
=== genii is now known as genii-core
=== callmepk is now known as callmepk[away]
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=== callmepk[away] is now known as callmepk
sigvCould someone please sponsor `gist` SRU for Focal in LP: #1940907 ? Tried asking in #ubuntu-motu but that seems to be abandoned.09:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1940907 in gist (Ubuntu Focal) "[SRU] Authentication/Authorization broken due to GitHub platform changes" [Medium, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194090709:29
KBarI think Ubiquity has to contain translatable string for names of locations and cities. Currently, the "Where are you?" screen is inconsistent. If a user selects a language that has a layout outside of 8859 (Cyrillic in my case) and if these settings are meant to be persistent (bug #1945848 is preventing that), they won't be able to enter their location in their own language and its respective layout, assuming they're not connected11:20
KBarto the Internet, which is the case for the vast majority during installation.11:20
ubottuBug 1945848 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No Russian layout during keyboard configuration setup" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194584811:20
seb128you can always click on the map at least11:28
KBarA bit hard to pinpoint the exact location, especially if your city neighbors with another on a different timezone.11:33
seb128KBar, the rational you are describing is based on a keyboard selection bug and the non ability to click properly, also it's not important to pick the right city, that screen is to select a timezone, it's fine to click a town far away which is in the timezone you want instead12:10
KBarMaybe it's just my inner OCD but in any case the "Where are you?" screen is inconsistet.12:29
=== genii-core is now known as genii
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mwhudsonvorlon: well HintsCollection is certainly a thing22:51
mwhudsoni wonder if shoving all the hints into sqlite or something would be worth it22:51
mwhudson(a thing that did not expect 11k hints i guess)22:51
vorlonmwhudson: well, there are some measurable benefits from just using the hints less https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/+merge/40970322:52
mwhudsonyeah that mp was what lead me to looking!22:52
vorlonI don't really want to engineer better scalability of hints, I want to get baseline testing implemented so that most of the hints go away :)22:53
vorlon(since the hints themselves are always manual and should be automated away for the mostpart)22:54
mwhudsonyes fair22:55

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