
=== genii is now known as genii-core
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=== genii-core is now known as genii
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tewardddstreet: you know you had a video call added to the meeting right?15:59
ddstreetha, i didn't mean to add that15:59
ddstreetlet's stick to irc15:59
tewardfor the record though i'm playing catchup after an injury due to the landlords' negligence so i haven't been paying as much attention to emails - anything new other than the previous items to discuss that needs my review?16:00
teward(injury == bad)16:00
ddstreetouch, sorry to hear that! hope you're ok16:01
tewarddislocated shoulder and the resulting discussions with lawyers have taken a ton of my time.16:01
ddstreetwow, ouch16:01
ddstreeti don't think there's anything that would require immediate attention, i did want to go over some details during the mtg but it's all stuff that i can summarize after the meeting, or you can review later, if you want to rest16:02
tewardnah i'm good16:03
mapreriteward: sorry to hear you had some RL troubles :(16:03
tewardmy arm is in a sling, so as long as you summarize anything I have missed briefly that'll work16:03
tewardmapreri: yeah tell me about it16:03
tewardthe upcoming legal complaint is likely to be **expensive**16:03
mapreriI don't think there is anything requiring immediate action, though it seems nobody of us 3 actually did anything bpo-related in the 2 weeks.  with both me and ddstreet recalling our actions just this afternoon :D16:04
ddstreetyep exactly :)16:04
ddstreeti think it should be a fairly short mtg, with most of the stuff just carried over :)16:04
ddstreetare we ready to go ahead and start?16:04
ddstreet#startmeeting Ubuntu Backporters Team16:05
meetingologyMeeting started at 16:05:20 UTC.  The chair is ddstreet.  Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology16:05
meetingologyAvailable commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick16:05
ddstreetlet's first go over the previous action items, i think some are done and others we'll continue to carry over16:05
ddstreet#topic Action Items16:05
ddstreetddstreet reply to previous ML requests and open backport request bugs indicating change in process16:06
ddstreeti didn't, but i think you did this one mapreri ?16:06
ddstreetwell, the ML at least16:06
maprerino, I replied to one that came by last week16:07
maprerinot to the old ones16:07
ddstreetok let's carry this over16:07
ddstreet#action ddstreet reply to previous ML requests and open backport request bugs indicating change in process (carried over)16:07
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet reply to previous ML requests and open backport request bugs indicating change in process (carried over)16:07
ddstreetddstreet update wiki docs with new process16:07
ddstreeti *did* do this, at least with a draft16:07
mapreri(though imho that really should be done after we get this ↑ one first)16:07
ddstreet#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports16:07
maprerithat page is still unchanged since 2012 herE?16:08
ddstreetyes i agree, we should have a template to respond to the old ML and bugs after we're done with the new process16:08
mapreridid you forget to save or something? :O16:08
ddstreeti guess try reloading? it shows newer for me16:08
ddstreetoh werid...16:09
mapreriyup, also in incognito it's unchanged16:09
ddstreetnone of my changes show up in the 'info' list...16:09
mapreri(I'm also subscribed to the pages, so it's hard to miss…)16:09
ddstreetdo you see this at the top: NOTE: This process is undergoing change, the content below may be updated16:10
ddstreetso i think it does have my changes...they just aren't showing in the 'info' tab for whatever reason16:10
ddstreetvery weird, maybe there is some bug going on with wiki.u.c16:11
mapreritrying to save a noop change to that page just has the browser hanging16:12
ddstreetanyway let's not review all of it now, i just edited it this morning based on our previous discussions...let's leave it for later review and ML or IRC discussion, or next mtg16:12
ddstreetassuming, of course, we can figure out how to get the page working ;-)16:12
ddstreetok i'm going to carry over the action, i think there's still editing to be done16:13
ddstreet#action ddstreet update wiki docs with new process (carrired over)16:13
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet update wiki docs with new process (carrired over)16:13
teward(is the wiki broken?)16:13
ddstreetpossibly :(16:14
ddstreetcertainly something weird is happening there16:14
teward*lets it spin, will bug IS later*16:14
ddstreetmapreri start ML discussion for list of dev tools to proactively put into -backports16:14
ddstreetcarry this over?16:14
mapreriI'll try to have a read of your wiki changes later tonight and yell at you if I read something weird :)16:14
mapreriddstreet: nope, I did it earlier :P16:14
tewardi know there was an action assigned to me, but my brain forgot because injury, so a reminder wouldn't hurt16:14
ddstreetteward update tooling, requestbackport16:15
mapreriso I suppose you could +1 it there, and if it's +1'd copy it over to the wiki16:15
ddstreetyep agreed16:15
tewardddstreet: ack, i'll need a reminder of what we decided to make it do, but that's because my brain is totally whack16:15
tewardmost of the stuff will be carried over I think16:15
teward(we're entering a release cycle so we're all busy)16:16
ddstreetfor requestbackport, i think we agreed to deprecate that and basically just have it print a message saying 'go look at our wiki page and dont use this tool anymore'16:16
ddstreetlets carry that over16:16
ddstreet#action teward update tooling, requestbackport (carried over)16:16
meetingologyACTION: teward update tooling, requestbackport (carried over)16:16
tewardcheck that's easy16:16
ddstreetteward review backportpackage tool16:16
ddstreetthis might be more work, i don't know what this tool does16:16
ddstreetcarry over as well i assume16:16
maprerithat one needs to change the changelog version, specifically16:17
ddstreet#action teward review backportpackage tool (carried over)16:17
meetingologyACTION: teward review backportpackage tool (carried over)16:17
tewardoh cool it's a python3 script16:17
ddstreet(unassigned) update wiki/docs to reflect users can't just request a backport, and deprecate 'requestbackport' tool to print message and url indicating same16:17
mapreriteward: yes, ubuntu-dev-tools is all python3 :)16:17
ddstreeti think this is done, based on my wiki changes, an in any case i think it's basically part of other action items16:18
teward(brb just spiled coffee)16:18
ddstreet(unassigned) define details on handling members/leads who are no longer participating (carried over)16:18
mapreriddstreet: that requires contacting the doc team.  at least I think it was referring to help.u.c, wasn't it?16:18
ddstreetah right, ok let's do an action specifically for that page...i actually might be able to edit the help.u.c page directly16:19
ddstreet#action ddstreet try to edit help.u.c page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports16:19
meetingologyACTION: ddstreet try to edit help.u.c page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports16:19
ddstreet#action (unassigned) define details on handling members/leads who are no longer participating (carried over)16:20
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) define details on handling members/leads who are no longer participating (carried over)16:20
* mapreri tries to auth to help.u.c.... it seems that "ubuntumembers" allow editing of allof that16:20
ddstreetdefine process/procedure for adding new members (carried over)16:20
ddstreet#action (unassigned) define process/procedure for adding new members (carried over)16:20
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) define process/procedure for adding new members (carried over)16:20
mapreri.oO( it even loaded buttons in Italian for some reason, even if my browser preference is english)16:20
ddstreetyeah we may all be able to edit the page, though i had trouble with long delays trying to log into help.u.c16:20
mapreriit did take a while of browser loading yes16:21
ddstreetok that's all the previous actions16:21
ddstreet#topic discussion16:21
maprerishould I start a ML thread about memberships, or let's keep it to the next irc meeting?16:21
ddstreetML is fine with me for sure16:22
ddstreetI created a page, similar to the DMB KB page that has info/references intended for use by team members https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports/KnowledgeBase16:22
ddstreet#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports/KnowledgeBase16:23
mapreriin that case, I'll get a text that is good enough to go into https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports/KnowledgeBase and propose it16:23
ddstreet#action mapreri propose text for membership process to add to KB page16:23
meetingologyACTION: mapreri propose text for membership process to add to KB page16:23
ddstreetok i had one detail i wanted to clarify about the process16:24
tewardwhich is?16:24
ddstreetbefore, the process was for people to open bugs against a specific backports project, like 'focal-backports': https://launchpad.net/focal-backports16:25
tewardyeah that's been an annoyance in the past16:25
tewarddo we need to do anything though from a tech perspective to just use standard bugs?16:25
ddstreeti'd like to change over to doing something similar to the UCA team, for example in this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/194045616:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1940456 in ceph (Ubuntu Hirsute) "[SRU] radosgw-admin's diagnostics are confusing if user data exists" [Undecided, New]16:26
mapreriddstreet: so you'd still like tracking bugs?16:26
maprerican't people just happily upload without bugs?16:26
ddstreeti think so16:26
tewardrequest: define UCA16:26
ddstreetUCA is Ubuntu Cloud Archive16:26
tewardmapreri: i think it's going to be a case16:26
tewardwhere those who can't upload will need a bug16:26
ddstreetessentially, it backports select 'cloudy' packages from later releases to earlier releases16:26
tewardbut those who CAN upload can upload without (but a tracking bug WOULD be nice for historic TIL purposes)16:27
ddstreeti think it would still be good to have a bug, just to track the upload, no?16:27
tewardI'd prefer having the tracking bug yes, but as part of standard bugs not as part of its own package.16:27
maprerithose who can't upload likely need to find a sponsor, so that would follow the normal sponsorship procedure16:27
ddstreeti think if we can keep close to the SRU process, it might make it easier for existing people who are used to that16:28
mapreriI suppose we can16:28
ddstreetlike, create a bug, add filled out template, prepare upload, then upload16:28
mapreriand the upload should close the bug as well?16:28
maprerido uploads to -backports close bugs in LP?16:28
tewardi think that will need some tech work though16:28
tewardbecause i don't think -backports is tracked for that16:28
tewardonly the main repos16:29
ddstreeti think the ~ubuntu-sru team's tooling closes the bugs, but we could re-use their tooling16:29
mapreriIsn't `queue` the one handling that?16:29
maprerithough I guess we need to double check16:29
ddstreetpossibly? yeah we need to go thru their tooling to see how it applies to backports16:30
* mapreri looks at its ubuntu-archive-tool checkout from oct 5th 202016:30
maprerihappy birthday checkout16:30
ddstreetthe issue without having any bug to track uploads is if we have feedback or any questions, there's really no way to do that without a corresponding bug16:30
ddstreetwell, no easy way that leaves a record16:31
tewardagreed, a bug for tracking should be needed16:31
mapreriI suppose we can go and do the same as for SRUs  (I never had anything to do with UCA, no idea of the workflow there)16:31
mapreriI mean, I'm not thrilled about adding paperwork, but I can be convinced about using tracking bugs for uploads16:32
maprerialso 1 bug for package/base_version?  so backporting a given to multiple releases would have a single bug targeted?16:32
ddstreetwe can revisit the need for a bug if it becomes clear there are cases where it's not needed16:32
* mapreri looks at his `bzr pull` that lead to a THIS_REPOSITORY_HAS_BEEN_MOVED_TO_GIT16:33
ddstreetyeah, a single bug would cover backporting into multiple releases, with each release as a 'target'16:33
ddstreetso similar to this UCA bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ceph/+bug/194045616:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1940456 in ceph (Ubuntu Hirsute) "[SRU] radosgw-admin's diagnostics are confusing if user data exists" [Undecided, New]16:34
ddstreeti envision instead of having 'affects' of 'Ubuntu Cloud Archive', it would have 'affects' of 'Ubuntu Backports'16:34
mapreriwhy is it UCA but has [SRU] ?16:34
ddstreetand then it would have sub-tabs of each release to backport to16:34
ddstreetthat particular bug is *also* a SRU16:35
maprerimh, how does this work16:35
ddstreetfor us, it wouldn't have the 'affects' of 'ceph (Ubuntu)'16:35
maprerioh, so you mean bugs against the "ubuntu backports" project, instead of packages?16:35
ddstreetright, for SRUs, the bugs are against e.g. 'ceph (Ubuntu)'16:35
ddstreetfor us, it would be against 'Ubuntu Backports', similar to how it's against 'Ubuntu Cloud Archive'16:36
tewardi'm a little confused, wouldn't that complexify the process?16:36
mapreriIs there any benefit in having bugs filed against another project?16:36
tewardi don't really think so16:36
tewardUCA is a unique thing16:36
tewardbackports is just the same basically as a standard SRU bug except targeting -backports16:36
ddstreeti think what we are going to do it very similar to UCA16:36
maprerialso, for us views like https://bugs.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-backporters/+subscribedbugs ought to be enough16:36
mapreriIt really shouldn't be16:36
tewardif we're going to redo the process I'd rather do a special Backports item but NOT a special project16:36
tewardi agree with mapreri here16:37
mapreripackages uploaded to backports are expected to be the same of what is already in the archive16:37
tewardddstreet: so, file the bug tag [Backports] and sub backporters to it.16:37
tewardwe don't need the extra "assign it to UCA project" extra complexity16:37
tewardprovided we require ubuntu-backporters to be subscribed to all backport bugs16:37
maprerilike, I see this much more similar to SRUs than UCAs16:37
ddstreethmm, i think we're misunderstanding each other16:37
tewardddstreet: so you're combining "SRU" and "UCA" and confusing us16:37
tewardso let's start with the basic definition of any bog-standard SRU bug16:38
ddstreetlet's start at step 1 - what specific URL do you see people going to when they want to open a backport bug?16:38
tewardddstreet: the standard bug filing page for a given package?16:38
tewardi.e. bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/SRCPKGNAME16:38
tewardand file a bug16:38
ddstreetthe problem with that is, that will send an email to *everyone* subscribed to that package in ubuntu16:38
tewardddstreet: and that's a problem how?  They get SRU bugs the same way16:39
tewardexcept we'd have [Backports]16:39
tewardinstead of [SRU]16:39
tewardand then that's for those subscribers awareness (like for SRUs) but not necessarily needing action16:39
mapreri(let's call it [BPO] for pickyness and shortness pls)16:39
teward(i'm talking theory not actual execution mapreri)16:39
ddstreetwell that's certainly one way, but then people would just mark it as 'invalid'16:39
tewardddstreet: unless everyone receives other guidance that it's not invalid16:39
tewardit's a process bug16:40
ddstreetsince 'ceph (Ubuntu)' (for example) is only valid for SRUs16:40
tewardddstreet: then we can't use the tooling to track backports and close bugs16:40
mapreriwe are creating a process here, that is used in the official ubuntu project.  I don't see anything wrong with adding a process bugs to pacakges.16:40
teward^^ agreed16:40
mapreriubuntu contributors ought to learn a new teeny bit that bugs titled [BPO] or whatever are something16:40
tewardignore current systems, we're creating new processes *based* on existing processes, but are a new process16:41
ddstreetok, but we all agree that at the end once the bug is done, the '(Ubuntu)' targets will all be marked as 'wontfix' or 'invalid' right?16:41
mapreriI also half-expect random ubuntu contributors to be interested in backports-specific bugs tbh16:41
tewardddstreet: i'm not sure about that16:41
tewardbecause a "Fix Released" means a backport will have landed in -backports16:41
maprerithat would "fix released" wouldn't it?16:41
ddstreetno, that means the bug/feature is fixed in -updates16:41
tewardddstreet: for SRUs16:41
maprerithat's for [SRU]16:41
tewardbut we're creating a separate development process bug16:41
tewardfor Backports16:41
tewardwhich means it would have independent definitions (bugsquad can update their documentation)16:42
ddstreetis ee16:42
tewardso you're thinking SPECIFICALLY for SRUs16:42
tewardthis is a brand new process that is for backports16:42
tewardso 'Fix Committed' means uploaded to -backports, 'Fix Released' means it's built and published16:42
tewardbut in -backports, not -updates16:42
ddstreetthe problem is that *lots* of people subscribe to these packages and this process is kind of hijacking that16:43
tewardremember, there's a LOT of special bugs out there too like MIR bugs as well16:43
tewardwhich don't follow the standard processes either16:43
ddstreeti would expect a lot of complaints about emails16:43
maprerihonestly, if I have to see tracking bugs, I would totally copy-paste from SRU, and just replace the "SRU" string into "BPO" (and a shorter and simpler template…)16:43
tewardddstreet: would you prefer we defer to the TB for a suggestion on best approach here?16:43
tewardor at least query them for their opinion16:43
mapreriyou have some high expectations of people reading bug mails in ubuntu IMHO16:43
ddstreetwell, i do see the benefit of just re-using the existing packages16:43
teward(my opinion as a backporters team member carries the additional stigma of anything I say being read with the grain of salt of my other hats)16:44
mapreriI spent the past 10 years groumbling about how nobody answers bugs in ubuntu…16:44
ddstreethe lol16:44
ddstreetwell that's true, emails are largely ignored from bug reports :)16:44
tewardmy opinion is, it's just another dev process bug and MOST people ignore the bugs16:44
ddstreetok i'm convinced then16:44
tewardhell I have at least 50 emails overnight for -sponsors that I'm ignoring16:44
teward(and sponsors gets subbed to pretty much every bug with a patch / debdiff automatically)16:45
mapreriI was in that list when I was an active sponsor, but then I figured it was better to unsub than add a filter...16:45
ddstreetso our process will be to open a bug against the specific package in ubuntu, and the subject should have [BPO]16:45
tewardfollowing a process and template we will define and document16:45
mapreriand upload at the same time (if there are no blocking reasons for)16:45
ddstreetright yeah16:45
ddstreet#agreed BPO bugs will be opened against package in Ubuntu with subject prefix of [BPO]16:46
meetingologyAGREED: BPO bugs will be opened against package in Ubuntu with subject prefix of [BPO]16:46
ddstreetok cool! i'll update the wiki page to reflect that, so ignore what i previously added to the wiki16:46
ddstreetthat was the only clarification i wanted to talk about here16:47
maprerihappy to sort this out16:47
ddstreeti'm actually pretty happy you guys convinced me to do that, it's better than what i was thinking :)16:47
teward(and simpler)16:47
* mapreri will also be happier once we figure bugs are useless! \o/16:47
ddstreetok i guess one more clarification16:48
tewardmapreri: and where someone has no upload rights, then it needs -sponsors subbed16:48
teward(which will then mean a coredev sponsor will need upload rights)16:48
ddstreetin the wiki, i'd stated that people should put a 'template' into the bug, explaining *why* the backport is needed16:48
ddstreetalong with the test details, etc16:48
tewards/upload rights/to upload/16:48
mapreriteward: or just get his core-dev friend to sign directly..?16:48
ddstreetdo we think we need that info?16:48
tewardmapreri: dput wil explode16:48
tewardddstreet: basic justification would be fine, as well as confirming that it builds as is in a backport16:49
mapreriI'm not going to bother ~ubuntu-sponsors with all the core-devs I'm in contact with…16:49
tewardand any extra changes.16:49
tewardmapreri: well TBH there's overlap with me :P16:49
mapreri? what about dput?16:49
tewardso i can always prod the first dozen or so backport bugs :P16:49
tewardmapreri: well I think if you don't have access it doesn't have your keys in accepted dput16:49
tewardbut i'll double check later16:49
tewardeither case, there's a few ways to get it in16:49
teward(irrelevant to the discussion)16:49
tewardddstreet: If you request a backport without a basic justification then we run itno the problem of "Will we approve every backport request"16:50
mapreriddstreet: I agree to what teward said about the template btw.  but keep it very simple, no need to be like the SRU one16:50
tewardif there's a basic reason for the backport even "I want a new version in the older version of Ubuntu" that'd be sufficient16:50
tewardprovided a basic "This builds" confirmation or such16:50
mapreriteward: that said, do you like the justification: "I'd like to run newer X on my own machine"?16:50
tewardwe *really* don't need a complex template here.16:50
mapreriI regularly do such backports in debian for my own benefits u.u16:51
ddstreetack, ok - i kept it similar, but we can change it; i put it into the wiki page, so we cna discuss the details of the template later in ML16:51
tewardmapreri: well i'm using a very basic example :P16:51
tewardbut yes16:51
tewardmapreri: but i'd also read that with a grain of salt and point at a PPA if they just want newer but have no intention to keep an eye on it16:51
mapreriok, let's just hope we 3 have some common sense when it comes to it i suppose16:52
teward(so we should probably have a KB entry there that says "While backports gets newer versions into older Ubuntu releases, they do still need to be maintained.  If you are just wanting the newer version but have no intention to maintain it from an updates / security perspective, consider building the package in a PPA just for yourself instead."16:52
tewardor similar)16:52
ddstreetlol, someone wanted the latest glibc, nothing wrong with backporting that right? xD16:52
tewardddstreet: that's on the list of "Not happening" that we already mentioned last meeting16:52
tewardtoolchain packages are not allowed for backports16:52
mapreriright, where is the action item about "blacklisted packages"?16:53
mapreribundled with you rewriting the wiki?16:53
tewardmapreri: i don't think we came up with the list, or rather, documented it16:53
teward^^ that16:53
ddstreetlet's action item that specifically16:53
tewardwe spent like 20 minutes on it last time *over* meeting time on that topic alone 'cause i'm a persistent SOB16:53
ddstreet#action (unassigned) create list of packages excluded from backporting (carried over)16:54
meetingologyACTION: (unassigned) create list of packages excluded from backporting (carried over)16:54
teward^^ alternatively "list of certain types of packages"16:54
ddstreetwe should probably do that in the ML, along with the pre-approved list16:54
tewardbecause otherwise that's an insane list :P16:54
mapreriI'll see if I can do that, but don't assign to me directly16:54
tewardwe can discuss via ML16:54
mapreri(i mean, starting it)16:54
maprerichanging topic, I reckon none of you tried `queue` from ubuntu-archive-tools right?16:55
ddstreetyeah i think we're quite close to getting the process nailed down enough to do most of the discussion over ML16:55
ddstreeti have not yet16:55
ddstreeteither of you tried it yet?16:55
tewardmapreri: E:NOTIME16:55
tewardesp given injury last wednesday in the middle of the week16:56
mapreriI seem unable to find a flag to tell me about pockets != release16:56
tewardwhich totally fubar'd my weel16:56
ddstreetyeah, i suspect we might need to update or fork some of their tooling for use with backports16:56
teward(I'm gonna go nip out and pick up lunch, anything else to discuss?)16:56
maprericonsidering that I'm unable to get the "proposed" pocked either, I suppose it's PEBKAC16:56
ddstreetnothing else from me, should we wrap up?16:57
mapreriyeah, let's16:57
ddstreeti assume i should schedule another mtg in 2 weeks?16:57
ddstreetwill do16:57
meetingologyMeeting ended at 16:57:39 UTC.  Minutes at https://new.ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2021/ubuntu-meeting.2021-10-06-16.05.moin.txt16:57
ddstreetthanks mapreri teward o/16:57
tewardddstreet: see PMs btw16:57
teward(I'm going to get lunch)16:57
* genii mops up teward's spilt coffee16:58
tewardgenii: don't forget to get me another coffee :P16:58
geniiHah, certainly16:58
mapreriwhy is google calendar unable to properly link my google account with my @ubuntu.com address that _is_ connected to my google account -.-17:03
Kiloswooooo hi genii17:28
Kiloslong time no see17:29
* genii slides Kilos a nice fresh coffee also17:31
Kilosty ty ty17:32
geniiAnytime of course sir17:32
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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