
ItzSwirlzjbicha: No, I did not. I'm not up to date with this stuff with queue and all. Maybe if I was *trusted* by people to upload my own packages as a PPU I would (wink wink)01:03
ItzSwirlzI didn't see 21.10.2 in git, but thanks guys01:03
jpnurmigood morning06:01
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:02
jpnurmihey oSoMoN06:15
oSoMoNhey jpnurmi 06:16
dufluMorning jpnurmi and oSoMoN 06:17
jpnurmihey duflu06:19
jpnurmioSoMoN, i'm going to add some logging here and there. i was planning to create separate PRs for different screens/view models, so they wouldn't block each other due to review requests. it will be _loads_ of PRs but don't get shocked - they will be small and simple. is that ok?06:21
oSoMoNjpnurmi, that sounds like a good plan, go ahead!06:24
oSoMoNI'm still very busy with the firefox snap but I'll try to make some room today for reviews06:24
jpnurmioSoMoN, no worries, i'll manage :)06:25
didrocksgood morning06:54
jpnurmihey didrocks07:01
didrockshey jpnurmi 07:01
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dufluHi didrocks 07:17
didrockshey duflu 07:27
callmepkgood afternoon07:35
dufluHi callmepk 07:39
oSoMoNhey didrocks, duflu, callmepk 07:41
callmepkhi duflu oSoMoN didrocks 07:42
didrockshey callmepk, oSoMoN07:43
seb128goood morning desktopers07:50
oSoMoNsalut seb128 07:50
seb128lut oSoMoN, ça va ? 07:50
seb128hey callmepk duflu didrocks07:50
oSoMoNbien, et toi?07:51
callmepkhi seb128 07:51
seb128oSoMoN, nice to see that mozilla figured out the translations issue ;-)07:51
didrockssalut seb128 07:51
seb128ça va! un peu fatigué, saison des rhumes donc réveillé la nuit07:51
dufluMorning seb128 07:53
oSoMoNseb128, yes, and I'm glad it's not snap-specific07:53
seb128duflu, hey, how are you? Did you have a nice long weekend and managed to recover from the cold?08:06
dufluseb128, I'm doing better thanks. Yesterday was a disaster with unrelated problems but today is good. How are you?08:07
seb128duflu, I'm alright thanks!08:08
seb128jamesh, hey, weekly discourse post reminder! sorry to nag but I always enjoy reading about the nice improvement you are bringing us ;-)09:25
jameshseb128: will do.09:25
GunnarHjHi seb128, can you pls approve fcitx5-gtk in the NEW upload queue?10:15
oSoMoNricotz, FYI I just pushed to the firefox-beta.impish branch (https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-beta.impish/revision/1430)10:35
ricotzoSoMoN, ack, I guess you will push this to the other branches too10:41
KGB-2gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor tags 5c2e59d Leo Antunes upstream/40 * Upstream version 40 * https://deb.li/jA4E10:55
KGB-2gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor pristine-tar 850e860 Leo Antunes gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor_40.orig.tar.gz.delta gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor_40.orig.tar.gz.id * pristine-tar data for gnome-shell-extension-system-monitor_40.orig.tar.gz * https://deb.li/3Z2ze10:55
seb128GunnarHj, hey, binaries accepted11:30
GunnarHjseb128: Thanks11:31
kenvandineseb128: ready for some release bug triage?14:00
seb128kenvandine, oh yeah, we said we would do that on IRC!14:01
seb128let's get started14:01
seb128reviewing rls-<...>-incoming bugs again, which we didn't do as regularly since we don't have IRC team meetings14:01
kenvandineseb128: which order? impish first? 14:02
seb128that's the most important atm, so let's me sure we do that one14:03
seb128you want to lead or should I?14:03
kenvandineyou please14:03
seb128bug #193382814:03
ubottuBug 1933828 in OEM Priority Project "NTP servers from DHCP are not propagated to timesyncd" [Critical, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193382814:03
seb128it's assigned, just needs untagging14:03
seb128did we need to target impish?14:04
kenvandinei don't think so14:04
kenvandineit's OEM, we just need it for 22.04 right?14:04
seb128k, let me untag them14:04
kenvandineand maybe backport to focal?14:04
seb128I think so14:04
seb128focal is targetted14:04
seb128so we are fine14:04
seb128bug #193382814:05
ubottuBug 1933828 in OEM Priority Project "NTP servers from DHCP are not propagated to timesyncd" [Critical, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193382814:05
seb128bug #184536214:05
ubottuBug 1845362 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu) "gnome-font-viewer crashed with signal 5 in _XEventsQueued()" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184536214:05
kenvandinei've seen that in the snap as well14:06
seb128that's an annoying bug but I don't think the font viewer is important enough that we should consider it a release issue14:06
seb128it's also not new from this cycle so not a regression14:06
kenvandineand it doesn't seem to persist14:06
seb128notfixed it14:07
seb128bug #193566814:07
ubottuBug 1935668 in xdg-desktop-portal (Ubuntu) "xdg-desktop-portal FTBFS when built with libfuse3-dev" [High, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193566814:07
kenvandineTrevinho has a PR there14:07
seb128notfixing, that's a transition that was postponed to next cycle14:07
kenvandineoh, great 14:08
seb128it's about moving main to fuse314:08
seb128but yeah, thanks to Marco the components are in place14:08
kenvandinewe'll need to do it soon though14:08
seb128so hopefully at the start of next cycle14:08
seb128right, it's jira tracked for next cycle14:08
Trevinhomost of the stuff should be trivial to move, i don't expect issues in terms of breaking stuff too much, but indeed has to be done quickly14:09
seb128let's do it when J opens14:09
seb128hey Trevinho btw :)14:09
Trevinhoheyyy :)14:09
seb128bug #137306914:09
kenvandinei marked bug 1373069 as a dupe14:09
ubottuBug 1845362 in gnome-font-viewer (Ubuntu) "gnome-font-viewer crashed with signal 5 in _XEventsQueued()" [High, Confirmed] [duplicate: 1373069] https://launchpad.net/bugs/184536214:09
Trevinhoone thing that I'm not sure about, is how to preserve them to be parallel installed, as fuseumount3 was called like this to be installed together...14:10
TrevinhobuTTTT, in debian we've only a fuse package that is replaced by fuse314:10
Trevinhoo I'm a bit worried by stuff not in archive that may depend on libfuse and fuse tools 14:10
seb128same issue as discussed previously?14:10
kenvandinethis bug is technically older14:10
kenvandinebut the other has more detail14:11
kenvandineso duped this14:11
seb128Trevinho, please add a comment about that on bug #193451014:11
ubottuBug 1934510 in fuse3 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] fuse3 as a dependency of qemu 6.0 and GNOME apps" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193451014:11
seb128kenvandine, thanks14:11
seb128bug #193195814:11
ubottuBug 1931958 in libcamera (Ubuntu) "0~git20200629+e7aa92a-8 is FTFBS" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193195814:11
seb128technically it impacts libcamera which is in universe14:12
kenvandinewe should get it soonish anyway?14:14
seb128the new gstreamer?14:15
kenvandinei assume we'll get that before 22.04?14:15
seb128unsure what's their release schedule, we had been on 1.18 for hirsute and impish14:15
kenvandineor not in debian?14:15
seb12811.19 14:15
kenvandineoh... that stinks14:15
seb1281.19 is in experimental14:15
seb128I guess 1.20 will be out before the LTS14:15
seb128but an easy fix if we care about libcamera is to disable -Werror=deprecated-declarations14:16
seb128that flag shouldn't be on in a release14:16
seb128that calls for that sort of issues when toolchain or depends are changing14:16
seb128k, let me take the bug and upload the flag change14:16
kenvandinebut probably not worth changing this close to release?14:16
kenvandinei guess low risk :)14:17
seb128k, moving on14:17
seb128bug #194381614:17
ubottuBug 1943816 in OEM Priority Project "'ubuntu-drivers install' needs to be used when installing nvidia-driver if enabling 'third-party packages'" [Critical, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194381614:17
seb128I think we need to target that, in fact it's activity discussed on another channel as we speak14:17
seb128it also mean today nvidia/wayland isn't enabled by default14:18
kenvandineyikes... then we need to14:18
seb128since it requires a configuration to be written to enable kms for wayland to work14:18
seb128and ubiquity doesn't do that14:18
kenvandinewho can work on that?14:18
seb128also we get the wrong prime and power profile14:18
seb128I'm discussing it with Alberto and Dimitri14:18
seb128so let me take it, even if I'm not the one working on the code change, I can at least make sure it's landing14:19
seb128bug #193334014:19
ubottuBug 1933340 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "merge package with Debian" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193334014:19
seb128I don't think that's a release concern14:19
seb128bug #194203114:20
ubottuBug 1942031 in mutter (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell crashed with SIGSEGV in _XSend() from XQueryExtension() from InitDisplayInfoEntry() from __glXLookupDisplay() from CommonMakeCurrent() from cogl_onscreen_glx_dispose() from g_object_unref() from clutter_stage_view_finalize()" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194203114:20
seb128Trevinho, ^ could you sort if out between you and Daniel?14:20
seb128sounds like one we should target, I've seen it as well on my ISO testing14:21
seb128when you click on 'try live session', according to Daniel the shell segfault on exit under X, which is default in a VM config14:21
Trevinhoseb128: I feel it's due to cogl destruction I think i have a branch addressing it, not sure if still applies though14:21
Trevinhooh, so that's not on shutdown?14:21
seb128well, session closing14:22
seb128the installer is started in a gnome shell session in ubiquity mode14:22
seb128it you click on try ubuntu the session switch to the normal one14:22
seb128so I guess that goes to a close/change session path similar to shutdown?14:22
seb128 kenvandine do you agree we should track it?14:23
kenvandineseb128: yes14:23
seb128so that's it for ii incoming14:23
seb128bug #193873514:24
ubottuBug 1938735 in libreoffice (Ubuntu Impish) "Can't insert a row into a OpenOffice calc file" [Critical, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193873514:24
seb128it's a but and seems fixed for 7.2.2, I don't think we got enough report to consider it a rls issue?14:25
seb128we lost Ken :p14:27
kenvandinesorry... no :)14:27
kenvandinenot rls14:27
seb128bug #193419914:28
ubottuBug 1934199 in software-properties (Ubuntu Impish) "Switch from Livepatch service to UA client" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193419914:28
seb128kenvandine, I think we missed the boat for impish there but that's not important for a non LTS right?14:29
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kenvandinei thought there was code for this though14:29
kenvandinebut not finding it right now14:29
seb128also it should be assigned to robert?14:30
seb128could you check with him the status and get to comment on the bug with a pointer to the code if he something ready for review?14:30
seb128tseliot, is bug #1925238 fixed now? it's speaking the udev rules, is that the gdm changes that landed in impish?14:31
ubottuBug 1925238 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu Impish) "[nvidia-prime] switches between xorg and wayland session" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/192523814:31
seb128kenvandine, we are over the half hour and done with impish, we will need another session for stable series!14:32
kenvandineyeah, we were over due :)14:32
kenvandineor should we continue?14:32
kenvandinenext meeting is just you and i anyway?14:32
seb128kenvandine, let's do a bit of hangout?14:34
laneywoohoo rls bugs15:01
seb128laney, hey! you are a bit late, you missed the fun15:02
seb128well, you can still read the backlog ;-)15:02
laneyhey kenvandine hey seb128 15:05
diddledaniI've poked wimpy about this, as it's an issue with ubuntu-mate primarily, but I've filed a patch that I think fixes a snapped apps triggering desktop notifications issue on mate desktop that has requested sponsorship https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mate-notification-daemon/+bug/194523415:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1945234 in mate-notification-daemon (Ubuntu) "Snapped apps are unable to trigger mate-notification-daemon" [Undecided, New]15:36
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