
harpiaI'm on Impish beta and I see that Firefox (Snap) keeps creating the directory ~/Downloads/firefox.tmp everytime I run it. Is anyone else getting this? Known issue?03:48
furkan_anyone having problems with not being able to start steam?03:52
harpiafurkan_: I wasn't able to start it on Fedora 34 (GNOME 40), maybe it's a GNOME issue.03:56
harpiaoh no, nevermind, I could in fact start Steam, but a game wasn't starting.03:57
Bashing-omharpia: There are updates for proton - might help ? https://9to5linux.com/valve-releases-proton-6-3-7-with-support-for-life-is-strange-true-colors-dxvk-1-9-204:05
harpianope, i'm not using proton. It's CS:GO04:18
Bashing-omharpia: Well, was but my thought :(04:22
harpiano problem04:29
harpiaNobody else seeing Firefox Snap do that? I just opened a bug report: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=173375004:44
ubottuMozilla bug 1733750 in Firefox "[Snap] Creating empty directory ~/Downloads/firefox.tmp every time it runs" [--, Unconfirmed]04:44

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