
ograwaveform, so digging a bit into the KMS future, i see that v4l2_m2m seems to be pretty well advanced already but i also see that for HW decoding we will need rpivid-v4l2.dtbo loaded, should we not have dtoverlay=rpivid-v4l2 set in sync as soon as we switch from fkms to kms ? 11:30
waveformogra, probably on desktop (the only platform where kms is currently set), but I'm not sure how/whether it interferes with any of the legacy stuff which still works (to some extent). Another of those "more research needed" bits11:38
ograyeah ... i'm starting to play with it ... prob is that you need all userspace apps patched too ... i.e. ffmpeg, kodi, vlc ... 11:39
* ogra hugs snaps ... they make that easier ...11:39
ograone other issue i have with KMS is that our pulse snap does not find HDMI devices anymore after switching to kms ... 11:41
ograi guess there are also some patches needed11:41
ograi realize that i can't stay in the past forever though 🙂11:41
waveformodd, given that pulse on the desktop image still finds the HDMI devices happily (in fact the audio is less choppy under kms than under fkms there -- it's one of the concerns I have with switching the impish desktop to fkms -- currently testing how bad it gets on different models)11:41
waveformand yes, the change is painful but it will result in a much more open eco-system for the pi, which can't be a bad thing long-term11:42
ografunny, i never have choppy audio in ubuntu core with fkms and pulse from candidate (i do have to hack rthe tsched=0 thingie into it though)11:43
waveformah, that's the thing -- with the tsched=0 hack: choppy audio under fkms (and the hack does fix it), but kms is not choppy (on the stock impish desktop) *without* the tsched=0 hack11:43
ogradefinitely ... but i need to give template code to our customers so i need to understand how it works (at least on the surface) 11:44
waveformurgh, I meant *without* the tsched=0 hack -ooops11:44
ograwell, i see more audio devices in /proc/asound/cards when switching (there seem to be two upstream kernel devices too) but pulse (in the snap) only sees the headphone jack 11:46
waveformhmmm, sounds like a confinement issue11:46
ogranot sure ... i'll try switching it to devmode for a test ... 11:47
ogra(i wouldnt know why the confinement wouldnt make it find devices it usually has access to )11:47
waveformpresumably because under kms they're "different devices" to those under fkms (different kernel driver, resulting in a different device? Though ALSA/pulse may label them the same, the underlying path is presumably different)11:48
ograright ... i suspect it is more on the alsa level than pulse actually 11:49
ograwith kms enabled i have vc4hdmi and vc4hdmi1 ... and headphones ... pulse doesnt see the vc4hdmi ones11:49
ogranope, devmode doesnt seem to change anything ... so not confinement ... 11:54
ograwell, at least the headphone jack works ... (not helpful for TV audio indeed, but pulse itself seems to work)11:55
ograi see pulse shipd the whole of /usr/share/alsa in the snap, do we have any special handling in the alsa configs for teh pi that 20.04 didnt have ? 11:58
waveformnot that I'm aware of, but alsa is typically desktop team so perhaps they've added some I don't know about?12:00
ograi cant imagine that ... 12:01
ograthey dont go out on their own to fiddle with pi stuff i think 🙂12:01
waveformnot generally, no -- still if it's not confinement it's worth a look12:01
ograyeah ... all the bits on UC are 20.04 though ... so any fixes that came in later will not be included yet 12:02
waveformgood point12:03
ograaha !12:05
ograso there is a special alsa config 12:05
ograYAY !12:22
ograso re-packing pulse with that file and manually setting the default sink to HDMI works ... 12:22
ogra(now, how do i make it default to HDMI instead of headphones12:23
ograwaveform, and you are correct, no tsched hack needed with that 12:25
ogranext stop ... roll an ffmpeg snap with v4l2-m2m support ... 12:26
waveformah, a special config but upstream -- that makes sense12:26
* ogra looks at https://github.com/popcornmix/FFmpeg/tree/deinterlace12:26

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