
AfdalCan anyone suggest to me why Thunar 1.8.4 is disabling trashcan when I try to delete things on mounted partitions?04:42
AfdalI feel like I've had this problem before but I can't remember how I resolved it04:42
AfdalOkay apparently it's -some- mounted volumes but not others04:49
Afdalnow I'm really confused04:49
AfdalI think it probably has something to do with root ownership on the partitions trash is disabled on05:09
Afdalyet doing a chown on the mount point doesn't bring ownership back to my own user account05:09
AfdalIs it because of the way I specified it in my fstab05:17
Afdalbingo, had to set the uid and gid so fstab gets the correct owner :)05:25
Afdalotherwise it assumes root is the owner05:25
Afdaland I guess that's a problem with file drives or something whereas it isn't with /, /home/, etc.05:26
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xu-help38wWhat are the ways to make my Xubuntu less proprietary and more free according to GNU? 07:48
xu-help38wAnd are there ways to avoid installing non-free packages while installing Xubuntu? 07:49
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^-^hiSomeone says that pressing the windows button doesn't bring their start menu in Xubuntu, what is the problem?13:12
sophie^-^hi: it doesnt for meither. it's always been ctrl-esc15:48
^-^hisophie: how... weird15:48
Unit193There's a new thing that may do it.  Can't go into details now.15:49
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