[01:37] status.facebook.com was also down I heard. Fantastic [14:03] *.facebook.com, *.instagram.com were down, and probably many others. [14:03] it was kind of a beautiful outage. [14:04] yes [14:07] fb.com, fbcdn.net fbcdn.com, fbsbx.com, tfbnw.net, whatsapp.com [14:08] if anyone knows any other FB domain properties, please let me know so that I can add to my block list. [14:11] <3 [14:13] fb.me [14:13] facebook.net [14:13] Those are the ones in my blocklist. [14:14] TY. [14:14] I wonder if facebook.net.edgekey.net was fine yesterday. :) [14:14] Something tells me probably not [19:34] I don't often tail logs, but when I do, I pipe through lolcat, cuz reading logs should be colorful. [20:10] +1 <3 [20:17] greg-g: you guys run debian, right? [20:17] anyone else here run debian? [20:17] I'm having a problem with apt-get update bullseye... I guess I should askin #debian [20:18] we do! [20:18] and I've lost count on the number of DDs we have on staff :) [20:18] wow... i can't join #debian on this network :( [20:19] some crap about login to nickserv, but nickserv doesn't have a login, and I am identified. [20:20] i guess i'll connect to OFTC :) [20:21] ah... podman machine time is out of sync and so no TLS... neato. [20:58] this is neat, via rick on twitter: https://www.thevoid.community/ [21:06] anyone else think the lack of a JRE here is surprising? https://hub.docker.com/u/ubuntu/ no docker hub openjdk/jre based on ubuntu either! [21:10] maybe all I really want is FROM ubuntu:bionic and RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y openjdk-11-jre [22:51] Honestly I'm just going to chalk any lack of a JRE as being something related to Oracle being a dick about licensing it [23:17] I use LMDE [23:17] Was thinking about switching to pure Debian again though since LMDE5 might take a while [23:22] I didn't think you guys were into the Joe Rogan Experience that much :P [23:29] har har