
lubot[telegram] <CapeCrusader321> Hey the Screenshot App of Lubuntu 21.04,Screen Grab automatically opens 1000 times crashing and freezing my Laptop,How to remove this App or How to Solve this problem11:03
lubot[telegram] <emergencyrussia> I recommend you uninstalling it via apt and when installing it directly from https://github.com/lxqt/screengrab12:27
lubot[telegram] <emergencyrussia> You can file an issue on github if that doesn't help12:27
lubot[telegram] <emergencyrussia> You can also make screenshots with lximage-qt, that as far as I remember is available in Lubuntu out of the box12:28
lubot[telegram] <CapeCrusader321> Ok let me try (re @emergencyrussia: I recommend you uninstalling it via apt and when installing it directly from https://github.com/lxqt/screengrab12:30
lubot[telegram] <CapeCrusader321> You can file an issue on github if that doesn't help)12:30
=== genii-core is now known as genii
=== fortinho is now known as marcos10
OxfuxxxIt looks like the bug with qclipper ang gimp is still here! :////16:58
OxfuxxxThat is qclipper is launched automaticly by lubuntu, it's in the tray, but if you run Gimp and try to copy/paste things in Gimp, Gimp crash. But if i quit qclipper, then Gimp works totaly fine.17:00
OxfuxxxBecause Gimp is the most important 2D tool on Linux...if you don't know its because qclipper, it's unusable...ppl would run out to an other distrib just because of that.17:02
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> In other distros same problem17:06
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> https://githubmemory.com/repo/pvanek/qlipper/issues/108 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <Oxfuxxx> Because Gimp is the most important 2D tool on Linux...if you don't know its because qclipper, it's unusable...ppl would run out to an other distrib just because of that.)17:06
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Is a qlipper bug17:06
krytarikhttps://github.com/pvanek/qlipper/issues/108 - being the real address of it btw.17:11
ubottuIssue 108 in pvanek/qlipper "Qlipper makes Gimp crash when copying image in Gimp" [Open]17:11
OxfuxxxN0um3n0, this bug is like 6 month old or more, it's kind of critical, and easy to fix.17:11
krytarikThen help them fix it upstream, nothing we can do about it here..17:12
OxfuxxxYou guys have the use of qclipper? on many distributions i tried there was no copy/paste manager.17:12
OxfuxxxThe easiest patch is to disable images paste etc on qclipper if gimp or krita etc is running. but i'm not available to do it, i'm moving, got no computer anf usually they don't easily accept patches from outsiders...17:16
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> If you use it, I would look for alternatives, if not you can always disable it at the beginning.  The bug is still open.17:25
=== ike_ is now known as lysco
pozphello there21:46
pozpvery new with lubuntu21:47
pozpi ve uninstalled xscreensaver cause im not interested with those stuff21:47
pozpbut when the screen is supposed to lock after the idle time i got that message21:48
pozpfailed to run xdg-screensaver lock. ensure you have locker screensaver compatible with xdg-screensaver installed and tunning21:49
pozpactually the purpose is juste to lock screen to the standard login screen after a certain time and then eventually suspend or hibernate after an hour21:50
pozpanyone can guide me to do that21:50
guivercpozp, you've not provided release details; but Lubuntu uses xscreensaver to lock the screen (it has a disable function; so it's just a locker; turn the screensaver function to "Disable Screen Saver" to use it as locker only22:21
guiverchttps://manual.lubuntu.me/stable/3/3.2/3.2.20/screensaver.html  (you didn't provide release details; so that's latest stable or 21.04 page)22:22
pozpby release detail do you mean lubuntu version?22:23
guivercthe greeter (initial signon screen or sddm) you'll get on logout; so to get it you just kill your session (it doesn't provide what you're wanting)22:23
pozpthx for the anwer btw22:23
guivercyep i do22:24
pozp21.04 = )22:24
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> yes22:24
pozpok so i have to reinstall it22:25
lubot[telegram] <lynorian> no you you don't22:25
pozpi have uninstalled xcreensaver when i saw all those choice of screensaver22:26
pozpi felt like i didnt need those all of this22:27
pozpactually i just wanted my screen to lock on login screen22:27
pozpsorry if im not clear22:28
pozpwith all those screensaver choices i just felt like xscreensaver looks like a useless bloatware22:29
pozpthats why i uninstalled it22:29
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Hello there. Anyone could help me with samba configuration ? I can't set any network22:29
guivercI understand you; I'd avoid removing it; as xscreensaver has a depends on it for Lubuntu (https://packages.ubuntu.com/impish/lubuntu-desktop) so by it not being there, you'l have it re-installed on upgrade to impish/21.10 OR have issues upgrading... I'd just use it (xscreensaver) with the screensaver function disabled..  Lynornian may provide other advice - I'd follow that too if if differs to what I'd do22:29
guivercsorry I miss-typed your name Lynorian22:30
pozpso can i install it with the "discover" app22:32
pozpor i better use a command?22:32
pozpi hope i wont have any problem with upgrade cause i uninstalled a lot of app that seems very useless to me22:33
pozplike games, noble note, libroffice etc.. etc...22:34
guivercuse whichever you wish; I'd expect them to be re-installed if *depends* rule lists them22:34
guivercif they were included because of a recommends they shouldn't be re-installed22:35
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Hello there. Anyone could help me with samba configuration ? I can't set any network22:36
pozpsorry im not an expert with samba22:38
guiverc@Sylvain, we don't know what release you're using which maybe helpful; but people will respond as they're able to22:38
pozpi use to have a gui samba on earler version of lubuntu22:38
pozpbut it seems that it doesnt work anymore on 21.0422:38
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Okay sorry, I just don't want to be forgotten. I asked my question work all the infos on the Ubuntu french form 1 month ago and I still don't have any response. I'm using Lubuntu 21.04 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <guiverc> @Sylvain, we don't know what release you're using which maybe helpful; but people will respond as they're able to)22:42
pozpu french so22:45
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> I have the same feeling. Yes I'm french I do my best to speak an understandable English tho 😅 (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <pozp> but it seems that it doesnt work anymore on 21.04)22:46
pozpi private messaged you22:48
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Thank you. Can you remind me the IRC address of this Lubuntu channel ? I can't receive IRC private messages as I'm presently using telegram on my phone22:52
pozpt'es pas sur kiwi irc.22:55
pozppar navigateur22:55
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Non ce PC est éteint il est en maintenance ^^22:55
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Ce compte IRC est rattaché à mon compte telegram du coup l'IRC croit que je suis sur l'IRC aussi22:56
pozpessaye de m'envoyer un message ou passe sur #lubuntu-fr 22:56
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> I need the exact address of the server :/23:00
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Tu as le port ?23:03
pozphaha je suis censé trouvé ça ou?23:04
pozpessaye 666723:05
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Thank you I'm connected as Tiflow6423:11
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Mais je trouve pas les salons23:11
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> Which channel am I supposed to join ?23:14
pozptu peux rejoindre #lubuntu-fr23:16
geniiIf you're Quebecois there may also be someone in #ubuntu-qc23:18
Tiflow64Salut tout le monde23:18
lubot[telegram] <Sylvain> C'est bon j'ai réussi ^^23:19
pozpnobody on qc23:19
geniipozp: I guess they didn't make the hop from freenode :(23:24
Guest26j'ai buggué23:38
Guest26je disais23:38
Guest26il faut que le groupe  de travail corresponde entre windows et samba23:39
Guest26moi ça marchait pas qd23:39
Guest26c'était pas pareil23:39
Tiflow64Oke je test et je te dis23:46
lubot[telegram] <N0um3n0> Pour cela nous avons une chaine #lubuntu-fr svp cette chaine est en anglais23:50
Tiflow64Merci lubot j'ai rejoint le salon. Bonne soirée23:57

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