
daftykinsWindows 11 downloads are out, i see11:25
zxmpi_do they have a government warning? :-P11:26
daftykinsamusingly i don't own a supported PC11:28
zxmpi_does your pc run ms flight sim? that's the way to know if it's compatible :-P11:30
daftykinsi'm sure it would, but it's an intel 6th gen so it's too old!11:31
zxmpi_my last lenovo laptop is now randomly locking up once a week. time for a replacement. looking at the rasp pi 400 right now11:32
daftykinspasses all tests but still freezes eh?11:32
zxmpi_yeah. very random. was only in chromium at first but now firefox. possible ram issue i suspect11:33
daftykinsyou haven't run memtest? :P11:34
zxmpi_i have and it passes11:34
zxmpi_i *HATE* intermittent faults where it'll pass test after test and then fail later :-)11:34
daftykinsmmhmm, totally agree11:37
zxmpi_trying to tell the hp engineer. it is broken but unless you're willing to wait 16 hours for it to happen it won't do it in front of you11:39
zxmpi_they get ready to leave and then i pull out my nokia n70. 'so here's a video i made earlier' :-)11:39
daftykinsok time to try a new coffee i picked11:40
m0nkey_The deed is done.. https://twitter.com/DavieDavieDave/status/144536053269396275712:33
zxmpi_that doesn't look too bad :-)12:34
m0nkey_Just installed the kernel and secure boot cert from the linux-surface project and boom, one Microsoft Surface de-Windowfied12:36
m0nkey_Welp, the only thing that doesn't work is the camera. But nothing of value is lost. lol12:44
m0nkey_Touch screen and pen works, even rotation.12:44
daftykinsthat looks to be very high scaling12:45
daftykinseww non-UK keyboard layout ;)12:45
m0nkey_at least it's better than the Canadian Multilingual keyboard.. yeesh12:45
m0nkey_200% scaling12:46
m0nkey_Anyway, it's just an experiment. Probably wont keep it like this.12:49
m0nkey_The camera not working is kinda annoying. There's probably a fix. Also I did notice that the erase function of the pen didn't work.12:50

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