
wireheadHello, I have this issue where certain apps don't play sound out my headphones00:44
wireheadhow can I make all audio come out of them00:44
wireheadn/m, think I got it00:45
wireheadkinda cludgy though00:45
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carwashhi everyone, does anyone have any experience with mapping 2 mice and 2 keyboards on one computer.01:25
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TheBigKthe answer for backported packages in lts is ppas, right?05:35
TheBigKi need a newer tar version in focal... but dont want dist-upgrade or compile it myself.. :/05:36
TheBigKi checked for ppas... but didnt find any...05:36
danielssanTheBigK: there is a reboot of the backports team, as it lay dormant for a while. but if you want something for now, you would need to find it elsewhere or compile it yourself05:37
TheBigKdanielssan: what means reboot of the backports team? so theres something ongoing with that?05:39
danielssanTheBigK: the old team didn't do much in the last few lts releases, that's why it was dormant, and they started a bit ago to reboot the backporting effort. but it's still ongoing before somebody can push backports05:41
danielssanTheBigK: btw, what are you looking for as a backport05:41
TheBigKa newer tar version05:41
TheBigKim building something inside docker but tar refuses to untar it...05:42
TheBigKwhen i donwload that package from jenkins05:42
TheBigKwith newer tar version there are no issues05:42
danielssanTheBigK: so why not just building it yourself then? it's very straightforward05:45
TheBigKi know it is... but i lose the ability to update...05:45
TheBigKi mean... automatically05:46
TheBigKi could rebuild the debian package... and update that way... mhhh05:46
TheBigKhow hard is that?05:46
danielssanTheBigK: which is very likely also with a ppa (in my opinion, as you can't be sure)05:46
danielssanTheBigK: just use the impish version to rebuild oO05:46
TheBigKyeah... its not a bad idea05:47
TheBigKi give it a shot... not now... but i let u know how it went...05:47
TheBigKthanks :)05:47
danielssanTheBigK: yw05:48
geirhawhat's special about the tar file that tar can't extract it? also, have you tried with pax, the portable archiver?06:10
alkisgcarwash: what do you mean "mapping", do you mean that there are also 2 monitors and you want two seats in one pc? That's called "multiseat"06:32
polveHi.  My Gnome shell regularly freezes for <1 minute soon after logging in after a boot, then resumes normal operations.  I counldn't find any obvoius culprit in dmesg or journalctl.  It happens almost everyday when I start working, but then nothing bothers me all day long.  Any guesses?06:43
X-MrG3P5you only at here?07:00
makarano. There are others07:02
makarado you have a question?07:04
X-MrG3P5yo hi07:07
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lzigwhy no one chat08:23
brentaarnoldDon't you know America's asleep and it's the only country in the world with internet?08:23
brentaarnoldThanks Donald08:24
lzigare u bot08:24
brentaarnoldbit for bot08:24
lzigor are u human being08:24
lzigrecomend any hacking tools?08:25
purpuxlzig: start with nmap, and go from there08:45
agvantiboHello. I'm having a trouble with the default Ubuntu icon theme (Yaru) - the back to windowed mode icon is not present. I've located the issue by switching themes via gnome-tweaks (it worked and the icon was replaced), but I really like Yaru and simply switching the theme wouldn't be a solution for me. A google search of the issue yields no sensible results. Here are pictures of what happens:08:50
agvantibo screenshot of media player that utilizes the icon - no icon with Yaru theme: https://i.imgur.com/w47Feqp.png08:50
agvantibo screenshot of the same player in the same condition but with the Adwaita icon theme https://i.imgur.com/V971bAl.png08:50
agvantibo Here is the system version and other stuff. My system is 100% up to date. https://i.imgur.com/rPPDUCu.png08:50
Koopzso uh... i just did a top on my new VPS08:57
Koopzand it reported that i had 32GB RAM total, 0 free, 678MB used and 32GB buff/cache08:58
Koopznot sure wether a single process is currently hogging all the RAM08:58
brentaarnoldI think I woke up this morning and am going to nope out of the day.08:59
Koopzshould i be worried about the 0 free and 32GB buff/cache while "available" is 32GB as well?09:06
X-MrG3P5anyone online at here?10:35
X-MrG3P5what are you doing bro?10:35
daftworking waiting for patches10:36
X-MrG3P5patches for ubuntu?10:37
daftclient from work10:38
X-MrG3P5just like you10:39
X-MrG3P5but is doing maintenance10:39
X-MrG3P5and relax xD10:39
X-MrG3P5btw you only on this chat?10:41
root_____anjay mabar10:41
root_____sepi anjir10:41
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:41
root_____sepi coeg10:43
X-MrG3P5tdi ada 1,, cuma gk ngechat lgi10:43
root_____ada brp org dah disini?10:43
root_____asw yg cuman b3r 210:44
ograguys, can you stop spamming please ...10:44
root_____yes sorry10:44
ogra(just go to #ubuntu-offtopic for general chatter)10:44
=== Renss is now known as renss
BrianHechinger[mSo, nvidia 470.74 is in the repo now, but I can't actually install it on Ubuntu Studio because the packages seem to be a little out of wack. Something is still depending on 470.63. :(10:56
PeanutHi - my desktop is on 21.04, and I've been using my Nikon DSLR camera as a webcam since the whole pandemic thing for meetings. This is done through 4vl2loopback, gphoto2 and ffmpeg. However, recently this has stopped working. Camera shutter still opens, but no video.11:34
PeanutNone of the packages mentioned above seem to have had recent changes.11:35
EriC^^Peanut: try to simplify it maybe and follow it step by step to see where it goes bad11:36
PeanutEriC^^: Thanks, that does seem like a good start, it's a fairly messy setup to be honest.11:37
PeanutThe problem seems to be in 'gphoto2 --capture-movie --stdout' just generating black frames.11:57
Tuna-FishSo here's a weird one: On 21.04 on a intel macbook (late 2008), ubuntu runs, but changing the display background more than once reliably hangs the machine (mouse doesn't move and no keyboard input does anything, nothing moves on screen). Machine turns off by holding power down key, then on boot the display background will have changed to what was last selected12:11
Tuna-FishNothing useful in logs.12:12
Tuna-FishAnyone have any idea on how to even start figuring out what is wrong here?12:12
Tuna-FishSo, on the above, I switched out wayland for X and it still crashes, but now I retain a moving mouse pointer after the crash. Nothing is clickable, though.12:30
BluesKajHi all12:36
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: is your graphics driver loaded?12:43
Tuna-Fishnouveau is in use12:43
Tuna-Fishthe gpu is so old that I don't think there is a nVidia driver in the official repos for it12:44
Tuna-Fishis it possible to turn off all gpu processing and just use software rendering?12:44
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: lets have a look at; sudo lshw -C video and your dmesg in a pastebin please?12:45
ioriaTuna-Fish, and you're running Gnome3 with that card ?12:52
Tuna-Fishioria: yes12:53
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Tuna-Fishlotuspsychje: taking a while, almost there12:53
lotuspsychjei was able to install 18.04 and 20.04 on older macbooks then that fine, so ill be curious whats the bottleneck12:54
Tuna-Fishlotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/Q6HxKW0X12:59
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: dmesg looks pretty sane overal to me, besides maybe; nouveau 0000:02:00.0: therm: temperature (90 C) hit the 'fanboost' threshold13:03
Tuna-Fishthat's normal, it's a laptop that runs kinda hot13:03
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: maybe its worth a try to go test a non 5.11 kernel on ubuntu, and compare13:04
lotuspsychjeor compare with xubuntu/lubuntu13:04
lotuspsychjeyou see something ioria ?13:04
Tuna-FishI take it you can't even turn compositing off in gnome313:04
Tuna-Fishso xubuntu it probably is13:04
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: got any crashes in /var/crash ?13:05
Tuna-Fishyup, gnome-shell a few times13:06
lotuspsychjeso maybe thats our culprit13:06
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: did you get a bug proposal after your crash(es)?13:07
Tuna-Fishonce, hit upload, but then it crashed for good so not sure if anything was sent13:09
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: might be a good idea to ubuntu-bug gnome-shell and try to complete your bug file proces, see what the devs ask of your crash logs13:10
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: or try to invoke a new crash, and let us know the exact crash error13:11
Tuna-FishI'll do that once the xubuntu install finishes, frankly I'm scared of doing more than one thing at a time on the machine right now13:12
lotuspsychjeTuna-Fish: well from a xubuntu you wont be able to file a gnome-shell bug, but thats up to your choice13:13
Tuna-FishI don't have to reboot to xubuntu to file it. (to clarify, I just installed the package xubuntu-desktop)13:14
lotuspsychjeah kk13:15
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gneeriiloeepdeerhow can I delete a pdf's metadata? I saved some pagesof a larger pdf but if I open the file with okular, the title shown is not the file's name, but the original name14:52
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ioria!info pdfarranger14:58
ubottupdfarranger (1.6.2-1, hirsute): merge, split and re-arrange pages from PDF documents. In component universe, is optional. Built by pdfarranger. Size 69 kB / 305 kB14:58
ioriagneeriiloeepdeer, you can try with the pkg above ^14:59
tomreyn!info mat15:22
ubottumat (0.12.0-1, hirsute): Transitional package to migrate to mat2. In component universe, is optional. Built by mat2. Size 2 kB / 11 kB15:22
tomreyn!info mat215:22
ubottumat2 (0.12.0-1, hirsute): Metadata anonymisation toolkit v2. In component universe, is optional. Built by mat2. Size 66 kB / 220 kB15:22
tomreyngneeriiloeepdeer: ^15:22
beuysOne thing I find strange about Ubuntu is that when you try to start a program and an instance of the same software is already running, it does not start a new instance but sends you to the running instance.15:33
beuysSay you want to start a new firefox, is there a way to do that without going to a running instance of firefox and create a new window?15:34
beuysOh, I see there is an entry in the context menu "create new window".15:34
ograbeuys, right click on the launcher icon ... there is a "new window" option15:35
beuysIs there a way to do it with the keys only?15:35
beuysI rarely use the mouse.15:35
geniifirefox -ProfileManager    ...make a new profile15:35
ioriabeuys, or Alt+F2 -> firefox -> enter15:35
ograbeuys, ctrl-n15:35
ogra(while FF is focused)15:36
beuysogra: Sure, but I don't want to visit the other firefox.15:36
beuysioria: Yeah, but thats a lot of key strokes. Especially if the programs name is long. Like gnome-terminal etc.15:36
beuysctrl+enter seems to work!15:37
beuysSo this starts a new terminal: super t ctrl+enter.15:37
beuysThat is ok :)15:37
calwigHi people hows it going?15:37
beuyscalwig: Great. Today feels like fucking a supernova that just wont stop exploding!15:38
ograbeuys, tame your language ...15:38
ogra(we try to be kids friendly etc ...)15:38
beuysogra: He asked. I just anwered ¯\_(ツ)_/¯15:39
calwigbeuys: hehe15:39
beuysYay, it is SADBOT!15:42
leftyfbsadbot: hello. Do you have an ubuntu support question?15:42
sadbotWhy optix.  in blender is only working in ubuntu ,not in other distro ,?15:44
sadbotWhat ubuntu does ,i am curious15:44
ograhow would we know ? most of use here only use ubuntu15:45
beuyssadbot: What is optix?15:45
ogra*most of us15:45
calwigI use kubuntu15:45
leftyfbsadbot: if you are asking why you can only successfully run blender on ubuntu and not other distro's, that is a question for the blender project and/or the other distros15:45
ogracalwig, well, an ubuntu based distro 🙂15:45
sadbotRender method in blender ,15:45
sadbotleftyfb: oh i see ,sorry i asked here .15:46
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zeljkohello everybody16:16
lotuspsychjewelcome zeljko16:20
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zeljkoit happened, my first permanent install of kubuntu on my laptop16:25
calwigzeljko: congratulations16:26
zeljkothx, feels good16:26
calwigI just installed Kubuntu myself on my two laptops, feels good too. Feels free16:27
no_gravityAnybody here using a taskbar in Ubuntu?16:28
no_gravityThe dock makes me unproductive because it groups windows, does not show the name and does not let me sort the windows.16:29
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bonesofwrathanyone running 5.14 yet?16:30
leftyfbbonesofwrath: .14 is unsupported16:31
zeljkocalwig: i found finally a linux, that fit. tested zorin os, debian and others16:32
calwigzeljko: there's hundreds of flavors, unlike Windows there's only one acid flavor16:33
lotuspsychjeno_gravity: im using workspaces to dock extension, works great to sort windows16:33
no_gravitylotuspsychje: Let me look that up ...16:33
lotuspsychje!info gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock | no_gravity16:34
ubottuno_gravity: Package gnome-shell-extension-workspaces-to-dock does not exist in hirsute16:34
lotuspsychjeits on repos for 20.04 still16:35
zeljkocalwig: yes, i know, a bit overwhelming16:36
calwigzeljko: I'm just shocked that I cant get to the BIOS on the laptops anylonger unless I boot from Windows 10 to USB via the restore option on the settings menu. Its insane16:37
no_gravitylotuspsychje: I am also not sure if it would be the right thing for me.16:37
no_gravityGoogling around it seems there is no good taskbar for Ubuntu.16:38
jakobHello world16:53
lotuspsychjewelcome jakob16:53
=== no_gravity is now known as world
worldHello jakob17:06
dfdntwo questions: why ubuntu died, and why apt is hanging for a couple of minutes after each operation?17:14
dfdnin particular, "apt-check" and "lsb_release" seems to be cpu hogs17:15
jmiahjonesno_gravity: I don't use a taskbar, but I also don't use the dock to "find" windows, either. Its only purpose is to let me know if I have an app launched or not. I find in Gnome it makes a lot of sense to spread out over multiple workspaces and search for windows using the Super key, or by just paging through the workspaces.17:36
jmiahjonesThis workflow isn't very useful for small screens though. Just my $.02.17:37
=== Wladimir is now known as wladimir
dfdnalso, why ubuntu does something in the internet while apt is working?17:53
dfdnthere is like 30 connections to canonical servers18:02
dfdnand they are protected somehow from knowing what is connecting18:03
donofrioHow do I take multiple scrolling page down screenshot?18:11
donofriografana makes some long pages of awesome graphs18:11
t3nj1njust vertical?18:20
dfdnis there anyone here?18:38
=== nyanolantern is now known as nretnalonayn
dfdntwo questions: why ubuntu died, and why apt is hanging for a couple of minutes after each operation?18:41
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donofriot3nj1n, yah18:41
dfdnalso, why ubuntu does something in the internet while apt is working?18:41
dfdnthere is like 30 connections to canonical servers18:42
JamesFerretokay by died you mean?18:42
JamesFerretlike unresponsive?18:42
dfdn"apt-check" and "lsb_release" use 100% cpu18:44
scriptonauthey all, I installed ubuntu 20.04 mate on my acer swift 3, most things work but there is no soundcard detected, it just says "dummy output". Apparently this is a bug that's been reported but even after trying everything I can find it still can't find my soundcard18:44
scriptonautanyone else heard of this?18:45
JamesFerretthat's not necessarily odd as long as it doesn't keep that percentage18:45
JamesFerretis it like that for a prolonged amount of time18:45
dfdna minute or 218:49
JamesFerretoh okay18:50
JamesFerretSomeone here is hopefully more knowledgeable than me but that's not necessarily a problem as long as everything clears up in the end18:50
JamesFerretI've grown somewhat accustomed to occasional chokeholds but they usually don't persist18:51
JamesFerretYour next apt operation will almost definitely be quicker18:51
JamesFerretBesides that, you may look into your apt mirror18:51
JamesFerretMaybe there are issues there18:52
tomreyndfdn: which ubuntu version is this?18:59
donofrioanyone know what tool I use to capture vertial full three page down screenshots?19:00
tomreyndfdn: which kernel? how much ram?19:00
tomreyndfdn: did it work fine previously? when did this change?19:00
dfdnsometimes around 201819:00
tomreyndfdn: which of the last three questions is this the answer to?19:01
dfdnkernel 5.3.019:01
tomreyn* 4 questions19:01
dfdnapt issues that is19:01
dfdncanonical issue i noticed today19:01
tomreyndfdn: have you rebooted since?19:05
dfdnsince 2018?19:05
=== pong is now known as une_
tomreynyou provided some answers, but it's not clear which of those were in response to which of my questions, so i am guessing19:06
tomreyni don't know what a "canonical issue" is.19:06
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tomreyndfdn: it's difficult ot work with this amount of info, but we can try. let's start with this:   dmesg | nc termbin.com 999919:08
tomreynthis should return a http address, please post it here19:09
dfdnI cannot unless I can stop audit events from getting there19:10
tomreynwhy is that?19:10
dfdnbecause they contain the stuff in my homedir19:10
tomreynare you saying you're worried about exposing sensitive info?19:11
dfdnoh I suppose I just grep them out19:12
tomreynthese audit messages may be indications for what's causing the slowdown, though19:13
ograthere should not be any sensible data in dmesg really (the MAC address is probably the most here)19:13
sarnoldprobably apparmor messages19:14
wrsuserOK so I just compared the packages you get with a 'server install' and those you get with a minimal install of regular ubuntu desktop19:16
wrsuser*NOT* to see what ubuntu desktop had in addition.... but instead to see what ubuntu server had in addition!19:16
wrsuserAnd it adds in a whole whole of completely useless and presumptive junk19:17
wrsuserSurely there has to be a better way of having a REALLY minimal install than this subiquity server install rubbish!?19:17
sarnoldwrsuser: you may prefer to use debootstrap19:17
wrsusersomething that doesn't have an expectation of usage at all19:17
wrsusersarnold, except that's not really in the form of an ISO in anyway19:18
* dbungert ponders adjusting highlights19:18
tomreyndfdn: why are you running a 2019 kernel?19:18
dfdnidk it just works19:19
tomreyndo you not try to install updates, or do they just fail to install?19:19
dfdnkernel is not updated by updates19:20
tomreyndfdn: this is a VM, does it actually need to be fixed?19:20
jimklogot a question not necessarily Ubuntu... but my problem is happening on Ubuntu... I have one user on the system trying to launch firefox using X11 forwarding, firefox just hangs and does nothing, I can log in as other users and run firefox and it works fine.  Anyone have any thoughts what might be causing this?19:21
dfdnno, until some new ubuntu version broke the apt in a way I described19:21
tomreyndfdn: well, this could be related to running a massively outdated kernel image19:22
tomreyndfdn: maybe the easiest approach is to backup and reinstall?19:23
dfdnwell i could to try19:25
jmiahjoneswrsuser: On differences between minimal and server installs: https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/do-you-recommend-using-minimal-ubuntu-with-lxd-containers/9532/719:29
jmiahjonesThe link in that thread: https://askubuntu.com/questions/44185/is-using-ubuntu-minimal-any-different-from-server19:29
wrsuserit really won't be telling me anything I haven't already figured out19:30
wrsuserit just stinks is all19:30
wrsuserI tried the 20.04 mini.iso first (however unsupported it is or is not)... and I'm tempted to go back to it and just fix whatever it forgets to do before rebooting19:31
wrsuseras it installs a seemingly booting system... yet the screen is black until you hit the power button and then you see the purple text ubuntu screen briefly as it shuts down19:31
t3nj1n@donofrio, is it running in a program or is it running in a browser19:31
wrsuserbut it's got to be MILES better than the this server-live/subiquity crap19:31
jmiahjonesCool, glad you figured it out though! If you really want to go that deep into configuring a really minimal system, knock yourself out.19:32
jmiahjonesThe gift and and the curse is that you may end up breaking some basic functionality that you'll have to un-break later.19:32
t3nj1n@donofrio, if its running in a browser just install a full-page screenshot extension19:33
jmiahjonesNot that that's really different from regular use, hah. wrsuser: Might I ask what problems you have with subiquity?19:33
wrsuserAH! "even if there's no prompt ALT-F2 works (switching to single-user mode), then you can login"19:33
wrsuserjmiahjones, it is too presumptuous in installing a load of stuff you might never need19:34
wrsuserand it's frickin huge19:34
brainswithballsLove this guys, keep going19:34
wrsuserand it's not as easy to use as the normal debian-installer ... looks like something gentoo would use 20 years ago19:34
wrsuserin short... over engineered19:34
jmiahjoneswrsuser: It seems like it comes down to preference. Yeah, minimal it is not. But it simplifies things for people who aren't too concerned with some extra config and would rather subiquity just "figure it out."19:37
jmiahjonesHave you thought about using cloud-init/ansible on top of a base image to deploy a minimal system?19:38
=== une is now known as pong
dfdnlmao I just deleted lsb_release and apt is fast again19:44
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donofriot3nj1n, that worked found one for edge called GoFullPage made the perfect png19:55
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
jasonhello red queen20:29
SqaureA question about 18.04. I have a docker installation of version 20.10.7 that has a known problem with it. I believe ive installed it from default PPA's. Im wondering if there is some trick to get a newer version. Where would you look?20:48
Sqaure(im generally a bit "weak" on package handling. Seldom do trickery in fear of messing up my OS)20:48
sarnoldcan you rephrase the question?20:50
Sqauresarnold, Which part is unclear?20:51
sarnoldSqaure: all of it :)20:52
Sqaurei run ubuntu 18.04. Have docker 20.10.7 installed which has a known problem to it but is default PPA's max version. How would you try to install 20.10.8 (or a whatever package of higher version that default PPA's dont carry) under these conditions?20:54
Sqauresarnold, ^20:55
sarnoldSqaure: aha :) thanks; you could email / file a bug report against your docker package, and ask whoever has packaged it to either fix the bug, or package the newer version20:55
Sqauresarnold, how do i find out who has packaged it?20:56
sarnoldSqaure: apt policy <packagename> will tell you the ppa name you used to install it20:57
sarnoldSqaure: there's also a newer docker snap available, but i don't know the consequences of switching from a deb to the snap https://snapcraft.io/docker20:58
Sqaureyeah, that confueses the hell out of me.20:58
Sqaureoutput of apt policy : https://paste.ofcode.org/35sAp5MUk3AHLQEq9ZbwSFH21:01
sarnoldoh! so no ppas involved :) that's just the standard docker package21:01
Sqaureso how do I go from there to find package maintainer21:01
sarnoldubuntu-bug docker.io   should do the trick21:01
Sqaurethat doesnt let me describe the problem and how to fix it?21:03
SqaureTheres a fine description of the problem in a github issue.21:04
sarnoldsure, it'll give you an url towards the end of hte process21:04
sarnoldyou can link in the github issue there21:04
Sqaureah ok21:04
=== une is now known as pong
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Sqaureyay. ive reported my first bug i believe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/docker.io/+bug/194639721:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946397 in docker.io (Ubuntu) "Bad dependency in docker.io 20.10.7" [Undecided, New]21:13
sarnoldSqaure: sweet! thanks :D21:18
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jcbjoe2021is it required to learn dpkg or aptitutde while using ubuntu?23:10
jeremy31J v23:12
jeremy31jcbjoe2021: not really23:12
jcbjoe2021ok thanks, where is the package manager for ubuntu, looking and can't find it. i know of apt and aptitude. looking for a gui23:16
sarnoldjcbjoe2021: try gnome-software ?23:23
jcbjoe2021ok thanks sarnold23:26
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