[12:57] mornin', well... about time to say goodbye to September [13:38] the pumpkin spice season is upon us [14:31] hehe [15:04] the spice must flow [15:04] speaking of flowing, i just got back from the opticians where i had a very funky procedure once again of having my eyelid glands squeezed with tweezers, my my [15:05] i hurt my thumb earlier today so hopefully i can still do this [15:05] D: [15:06] thankfully my hiccups seem to be over :-P [15:23] last episode of ubuntu podcast on media player. end of an era. [15:38] oh it's ending? [15:38] tis over now. [15:38] was a good podcast [15:42] i understood they're quite good for those that commute etc, but it's not a medium that works for me [15:42] i use them for evening walks to get my 10000 paces of exercise a day [15:42] not really to be encouraged if cycling in traffic === Nokaji_ is now known as Nokaji === paulw2 is now known as PaulW2U === paulw2 is now known as PaulW2U [22:14] Sup folks, I got a Nvidia GPU question.. is there a way to set a power limit on a Nvidia GPU in Ubuntu? For example, I want to limit my GPU to 97% (it's a shitty Gigabyte GPU that runs way too hot if I don't knock it down a notch). [22:16] you tried redoing the paste? [22:16] Yeah, I need to do that. [22:17] Knocking down the power limit drops my idle temps by 10C [22:17] Plus I don't lose any FPS [22:17] i spy 'nvidia-smi' being a thing [22:17] seems there's a util for windows https://setiathome.berkeley.edu/forum_thread.php?id=60006 [22:17] wow that's 10 years old :-) [22:18] m0nkey_: this any use? https://justin.palpant.us/monitor-and-maximize-nvidia-gpu-performance-on-linux/#sw-power-throttle [22:18] https://db.tannercrook.com/limiting-nvidia-gpu-in-linux/ === popey4 is now known as popey [22:34] Thanks [22:34] Just preparing for migrating my main workstation to Ubuntu [22:35] Got another box I'm currently testing with. I've verified that MS Flight Sim works.. so super happy about it. [22:35] that's the critical stuff out of the way ;) [22:36] As long as VMware Workstation, most of the games I'm currently playing and MSFS works, that's all I need. [22:36] last version of that i played was version 4 installed from 5.25" disks on dos 3.3 :-) [22:36] lol, that was the first version I played [22:37] was pretty impressive for the time [22:39] i wonder if you still have to regularly re-run vmware-config.pl to generate and load modules on each kernel update like in my Uni days, that'd be sad but amusing [22:40] it uses dkms these days [22:40] makes sense :D [22:40] * daftykins mumbles something about Uni being 16 years ago [22:41] when i went to school the computers were commodore 64s. when i went to college they used amstrad pcs with no hard disks and 5.25" drives :-) [22:41] but we still learned to type on commodore pets as they were more serious computers :-) [22:44] :D [22:47] and coding was done on a dec mini computer on a proper vt100 terminal [23:03] i think my oldest phone the nokia e61 is from 2005 or so :-)