
=== oerheks_ is now known as oerheks
gnrpcaotropheus: hi11:59
caotropheussince i discovered Xubuntu 16.04 LTS, my imagination stay stuck at this distro. 12:01
caotropheusI tried different distros but Xubuntu, is it.12:01
gnrpgood choice ;)12:08
gnrpI tried different flavours and other distros, but xubuntu is for desktop my choice12:08
caotropheusIndeed. It has all the software you need and it is a very fast environment.12:09
ubottuUbuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial Xerus) was the 24th release of Ubuntu. !End-of-life was April 30th, 2021. Paid support (ESM) is available. See also !esm, !eol, !eolupgrade12:18
oerheksit is EOL, dead jim12:18
caotropheusI have updated of course, now I am running 20.04 LTS12:19
oerheksoh oke12:21
caotropheusToday I was reading and seeing a couple of videos on Windows 11, I am in shock with their demands. For Years I wonder why people do not switch to Linux (Xubuntu of course)?12:22
gnrpcaotropheus: Because certain usage patterns are wired into people's brains and they don't want to change. Or they don't care. Mostly both, I usppose12:25
caotropheusThat is the may reason. I suppose the Windows use will become very, very expensive, soon and I hope people will start using linux12:27
gnrpNobody will care. And enterprises won't change either because of such things12:30
caotropheusRecently a Filipino worker arrived at my parents in law because of their health issues. She owns an Android phone but never used a computer. She is 36 years old and the only computer they have in her area and at the local school. I installed Lubuntu in an old machine and she already "knows her ways" around the software. I Hope she can see that with old inexpensive computers and the right Linux distro, she may be able to use a comput12:35
caotropheushen she returns back home12:35
sophiei used xubuntu back since 8.04. i tried lots of other distros but still came back to xubuntu. quite happy with 20.04 until EOL13:30
=== genii-core is now known as genii
xu-help76whello, noob needing help with installing az new printer. I followed all instructions but there's still a missing link15:35
xu-help76wHELP needed please, thanks. Troubleshooting while installing a new orinter under XFCE15:36
xu-help76wthe new printer is HP Envy 6000 series all in one that I'm trying to install to my system, using sudo synaptic. When using a termnial with either the lprm or lpq command, it is my fprmer printer's name that appears, not the new HP 6020 one. There must be some missing link somewhere so that the new printer could be fully installed and recognized by15:39
xu-help76wmy system. Thanks for your HELP15:39
oerheksisn't HP 6020 supported by hplip?15:58
xu-help53wUploaded file: https://uploads.kiwiirc.com/files/861bd6d907ba2befc31b825b721cb8b0/pasted.txt16:26
xu-help53wAny suggestions welcome to get Super+W working16:28
gnrpxu-help53w: What happens when you type in the terminal 'exo-open --launch WebBrowser' ?16:30
gnrpanyway, you can just go to Settings -> Keyboard and then replace the Super+W shortcut16:31
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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