
pietroHi all08:21
pietroI have ubuntu 21.10 beta, with my Thinkpad E14 Gen 2 I have a problem with the 5.13 kernel that I reported here, but I think I have something wrong as the bug is not related to Impish, can you help me?08:29
pietrothe bug is a kernel panic08:30
ograpietro, this is rather the wrong channel for discussiing ubuntu bugs (unless you had an issue with launchpad while reporting your bug) ... try #ubuntu-kernel for kernel issues and/or #ubuntu for general ubuntu support08:32
pietro@ogra Thanks, but I just wanted to know if I was reporting the bug correctly08:33
cristiangspmaybe you can use the "Target to series" option 08:35
cristiangspthat appears as one of the options right after the "Affects" table08:36
pietrommh, i can not see it08:39
ograi think thats a feature only developers see to decide where to fix it ...08:41
cristiangspyeah that makes sense08:42
cristiangspthen I guess developers will take care of it 08:42
pietroI wanted to be sure as it is quite a major issue for me and I imagine other owners of the same model as mine08:45
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