
marco93[m]Hi, I'm using Ubuntustudio 20.04 and recently activated the backports. Since then I sporadically get issues with lightdm. Sometimes after the login window appears it vanishes and comes back again. Sometimes I have to login twice. In the journal there's the entry "lightdm.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'' if this happens. I use xdm now for testing. I also wanted to reinstall lightdm, but synaptic wants to deinstall also the15:32
marco93[m]ubuntustudio default settings when deinstalling lightdm so I'm unsure if this is a good idea. Anyone with similar issues? 15:32
Iamthehuman1so sorry to hear you are experiencing such issues marco93[m] ... I can't really help you as I use KDE on 21.04 and secondly I'm not a developer15:40
marco93[m]I'm even not sure if it is due to the backports15:43
Iamthehuman1Only 12 nights till 2021-10-14 :D :D15:43
Iamthehuman1marco93[m]: often it is difficult to tell where bugs come from, unless you get some free pro help regarding that15:43
Iamthehuman1I'm so looking forward to 21.10, because I've seen Plasma 5.22 and it is the coolest upgrade since 5.21, seriously15:44
chris_uk[m]Just looking at 21.10 beta live USB. Apart from fact I at first I installed the ISO on one of my data drives (duh!, half asleep), it looks and sounds great on first impressions. Studio Controls works fine.  If I do have anything to report, do I do it here or in another place? 15:47
Iamthehuman1depends on if the issue is with #1 US, #2 KDE software or #3 some other software I suppose15:49
Iamthehuman1chris_uk[m]: I guess you can chatter here about the issue, but if you really wanna get it fixed, make a ticket15:50
Iamthehuman1I've received really nice quality support here, really appreciate it.15:51
chris_uk[m]Where do I make a ticket (sorry, new to beta testing)?16:06
Iamthehuman1chris_uk[m]: I suppose this is the right place https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-project ... but KDE bugs to https://bugs.kde.org/ 16:09
Iamthehuman1chris_uk[m]: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ReportingBugs16:10
Iamthehuman1I'm going to use this to make hotkey to rotate the orientation of a display https://www.debugpoint.com/2019/12/how-to-rotate-display-in-ubuntu-linux/ should not be complicated16:25
Iamthehuman1When I karaoke I really enjoy pivoting the display but doing it with GUI is ugly16:25
rghchris_uk: there's even a way to do it from the cli16:31
rghI think it's called ubuntu-bug 16:31
rghlemme check16:31
rghdon't worry too much if you got the wrong program name, usually the triage folks will sort that out for you16:32
rghyou'll be ask to re-issue to the proper package, but I think that's all part of the game16:33
EickmeyerI'm going to simplify the living junk out of this for all of you:17:06
Eickmeyer!bug | rgh chris_uk[m] Iamthehuman1:17:07
ubotturgh chris_uk[m] Iamthehuman1:: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its official !flavors, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.17:07
Eickmeyerchris_uk[m]: Thanks for the bug report on ardour, but 1) running in a live session can be weird at best, and 2) there's a newer version of the package making its way into the live iso.17:21
EickmeyerTL;DR: It's not finalized yet.17:21
rghEickmeyer: ever checked out zrythm ? zrythm.org17:48
rghit's very alpha still though17:48
Eickmeyerrgh: It looks nice, but I'm very leery of packaging alpha software.22:46

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