggestion: I plan on migrating HexChat to Gtk3. Though, it might take a couple of months, since I'm a little busy making a living, atm.05:50
DarkTrick**Q**: what is this "sponsoring" that unit and bluesabr_e talked about?05:51
ubottuIssue 2047 in hexchat/hexchat "Port to gtk3" [Open]05:53
DarkTrickUnit193, thank you for the reference! I'll contact the dev directly.10:09
Unit193DarkTrick: I guess feel free to, but I sort of read his last comment as "It's not going to happen"12:57
DarkTrickyeh, me too actually. I just hope for the best12:57
Unit193Also re sponsoring: Sean was updating the packaging of catfish and menulibre in Debian, but can't directly upload them.  I'm a Debian Developer, so I uploaded the packages on his behalf.12:58
Unit193!info menulibre unstable12:58
ubottumenulibre (2.2.2-1, unstable): advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor. In component main, is optional. Built by menulibre. Size 168 kB / 1,584 kB12:58
Unit193!info menulibre impish12:58
ubottumenulibre (2.2.1-1, impish): advanced FreeDesktop.org compliant menu editor. In component universe, is optional. Built by menulibre. Size 145 kB / 1,469 kB12:58
bluesabreI need to push another package update for menulibre, found a bug and tagged another release yesterday… but that will be later :)13:03
Unit193bluesabre, ochosi: Curious, can you think of panel/thunar plugins that can be dropped from the archive?14:21
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