[00:01] tomreyn, I succeeded eventually in mounting the proper subvolume to /target and rbinding all required system directories (i.e. proc sys dev run [00:02] good news! [00:38] tomreyn, Thank you for all the help, but I'm still stuck with the same Grub Cli after reboot in spite of handling cryptsetup and crypttab. It's too late for me now to think clearly (2:36AM where I live) I might try again tomorrow. I could take the more easy way out by not encrypting the boot partition but that would make my initrd vulnerable to outside tampering. === Avago_Broadqual0 is now known as Avago_Broadqual === Avago_Broadqual4 is now known as Avago_Broadqual [01:09] indeed. blending hirsute and focal packages is mostly impossible [01:10] it was worth the try... i guess === M4he is now known as mahe === u0_a480 is now known as setfire === j2bv17 is now known as j2bv16 === shubbu_ is now known as shubbu [04:46] rfm: About that scrolling screenshot script you mentioned, can I ask for a copy of that? [05:15] How do I report a bug if on GRUB2 menu (21.04) there is de-synchronisation between 2 monitors when displaying same picture? HD4600 graphics on i5 4570 (HP 600 G1 twr). One monitor on VGA out is displaying menu changes instantly and another (DisplayPort to HDMI) monitor is lagging like 5 seconds to forever in displaying menu changes. After boot it works ok, except sometimes, when starting, say, Anydesk it blacks down and comes back up. Is it GRUB problem, [05:15] driver problem, kernel problem.. [05:20] And how to avoid boot obstruction if file system/disk , that is in /etc/fstab (non-essential) is started missing? [05:21] When grub is running, there's no kernel nor kernel drivers yet. So it would be a grub issue, to be reported in launchpad, or an uefi issue, to be reported in your motherboard's vendor's site [05:21] Every time I put something in /etc/fstab and remove it system behaves like it is a catastrofy and fails to boot.. Whne it is removed from fstab it boots normally. [05:21] What is the fstab line? It depends on if it's local or network mount or user mounted etc [05:21] alkisg, ok thanks [05:22] alkisg, it is always local. I am just asking because I don't like to recrate it, system fails to boot if an item is missing [05:23] Even if it is device where swap is, is it really that hard to just boot without swap [05:23] systemd is configured to delay boot until the mounts become available. NOT to fail boot [05:24] So if you're saying "it fails to boot", not "it delays", there's something else going on [05:24] You need to provide more details [05:24] Well I interprets it as failed boot it boots forever [05:24] The delay is 1.5 minute [05:24] No, just /etc/fstab line. When removed or edited, boots just fine [05:25] Paste that line here [05:25] The delay is unacceptable when I need to work. And it's not network drive or something [05:25] It's not a server it's workstation [05:25] alkisg, I will once I reproduce it again , will do it. [05:29] You can configure systemd to lower that delay [05:31] There's a timeout value for units, it defaults to 1.5 minute, you can set the timeout for e.g. srv.mount to 1 second if you like [05:33] As I can set a GRUB password for root access. But in Ubuntu for 15 years one can get Root after booting to GRUB, without password. [05:35] thanks alkisg [05:36] If one can edit the grub command line, he can put init=/bin/bash and get a root shell, even if root has a password [05:37] Yes, there is special option to put the password on GRUB itself, without it, every default Ubuntu install in insecure.. [05:38] It depends on how you define "insecure". E.g. if you put a password in grub, are you secured from someone using a livecd to access your disk? [05:39] He could just edit grub.cfg then and remove the password [05:39] Or he could just press "Esc" to get a shell, and type the boot commands by hand [05:39] alkisg, yes, Every owner that knows it, would stop booting from external media and have case closed. But if for 15 years Ubuntu ships like everyone that sits at the machine can instantly wt root, that sayss something else. [05:40] Answer would be to set GRUB password during install.. [05:40] That would invalidate remote booting though === j2bv17 is now known as j2bv16 [05:41] Remote booting (possibly with password too, depending on platform) is another thing too. [05:41] Not all people would want to type a password in grub to boot their PCs [05:42] Some people at their homes click "power on", go get something to eat, and expect to have the PC booted when they get back [05:42] alkisg, no it's not password to boot. You misunderstood. It's GRUB password to get root through GRUB options. [05:42] Yes, which means that when they return from the kitchen they won't see their desktops [05:43] alkisg, no. [05:43] They'll see a "password" prompt, and THEN the computer will start loading the OS [05:43] Ah you mean about editing grub options, sorry, OK [05:43] GRUB password can be set only for advanced options not for regular boot. [05:43] yes [05:44] Sure I guess also the "Esc" could be cancelled then to avoid the grub shell [05:44] And the password could be shared between distros, as only one of them would manage grub [05:45] On the other hand, the default is to allow usb booting [05:46] If one goes to the trouble of locking down his bios, he could just lock down his grub too [05:46] I used to set it before and GRUB password were plain text somewhere [05:47] I guess that should be handled by UEFI... it should provide a lockdown mode, activated by software, and then grub could respect it === j2bv17 is now known as j2bv16 [05:48] I.e. the password, same for uefi and grub, could be stored in nvram [05:51] USB booting it seally the problem, if one boots from infested USB, DVD or network boot, one can get infested with the Rootkit [05:53] Some platforms (Smartos) solved it by booting server every time from USB and not depending on disks for boot. If you can find reliably read-only USB that do it in hardware.. [05:53] I think we digressed, shall left the channel for support questions about Ubuntu. [06:00] on 20.04, i installed amdgpu-pro but made sure to do it headless. On any update, amdgpu-dkms fails, which (as I used '--headless') has nothing to do with amdgpu-pro but the Linux kernel's amdgpu driver. Why weren't the Ubuntu maintainers smart enough to make the option of switching to a VESA driver if your main driver fails? Now we have no GUI [06:03] darwin, everthing takes a lot of time to achieve and move. One thing that makes things faster is aether changing code yourself or hire someone to make it better. Reporting bugs is always good idea, because even non-developer can help with reporting and testing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs [06:05] darwin, I also use Btrfs as root filesystem and apt-btrfs-snapshot package to make automatic snapshots before every package install. Helped a few times getting things back to a previous state. [06:06] Snapshots don't consume space, only they do if you don't clean the old ones from time to time. (mounting Btrfs to , say /mnt and do btrfs subvolume delete [06:06] all other GNU/Linux/Unix OS distributions I used--since reliability was more important to them (with Unix philosophy)--let you switch to a VESA driver if the main one failed--even the oldest GNU/Linux that only has one maintainer running it all. It's not like having it switch to VESA is really that difficult [06:06] Ubuntu has a team of tens or whatever so this should've been trivial [06:07] darwin, if it's all not difficult, reporting a bug could make things move. It always goes to scratching an itch , it may be you are the one who fixed it by reporting and finding needed changes, or with others. [06:08] i might do it or might just switch OS... don't know yet [06:08] Well many distros are based on Ubuntu. They take their changes with them, sometimes, backporting and contributing changes upstream is good, too. [06:08] i don't use it myself but for users I help it's getting harder to maintain and have it work like a Unix behind the scenes [06:09] What you mean with "have it work like a Unix behind the scenes" [06:10] have reliability be more important, and not so much nonsense systemd is doing more & more of, the debacle/fiasco with snapd, and so on [06:12] Maybe it is more of growing up. Realising Linux is just a kernel. === klausfiend1 is now known as klausfiend === smol_dragon is now known as A_Dragon [07:30] what's the package to install zfs-on-linux, or now, as it's known, openzfs? [07:32] darwin: should already be part of the base install [07:33] zfsutils-linux has the utilities [07:33] oh, ok [07:33] then can you add a ZFS in the installer even? [07:33] sure [07:33] i'm already past it but wondering for next time... [07:33] I'm booting off of zfs [07:34] 20.04 doesn't support encryption yet though [07:34] i don't need that anyway [07:34] 21.04 does, but it has a weird way of enabling it from the installer [07:35] and it's not an LTS, is it? [07:36] 20.04 is, 21.04 is not [07:41] uh what's this cloud-init thing and why is it talking about ssh keys before my ubuntu server is even installed [07:42] anyone have any good guides on adapting recovery mode to include features for my own pleasure? === weq_ is now known as weq [07:59] hey all [07:59] I have a question [08:00] I want execute a script when a network interface goes from Down to Up or Up to Down i read i could do that by placing a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ [08:00] but it is never ran when a network interface goes from down to up [08:00] but it is ran however if i reboot [08:01] what am i missing here? [08:01] I have to do some action when a network cable is plugged into the network port or unplugged [08:01] running Ubuntu 20.04 on a embedded platform [08:05] the interface is configured as manual in /etc/network/interfaces [08:05] the script works since it does run once at startup [08:05] so it is executable [08:14] Daulity: there are several ways to configure networking in ubuntu... I think nowadays, it's Netplan or NetworkManager? [08:17] cbreak: I do not have NetworkManager (running a headless small ubuntu image) [08:18] then maybe netplan? [08:18] I usually try to use that, but I'm not sure what else there is, and in which situations something else is used [08:18] i don't have netplan either [08:19] I used the networking interface that uses /etc/network/interface [08:19] not sure what it is called [08:19] just networking? [08:20] https://netplan.io/faq/#use-pre-up%2C-post-up%2C-etc.-hook-scripts, hmm... [08:20] no idea :( [08:20] maybe that's systemd network [08:21] networking uses run-parts and i used the --test option to be sure it finds the script just fine [08:21] stupid thing is it's ran at the boot of the system [08:22] hmm... weird... [08:22] but when i remove the cable and re-insert it's not ran while i can see the interface go down and up [08:52] mort: https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart [08:53] hmm with ifdown and ifup the scripts do get triggered [08:53] what i don't understand is why it doesn't happen when i unplug and plug the cable [08:55] maybe there is a difference between what the interface lists as UP and DOWN .. [08:55] and what ifup and ifdown do [08:56] if you're using netplan, then /etc/network/ files don't apply [08:57] off the top of my head i don't actually remember how to make ifupdown & friends work on versions of Ubuntu after Bionic [08:58] you might find this useful if you want to try reverting to the deprecated tooling: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1031709/ubuntu-18-04-switch-back-to-etc-network-interfaces [08:58] i am not using netplan [08:59] netplan is not even installed [09:00] hmm but if it s deprecated why did it come with 20.04 then [09:00] it's still supported, it's just deprecated [09:01] but if it is still supported then why doesn't it work :) (i think i am just missing some basic configuration probably) [09:03] i'll admit that my use cases are strongly biased towards server systems that are "always on" and we generally don't use the hook mechanisms much [09:03] Daulity, if it is still installed on your system that rather indicates something with your update went wrong ... [09:08] also netplan.io is part of the ubuntu-minimal task and should have been installed during your upgrade ... [09:18] Daulity, also note ifupdown is *not* supported ... it is in universe in the archive and all netwrok integration has moved to netplan with either network-manager (on GUI systems) or systemd-networkd (for CLI) .... script snippets for the latter (if you really need any with a proper setup) are handles by network-dispatcher ... see man networkd-dispatcher for details [09:18] *are handled === ixokani is now known as swinnenb [09:32] ogra: thanks [09:32] this is going to complicated my Task a whole lot :) [09:42] Hey everyone. I have a question, and I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable could help me answer this.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/b7c671573e1a2c64eeca393f8d52e97da8aee996) [09:43] s/to// [09:44] ogra we downloaded Ubuntu Base 20.04.2 (for arm) and we are wondering why then netplan was not preinstalled on the image is that is the way Ubuntu is going to do things in the future :) [09:44] as that is* [09:50] hi === erica is now known as birb [09:50] anyone here? === oerheks_ is now known as oerheks [09:51] hi [09:51] [09:51] /clear [09:51] lol [09:51] minecraft [09:52] minecraft, there must be a snap package for that [09:52] yeah [09:53] .... [09:53] what are u doing @oerheks [09:54] waiting for an ubuntu support issue [09:54] Daulity, wheere did you download "ubuntu for arm" from ? AFAIK we only have RPi image and arm64 server as official releases [09:54] oh [09:55] Daulity, and both of them do definitely have netplan.io installed [10:05] ogra: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-base/releases/20.04/release/ [10:05] Daulity, oh, sorry i missed that you said "Ubuntu Base" ... you definitely need to install the ubuntu-minimal task on that to get an actual compatible ubuntu install, "Base" is really only the output of "debootstrap minbase" [10:05] specifically ubuntu-base-20.04.2-base-armhf.tar.gz [10:05] right [10:05] ah [10:06] that is used for i.e. build chroots and such, to get a proper install miniaml and probably also ubuntu-standard should be installed ... [10:06] *minimal === birb is now known as her === rolandog[m]69 is now known as rolandog[m]23 [10:39] Sorry, I'm testing if the Matrix bridge is properly working for me... [11:12] > <@rolandog:matrix.org> Hey everyone. I have a question, and I'm hoping someone more knowledgeable could help me answer this.... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/23bf63bd9afa154a3e6e68e86b4e79a0f48f593b) [11:26] Hi, i got some issues running a download cloud on my 20.04 server. [11:27] i see the new downloaded folder/files its premmission root:root so plex aint able to open the folder/files [11:42] 11 [11:44] hello [11:45] 111 [11:54] 1 [11:56] moin [11:56] Hallo [11:56] Hello my friend [11:56] ne [11:57] :( [11:58] 渣宝奥 [11:58] 渣宝奥 [12:05] so i did a fresh install now on my ubuntu-base install [12:05] first did a apt-get update and then tried to install netplan.io [12:05] but the repo's are giving me 4040 not found [12:05] any ideas? [12:06] 404* [12:07] Daulity are you sure that netplan is not already installed? Its the default for Ubuntu-Server. [12:07] same when trying to install ubuntu-minimal [12:07] csharp2a: it's not installed it is ubuntu-base [12:07] Duality, ok I missed that. Do you have connectivity to the repos on other machines on the same network? [12:08] my local machine actually doesn't seem to have the repository that is giving the 404 [12:09] (my local machine runs ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS) [12:11] seems the repos on my embedded platform are comming from ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports while on my local machine it from different ones [12:12] Can you get your hands on a standard set of repos for Ubuntu? That sounds like the issue. [12:13] It should be in Ubuntu Main [12:14] Also you can find the deb here https://ubuntu.pkgs.org/20.04/ubuntu-main-amd64/ [12:18] csharp2a: i have not changed the repo list this is what came in the image [12:18] also this an arm system [12:20] Hi all [12:23] !info netplan.io [12:23] netplan.io (0.103-0ubuntu5~21.04.1, hirsute): YAML network configuration abstraction for various backends. In component main, is important. Built by netplan.io. Size 96 kB / 383 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [12:23] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/focal/armhf/netplan.io .. should be available [12:26] oerheks: thanks [12:27] oerheks: you have a strange name xD [12:28] I could install netcat successfully but not netplan [12:32] https://termbin.com/vrjm here is the output of instaling netplan.io [12:34] it doesn't matter if i do an update or --fix-missing [12:36] tried an upgrade also fails [12:37] like some work other don't and this is what came with the image ... [12:41] Daulity, apt-cache policy libnetplan0 [12:44] ioria: what does that do [12:44] Daulity, current version is 0.103-0ubuntu5~20.04.1 ; idk why is pulling 0.102-0ubuntu1~20.04.2 [12:44] Daulity, it shows the vers available for you [12:46] ioria: https://termbin.com/v2zy [12:46] I don't know why it pulls that version if the 20.04.1 is the current one [12:47] Daulity, sudo apt update [12:47] i have done that [12:47] several times [12:47] Daulity, sudo apt clean [12:50] Hello EveryBody [12:50] ioria: same [12:50] Daulity, sudo apt autoclean [12:51] Is any Russian speaking here, I would appreciate a help? [12:52] same [12:52] !ru [12:52] Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [12:52] Daulity, sudo apt full-upgrade [12:53] still 404 [12:53] Daulity, can you paste it ? [12:53] change mirror? [12:53] Daulity, i'am suspectin a network issue [12:54] ioria: why [12:54] why what ? [12:54] it's giving a 404 so it connects to the server but the server can't find the file that is what a 404 is right [12:54] why do you suspect network issues [12:54] why you should paste the output or why i'am suspecting a network issue ? [12:55] well, because you have clearly some troubles with netplan, network-manager and wpasuplicant, maybe [12:56] !ru [12:56] Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke. [12:57] Daulity, sy, afk [12:58] ioria: ok no problem appreciate the help so far! [12:58] https://termbin.com/90t7s output from ful-upgrade [12:59] Daulity: any chance you don't have focal-updates enabled in your sources.list? [13:00] Daulity: apt show netplan.io shows: https://termbin.com/kh7j here [13:02] ioria, certainly old lists, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apache2/ gives 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.6, not 2.4.41-4ubuntu3.4 [13:02] bankin: how can you seen if it is enabled or not [13:02] change mirror [13:03] Daulity: this is my sources.list on an arm64 device: https://termbin.com/9cv3 [13:07] bankin: i am not sure [13:07] this is the apt show netplan.io: https://termbin.com/hb3b [13:08] this is the sources.list: https://termbin.com/jbz0 [13:08] well okay, it says focal-updates there [13:08] maybe i'll have to change the mirror [13:09] I am a little confused that I have to though [13:09] like i downloaded this image from the ubuntu website and this doesn't work? === seednode3 is now known as seednode [13:40] probably dumb question, but if I installed my gpu driver via a .run file, then "apt list --installed" will not show it, right? [13:40] Right [13:41] The driver was not available as a package? [13:42] my driver broke when nvidia-driver-470 came out [13:42] i upgraded and then it broke everything [13:42] I couldn't even fix it by reverting to previous version [13:42] I had to remove all graphics drivers then install via .run file [13:42] BinarySavior, i hope that .run driver gives an uninstall option [13:43] we never advised to use the .run file from nvidia [13:43] that's true, I got the suggestion from the nvidia forums [13:43] maybe sudo apt uninstall nvidia* might do the trick? [13:44] i'm having opengl issues in wine right now [13:44] c/uninstall/remove [13:46] installing via .run file has solved my issues [13:46] it's just now the opengl that I had in wine before all of this occured is no longer working [13:46] you just claim you have issues, interesting [13:46] yea, minor issue compared to the major issues i was having [13:46] now remove that nvidia and use the supported ones [13:47] the supported ones were what broke in the first place, i was not the only one experiencing issues with the 470 driver [13:48] there were lots of other people in nvidia support experiencing the same issues [13:48] BinarySavior, and with the same video card too? [13:48] some take the 470 without checking if the GPU is supported [13:51] coconut, different video cards [13:51] https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/black-screen-when-resuming-systemctl-suspend-using-nvidia-driver-470-57-02-with-kernel-5-8-0-63-generic-on-gtx-970-xubuntu-20-04-lts/184644/15 [13:51] this was the issue. a non-staff user suggested the .run file on this page and that's what I did (dumb i know) but it worked [13:51] oerheks: how do I update my mirror list ? [13:54] Hey, I'm locked into Ubuntu 20.04 at work. The packages in the repositories are older than what I'm used to. Is there some simple way to get packages from newer versions of Ubuntu or are there repositories for Ubuntu 20 I can enable that contain newer versions of software? [13:57] Daulity, did you run "apt update" first before trying to install anything ? [13:57] your local package lists seem outdated === her is now known as erica [14:05] ok, seems I can use apt pinning to do this === genii-core is now known as genii [14:10] ogra: i did multiple times :) tried apt tried apt-get [14:11] ogra: maybe i have to regenerate that local package list? if that is possible at al? [14:12] oerheks (or anyone), how do I remove the nvidia-470 i installed via .run file [14:12] btw I solved my issue with opengl, i just ran that .run file again and added support for 32-bit === PhilosophicCheck is now known as PhilosophicChekh [14:14] BinarySavior, by hoping that there is an uninstaller inside the same installer file. [14:15] BinarySavior, you shouldn't even use an alternative installer outside the apt repo. Troubleshoot with live cd and reporting bugs are first thing for packages with problems. [14:16] BinarySavior: https://askubuntu.com/questions/219942/how-to-uninstall-manually-installed-nvidia-drivers [14:39] guy_3, you can upgrade to a newer version of ubuntu (or you can activate the backports repo, but for that it is advised that you need to know what you are doing AND like to face problems and troubleshoot things). [14:40] guy_3, but did you have just checked updates with apt already? [14:41] Daulity, have you solved your problem ? === diskin_ is now known as diskin [14:48] hello! Ubuntu 20.04 in a GNOME Boxes VM keep loosing the current time (upon stop & restart). Automatice Date & Time is enabled in the settings, and it has network access. Anything to check? [14:48] It currently shows 2 September 2021, which causes TLS cert validation to fail [14:52] coconut: I can't upgrade to a newer version [14:52] I guess backports it is [14:52] guy_3, i would not do that when your pc is managed by others on your work [14:56] Daulity, well, regenerating the package lists is exactly what "apt update" (note: not upgrade!!) does ... when i look at the Package.gz file on ports.ubuntu.com i see all the right revisions [14:56] Daulity, if it tries to download an old version of a package this is typically because the "apt update" step was missed ... [15:05] coconut: I manage my own pc, but I'm locked into Ubuntu 20 for reasons [15:06] guy_3: what packages in particular do you need more up to date versions of? [15:09] test [15:09] gcc and cmake [15:09] possibly others [15:10] I can always compile them myself, but it'd be nice if I could do as much as possible through the package manager [15:11] considered a VM or container? [15:14] i was following this guide https://askubuntu.com/questions/1217832/how-to-create-a-full-install-of-ubuntu-20-04-to-usb-device-step-by-step on how to create a full ubuntu 20.04 install to usb flash drive. i had problems and i did actually make it work but performance was super horrible. i not sure if i did something wrong or not. [15:15] when i get to this step " [15:15] when i get to this step [15:15] en1gma: performance is not going to be good when running your OS from a USB flash drive [15:15] when i get to this step "Apply All Operations." the 1MB partition gets a red exclamation mark and also the unformatted partition changes to ext4 [15:16] well ... if your "flash drive" is a USB 3.0 SSD it might perform reasonably 🙂 [15:16] but i wouldnt go with USB 2.0 or lower for something you want to actually acively use [15:16] it is a usb 3.0 and it boots fast if i use the drive as a regular installation media to put ubuntu on a regular hdd/ssd or if i just run it live [15:17] i think im doing something wrong because it really takes a super long time to even complete the minimal install to the drive [15:17] after its fully installed it takes long time to even boot up [15:18] getting a msg 'ubuntu to play video you may need to install required codecs' in firefox today, any ideas? [15:18] im talking like 6 minutes to get to login screen and another 3 minutes to get to desktop [15:20] maybe i should be trying to figure out how to put my amdgpu drivers in the live usb so when it boots up my proprietary drivers so i can be ready to install origin and bf5 [15:21] i want to do it all from usb flash drives and have no hdd or ssd in my system until i can get an m.2 [15:21] im using zoom 5.7 on ubuntu 20.04 and whenever I have a video call with someone after like 1 minute everything freezes and the USB port gets borked. If I open my laptop up I can continue using it (my laptop and zoom) but the USB port with my keyboard, mouse, and webcam wont work until I restart the machine. What's up with that? [15:21] Anyone know how I can troubleshoot this? [15:21] ThinkT510: I mean, sure, that's a solution [15:22] tsujp, 5.7 is pretty old ... 5.8 is out since a while perhaps that fixes it ? [15:23] I can install it for tomorrow but if that doesn't work anything futher I can try? [15:24] tsujp, not really, i mean, zoom is proprietary software ... you could surely report it to them though ... it also writes some logs but i dont know where they live on a non-snap install (i exclusively use the zoom-client snap here) [15:24] what's you preference for the snap client? [15:24] i maintain the snap 🙂 [15:25] ^^ [15:25] should I use the snap ;)? [15:25] (so ... dogfooding it ) [15:25] `sudo snap install zoom --classic`? [15:25] snaps might not be everyones cup of tea but damn, flatpak is a mess [15:26] ah zoom-client [15:26] you can surely try, snaps operate independent from the normal packaging system so you can always remove/install them alongside (and they are self-contained so they cant do harm to your system) [15:26] ring, "sudo snap install zoom-client" [15:26] *right [15:26] what is the difference between a normal snap and this --classic flag? [15:27] the --classic flag is fopr snaps that have been packaged without snadboxing (rather rare) [15:27] such snaps need special security review and such ... [15:27] if you use the flag for a normal snap then the snap tool should refuse to install it [15:28] (or at least notify you that --classic is nonsense) [15:32] Warning: flag --classic ignored for strictly confined snap zoom-client [15:33] gotcha, so your snap is strictly confined and it doesnt install as a --classic but drops the flag and installs a truly sandboxed one [15:33] can I still screen share with a sandbox though because it's going to need ot access other windows and stuff? [15:33] this is on X not Wayland [15:34] hmm I cxannot sign in with SSO zoom [15:35] nope thats a lie two instances opened during its weirdo signin process lol [15:35] classic [15:35] ok I presed share screen and zoom immediately goes "not responding" ogra [15:37] thats on Xorg ? [15:37] ... should work (it does for me on nvidia and intel based systems) [15:38] annnd it crashed too [15:38] wow [15:38] when doing the webcam [15:38] webcam view just frozen and there's some non-rendering window above it [15:38] all I did was join a meeting with myself, start my cam and leave it for 30s [15:39] what kind of graphics card do you have ? [15:39] im on a lenovo x13 [15:39] lemme find out [15:39] i test each release on nvidia and intel (lacking an amd card) [15:39] integrated graphics only on this puppy [15:40] and it definitely works here for sharing, just tested again (without being connected to anyone, just started a meeting and clicked the share button ... that gets me an overview of all open windows to pick from ... picking one gets me a green frame and the sharing tools menu) [15:42] tsujp, try to kill 'all' the instances and restart [15:45] tsujp, cat ~/snap/zoom-client/current/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:45] can do, where would logs be for these? [15:45] tsujp, that should post the zom log to termbin [15:45] so we can have a look [15:46] USB port is dead [15:46] restarting lol [15:46] zoom just killed it [15:46] brb [15:46] there is also a log from the snap wrapper (though it seems like the snap and non-snap versions have the same prob with your system, i doubt there is anything the snap causes here) [15:48] apologies could you paste the log command again ogra [15:48] tsujp, cat ~/snap/zoom-client/current/.zoom/logs/zoom_stdout_stderr.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:48] thank you [15:49] and for the snap specific log (though that might largely be empty😞 [15:49] cat ~/snap/zoom-client/current/.zoom/logs/zoom-terminal.log | nc termbin.com 9999 [15:49] https://termbin.com/skw3 [15:49] AMD RENOIR (DRM 3.40.0, 5.10.0-1045-oem, LLVM 10.0.0) [15:49] so you have an AMD graphics card [15:49] I guess so, it just said integrated graphics on the product page [15:50] wow [15:50] and lots of XCB errors [15:50] what graphics driver do you use ? [15:51] whatever ubuntu 20.04 set itself [15:51] hmm [15:51] oh ! [15:51] 5.10.0-1045-oem [15:51] you bought this pre-installed with ubuntu ? [15:52] (or how did you get the -oem kernel installed ?) [15:52] no it had windows when delivered but I installed ubuntu myself by downloading the 20.04 LTS ISO from the website and doing a non OEM install [15:52] i think this is my driver? I did lshw -c video https://termbin.com/unpsu === diskin_ is now known as diskin [15:53] yeah, it uses the amdgpu driver ... [15:53] is the -oem bad in this case? [15:53] i'm still wondering about the kernel though [15:54] does "uname -a" also talk about oem ? [15:54] 5.10.0-1045-oem #47-Ubuntu SMP Wed Aug 18 10:41:03 UTC 2021 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [15:54] -oem there too [15:54] well, i wonder how you got that when you just used the default install [15:56] help me regarding video call [15:56] the zoom log indicates that it isnt necessarily zooms fault (especially since the snap and deb seem to cause the same issues) ... that the locking up of the USB port also points to the kernel ... [15:57] Hi, There a way to boot from iso and use ip= gateway= dns= instead of ip=dhcp. Thx! [15:57] but typically the default desktop images do not come with the -oem kernel ... they nrmally have linux-generic installed ... i wonder how you got that kernel [15:59] i see [15:59] ill try using AMDs proprietary drivers [15:59] idk what to do about USB though lol [16:00] tsujp, well, i'd rather try using linux-generic instead of linux-oem ... [16:01] where can I find instructions for replacing the kernel without doing a full clean reinstall? [16:01] AMDs proprietary drivers are generally worse than the opensource ones actually (they add some extra bits for things like AI processing, i'd only use the prop. ones if you need to use such stuff) [16:01] sudo apt install linux-generic ... [16:01] oh ok lol @ the install [16:01] and good to know @ drivers too [16:01] that should be enough [16:02] amdgpu-pro is closed source, but not that bad [16:02] i need to go AFK but might be around later again if you still have zoom questions 🙂 [16:03] thank you for the help ogra maybe cya soon ;) [16:03] beyond that the guys in here can definitely help with switching to linux-generic or linux-generic-hwe [16:05] I don't find the documentation about that subject :( [16:06] metabsd, maybe when you have booted in live mode, you can edit networkmanager? [16:06] there are no boot options to do so, AFAIK [16:06] oerheks: That part is ok but I need to specify also a static ip on the boot section [16:06] linux generic is linux-5.4 [16:06] thats a bit old [16:07] 5.4 is still stable. [16:07] fair [16:07] HWE would give 5.11? [16:07] !hwe [16:07] The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack [16:10] alright, well it's midnight here to bed time for me ill play around with generic, and hwe using amdgpu and amdgpu-pro and see if hopefully one of them does not crash [16:11] since I can reliably reproduce the crash by my lonesome [16:11] night all~ [16:12] anyone get the recent intel-opencl-icd update breaking stuff? [16:13] none reported lately .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-compute-runtime/+bugs [16:21] overheks https://defuse.ca/b/ihRQ40dRDeXNGUTEpml5V8 [16:21] defo something going on.. [16:22] * oerheks === Sven_vB_ is now known as Sven_vB === martums4 is now known as martums [16:57] hi, i have problem with my ubuntu connecting to internet over wifi (hotspot). how can i debug [17:42] Hey everyone! I'm running into an issue with DHCP networking in 18.04. systemd-NetworkManager gets a address. dhclient -i eth0 gets a address. ifconfig eth0 shows the .36 address. Both the addresses respond to ping and services. /var/lib/dhcp/dhcp.leases shows .37 addresses. Not really sure how to resolve this situation. [17:43] eth0? did you change to old name schemes? [17:46] oerheks, yep [17:47] I restarted and it DHCP auto assigned .36 but /var/lib/dhcp/dhcp.leases has two leases with .37 [17:49] leases are handed out by your router [17:49] I get that [17:50] anms: why are you running dhclient manually? Also, run: ip a # this should tell you if there's any other ip addresses assigned [17:51] leftyfb, trying "ip a" now [17:53] leftyfb, "ip a" showed me both .36 and .37 addresses. Thank you. A step forward [17:54] Interestingly enough, "ifconfig" doesn't show the address at all [17:54] anms: why are you messing with dhclient manually? Have you done any network config change at all outside Network Manager(netplan, networkd, ifupdown)? [17:55] leftyfb, I'm actually debugging an issue a friend is having where is router assigns him a brand new IP address every time he boots this VM [17:56] I'm not seeing the same behavior on any of my machines and I'm trying to debug remotely [17:56] I would prefer to just let him use netplan with dhcp4 and get the same IP and that's it [17:56] However, since I'm not able to do that, I'm doing everything I can to debug his issue [17:57] anms: sounds like a not-ubuntu issue [17:59] anms: poke around the router control panel, there's probably something about assigning IPs to given MACs etc [17:59] anms: if you are messing with netplan, then that is part of your issue. Undo everything you've done and let NM do what it's supposed to do [18:00] anms: maybe also look to see if the VM is creating a new MAC for the machine on every boot [18:00] Hey guys, I got an Ubuntu not connecting to the web. Trying to figure out how to start the dhcp service. [18:01] Animortis: what version of ubuntu? Is there a desktop environment installed? [18:01] Impish and yes, I'm on Gnome [18:01] It's a more complicated issue: he's supposed to see the same config I'm seeing because we're working on an app together. We're trying to figure out why his router hands out random new IP addresses while mine stays relatively static. [18:01] !ubuntu+1 | Animortis [18:01] Animortis: Impish Indri is the codename for Ubuntu 21.10. For technical support, see #ubuntu-next. For testing and QA feedback and help, see #ubuntu-quality. [18:02] I feel this is a safe question for all versions [18:02] Animortis: you are running an unsupported and still in development version. Not at all [18:02] Alrighty [18:05] hi did anyone reply on my question about hotspot network connection [18:05] what question [18:05] what is life [18:05] 42 [18:05] hi, i have problem with my ubuntu connecting to internet over wifi (hotspot). how can i debug [18:06] this was the question [18:06] what problem [18:06] mobile phone shares the hotspot connection [18:06] pc can connect sometimes, but now it says cinnecting and does not [18:07] you trying to use the phone while you're using it as a hot spot? [18:07] that could be a lot of work for some phones [18:09] I go select network -> POCOnetwork, it goes connecting and it do [18:09] it *says Connection failed [18:09] so how to debug this [18:09] is any other wireless device you have able to use it? [18:10] Yes, my mothers phone [18:10] If I'd restart mobile (plane mode, on off) and restart wifi on ubuntu it works [18:11] But it sometimes crashes [18:11] Guest30: what version of ubuntu? [18:12] and now for example it detects mobiles wifi, can try to connect, but fails [18:12] LTS 20.04 [18:12] .3 [18:17] leftyfb, thanks for all the info. will check into all this and come back. much appreciated [18:20] . [18:42] Well thats... unsuprising [19:14] When I try and download lubuntu it send me a 404 error [19:16] Is anyone here? [19:17] Yep [19:17] Guest63: yep, just testing it out formyself.. [19:17] Guest63: use lubuntu.me , not lubuntu.net [19:17] Alright, so have you tried from a different mirror [19:17] my download started fine.. [19:17] lubuntu.net throws 404's and is not an official mirror. lubuntu.me is the official site and the download works fine. [19:18] Ok this is the link that ucertify sent me to its for school [19:18] (first google result is .net though for some reason. I had to go to wiki to find the right site) [19:18] its .me for me [19:18] weird [19:18] it's easier to just start with https://ubuntu.com/download and follow the links [19:19] By the way, guest, download works for me as well [19:19] that'll get you to official downloads for the different flavors [19:19] yeah I dont know why they would have the wrong link on the school site [19:19] jeeze, two gigabytes downloaded so far .. how big is this thing? :) [19:19] Guest63: lazy searching :P haha. [19:19] Thats the thing they dont tell you the flavor just the link [19:20] https://ubuntu.com/download/flavours though links to .me, so that'll be your one. [19:20] No not lazy on my part its trough a schhol thanks [19:20] Guest63: that's what I meant xD the school was lazy. [19:20] oh yeah this isnt the first time that ucertify has dne something like this they did it on the last lab [19:40] sudo grub-install /dev/sda [19:40] grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. [19:40] So, I can't seem to install grub [19:41] I'm booted into Ubuntu right now, sdd is where ubuntu lives, but I'm also trying to install grub to sda which is a diff ssd [19:41] why exactly? [19:42] Because system boots to sda (disk 1) from bios which is dedicated windows ssd [19:42] Huh, you do see the problem in that right? [19:43] When I reboot my pc, and select the sdd (disk4) ubuntu hdd to boot, I get dumped always into grub shell, and there I have to do prefix=(hd3,gpt2)/boot/grub root=(hd3,gpt2) instmod normal; normal to get my grub menu [19:43] Otherwise I do not have a grub menu, I am always dumped inside grub shell anytime I try to boot ubuntu [19:43] update-grub does not solve the isse [19:43] grub-install to sdd or to sda both fail with the error I mentioned [19:43] Well, you probably don't want to touch the disk with windows [19:44] grub-install: error: cannot find EFI directory. [19:44] can you boot from a live usb [19:44] do you have a live usb [19:44] Yes [19:44] alright, try booting from that and updating grub [19:45] How exactly should that help? [19:45] By the way, people who might be reading this, please stop me if you know better [19:45] What would be different than doing it from while booted into ubuntu [19:45] So.. [19:45] I had a similar problem once [19:45] Unless you've encrypted your distro [19:45] Like with LUKS? [19:46] You can fix errors with grub that way [19:46] https://bpa.st/FNEQ [19:46] Here's my disk configuration [19:47] which partition is mounted on /boot/efi? [19:47] By the way, I cannot profess to being an expert, so feel free to disregard my suggestions [19:47] That's the whole issue. i'v eno diea. [19:47] It's not mounted anywhere [19:47] I can't find it in mount [19:47] Google for a few hours suggests you know the same thing you said [19:47] Still, I'm not sure why it's not mounted anywhere [19:47] mount|grep boot <- got nothing [19:48] did you have a problematic upgrade recently? [19:48] nope [19:48] my /etc/fstab has a uuid for /boot/efi, but my installation path was awkward, I don't know if it reflects best practices or not [19:48] Every since I insatalled ubuntu, it's been the same exact problem [19:48] Upgrade drivers? [19:48] # /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during installation [19:48] UUID=C2FB-7871 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 0 1 [19:48] hmm [19:49] So during boot it installed to the fat32 EFI on windows disk (sda) [19:49] $ sudo mount -a [19:49] mount: /boot/efi: can't find UUID=C2FB-7871. [19:49] \o/ [19:49] Try efibootmgr [19:50] See what it lists. Might be a good hint. [19:50] Hash: I suggest looking in both of them and see what they look like.. mine has https://termbin.com/j37v8 [19:50] https://termbin.com/d91qb bootmgr [19:51] So here's something happened [19:51] I just recalled what happened. [19:51] So, windows didn't boot, because it's fat32 EFI partition was corrupt. I looked at it and it not only had Microsoft but an ubuntu folder inside /EFI [19:52] I'm dealing with installing gdm3 gives me a broken package error. [19:52] So windows solutionw as to reformat the fat32 volume efi [19:52] This causes the sda's EFI partition to get wiped andonly have windows bootmgfw on it [19:52] Oh I se [19:52] see* [19:52] Yeah thats very fixable [19:52] hopefully you wont lose files [19:53] Since I fixed the windows boot problem, now I no longer see the windows disk showing up in my EFI boot menu, only ubuntu from sdd [19:53] Is libllvm12 broken on hirsute for anyone else? [19:53] But sdd's grub let's me boot sda's windows [19:53] so the problem is, /dev/sda/efi/ubuntu doesn't exist. [19:54] So Hash, in my like 3rd month of dual booting I accidentally got rid of grub [19:54] You fix from it from live usb [19:54] But I can't entirely remember what worked sadly [19:54] Might be my first suggestion [19:55] Ok [19:55] Nevertheless, I remember fixing it surprisingly quickly [19:55] I usually do not try random solutoins. I try to understand the issue and then apply sensible solutions. [19:55] Trying this or that may cause even more issues in something else. [19:55] So don't lose hope, the solution is not buried in some forum post [19:56] Well, is re-installing ubuntu out of question? [19:56] Yes [19:56] Absolutely. [19:56] Do you have files to recover? [19:56] If I were to reinstall my OS, the first thing I'd do is move away from Ubuntu. [19:57] I wouldn't advise it but your choice [19:57] Again, Do you have files to recover? [19:57] I don't understand the question. [19:57] Do I have files to recover? When or why? [19:57] I'm only trying to fix the grub loader [19:58] Yeah, because if not, and you don't want to mess around [19:58] Honestly, the easiest answer is to have a fresh install [19:58] No [19:58] That's the most difficult. [19:58] Give me an lsblk [19:59] If you haven't already [19:59] https://termbin.com/8sr4 [20:00] This isn't a live CD, right? [20:00] No [20:00] $ sudo grub-install /dev/sda [20:01] Installation finished. No error reported. [20:01] UUID=C2FB-7871 /boot/efi vfat umask=0077 [20:01] Remember that line? [20:01] blkid? [20:01] Changed the UUID=whatever to /dev/sda1 [20:01] OK yeah [20:01] no, must modified my fstab [20:01] mount -a [20:01] then grub install [20:01] Yeah you're installing grub to window's efi partition [20:01] Correct. [20:01] Can you type efibootmgr? [20:02] It'll list what efi systems your computer sees [20:02] https://termbin.com/2jbb [20:02] You need to choose ubuntu in your bios [20:02] I'm good now. [20:02] Your system seems both [20:02] *nod* [20:02] Fixed? [20:03] Well it installs [20:03] I won't know/test the behavior until I reboot [20:03] Which I really don't want to right now. [20:03] Yeah. So your computer sees both Window and Ubuntu's bootloaders [20:03] I can report later. As it will come up again in case it isn't fixed [20:03] Appreciate the help [20:03] Correct [20:03] You should choose whichever you prefer in the bios boot order list. [20:03] This way (what I Was trying to do the whole time) bios offers me both windows and ubuntu options [20:04] os-probe finds Windows and adds it to your ubuntu grub list I think if that's an issue [20:04] I don't use the bios boot order [20:04] I never know which one I want to boot [20:04] So I always F11 and manually select. [20:04] os-prober [20:04] Ah [20:04] I have no default. [20:04] Welp, there you go [20:04] :) [20:04] I am not crazy. [20:04] I just know what I like :D [20:04] Sure we all got our preferences [20:05] OCD is a hell of a thing. [20:05] Here I am trying to debootstrap Ubuntu for some reason [20:05] Oh? [20:05] Why? [20:05] Extra customization. And shuts up Arch users. [20:05] But there's a broken package in apt and I don't get it. [20:06] Oh tinnitus. Ears ringing loudsly. See ya [20:06] Cheers. [20:06] Can anyone hirsute users tell me if they can find libllvm12? [20:07] Sorry, focal [20:08] Is it available on focal? [20:08] Yep [20:09] Installed 1.12 [20:09] Curious why you don't have it [20:11] I'm trying to install gdm3 and apt is telling me it's not available [20:11] I've installed everything else, so my sources are OK, but llvm is missing for some reason [20:11] !info gdm3 [20:11] gdm3 (, hirsute): GNOME Display Manager. In component main, is optional. Built by gdm3. Size 294 kB / 2,140 kB. (Only available for linux-any.) [20:12] !info libllvm12 [20:12] libllvm12 (1:12.0.0-3ubuntu1~21.04.2, hirsute): Modular compiler and toolchain technologies, runtime library. In component universe, is optional. Built by llvm-toolchain-12. Size 18,370 kB / 89,636 kB [20:13] It's in UNIVERSE?? [20:13] Animortis: run '(sudo apt-get update; apt-cache policy; apt-cache policy gdm3) |& nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you here [20:14] Bam! I had to enable universe [20:14] EriC^^: I would but it was fixed when I activated universe [20:15] gdm3 too? [20:15] Yup [20:15] cool [20:15] Someone needs to fix that dependency [20:15] Not me. I'm not a dev. [20:15] hi guys, I've properly set the locale to es_ES but git status still shows an english output [20:16] am I missing some kind of translation package or something like that? [20:16] How'd you set it? [20:16] dpkg-reconfigure locales [20:16] Yeah that's what I'd have told you to do. [20:16] but also modifying /etc/locale.gen and using locale-gen [20:16] wyre: what's echo $LANG give? [20:17] it's done, and locale output is correct === Rhvs is now known as Rhys [20:17] wyre: maybe try in a tty to see if a fresh login fixes it [20:18] EriC^^, es_ES.UTF-8 [20:29] ooga === jose_ is now known as jose [20:52] Hey guys, trying to get dhcpd to autostart on boot. Hirsute. Anyone got any ideas? [20:55] Animortis: is it try and failing due to startup order? [20:55] (network interfaces must be up and active for dhcpd to start) [20:56] !info dhcpcd5 [20:56] dhcpcd5 (7.1.0-2build1, hirsute): DHCPv4, IPv6RA and DHCPv6 client with IPv4LL support. In component universe, is optional. Built by dhcpcd5. Size 159 kB / 395 kB [20:56] Yeah I don't think they are. [21:00] Nevermind, I installed dhcpcd5 from universe and enabled it with systemctl [21:35] hey there, i have a trouble when i try installing some driver, anyone can help me with that issue? [21:35] Emrederseniz: keep going with your question/which driver. If it rings a bell for someone they'll chime in =) === Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus [21:38] i have a new laptop it's "lenovo thinkpad x1 carbon gen7" and it's have wwan hardware i have instroctions for install driver but i'm stuck at kernel update or something like it" the driver name is "L860-GL_WWAN_Module_" [22:20] Hi all. I'm hoping someone can help me install printer drivers. While trying to install them from a deb package, apt puts me in this endless loop. It tells me that there are dependancy problems. When I google for the solution, the solution that keeps coming up is to do 'apt --fix-broken install'. [22:20] When I run that, the command completes with error. But it removes the driver package [22:20] So I re-install it using dpkg [22:21] Or rather, I try to. And I get the same error message about dependancy problems [22:21] bobdobbs did u try "apt install -f" === pntaylor_ is now known as pntaylor [22:25] isn't that the same thing as 'apt -fix-broken install' ? [22:26] i'm not sure [22:26] i'm new on ubuntu too [22:41] ok [22:41] bobdobbs: the problem is you are installing a package that declares Depends (packages/versions it absolutely must depend on) and that are not installed, or installable [22:44] helllo [22:44] how are you [22:45] does anyone has information about portuguese activity in the net [22:45] hellllo [22:46] bobdobbs: Try adding universe and multiverse repositories [22:48] 900 people and nada === genii is now known as genii-core [22:56] mozambique_littl: there's an #ubuntu-br that has a handful of people [23:20] I have a fullscreen YT window I cannot get small. I can use the dock to open other windows which is why I am here. escape doesnt work. What can I do? I cant get the url to the video I am watching to share, either. [23:20] 20.04 [23:23] morganu: try 'f'? [23:24] OK nevermind, Solution: take the mouse above the top of the screeen and an X appears. --- Now tell me: WHAT is this? Now how can I make it happen? [23:25] sarnold thanks but I cant test that.