
Unit193cjwatson: Re: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/html/fuse3.html, you could always just nab https://github.com/OpenMandrivaAssociation/grub2/blob/master/grub-2.02-fuse3.patch04:31
Unit193(Obviously not for impish.)04:34
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alexghitiHi, it seems pyopencl tests are a bit flaky and are used to segfault: could someone try to launch the tests again here https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/request.cgi?release=impish&arch=amd64&package=pyopencl&trigger=pocl/1.6-5build1 ? Thanks08:06
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ginggsalexghiti: clicked three times for luck :)08:24
alexghitiginggs: Thanks!08:31
parideddstreet, hi! I read the backlog of yesterday's backports meeting and issues with updating https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports were mentioned09:15
parideAIUI you updated it, but now it still shows the last edit to be in 201209:15
paridedid the changes got lost or something?09:15
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Mirvlove the smell of massive archive rebuild in my inbox10:55
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GunnarHjdoko: The rebuild of gdk-pixbuf fails on some archs which in turn blocks other builds (mutter in my case).16:30
RikMillscircular build deps for gdk-pixbuf. not the 1st time that has been seen IIRC16:34
GunnarHjRikMills: Suboptimal timing for such a problem. :/16:36
RikMillsI think last time locutusofborg solved it by doing a rebuild against the release pocket in a landing ppa?16:38
GunnarHjSo it seems.. Is that anything you could do, RikMills? I have to be AFK for a few hours.16:41
RikMillsneeds a core dev, which I am not16:41
locutusofborglet me take care of it16:42
RikMillsthanks :)16:42
Unit193tsimonq2: Any update on the very simple pastebinit patches?  There's a new deprecation, fixed that too and staged them all at https://git.unit193.net/cgit/users/unit193/pastebinit.git/22:38
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