
neoromantique4Hello, I've just installed fresh image of 21.10 and I cannot install build-essential :) 00:53
Bashing-omneoromantique4: ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' done prior ?01:00
neoromantique4Of course01:00
tomreyncan you post    apt policy && apt policy g++-11 gcc-11 libc6-dev01:02
tomreyn...to a pastebin01:03
neoromantique4Is it useful to switch to a different mirror than default, or is it unlikely to be related?01:04
neoromantique4default being autodetected local one 01:04
neoromantique4Yes, that was the culprit 01:08
neoromantique4lt (Lithuania) mirror is defective or out of date, I switched it for GB mirror and instantly got 600mb of updates 01:08
Bashing-om\o/ neoromantique4 01:09
tomreynhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.litnet.lt-archive doesn't know about it being out of date01:10
neoromantique4perhaps it was a different bug, but point is that the only change I did was s/lt/gb/ in my sources, and that helped it01:11
tomreyni'm wondering whether you had security.ubuntu.com in your apt sources.list, though01:11
neoromantique4it could be also some weird cache & changing main sources punched through it01:11
tomreynactually this is pre-release, security is probably empty for impish. but maybe there is impish-updates and you're lacking this, or were01:12
neoromantique4tomreyn: deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu impish-security main restricted + universe + mugb.verse01:13
neoromantique4well, I literally just used latest ISO and installed it like 30 minutes ago01:13
tomreynhttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/impish/ not empty at all01:14
tomreynit's not unusual for pre-release installers to not enable all the repositories01:14
neoromantique4should I disable security or enable? 01:15
neoromantique4It was enabled intially and I didn't touch it01:15
tomreynshould be enabled. also impish-updates01:15
tomreyninteresting, i never heard about "mugb.verse"01:18
tomreyni assume that's supposed to be "multiverse"?01:19
tomreynah you ran sed s/li\./gb.\/01:19
tomreynactually    sed -i 's/li./gb./'01:20
tomreynregex laziness can have drastic results.01:21
neoromantique4ohhh, that's interesting, as I've ran lt./gb./ I assumed it would only get the literal dot01:28
neoromantique4oh well, it was just to verify a theory and it worked, so I'll just repair it by hand and call it a day :)01:28
neoromantique4RC is supposed to come out tomorrow, right? Can I just upgrade to it, or it should be clean install?01:29
neoromantique4also interesting, my firefox tabs keep crashing, hmm01:32
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