
lotuspsychjegood morning01:48
* sarnold hides his pepsi03:45
=== A_Dragon is now known as smol_dragon
ducassegood morning06:25
lordievaderGood morning06:27
TJ-First email of the day and frustrated already! Feels like I climbed into my time machine and went back 20 years. Email from Canonical telling me they have an internal (RT) ticket open regarding the DNS name-servers NOT listening on IPv6 despite RFC3901, but can't give a timeline on when it will be completed. 06:28
TJ-Seeing as this affects the Ubuntu project, flavours, et al, it galls me that the ticket isn't publicly available06:30
lordievaderWhat IPv6 what is this new-age stuff 😋06:34
* lordievader wonders if his DNS server is listening to IPv606:36
OxfuxxxDead N*gger Supercomputer will never be the same.06:52
OxfuxxxHi :]06:52
leftyfbTJ-: funny, I've been off and on searching for a way to get the client-side systemd-resolved to STOP making ipv6 queries for ever lookup13:36
lordievaderHappy eyeballs?13:38
lordievaderAlgorithm to try an connect over both ipv4 and ipv6 and use whatever is faster to respond: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Happy_Eyeballs13:41
leftyfbkinda silly to install another tool that is meant as a basically a load balancer just to disable ipv6 lookups13:43
Allieleftyfb: i mean, is it resolved or the upstream thing making quad-A lookups? 13:49
leftyfbactually, (I just woke up), it's not resolved, it's dnsmasq running on 16.04. systemd-resolved works fine on 20.04. The problem is, with dnsmasq, it only caches ipv4, but still continues to lookup MX and AAAA. systemd-resolved looks up all 3 but caches all 3. That would be fine if we could get dnamasq to do that13:54
leftyfband yes, 16.04. We have over 6000 devices running it. Our next main release will be 20.04, but in the meantime, trying to cut down on DNS traffic13:54
lordievaderI'm using Unbound as a caching resolver for my home network. Highly tuned.13:55
lotuspsychje!info qtpass16:58
ubottuqtpass (1.3.2-3, hirsute): GUI for password manager pass. In component universe, is optional. Built by qtpass. Size 213 kB / 615 kB16:58
daftykinskeepassxc ftw17:10
lotuspsychjeits for a user in QA not able to file a bug against it17:11
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc

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