
callmepkgood morning01:00
jpnurmigood morning06:48
jibelGood morning all06:52
jpnurmihi callmepk and jibel06:52
callmepkhi jpnurmi jibel 06:53
didrocksgood morning07:04
jpnurmihi didrocks07:10
didrockshey jpnurmi 07:15
callmepkhi didrocks 07:15
ricotzgood morning :)07:16
didrockshey callmepk, ricotz 07:16
callmepkhi ricotz 07:16
jpnurmihey ricotz07:21
jibelhi jpnurmi callmepk didrocks ricotz 07:25
didrockssalut jibel 07:26
seb128goood morning desktopers07:46
didrockssalut seb128 07:55
seb128didrocks, salut! en forme ?08:05
didrocksça va, et toi ?08:06
seb128un peu fatigué mais ça va :)08:14
=== ginggs_ is now known as ginggs
WimpyHello o/11:24
WimpyGunnarHj: Can you confirm https://pad.lv/194649911:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1946499 in vte2.91 (Ubuntu) "installation of deb-packages with gdebi-gtk shows 'dpkg: error: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor' in gdebi terminal, package is not installed" [Undecided, Confirmed]11:24
jbichaWimpy: see bug 175623811:30
ubottuBug 1756238 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "gdebi-gtk broken in 18.04 error: unable to read filedescriptor flags" [Medium, Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175623811:30
Wimpyjbicha: I did.11:30
Wimpy91_keep_fds.patch is still carried in vte-2.9111:31
KGB-2gspell tags 5ffb35c Laurent Bigonville upstream/1.9.1 * Upstream version 1.9.1 * https://deb.li/3lVqy13:47
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest afce187 Laurent Bigonville * pushed 10 commits (first 5 follow) * https://deb.li/KOez13:48
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest e409951 Juliano Camargo po/pt.po * Update Portuguese translation * https://deb.li/35MoM13:48
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest 5dec449 Sébastien Wilmet (9 files in 5 dirs) * icu: implement get_language_name_from_code() * https://deb.li/PXW113:48
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest d5a8b72 Sébastien Wilmet README configure.ac gspell/gspell-language.c * language: remove iso-codes dependency and XML parsing code * https://deb.li/3cZ8N13:49
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest d481eef Sébastien Wilmet gspell/gspell-language.c * language: use _gspell_icu_get_language_name_from_code() * https://deb.li/6OLV13:49
KGB-2gspell upstream/latest 4b0928c Sébastien Wilmet docs/reference/Makefile.am gspell/Makefile.am gspell/gspell-init.c gspell/gspell-init.h * init: remove get_dll() * https://deb.li/iwcgg13:49
KGB-2gspell pristine-tar db2849a Laurent Bigonville gspell_1.9.1.orig.tar.xz.delta gspell_1.9.1.orig.tar.xz.id * pristine-tar data for gspell_1.9.1.orig.tar.xz * https://deb.li/3Pc2s13:49
kenvandineTime for release bug triage!14:00
seb128hey kenvandine, jibel, desktopers!14:01
seb128let's get started :)14:01
seb128bug #194619614:02
ubottuBug 1946196 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "Additional Drivers fails with pk-client-error-quark: Cannot download packages whilst offline (257)" [High, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194619614:02
seb128so that's fix commited now thank to Julian14:02
seb128basically glib nm integration was screwed, which made package think it was always offline14:02
seb128and as a result software-properties or snap-store failed to install debs, quite embarassing14:03
seb128that's it for incoming14:04
kenvandineis there a distro patch coming?14:04
seb128kenvandine, for glib?14:05
seb128it's in impish-proposed for a few hours14:05
kenvandineugh, flatpak cve14:06
seb128unsure how it will get to migrate though since autopkgtests are still under load from the no change rebuilds from some days ago14:06
seb128right :/14:06
seb128the other bugs seem under control and not important for release14:07
seb128no desktop one14:08
seb128the flatpak CVE one is the only unassigned which isn't fix commited or incomplete14:09
seb128no desktop14:09
seb128the flatpak one14:10
seb128no desktop14:10
seb128the flatpak one14:10
seb128and I think that's it14:10
kenvandineyeah, not bad14:11
seb128kenvandine, I'm going to mention that we default to xorg still on nvidia in impish but wayland is listed as an option now14:11
kenvandineoh... why is that?14:11
seb128that came a bit as a surprise to me yesterday but Marco said that him and Alberto agreed it was safer14:11
seb128tseliot-, ^ is that accurate?14:11
kenvandinewe need to make sure the release notes are accurate14:12
seb128kenvandine, I'm mentioning to make sure we are clear about how we word the release notes14:12
kenvandineseb128: "Wayland sessions are now available while using the Nvidia proprietary driver."14:15
kenvandinelooks like someone must have already edited that14:15
kenvandinehi localoptimum 14:25
* enyc curious about the state of various OSX-like-functionality linux-desktops, these days, and looking towards 22.04 LTS, suggesting starter things for friends stuck into older-OSX.14:55
GunnarHjWimpy: I've looked at bug #1946499, and the experiment I did in a PPA tells us that the patch refresh itself didn't make the issue reappear. Something else seems to have happened upstream which makes the patch no longer sufficient to keep gdebi-gtk working.15:12
ubottuBug 1946499 in vte2.91 (Ubuntu) "installation of deb-packages with gdebi-gtk shows 'dpkg: error: unable to read filedescriptor flags for <package status and progress file descriptor>: Bad file descriptor' in gdebi terminal, package is not installed" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/194649915:12
WimpyGunnarHj: Thanks for taking a look.15:45
rbasakWimpy: around? Is there an official point of contact for Ubuntu MATE please?18:44
rbasakThe TB wondered where we are up to with Boutique and third party PPAs.18:44
rbasakWe're asking that it be resolved by Impish+1's release.18:44
rbasakSo that way you have a complete cycle.18:45
rbasakDiscussion here: https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2021/09/14/%23ubuntu-meeting.html#t19:0118:45
rbasakAs it's been dragging on so long, we propose to make it final by then: that your plan to switch to snaps is complete by then, or at least the third party PPA by default is removed, or MATE doesn't ship as an official flavour. I hope that's reasonable.18:46
rbasakIs there somewhere I can send this request more formally?18:47
Wimpyrbasak: It's me. I saw. Expect an email on the ML in two weeks.19:03
rbasakWimpy: thanks!19:04

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