
amurraygood morning 😉05:58
bittinDST Root CA X3 cert expired yesterday (30th Sept 201) 06:13
bittinmissing a 2 under https://ubuntusecuritypodcast.org/episode-133/ ca-certificates update 06:13
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amurrayah hehe - 201 😳06:14
amurraythanks for the heads up bittin 🙏06:17
amurrayshould be fixed now06:17
bittinnp, always follow along with the show notes when listening to the episode :p 06:18
bittinyep solved now06:19
bittincya in two weeks06:25
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=== ubot3 is now known as ubottu
=== trench_ is now known as trench
=== locutusofborg_ is now known as locutusofborg
=== cipherboy1 is now known as cipherboy
tewardsdeziel: mdeslaur_: did ESM Trusty get the same ca-certificates update?17:20
sdezielteward: according to xnox (in #ubuntu-server), yes17:20
sdezieloh trusty vs xenial, sorry I'm confused17:21
teward*hands sdeziel coffee*17:21
tewardi see a ca-certificates update package17:21
sdezielteward: https://ubuntu.com/security/notices/USN-5089-2 yep17:21
tewardsdeziel: thanks for confirming17:35
teward(short story: IT and myself now have access to one team's network segment and all their machines, so i'm doing security reviews heh.)17:35
teward(discovered the ancient as sin systems today XD)17:35
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sarnoldoof, that's not going to be fun to clean up, how much more are they missing?18:40
=== riderjj is now known as juanjo

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