
=== genii is now known as genii-core
lordievaderGood morning07:37
flafHi @all. Here is someone who knows “subiquity” (new installer for Ubuntu server) and can tell me if it's possible to make a full automatic and _*minimal*_ install of Ubuntu server, for instance without snapd (in clear just with openssh-server installed)? Thx for your help.10:35
flaf(in my case it's Ubuntu Focal Fossa 20.04)10:37
flaf(and doc of subiquity is here https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-quickstart)10:47
Obscenitya thought comes to mind when joing here, anyone noticed the newer installers are labeled "live" and not "installer"? its confused me a few times11:56
dbungertflaf: have you played with the late-commands portion of autoinstall?  I expect it should do what you want but haven't tested that case yet.13:45
flafdbungert: yes, I see it. So, in this case, I should have to run something like “apt-get purge <package I don't wan't>”. But I'm wondering if it can be possible to limit installation to a minimum of packages from the start.13:47
flafdbungert: but I think it's impossible, I'm afraid.13:48
dbungertflaf: for your exact case, no.13:48
flafdbungert: ok, thx for your confirmation.13:49
dbungertwe have some work in progress on a install source that is 500MBish smaller and "not intended for humans", but it doesn't address your snapless scenario13:49
flafdbungert: "not intended for humanss"?13:50
dbungertflaf: ie to help save space we remove stuff that people using the device interactively might want - but things like apt are still there so you can human-ify it if needed :)13:51
flafdbungert: interesting. How can I follow this project and know when it will be released?13:53
dbungertnew subiquity will support it for the upcoming Impish release (and subsequent releases), not sure if it will apply to Focal13:55
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ograisnt subiquity itself moving to become a snap (for upgraeability during install) ?14:01
dbungertogra: is already14:01
dbungertand it can do the upgrade during install, if the user chooses to do so when prompted14:01
flafogra: subiquity is a snap during the installer "session".14:02
flafbut the target installation can be installed without snap (in theory).14:04
ogradbungert, right, that was what i remembered ... i was just wondering if that might have any impact on the target system ... but seems like not14:33
dbungertogra: I think I'm missing something, would you elaborate?14:40
ogradbungert, i was wondering if the snap or parts of it would be needed/required in the installed target for some reason ... but since thats not the case snapd is indeed removabe from the target ... all fine14:41
dbungertah yes, subiquity has no business on the installed target system14:41
=== paride1 is now known as paride
flafdbungert: do you know why, during the installation via subiquity, the OS installer try to connect https://api.snapcraft.io?15:37
dbungertit enumerates a list of suggested snaps for the snaps page15:38
dbungertalso might be involved in subiquity's check for a new version of subiquity15:39
flafdbungert: in my case, the VM has no Internet access, only a proxy for APT. But it seems to not be a problem during my auto-installation.15:40
flafdbungert: sorry for the ping, I have tried this in late-commands => “curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get -y -q purge snapd” during my automatic install. But I can see the error message “finish: subiquity/Late/run: ... purge snapd']' returned non-zero exit status 100.” Is there a log file where I can see the output of the command to see the error (maybe)?18:24
dbungertflaf: check journalctl, it outputs additional information.  I'd love to have all that in the subiquity log also but for now it's in the journal.18:25
flafOk, thx dbungert.18:26
dbungertflaf: just be wary of LP: #1939176, which I do expect we'll have fixed in the next release18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1939176 in subiquity "Hangs every now and then" [Undecided, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/193917618:33
dbungert(late-commands related hang)18:33
flafdbungert: ok, thx for the information. In my case, it's a problem during the purge where a postscript try a ummount in /run/... which fails.18:39
dbungertflaf: that one sounds like we should file a bug, if you don't mind.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+filebug18:42
flafdbungert: I can file a bug but I'm not sure it's a bug in this case. During the "curtin in-target --target=/target -- apt-get purge snapd", a postscript wants to unmount a mountpoint in /run/snap/... (sorry I don't remember the path exactly). And it's logic that the directory in not yet mounted because the target OS is not started yet. So for me it's not a bug, no?18:46
dbungertflaf: maybe, maybe not.  In my opinion late-commands should be a fairly rich mechanism for customizing the install - an escape hatch for things we don't have direct support for.  If it's as easy as mounting something it needs, that sounds worthwile. 18:48
mwhudsondbungert, paride: ah seems the test answer files all need sources: sections adding21:44
=== genii is now known as genii-core

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