
=== genii is now known as genii-core
lordievaderGood morning06:16
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> Why do my kubuntu takes upto 5/6 minutes to boot up07:14
lordievaderveektony see `sudo systemd-analyze blame`.07:16
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> Hold on let check it out (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> veektony see `sudo systemd-analyze blame`.)07:28
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> Showing command not found (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> veektony see `sudo systemd-analyze blame`.)07:29
lordievaderWhat command is not found exactly?07:39
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> sudo systemd_analyze blame (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> What command is not found exactly?)07:43
lordievaderThat should be a - (dash) not a _ (underscore)07:49
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> Ohh my bad (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> That should be a - (dash) not a _ (underscore))07:50
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> I just did it and it shows me lists of services07:50
lordievaderYes, along with how long it took for them to startup. Mind you, these times can be run in parallel.07:54
lordievaderNow you can take the list and decide if you need all these services and disable the ones you don't need.07:55
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> How can i disable the ones I don't need (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> Now you can take the list and decide if you need all these services and disable the ones you don't need.)07:58
lordievader`sudo systemctl disable <service-name>`07:59
IrcsomeBot_<Veektony> Thanks (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> `sudo systemctl disable <service-name>`)08:03
IrcsomeBot_<Anarchotaoist> K3B - can no longer rip DVD's? It looks as if the needed component 'Transcode' is obsolete and K3B has not replaced this for a substitute mechanism. Correct?08:20
=== paolo is now known as paolo76
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Hey guys. Do we already know which version of plasma and kde will 21.10 ship with?09:47
IrcsomeBot<RikMills> Plasma 5.22.510:10
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Do we know if it is X11 or something secure?10:58
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=== paolo_ is now known as Guest8860
IrcsomeBot<Halis> Do we know if it is X11 or wayland?11:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:11
lordievaderMost likely X11, but don't take my word for it. I'm a bit on the sidelines these days.11:11
IrcsomeBot<Halis> İ just send 1 message. However İ edited the message afterwards. İ guess, that does send a second message in IRC (re @IrcsomeBot: <lordievader> !patience)11:25
lordievaderOh, yeah. It appears here as a second message without any reference to the previous (edited) message.11:28
=== paolo is now known as Guest5153
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Thanks (re @RikMills: Plasma 5.22.5)12:05
IrcsomeBot<Niggolas> Short question. Under wayland on Kubuntu 21.04 with backports/ppa enabled, when clicking on menus (e.g. in dolphin) the drop down shows up on very strange places. Is this a known bug (I did not find any recent reference)...12:28
BluesKajHi folks13:08
IrcsomeBot<ksenchy> Hi13:24
u0_a343my kubuntu system now appears to be clunky, slow animations as well13:42
u0_a343          as a extensive boot time, how can i troubleshoot this?; cpu temps13:42
u0_a343          are ok, hdd disk is fine, RAM doesn't seem to be an issue13:42
lordievaderu0_a343: Could you pastebin the output of `sudo lspci -k`?13:44
u0_a343in one moment13:47
lordievaderu0_a343: Anything taking the cpu by storm?13:56
u0_a343looking at htop, i don't notice any cpu hungry pid13:58
lordievaderIt is not a server, is it?13:59
u0_a343no, it's a desktop pc14:00
TJ-u0_a343: show us " ( systemd-analyze critical-chain; systemd-analyze --user critical-chain ) | nc termbin.com 9999 "14:03
lordievaderu0_a343: Also could you pastebin the output of `sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda` (assuming your root disk resides on sda)14:04
=== genii-core is now known as genii
u0_a343seems like I don't have smartctl installed14:10
lordievaderIt is part of the package `smartmontools`.14:11
u0_a343here it is14:12
u0_a343i should ask if compositor makes any difference, i'm using opengl 2.014:14
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IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> yU5Q20:35
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> BBZO20:35
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> BBZ020:35
IrcsomeBot<jpkhawam> Bbzq20:35
level15Hello, folks. Quick question. I installed kubuntu on one of those laptop/tablet convertibles. While using it as a laptop , it works just fine. However, I am having trouble trying to use it as a tablet. Particularly:21:45
level151. touchscreen is odd. no way to scroll, etc21:45
level152. UI is meant for laptop usage; buttons are small, making the whole experience difficult21:45
level15any advice on what the best way to use it would be?21:45
valorie  level15, I have a convertable laptop too, and use the latest with no problems. I will have to say that the laptop is old enough that the "convertable" part doesn't really work, because the keyboard isn't shut off21:56
valoriebut I don't see that as kubuntu/ubuntu's fault21:56
valorieit's just old, and I don't usually use it as a tablet21:56
valorieI should upgrade it to the beta and see how it does21:57
geniiIf there's some event generated when it transforms it may be possible to put a script in /etc/acpi to resize the screen so that the buttons etc are scaled large enough to use in tablet mode21:58
valoriegenii: I doubt it does except maybe in Windows22:00
geniiAlternately just manually make and run and xrandr script when you switch modes22:00
valorieI bet it's nearing 10 years old22:00
geniiThe touchscreen issue sounds like possibly there's an Elantech controller22:02
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Plasma Integration is no longer working in my browser (Librewolf). I get 'Failed to connect to native host' plasma-browser-integration' package is installed. What can I troubleshoot?23:28
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Plasma Integration is no longer working in my browser (Librewolf). I get 'Failed to connect to native host'. plasma-browser-integration' package is installed. What can I troubleshoot?23:28
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Plasma Integration is no longer working in my browser (Librewolf). I get 'Failed to connect to native host'. 'plasma-browser-integration' package is installed. What can I troubleshoot?23:28
valorie@Anarchotaoist, unsure why you are repeating yourself; please don't do that. I suggest asking in #plasma or #kde-plasma; unsure which channel/room name is correct23:35
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Repeat?? (re @IrcsomeBot: <valorie> @Anarchotaoist, unsure why you are repeating yourself; please don't do that. I suggest asking in #plasma or #kde-plasma; unsure which channel/room name is correct)23:36
valoriere: repeat -- I see the exact same message in IRC 3X23:37
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Not me!23:37
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> I have posted once!23:38
valorieperhaps a matrix glitch; no clue23:38
valoriein any case, Plasma chan might have some advice23:38
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Ok.23:38

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