
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
solderfumesHello Launchpad Admins! I'm getting certificate errors when trying to connect to https://ppa.launchpad.org10:31
solderfumesThe certificate that is served is valid for private-ppa.launchpad.net10:31
solderfumes^ it's https://ppa.launchpad.net10:31
cjwatsonsolderfumes: ppa.launchpad.net only supports HTTP.  The fact that it responds at all on HTTPS is a coincidence.10:54
cjwatsonsolderfumes: We'd like to support HTTPS for public PPAs on general principles (and there's a bug report for that), but in order to do that without risking the integrity of launchpad.net session cookies we need to first move it to some other hostname.10:54
solderfumeshmmm, then I have mistaken the cause of the error10:55
cjwatsonThe error is in attempting to use https://ppa.launchpad.net at all :-)10:56
solderfumesI have SSL issues adding a ppa using `add-apt-repository`, 10:56
cjwatson(as opposed to http://ppa.launchpad.net)10:56
cjwatsonadd-apt-repository doesn't normally attempt to use https://ppa.launchpad.net, because if it did it would break for everybody ...10:57
cjwatsonAre you sure you don't have some local modifications to add-apt-repository, or something else you're doing afterwards?10:57
solderfumesof course, in that case the error is not related to https://ppa.launchpad.net10:57
cjwatsonPerhaps you could step back and show a transcript of the error you started from?10:58
cjwatson(and what commands you entered to provoke it)10:58
solderfumeswhat's a good place to drop blocks of text these days?11:00
solderfumesadding a ppa:11:01
cjwatsonpaste.ubuntu.com is often used around here, but whatever11:01
solderfumesTrying to get the anbox snap also has me issues? https://hastebin.com/ocajomomep.sh11:02
cjwatsonSo the TLS issue here is going to be on api.launchpad.net11:02
cjwatsonBut it looks like your system has problems with the Let's Encrypt cert chain11:02
solderfumesoohhh wait, part of the Let'sEncrypt chain just expired11:02
cjwatsonOr are you missing a root cert?11:03
solderfumesMy `ca-certificates` is up to date, so I'm wondering what's wrong11:04
cjwatsonTry 'dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates' and make sure you have the relevant roots11:04
cjwatsonISRG Root X111:04
solderfumesAll right, that fixed it. I don't remember editing any of the root certs.11:06
cjwatsonEspecially if you have "Trust new certificates from certificate authorities?" set to something other than the default of yes11:06
cjwatsonIt's possible you told your system at some point in the past not to trust new CA certificates until manually confirmed, and so it didn't add newish ones like ISRG Root X111:06
cjwatson(newish = 2015, but still)11:07
solderfumesI greatly appreciate the help, even though this was definitely user error, and not a launchpad issue. I didn't even know ca-certificates had an interactive configuration screen, let alone remember setting it not to trust the new roots.11:09
cjwatsonNo problem - it's the sort of thing that's moderately obvious once you know about it but completely opaque if you don't11:14
cjwatsonA bit like C++ compilers.  You made a one-character mistake, here, have a 500-line error message11:14
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
diddledanicjwatson: I'm not sure I understand the reasoning there about exposing session cookies to ppa.launchpad.net being bad - there's no user-submitted code execution on that url so it doesn't matter that the session cookie is shared, IMO15:07
diddledanibut if it is still considered bad then we can rewrite the cookies to have a specific hostname instead of a wildcard and create a cookie for each subdomain that needs it on login (all set at once still like it currently works just with namespaces)15:09
cjwatsondiddledani: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/147309115:10
cjwatsonYou might think there's no user-submitted code execution, and it might be true, but it's difficult to prove15:11
cjwatsonAnd using a specific hostname doesn't work because of LP's vhosts15:11
cjwatsonWe have gone round and round on this quite a few times, it's not clear we need to go round again15:12
diddledaniwell, what avenues are there for submitting serverside code or browser javascript to that url?15:12
cjwatsonUsers can put arbitrary files on ppa.launchpad.net via custom uploads, and all it would take would be a bug in the HTTP header setup for it to end up being executable by browsers15:13
diddledaniabout the specific hostname cookie I meant set multiple cookies at once, one per subdomain that should have access to the session - i.e. not wildcard15:17
diddledaniI see the issue you linked is 6 years old already.. if I put effort into it, what needs doing to get this over the line?15:25
cjwatsonFirstly, we still need to send a launchpad.net cookie, and AIUI some versions of some browsers aren't as strict as you might hope about host-only cookies.  Secondly, an attacker with control of a page on a subdomain can set cookies for the domain, so somebody with control of a browser-executed page on ppa.launchpad.net could set cookies for launchpad.net, resulting in various possible attacks.15:26
diddledaniok, I see your reasoning. what can I do to help?15:27
cjwatsonI'm not sure whether there's much that somebody outside Canonical can do to make progress on that bug right now.  We need to get a suitable domain and start switching over to it.  At some point it may be helpful for people to work on the long tail of things that refer to ppa.launchpad.net once an alternative exists.15:27
diddledanithe fact that it has laid dormant for 6 years though suggests that nobody in canonical wants to fix it.15:28
cjwatsonBad inference15:28
diddledaniyes, but that is still the inference15:28
cjwatsonwgrant and I talked about it a couple of years ago and agreed to go for ppa.launchpadcontent.net (I think - unfortunately I don't seem to have written the agreement down anywhere) - it's just not quite made it to the top of to-do lists15:29
cjwatsonFor the record I'm basically not going to engage with "this is old so you obviously don't care" types of arguments because if I did I'd never get anything done15:30
diddledaniI didn't say you don't care, I said you have no motivation to fix it - being not at the top of a todo list counts as no motivation because the todo list isn't motivating you because it's not at the top15:31
cjwatsonThis isn't going anywhere15:32
diddledaniI'm not moaning, I really do want to help.15:32
diddledanibut you're telling me only canonical can do something about it, and canonical aren't doing anything about it15:32
cjwatsonwgrant: Can you confirm my recollection of ppa.launchpadcontent.net as the agreed domain, and then I can at least get the RT ticket ball rolling?15:33
cjwatson(We talked about it in Frankfurt, I think, and then the pandemic happened)15:34
* diddledani pokes the panama with a pokey stick. damned bugs getting everywhere ;-p15:34
cjwatsonProblem with having discussions in person is that they less reliably get into my notes doc ...15:39
diddledaniI fell that!15:40
diddledaniI am terribad at writing notes15:40
tomwardillcjwatson: fwiw, I can confirm that's what we said about the PPA url.16:10
tomwardilland yeah, I think it was Frankfurt16:11
diddledanijetsetter ;-p16:11
cjwatsontomwardill: ah, thanks (and hello)16:25
tomwardillhi! :)16:25
cjwatsonFiled https://portal.admin.canonical.com/C133313 (internal link only) asking for domain registration16:46
diddledanithanks, cjwatson 17:19
McHi! I keep getting timeouts when launchpad tries to fetch code from gitlab ( https://code.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/+git/inkscape ) - is there a way to get around this ? Thanks :)17:23
sarnold"Last successful import was 18 seconds ago. " hah17:52
sarnolda bunch died in compressing objects. I wonder how much longer was left, and I wonder if future runs would have run to completion within the hour if the previous run had run to completion..17:57
sarnoldis there a chance these would become more reliable and finish in under a hour more reliably if the timeout were raised, so more of them could finish at all?17:57
McI guess18:35

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