
mardyhi mborzecki, mvo 07:11
mborzeckimardy: heya07:14
mvogood morning mardy and mborzecki !07:14
zyga-mbpgood morning :)07:15
mvogood morning zyga-mbp !07:24
* zyga-mbp hey :)07:24
zyga-mbpI'm venturing into automation land 07:24
zyga-mbpwith industrial control boxes and what not 07:24
zyga-mbpit's a weird place07:24
zyga-mbphow are you doing mvo?07:24
zyga-mbpImpish is almost upon us07:24
mvozyga-mbp: woah, nice. I'm doing fine but not really as exciting things as you, trying to make sure things are delivered on time currently07:25
zyga-mbpserious things are meant to be like that07:26
zyga-mbpI'm very happy to see you and samuele manage snapd07:26
mupPR snapd#10888 closed: tests: support running all spread tests with experimental features <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10888>07:52
mardy'morning zyga-mbp 08:02
zyga-mbphey mardy :)08:03
mardyfind squashfs-root/ -name configure08:08
mardyI guess I'll edit all of them :-D08:09
zyga-mbpthat's a lot of hooks :)08:10
zyga-mbptechnically snapd needs meta/hooks/08:10
zyga-mbpsnap/hooks is probably (guessing) from snapcraft08:10
zyga-mbpthe top-level is dunno08:10
mardyzyga-mbp: thanks, I'll ask the developers of the snap to do some housecleaning :-)08:11
zyga-mbpat least configure is not a directory :)08:13
zyga-mbpthat would confuse snapd08:13
mardyor a socket ;-)08:13
miguelpiresmvo: hi, can you merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10875 please?08:39
mupPR #10875: client: fail fast on non-retryable errors <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10875>08:39
mupPR snapd#10875 closed: client: fail fast on non-retryable errors <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by MiguelPires> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10875>08:42
mborzeckimvo: hi, do you have the source tarballs to pus on the github releases page?09:00
mvomborzecki: for 2.53? not yet, sry! I can upload after the meeting09:05
mborzeckimvo: that's fine, i'll update the arch and opensuse packages when the sources are available09:07
mvomborzecki: yeah, sry again, will get to it later but in meetings this morning 09:23
mborzeckigot an errand, back in 1,5h or so09:43
mvomborzecki: tarfiles updated10:21
mborzeckimvo: thanks!11:02
mardymvo: we have a tests/smoke/ directory, should I move the microk8s test there?11:14
mborzeckimeh lxd broke tests https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2nsXcy5Fyg/11:21
mvomardy: the name is a bit misleading, that testsuite is really for smoke testing snapd itself and it is expected to be quick(ish)11:28
mvomardy: maybe I should document this :/11:29
mupPR snapd#10827 closed: fde: add new device-setup support to fde-setup <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10827>11:38
mupPR snapd#10830 closed: gadget: add `encryptedDevice` and add encryptedDeviceLUKS <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10830>11:38
mupPR snapd#10854 closed: spread: use `bios: uefi` for uc20 <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Skip spread> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10854>11:38
mupPR snapcraft#3588 closed: snap: patch patchelf on riscv64 (CRAFT-566) <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/3588>12:01
mupPR snapd#10896 opened: tests: remove "features" from fde-setup.go example <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Run nested> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10896>13:08
ogramwhudson, are you still doing console-conf ? i'm running into a weird bug here ... after installing network-manager on a fully set up UC20 the screen shows "<no ip address>" afterwards while the device actually *does* have an IP ... does console-conf not simply use "ip addr" to find the default IP ?13:22
zyga-mbpmvo pedronis is not around today?13:23
* zyga-mbp mvo I ran into an issue where snapd cannot remove the core snap (on focal) because it's a part of the model13:23
zyga-mbpbut on classic that is mostly meaningless13:23
zyga-mbpand it's also a very confusing error message, models are relatively unknown to general public13:24
zyga-mbpis this by design? 13:24
zyga-mbpThe exact interaction is:13:24
* zyga-mbp $ sudo snap remove core13:25
* zyga-mbp error: cannot remove "core": snap "core" is not removable: snap is used by the model13:25
ogramwhudson, ah, ian pointed me to https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+bug/1898583 (which is sadly still not fix-released thanks to core20 stable not having been updated since april (!!!))13:32
mupBug #1898583: console-conf with wlan connection does not ever report ip via tty message, even though it does have ip <uc20> <subiquity:Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1898583>13:32
dbungertogra: this one may also be relevant LP: #190305013:36
mupBug #1903050: consoleconf main is broken (core22) <core22> <fr-896> <uc22> <subiquity:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1903050>13:36
ogradbungert, well, it is fixed in core20 candidate (just confirmed) ... the shocking bit is that core20 has not been released to stable since april ... which means there might be a gazillion open CVEs out there on devices 😞13:38
ograthat bug is for UC22 ... 13:38
ogra(which is still a year away, luckily πŸ™‚ )13:39
ograoh, weird ... after the switch to candidate snap info core20 shows something completely different for the stable channel ... the stable image i downloaded had an april-released core20 13:42
ogra(and did not see an update for it with snap refresh)13:42
mvozyga-mbp: in a meeting but pedronis should be around13:45
zyga-mbpperhaps not on irc13:46
mvoogra: snap info core20 shows july which is not much better but a bit13:46
mvoogra: I think sil2100 knows when core20 is promoted to stable, I expect RSN13:46
ogramvo, yeah, this is really weird, i am on a freshly installed UC20 stable image where snap list showed "core20  20210429  1030  latest/stable  canonicalβœ“  base" even after several snap refresh runs that i manually did ... switching the channel to candidate and back for core20 now gives me the correct one 13:47
mvoogra: oh, that is odd. what image did you use, I would love to test this 13:48
ograon a Pi413:48
mvoogra: ta13:48
sil2100We are phasing out core20 right now13:49
zyga-mbpsil2100 phasing out as in replacing it with something or phase upgrade?13:50
sil2100We're using automated progressive releases for core20, and it's being phased out right now - the new version that is13:50
sil2100But yeah, 20210429 seems like something VERY old13:50
mvoogra: there you go, I guess the phasing is the reason you did not get hte update13:50
sil2100So that shouldn't have been listing at all13:50
ogramvo, ah, okay ... though april still seems a bit oldish for the image (which has an image timestamp from june)13:51
ograi'd have expected a newer core20 on that image 13:52
mvoogra: I think we had this big jump https://people.canonical.com/~mvo/core20-changes/html/stable/13:52
ograoha !13:53
mvoogra: I guess we need to make sure to keep an eye on this and make sure we release more often13:53
ograyeah, we need to make sure CVEs are closed in time πŸ™‚13:53
ograelse i'll have some customers with torches and pitchforks showing up at my doorstep i fear 13:54
ogranah, i dont want more than 100 customers with pitchforks πŸ˜›13:56
ijohnson[m]5 customers with pitchforks seems like a reasonable bunch to manage13:56
ograyeah, 5 i can handle with a garden hose 13:56
flotterFollowing HACKING.md to go build snap: I feel like I am missing something, as I have two broken deps. (1) secboot - which I was able to bypass with a -tag and (2) dbus *Match* functions, which does not appear to exist in godbus. Any hints - sorry im new14:16
mborzeckiinvoking `/snap/snapd/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.23.so --library-path /snap/snapd/current/usr/local/lib:/snap/snapd/current/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/snap/snapd/current/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /snap/snapd/current/usr/bin/mksquashfs` fails on opensuse14:16
mborzeckithe usual: libgcc_s.so.1 must be installed for pthread_cancel to work14:17
ijohnson[m]bboozzoo: hey funny you mention ld14:17
ijohnson[m]I just pinged you on MM about libc haha14:17
mborzeckifwiw i think we should not invoke the tooling mksquashfs in tests14:17
ijohnson[m]I think we need another change to the snap-confine profile for s390x14:17
flotterGOFLAGS='-tags=nosecboot' go build -o /tmp/snap github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap14:18
flotterfdo.go:127:18: undefined: dbus.MatchOption14:19
mborzeckiflotter: is this a new checkout? go.mod should already mention the right version of go-dbus14:41
mborzeckiand that version should have been fetched when go build was invoked14:42
flotterI did find the functions exist in the downloaded godbus repo14:42
flotterI did a fresh go get, an hour ago14:42
flottergo: extracting github.com/godbus/dbus v4.1.0+incompatible14:44
flotterThe name is not very inspiring :D14:45
flotterThe name is not very inspiring :)14:45
flotterwork/pkg/mod/github.com/snapcore/snapd@v0.0.0-20210902070205-9fe87efa1b36/desktop/notification/fdo.go:127:18: undefined: dbus.MatchOption14:47
zyga-mbpflotter that's not right14:48
zyga-mbpyou should not do that manually14:48
zyga-mbpgo build ./... should do it14:48
zyga-mbpyou're not supposed to compete with go.mod by checking out things by hand14:48
zyga-mbphere you are running into module versions that use a somewhat elaborate scheme, snapd uses /v514:48
zyga-mbpflotter git clone && go build ./... should be enough14:49
* zyga-mbp (apart from C world)14:49
flotterI only did the go get command (from HACKING.md) and then "GOFLAGS='-tags=nosecboot' go build -o /tmp/snap github.com/snapcore/snapd/cmd/snap"14:50
* zyga-mbp most likely hacking is stale14:50
zyga-mbpit predates go-mod days14:50
flotterso you are saying just check out the git, and build14:51
zyga-mbpyes, at least that's the start14:51
zyga-mbponce you check out _and_ are on a debian-like distro you can apt-get build-dep . 14:51
zyga-mbpto get C world side14:51
zyga-mbpyou will be much closer to being able to iterate14:51
flotterOK let me try, thanks!14:51
zyga-mbpsend patches to fix HACKING.md14:52
flotterI will do!14:52
* zyga-mbp loves the go.mod world where $GOPATH/src is gone14:52
* zyga-mbp thank you :)14:53
mupPR snapd#10897 opened: osutil: ensure parent dir is opened and sync'd <Created by MiguelPires> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10897>15:09
mupPR core20#116 closed: hooks: adjtime: add adjtime file to etc <question> <Created by stulluk> <Closed by stulluk> <https://github.com/snapcore/core20/pull/116>15:17
mupPR snapd#10896 closed: tests: remove "features" from fde-setup.go example <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Run nested> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10896>15:34
dbungertso the LP: #1943077 saga continues - I'm trying to judge if snapd from the deb having problems with `snap pack` is release critical for impish.  Retesting adt with snapd from impish-proposed still shows the problem with libgcc.15:37
mupBug #1943077: snapd fails to autopkgtest on mksquashfs, which is looking for libgcc_s <impish> <rls-ii-incoming> <update-excuse> <snapd:Fix Committed> <openssh (Ubuntu):New> <squashfs-tools (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1943077>15:37
mupPR snapd#10881 closed: tests: merge coverage results <Skip spread> <Created by mardy> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10881>15:39
flotterHi. GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -v -a -o /tmp/build/arm64 ./...17:17
flotterI am attempting to cross compile snapd for arm and arm64. 17:17
flotterI get a compiler failure for golang-evdev - undefined: ioctl17:19
ijohnson[m]flotter: golang-evdev is only necessary for building snap-bootstrap which is only used on Ubuntu Core so you should just skip building that binary17:19
dbungertijohnson[m]: may I get your thoughts on the matter above?17:20
ijohnson[m]dbungert: sorry I missed your message above let me re-read the bug again17:20
dbungertburied in bot updates :)17:21
ijohnson[m]yeah it gets annoying since the links get expanded and so I don't see individual messages as clearly, meh communication is hard17:23
flotterIf I do want to build the snap-bootstrap, any tip(s) on what I should be looking at to get the deps resolved?17:24
ijohnson[m]flotter: you need to setup a C cross compiler and use it when compiling, something like this17:29
ijohnson[m]oh hmm I don't seem to have that in my bash history anymore, darn17:29
ijohnson[m]flotter: this is what you want essentially17:34
ijohnson[m]CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1  go build -o snap-bootstrap-arm64 ./cmd/snap-bootstrap/17:34
ijohnson[m]dbungert: so the situation really hasn't changed at all on our side as it pertains to snap pack and impish, one wrinkle that I wasn't aware of (or more accurately I had forgotten) is that `snap pack` will always unconditionally attempt to re-exec to use mksquashfs from the core/snapd _snaps_ even when the version of snapd itself from the debian package is newer. This is to ensure that snaps that are created are always created with a17:35
ijohnson[m]supported and working mksquashfs17:35
ijohnson[m]so this means that we need to have the fix you landed in the snapd/core snaps before it can work in these autopkgtests17:36
ijohnson[m]and also that any impish users who try to use `snap pack` from i.e. snapcraft will be broken and it won't work until the core/snapd snaps are updated17:36
dbungertthat part I'm not so wild about, but I don't have a feel for how common it would be17:37
ijohnson[m]unfortunately, while the fix is in the pipeline as part of snapd 2.52.1, it is probably 2 weeks away now I think from going to stable for all users to be able to get that fix17:37
ijohnson[m]we have 2.52 ready to go to stable very shortly, and the next release after 2.52 will be 2.52.1, but we need to let 2.52.1 bake a bit in the beta channel before we can push it through17:39
ijohnson[m]and in the meantime, real users trying to use snapcraft on impish can use the edge (possibly beta) channel of the snapd snap until the fix has made its way through the pipeline17:40
flotterThank you very much, understood17:42
ijohnson[m]dbungert: does that make sense?17:43
dbungertIt does, yes.  The real question here is - do we believe action needs taken prior to impish release, and I think the answer is "no".  We plan to point affected people to snapd edge/beta.17:43
ijohnson[m]yeah there is no action to be taken at this time unfortunately other than to wait17:44
dbungertwould we have expected the snapd in impish-proposed to have the libgcc_s fix?17:45
ijohnson[m]dbungert: the issue is that snapd as a feature will purposefully execute mksquashfs from the snap ignoring whatever version is in the deb world17:47
dbungertok, so no change to the deb can conceivably help17:47
dbungertijohnson[m]: appreciate the feedback, I think we're good17:49
ijohnson[m]well we could disable re-exec in the deb so it stops doing that, but it's sort of a feature, so we would want to disable it in a very specific manner, like basically "try re-exec, it if fails specifically because of segfaulting, then use mksquashfs from the host", but that would take time that we don't have a lot of at the moment unfortunately17:49
flotterx86_64 (native)20:19
flotter~/snapd$ CGO_ENABLED=1 GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build -a -o /tmp/build/amd64 ./...20:19
flotterARMv8_64 (crosscompile)20:19
flotter~/libseccomp$ ./configure --host=aarch64-linux-gnu --prefix=/home/flotter/libseccomp/root20:19
flotter~/libseccomp$ make && make install20:19
flotter~/snapd$ CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/home/flotter/libseccomp/root/lib" GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm64 go build -a -o /tmp/build/arm64 ./...20:19
flotterARMv7 (crosscompile)20:19
flotter~/libseccomp$ ./configure --host=arm-linux-gnueabihf --prefix=/home/flotter/libseccomp/root20:19
flotter~/libseccomp$ make && make install20:19
flotter~/snapd$ CC=arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc CGO_ENABLED=1 CGO_LDFLAGS="-L/home/flotter/libseccomp/root/lib" GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build -a -o /tmp/build/arm ./...20:19
flotterI have been able to now build snapd on amd64 / arm and arm64. The only dependency was libseccomp, which I cross-compiled for the to non-native builds. 20:20
flotterIs there anything I have done wrong here (conceptionally) ? I verified the ELF files and the headers match the target arch.20:21
flotterI am asking in the context of trying to update HACKING.md with steps that could help others.20:22
ijohnson[m]flotter: did you have any problems? I don't see anything conceptually wrong there but the best test would be to see if it just works20:49
mupPR snapd#10898 opened: cmd/snap-confine/snap-confine.apparmor.in: update ld rule for s390x impish <⚠ Critical> <Simple πŸ˜ƒ> <Created by anonymouse64> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/10898>21:35
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