
pieqHi! I'm having an SSL related error when trying to connect to the Launchpad API from a snap I'm maintaining. jamesh suggested it might have something to do with the LetsEncrypt certificate expiring: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/ssl-certificate-verify-failed-error-from-within-a-python-snap/26836/305:17
pieqDid anyone else notice a problem with Launchpad API sine yesterday?05:17
jameshpieq: it looks like they did some config changes 14 hours or so  ago: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/09/30/%23launchpad.html05:19
jameshI don't know any more than that + what I said on the forum05:20
pieqjamesh: thanks!05:32
pieqjamesh: I'm trying to build with core20, but it might take some time cause I have to fix side effects05:33
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jameshcjwatson: w.r.t. the discussion up above, it looks like staging is still serving up a certificate chain including the expired DST Root signature and production is serving a certificate chain missing the self signed ISRG Root cert.09:08
cjwatsonjamesh: I don't think I'd expect the CA cert itself to be sent; I think the snap in this case was just missing the ISRG CA cert.  Could you file an RT ticket about staging, though?09:23
jameshcjwatson: I think the problem comes when the local cert for the ISRG root key includes the expired DST signature09:24
jameshProblem clients then see an expired signature in the cert chain and reject it, even though they trust what looks like an intermediate key09:25
cjwatsonjamesh: Ah yes, possibly, which would be an issue in the core18 snap in this case.09:25
cjwatson20210119~18.04.2's changelog date is 2021-09-22, and the version of core18 in stable is dated 2021-08-1109:26
cjwatsoncore18/edge is presumably better09:26
jameshas I understand it, there are two certificates for the ISRG root key: one that is self signed and one signed by the DST root09:27
cjwatsonSee bug 1944481 for this ca-certificates update09:27
cjwatsonBut the core18 version that pieq was using likely didn't contain that fix09:27
jameshYeah. table core18 is from August09:30
jameshpieq: ^^^ from the above, does your app start working if you do "snap refresh --edge core18"?09:30
cjwatson(and revert the addition of certifi)09:31
pieqjamesh: cjwatson I'll try that later on tonight and keep you posted.09:57
pieqjamesh, cjwatson I ran `snap refresh --edge core18`, then installed qabro from the stable channel (this version does not include python3-certifi) and I have the same issue10:04
pieqit upgraded core18             from 20210722 (rev2128) to 20210928 (rev2206)10:05
cjwatsonI can't test qabro because "- Run install hook of "qabro" snap if present (run hook "install": /snap/qabro/157/meta/hooks/install: 8: /snap/qabro/157/meta/hooks/install: cannot create /etc/sudoers.d/qabro: Permission denied)"10:08
pieqyou need to `sudo snap install qabro --devmode`10:21
pieq(I know...)10:22
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