
Kelto all "linux stations"? Why is it written like a dead-drop radio transmission? xD00:09
KelI have question for mister Rahim Fakir.00:10
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tomreynKel: do you have an ubuntu support question, though?00:13
Keltomreyn: I converted Ubuntu forum posts to the wiki like a decade ago and just hang out here to help out if I see a question I can answer.00:14
tomreynnice :)00:14
Crusher4is there some deb search site that would make it easy to determine what version of openssh each version of ubuntu shipped with? so far i've only found ones for currently supported versions of ubnutu00:17
oerhekslaunchpad would tell00:18
sarnoldCrusher4: you could grab the manifest files from all the old releases http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/ and look for openssh-client in each00:18
oerheksoh, older than supported ones...00:19
oerheksdoing homework?00:20
sarnoldyeah, that launchpad page was going to be my answer until I re-read the question :) hehe00:20
Crusher4homework of a sort....network scanning my local network for outdated installs00:20
Crusher4nmap fingerprinting databases arent that great anymore, and setting up something fancier like greenbone takes time..nmap tells me ssh versions. we have general knowledge of what's a mac, what's ubuntu, etc... easy way to figure out what is probably ok, and what needs intervention00:26
Crusher4i was hoping to not have to scan package lists but...if that's what it comes down to, that's what I'll do. but thaks for that link oerheks, at least i got a little more presice info for some of the ones I already had from that00:27
oerheksoke, this channel is not about pentesting, nmap does not show ssh version00:28
tomreynit does, with version detection, or the right scripts.00:28
oerheksprotocol, yes00:29
Crusher4look, you asked if i was doing homework, so i answered your curiosity, nothing more00:29
Crusher4i'm here about ubuntu versions of things, not asking for help with anything other than that00:29
sarnoldI'd go with scanssh first, it probably just works00:30
sarnoldbut if you've already got the banners..00:30
Crusher4yeah, i've already got banners. the problem is just correlating openssh versions of things to actual ubuntu versions. but anyway that answered questions about a couple more recent ones...i suppose if i only go back to 2016, i'm only missing about 6 ubuntu versions at this point...not so many that I cant do them by hand00:34
Guest70hi ?00:35
tomreynGuest70: hi there.00:36
Guest70am here to help people xd00:36
tomreynCrusher4: ideally you'd gain system level access and install some management agent or other monitoring mechanism. (but i assume you're well aware and want to spare yourself this potentially cumbersome (especially with older versions) work.)00:38
tomreynGuest70: that's nice.00:38
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Crusher4tomreyn: indeed. there are many upsides and downsides to each approach but as someone herding cats, i'm just trying to herd them towards being up to date and provide gentle reminders that you cant keep a version of ubuntu from 19tickity2 on the publicly accessible nets00:43
level15Hi. I am trying to install ubuntu 20.04 on an old-ish laptop (2017) with UEFI + secureboot.  I have downloaded the ISO, verified the sha256 hash and put it in a USB using dd. However, when  starting the laptop and hitting the key to select boot device, it only shows the on-disk Windows UEFI partition, not the USB one. I have verified that USB booting is enabled. What am I missing?00:44
sarnoldwe had to say tickity because the kaiser00:44
oerhekslevel15, did you disable fastboot? secureboot should be oke00:45
level15oerheks: I have not, let me try to find that in the UEFI settings00:46
Crusher4sarnold: i put an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time00:48
sarnoldCrusher4 :D00:48
level15oerheks: disabled fastboot, now the USB UEFI entry is shown, but when I select it, the screen goes black for a few seconds, then the laptop beeps and comes back to the boot menu showing both the USB and the on disk windows partition00:51
tomreynlevel15: maybe look for a bios update. especially early uefi implementations can be pretty buggy.00:54
sarnoldheh I'm not sure 2017 is exactly "early".. but it is surprising :(00:54
sarnoldI think I've heard that some vendors lock things down; it might be worth searching for the vendor name with your uefi linux web searches00:55
tomreynother than that you could verify the data was properly written to the usb storage00:55
level15sarnold: laptop is an HP elite x2 G2. Most info I can find is about G1 or g3 or newer. And most people just go about by disabling secureboot, unfortunately.00:59
sarnoldlevel15: eww. that hasn't been necessary for ages. heh.01:00
sarnoldlevel15: (I mean, it's perfectly fine to disable secureboot if the lockdown permissions in the kernel are too strict for you, but that shouldn't affect booting..)01:01
level15tomreyn: thanks, let me try that01:03
jcbjoe2021Is systemd on Ubuntu different then say arch Linux?01:03
tomreynjcbjoe2021: probably. but probably not a whole lot. other than versions, i guess.01:05
jcbjoe2021tomreyn: so the systemctl command is the same right? I noticed in Ubuntu I didn’t see gdm.service while running gnome01:06
tomreynjcbjoe2021: there is gdm.service, though01:08
sarnoldjcbjoe2021: check the output of systemctl cat display-manager.service   -- the first line probably says which service file is providing your display manager, if any01:08
jcbjoe2021Hmm I’m new to this I ran systemctl list-units was that the wrong command?01:08
tomreynthat lists "gdm.service" on this 18.04 LTS system i have01:09
sarnoldI rarely use that command myself because I'm annoyed that it shows devices and mounts in it, too01:09
tomreynthere's   systemctl status   also01:10
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tomreyn(which also lists   gdm.service   for me)01:10
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jcbjoe2021The command is systemctl list-units —type=service01:27
jcbjoe2021It shows gdm.service01:28
def_anyone here ?01:28
sarnoldjcbjoe2021: oh that's much nicer, much better. pity it's not the default :) systemd loves the super-long command lines01:31
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derDereHello folks, I was kindly directed to join libera instead of free node. I'm glad to see a lot op peps here thanks to betlegese600 for bringing me here02:13
jcbjoe2021Welcome derDere we are all feeenode rejects02:15
derDereand now one more ;D02:15
derDeresooooooooo... are there any terminal geegs online? I'm hoping someone maybe knows one ore two programs I'm looking for02:16
derDereI looking for somthing like rofi or dmenu but terminal only (I know actualy pointless but its for fun and unixporn)02:17
GinaloHi. Does anyone know how to resize an application window larger than the screen size? I'm trying to workaround the lack of scrolling screenshot utility in the Linux environment, and I read that this is one of them.03:27
yukiupi think if you hold down alt you can move the window bellow the frame, by holding alt and clicking+draging the mouse03:31
yukiupthen maybe resize?03:32
harpiaI'm on Impish beta and I see that Firefox (Snap) keeps creating the directory ~/Downloads/firefox.tmp everytime I run it. Is anyone else getting this? Known issue?03:46
ubottuUbuntu 21.10 (Impish Indri) will be the 35th release of Ubuntu, scheduled for release October 2021 (http://ubottu.com/y/ii). Join #ubuntu+1 for support and questions.03:47
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conjohi all-has anyone had problems with mouse wheel not working after upgrading form 18 to 20.04.3/21.04?04:52
conjohi all can anyone explain what i need to do to install chromium form a live install, via software center sudo apt install what ever is simpler-when i try i get a msg about status code 409 snap change -conflict message=too early for operatiion -device not yet seeded or device model not achknowledged, never come accross this not sure how to handle or what to look up read about05:03
conjotypo from05:03
conjowas able to install hexchat after changing the sources05:03
conjoi was able to install with sudo apt install so all gud, but can anyone explain what was the problem with snap05:07
conjohow id go about troubleshooting if id wanted to persist with a snap install (just curious now)05:07
joyce72Hi, so I have an old Creative Prodikeys PC-MIDI USB keyboard, and I am running Ubuntu 20.4. I am trying to get MIDI playback working, but to no avail. Anyone knows how to set up MIDI devices?08:48
enycjoyce72: hrrm curious what audio channel to send you to ;p08:49
enycjoyce72: aah you are trying ot use midi keyboard as input  to a sequencer/tracker midi program of some form ?!!?!?!?08:50
joyce72yup - and I am trying to be able to listen to my playback as I compose my tracks08:50
joyce72the software I am using is Rosegarden08:51
flingHow to install a package from source properly?09:03
Keljoyce72: some bloke on YouTube running linux had to pass it through a roland DAW of some definition09:27
Keljoyce72: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBPYblt9ghk09:28
joyce72I'm looking at said video - they are using Ardour as the DAW?09:31
lotuspsychje!make | fling09:47
ubottufling: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)09:47
lotuspsychje!midi | joyce7209:52
ubottujoyce72: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo09:52
joyce72I can play music files fine09:53
joyce72I just don't hear any sound when I am playing music on the keyboard09:54
joyce72Rosegarden does show what key I am playing when I press a key09:54
joyce72but I hear nothing09:54
lotuspsychjeoerheks: one for you^09:55
lotuspsychjejoyce72: other sounds work on your ubuntu?09:56
TJ-joyce72: that may be that you need the midi soundfonts - long time since I used that stuff but recall needing to install them09:56
joyce72got it working - seems like my audio devices weren't set up properly10:00
lotuspsychjegreat joyce7210:01
=== Guest37__ is now known as TomFarr
BluesKajHi folks11:34
eye_Hi people11:35
linociscoHello all, I have problem printing to canon LBP 3050 via USB11:59
linociscoprinter has been detected and correct driver has been installed. But print jobs were always in the queue and not actually printed12:00
sudormhi, how to update the root certificats on Ubuntu?12:06
tomreynsudorm: the update-ca-certificates(8) man page explains12:08
tomreynthis may not affect all applications, though12:09
tomreynparticularly snaps, i assume, won't be reading this.12:09
ogracertificates for snaps come from /snap/core{18,20}/current/etc/ssl/certs/ ...12:18
ograand are updated when a new core/core18/core20 snap is released ... which happens whenever any of the shipped files inside one of these base snaps changes in the ubuntu archive12:19
tomreynogra: do snaps also have a way for users to add private CA certificates?13:00
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tomreyni guess that's ecosystem bug 190158613:05
ubottuBug 1901586 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu) "[snap] CA Certificates from /usr/local/share/ca-certificates are not used" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/190158613:05
ogratomreyn, currently only on Ubuntu Core, not on classic installs yet13:38
ogratomreyn, the proposed fix in the bug is pretty straightforward though ...13:40
BinarySaviori had power outage and now my video driver is not loading correctly... i had made the mistake of installing the video driver from .run file because the driver installed via apt wasn't working14:02
BinarySaviorit's nvidia a nvidia driver14:02
BinarySaviordo I need to uninstall the current driver before I try to install via apt again?14:03
BinarySavioror ubuntu-drivers, rather, is what i used to install originally when it didn't work14:03
BinarySaviori dont know why, but rebooting into recovery, trying to check disk for errors (which failed), and rebooting, seemed to solve the issue, now my driver is properly loaded again14:16
tomreynprefer the ubuntu packaged drivers over nvidia.com's, fully uninstall nvidia.com's before you install the ubuntu packaged ones. check s.m.a.r.t state of the storage media if you assume it can be physically broken.14:21
iomari891 greetings, How can I remove a virtual interface? Whe I run "ip link delete <interface>, I get RTNETLINK answers: Operation not supported.14:28
tomreyniomari891: you ran it with sudo?14:37
tomreynwhat's the output for    ip link show <device>   ? (you might want to [REDACT] the interface mac address)14:38
culobulohenlo, i am facing a strange issue with my ubuntu 20.04 , everytime i turn off animations using gnome-tweak or gsettings set, my animations settings are enabled again after restart/gnome restart/lock/logout17:34
culobulothough when i create a new user account and tried to disable animations in that account the setting persisted.17:34
culobuloanyone here can help me to troubleshoot what might be problem17:34
culobulosame problem has been already reported by this person on this thread https://askubuntu.com/questions/1347605/changes-via-gsettings-set-for-gnome-animations-have-to-be-restored-after-every17:35
culobulobut, for me my settings are reverted back in my current account only, i experimented by disabling animation in new account and there was no issue of settings getting reverted back in that account17:36
culobuloi hope i am asking in correct channel here17:36
pycuriousI've a pid for a python program that is asking for manual input on the screen. How can I connect to that tty/terminal to interact with the program?17:36
tomreynculobulo: while logged in as the user for which it does not persist, does this return something about gnome or gsettings? and how many lines are reported?     find $HOME \( \! -uid $(id -u) \) -o \( \! -gid $(id -g) \)17:42
culobulo@tomreyn, thanks for response, i have just found that if i disable all my gnome extensions and then disable animations through gsettings and logout, then animations are not being reverted on back17:44
culobulonow i need to find if this is some faulty extension17:44
tomreynpycurious: you can run it in a terminal multiplexer (e.g. GNU Screen, tmux, byobu), you can try to move the input channel to a virtual terminal (using e.g. reptyr), you can script the input using 'expect'.17:45
culobulotomreyn, oh i think i fixed it, it was an extension which had some animatins settings17:46
tomreynculobulo: in my experience, the best you can do about gnome-shell-extensions is to use as few as possible.17:46
culobulotomreyn, yeah, thats helpful advice, but somehow i have just started experimenting with whole ubuntu/linux thing so i am trying to make my desktop experience as homely as possible. :)17:47
tomreynculobulo: keep an eye on journalctl -f   during the day. you'll see plenty of gnome error messages or warnings, it'll get worse with more extensions installed.17:48
tomreynit's pretty vocal, so several are just spurious, but those can also be incompatibilities with those extensions pre-installed by ubuntu, or just badly written/maintained extensions you installed.17:51
hiyaOpenVPN Network Manager plugin isn't updating /etc/resolv.conf when connected to VPN17:53
hiyaHow to fix?17:53
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rfmhiya, I know nothing about OpenVPN but in general with ubuntu resolv/conf never changes, always points at the loopback which systemd-resolved is listening to.  use resolvvectll to display where resolved is forwarding to, that's what should be changing as you connect18:13
goddardwhats the difference between the nvidia packages and the -server variant?18:20
hiyarfm: I am on 16.04 LTS18:21
rfmhiya, well, I don't remember when the resolved stuff came in.  apparently too old for me to help..18:25
null117th wedding anny 2day ;). Hiiiiiii alllll!!!18:25
leftyfb!ot | null118:38
ubottunull1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:38
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hiyarfm: no problem18:51
tomreynhiya: note that 16.04 LTS is end of life, not supported here (you might have extended support from Canonical via !ESM)18:52
Exterminadorhello. I was wondering if there's a way to see how many machines I currently have attached to Ubuntu LivePatch service?19:04
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oerheksExterminador, maybe if you login on your ubuntu account?19:29
ExterminadorI must be missing something, since I can't see the number of machines attached to an account...19:32
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rodriI see close to 100% CPU usage for a process while all the cores are pretty much at 20-30% utilization on a 32 core machine. What's going on? Is the process using only 1 core? But then why is no core at 100%?21:22
rodriOr is the 100% counted across cores? So like 5% from each core on a multi-threaded process with 32 threads using all 32 cores for example.21:24
pasizcounted on core. thus system load would be 1 if one core size pipeline is full.21:45
JoeLlamaHow many people here have memory leaks?  If I run my PC with 6GB RAM, by the end of the day I am down to 2% and I have to reboot.22:07
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privato89Hi guys22:41
privato89How can I change the mirror of my system?22:42
privato89they are very slow22:42
EriC^^privato89: software&updates22:44
EriC^^privato89: or run 'software-properties-gtk' in a terminal22:45
Bashing-omprivato89: A GUI way -- ^^ -- try opening the Ubuntu software center, click the Edit menu > "Software Sources" and click the "Software" tab - try selecting a different mirror from the dropdown list ("Download from") .22:45
privato89thanks guys22:51
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rodripasiz So what I see is that all cores are at 20-30% utilization, average load at ~3 but this one process at 100% on CPU% column23:44
Errorhi there - im trying to assign ipv6 but getting the following errors https://paste.debian.net/1214142/ .. looked up but cannot find any solutions23:44
rodripasiz So is the process bottlenecked on compute or is it not?23:45
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